Tony Finch – link log
2002 2003 2004 2005 2006 2007 2008 2009 2010 2011 2012 2013 2014 2015 2016 2017 2018 2019 2020 2021 2022 2023 2024 2025
- 2008‑12‑30:
The Unix Haters Handbook.
- 2008‑12‑30:
The Tao of Programming.
- 2008‑12‑30:
Pointers to IRTF Routing Research Group discussions on the future of te Internet architecture.
- 2008‑12‑28:
POSIX 2008.
- 2008‑12‑28:
iToilet gallery.
- 2008‑12‑28:
Caring for your introvert.
- 2008‑12‑26:
Boo is a new object oriented statically typed programming language for the CLI with a Python-inspired syntax.
- 2008‑12‑26:
Recordings of the sounds hard disks make when they fail.
- 2008‑12‑25:
Fox vs WB copyfight screws up release of "Watchmen" film.
- 2008‑12‑23:
Extreme bathing.
- 2008‑12‑23:
Selected radiophonic works.
- 2008‑12‑23:
8 bit Jesus.
- 2008‑12‑22:
Solid state disks: time to give up that iron oxide habit.
- 2008‑12‑22:
Reducing your exposure to bank card fraud.
- 2008‑12‑22:
How to set up a PS3 HPC cluster.
- 2008‑12‑22:
Matroshka furniture.
- 2008‑12‑22:
Recyclable present wrapping.
- 2008‑12‑22:
Relativistic time dilation w.r.t. altitude.
- 2008‑12‑22:
ERTMS: European rail traffic management system.
- 2008‑12‑22:
The first ever photograph of the analemma, taken in the year 1978-1979.
- 2008‑12‑19:
How to get faster (less safe) suspends on Mac laptops.
- 2008‑12‑19:
Microwave ovens play "jingle bells".
- 2008‑12‑19:
How to use the BBC HD test card. (via jm)
- 2008‑12‑19:
ATA over Ethernet with Linux. (via jm)
- 2008‑12‑18:
The researcher's bible.
- 2008‑12‑17:
"Kochi" spear phishing reply detector.
- 2008‑12‑17:
Richard Dawkins interviews Derren Brown.
- 2008‑12‑16:
Furoshiki: giftwrapping without throw-away paper and sticky tape.
- 2008‑12‑15:
Programmable concurrency in a pure and lazy language.
- 2008‑12‑15:
Why it is safer to compile your own perl.
- 2008‑12‑15:
On the difficulty of replicating human subjects studies in software engineering.
- 2008‑12‑15:
Instant chocolate cake.
- 2008‑12‑15:
London to Glasgow in five minutes.
- 2008‑12‑15:
The Maillard reaction.
- 2008‑12‑15:
How to use the dial telephone (1927).
- 2008‑12‑15:
Lua Programming Gems now available.
- 2008‑12‑15:
Jellyfish gone wild!
- 2008‑12‑15:
V-CUBE - Verdes reinvented Rubik's cube to support higher numbers of cubies.
- 2008‑12‑14:
If someone wants something then it must exist somewhere.
- 2008‑12‑12:
Letter from the UK govt. about the continuing use of non-metric units.
- 2008‑12‑11:
Nic Jasno - Lego pneumatic engines.
- 2008‑12‑11:
Joseph Stiglitz writes about capitalist fools in Vanity Fair.
- 2008‑12‑11:
How to add electroluminescent wire to clothing.
- 2008‑12‑11:
Proceedings of HotPower08. (shouldn't it have been called "CoolPower08"?)
- 2008‑12‑11:
A spin-up saved is energy earned: achieving power-efficient, erasure-coded storage.
- 2008‑12‑11:
Memory-aware scheduling for energy efficiency on multicore processors.
- 2008‑12‑11:
Val Henson explains how to debug silent data corruption.
- 2008‑12‑11:
Amazon Web Services IP address ranges.
- 2008‑12‑10:
Kansas city library car park.
- 2008‑12‑10:
Eat Babe.
- 2008‑12‑09:
Dublin cycle lanes.
- 2008‑12‑09:
Henry Blodget on why Wall Street always blows it.
- 2008‑12‑09:
The Atlantic's Icelandic infographic.
- 2008‑12‑08:
Network-wide decision making: towards a wafer-thin control plane.
- 2008‑12‑05:
The 7/7 GSM outage was a cockup not an overload.
- 2008‑12‑05:
Hubble advent calendar.
- 2008‑12‑05:
- 2008‑12‑05:
Re-feedback and Re-ECN: a new resource sharing mechanism for the Internet enabling new kinds of fairness.
- 2008‑12‑05:
A fairer, faster TCP.
- 2008‑12‑05:
Vietnamese iPhone unlocking - retail hardcore hardware hacking.
- 2008‑12‑04:
Why Google is offering free speech-based services.
- 2008‑12‑04:
The checklist in medicine.
- 2008‑12‑04:
Patterns in network architecture: a return to fundamentals, by John Day.
- 2008‑12‑04:
The path towards centralization of Internet governance under the UN.
- 2008‑12‑04:
Timer-based mechanisms in reliable transport protocol connection management.
- 2008‑12‑03:
Press release for David MacKay's book.
- 2008‑12‑03:
Is that a toddler or is it Yoda?
- 2008‑12‑03:
The Cogent/Sprint depeering.
- 2008‑12‑02:
10 renewable energy myths.
- 2008‑12‑02:
Does the "broken windows" theory apply online?
- 2008‑12‑01:
Grad school enrollment vs. employment rate.
- 2008‑11‑30:
Teach yourself programming in 10 years.
- 2008‑11‑21:
Addressing reality: an architectural response to real-world demands on the evolving Internet.
- 2008‑11‑21:
Memory management in VMware.
- 2008‑11‑20:
The CBL observes the McColo spam reduction.
- 2008‑11‑20:
Ordnance Survey asserts its copyright and puts the brakes on lots of open government projects, so local authorities are switching to OpenStreetMap.
- 2008‑11‑20:
Optimistic thread concurrency on the Azul Java machine.
- 2008‑11‑20:
Cliff Click, David Moon, and Daniel Weinrab compare Azul Systems' Java machines and Symbolics Lisp machines.
- 2008‑11‑20:
Monty Python on YouTube.
- 2008‑11‑19:
Flare: dynamic load balancing without packet reordering.
- 2008‑11‑19:
MIRO: multi-path inter-domain routing.
- 2008‑11‑19:
A literature survey on traffic dispersion.
- 2008‑11‑19:
Smith's mystery clock.
- 2008‑11‑19:
Virtual ID routing.
- 2008‑11‑19:
HLP: a next generation inter-domain routing protocol.
- 2008‑11‑19:
Characterizing the Internet hierarchy from multiple vantage points.
- 2008‑11‑19:
FARA: reorganizing the addressing architecture.
- 2008‑11‑18:
Crossover Chromium uses Wine to run the open source version of Google Chrome on Mac and Linux.
- 2008‑11‑18:
How they got rid of 10 tons of unwanted sodium in 1947.
- 2008‑11‑18:
Temporary ice rink in Cambridge.
- 2008‑11‑18:
The pleasures of counting, by Tom Körner.
- 2008‑11‑17:
What has driven women out of computer science?
- 2008‑11‑17:
An addressing-independent networking structure favorable for all optical packet switching.
- 2008‑11‑17:
Congestion control for small buffer high speed networks.
- 2008‑11‑17:
Decongestion control.
- 2008‑11‑17:
Personal namespaces for network services.
- 2008‑11‑17:
Towards a new internet routing architecture: arguments for separating edges from the transit core.
- 2008‑11‑17:
Towards a next-generation inter-domain routing protocol.
- 2008‑11‑17:
Some foundational problems in inter-domain routing.
- 2008‑11‑17:
Decoupling policy from mechanism in internet routing.
- 2008‑11‑17:
ROFL: routing on flat labels.
- 2008‑11‑17:
- 2008‑11‑17:
Modelling incentives for email blocking strategies - when does it make sense to blacklist an ISP's outgoing relays?
- 2008‑11‑15:
Give up and use tables.
- 2008‑11‑14:
Tim Skirvin's web<->news gateway.
- 2008‑11‑13:
Apple localized keyboard layouts.
- 2008‑11‑12:
Some stats on the effectiveness of DNSBLs from Nortel.
- 2008‑11‑12:
The history of POSIX time_t according to chongo.
- 2008‑11‑12:
Google tracks flu trends in the USA.
- 2008‑11‑12:
Breaking up the transport logjam: Bryan Ford's ideas for decomposing the Internet trasport layer.
- 2008‑11‑12:
Designing DCCP: congestion control without reliability.
- 2008‑11‑11:
Mental health and incapacity benefit.
- 2008‑11‑11:
Nested parens, by Jacob Applebaum and Don Knuth.
- 2008‑11‑11:
Scenes from Antarctica.
- 2008‑11‑11:
Dave Cridland reviews the DNS-SD spec.
- 2008‑11‑11:
Spamhaus has 1,425,440,000 users on its books.
- 2008‑11‑10:
On the naming and binding of network destinations.
- 2008‑11‑10:
The Nimrod routing architecture.
- 2008‑11‑10:
HTTP access to email stores.
- 2008‑11‑10:
Patterns in network architecture: naming and addressing.
- 2008‑11‑05:
Microsoft Exchange/Outlook 2007 autodiscover XML schema.
- 2008‑11‑05:
Microsoft Exchange/Outlook 2007 autodiscover white paper.
- 2008‑11‑05:
Overview of Microsoft Exchange/Outlook 2007 autodiscover.
- 2008‑11‑04:
Obama vs McCain battleground bargraph.
- 2008‑11‑04:
Maps and cartograms of the 2004 US presidential election results.
- 2008‑11‑04:
Why university webmail systems are attractive to spammers.
- 2008‑10‑31:
Noel Chiappa: Endpoints and endpoint names: a proposed enhancement to the Internet Architecture.
- 2008‑10‑31:
Mike O'Dell on loc/id split addressing.
- 2008‑10‑31:
Perl's secret operators.
- 2008‑10‑31:
The insecurity of cheques and the US banking system.
- 2008‑10‑31:
Google's robots.txt has an easter egg.
- 2008‑10‑31:
Knuth no longer writes reward cheques because they are too insecure.
- 2008‑10‑31:
A discussion about static vs dynamic typing.
- 2008‑10‑29:
These non-jokes are not hilarious.
- 2008‑10‑29:
The story of mailx's aux.c source file.
- 2008‑10‑28:
Web design tips for programmers.
- 2008‑10‑28:
Team Cymru malware hash registry.
- 2008‑10‑27:
Combining Kerberos and SMTP.
- 2008‑10‑27:
From computers to ubiquitous computing by 2020.
- 2008‑10‑24:
Do something serious about climate change.
- 2008‑10‑24:
A history of wireless local area networks.
- 2008‑10‑22:
Time series forecasting with Holt-Winters exponential smoothing.
- 2008‑10‑22:
Donation is a campaigning action.
- 2008‑10‑22:
How to remove stains at home.
- 2008‑10‑22:
Multiple dispatch in practice.
- 2008‑10‑21:
NY Times on botnets.
- 2008‑10‑20:
Cambridge Teslathon 2008 - Oct 25-26 at the Museum of Technology.
- 2008‑10‑18:
XKCD vs. the New Yorker.
- 2008‑10‑17:
Boggling booleans.
- 2008‑10‑17:
Ways to amuse small children with computers.
- 2008‑10‑17:
The Nu-Phalt infrared road repair system.
- 2008‑10‑17:
Writing zombie stories is a felony in the state of Kentucky.
- 2008‑10‑16:
DisplayPort vs. HDMI.
- 2008‑10‑16:
DisplayPort technical overview.
- 2008‑10‑16:
Inside the new unibody MacBook Pro.
- 2008‑10‑16:
About the United Parcel Service data centres.
- 2008‑10‑15:
Evaluation of on-street bicycle facilities added to existing roadways.
- 2008‑10‑15:
Iceland is unable to import anything and its supermarkets will empty in a couple of weeks.
- 2008‑10‑14:
The Swiss Ephemeris - GPL astronomical calculations.
- 2008‑10‑14:
iPhone feature comparison table.
- 2008‑10‑13:
ACM Queue September 2008 - Concurrency - including great articles by Bryan Cantrill and Jeff Bonwick on kernel hacking, and Jim Larson on Erlang.
- 2008‑10‑13:
UK house price predictor.
- 2008‑10‑10:
Travelling light, the Lua way.
- 2008‑10‑09:
Nine lessons and carols for godless people - a rational celebration for Newtonmas.
- 2008‑10‑08:
Easter Act 1928.
- 2008‑10‑08:
The Aleppo statement: towards a common date for Easter.
- 2008‑10‑08:
UK railway map.
- 2008‑10‑08:
Cory Doctorow on the maltreatment of immigrants by the British civil service.
- 2008‑10‑08:
RESTful mailstore access?
- 2008‑10‑07:
Ben Goldacre in Cambridge on 21st October: "How the media promote the public misunderstanding of science."
- 2008‑10‑06:
Russ Allbery's system templating with "bundle".
- 2008‑10‑06:
Compiling with Continuations, Continued.
- 2008‑10‑06:
"Growing a language" by Guy Steele.
- 2008‑10‑06:
An illustraton of the relative sizes of various planets and stars.
- 2008‑10‑03:
Non-partisan system administration in the US House of Representatives.
- 2008‑10‑03:
The Featherstitch filesystem project - a generalization of BSD softupdates. Fantastic!
- 2008‑10‑02:
The Geisel Library at the University of California San Diego is also rather funky.
- 2008‑10‑02:
Wikipedia on the rombicuboctahedron.
- 2008‑10‑02:
The National Library of Belarus, Minsk - a very large rhombicuboctahedron.
- 2008‑10‑02:
IEEE Internet Computing article about the new ICANN TLD procedures, featuring YT.
- 2008‑10‑02:
The Bla programming language.
- 2008‑10‑02:
The Equationator - on-line (La)TeX to PNG renderer.
- 2008‑10‑02:
Cory Doctorow visits some data centres.
- 2008‑10‑02:
Partisan system administration in the US House of Representatives.
- 2008‑10‑01:
Anton van Straaten's object/closure koan.
- 2008‑10‑01:
Experience with gradual typing in Erlang.
- 2008‑10‑01:
Data management with Berkeley DB for Google's Internet-scale single sign-on.
- 2008‑10‑01:
Power provisioning for a warehouse-sized computer.
- 2008‑10‑01:
Google site reliability engineering.
- 2008‑10‑01:
RFC 822 -> 2822 -> 5322 - Internet Message Format.
- 2008‑10‑01:
RFC 821 -> 2821 -> 5321 - Simple Mail Transfer Protocol.
- 2008‑10‑01:
UK Energy in brief, July 2008.
- 2008‑10‑01:
Digest of UK energy statistics, 2008.
- 2008‑10‑01:
US household electricity usage in 2001.
- 2008‑10‑01:
Google's green data centres.
- 2008‑09‑30:
The Erlang rationale.
- 2008‑09‑30:
Thomson Reuters (creators of EndNote) sues George Mason University for creating Zotero, interoperable open-source in-browser bibliography software.
- 2008‑09‑30:
Corpus Chronophage web site.
- 2008‑09‑29:
Functional inside-out closure objects in Perl.
- 2008‑09‑29:
The anatomy of John Harrison's grasshopper escapement.
- 2008‑09‑29:
Video map of world airline traffic over 24 hours.
- 2008‑09‑25:
"Higher Ground" laptop bags.
- 2008‑09‑25:
Acorn RISC OS goes open source.
- 2008‑09‑24:
The iPhone development story.
- 2008‑09‑24:
Dogs in elk.
- 2008‑09‑23:
Investment banks switch status to casinos.
- 2008‑09‑22:
The Corpus Christi Chronophage clock. (youtube)
- 2008‑09‑22:
A chapter from the history of Freddie Mac.
- 2008‑09‑22:
Can you name the shipping forecast sea areas?
- 2008‑09‑22:
NYT Freakonomics blog on the banking crisis.
- 2008‑09‑22:
Comparing banking bail-outs to the Chrysler crisis 30 years ago.
- 2008‑09‑22:
Make My Vote Count - campaigning in favour of proportional representation.
- 2008‑09‑22:
Ministry of Justice consultation document on weekend voting, including stupid moves towards electronic voting. They completely miss the point that you can't increase turnout with techno-fixes.
- 2008‑09‑22:
ATS: Applied Type System language (current computer language shootout winner).
- 2008‑09‑19:
Nassim Nicholas Taleb on the limits of statistics, financial modelling, etc.
- 2008‑09‑19:
Time magazine says John McCain is a no-good liar.
- 2008‑09‑19:
Not another scripting language.
- 2008‑09‑19:
C201X draft.
- 2008‑09‑19:
C99 + TC{1,2,3}.
- 2008‑09‑19:
Canada to join EEA?
- 2008‑09‑19:
Squirrelfish Extreme - an even faster JavaScript interpreter/JIT.
- 2008‑09‑18:
Stronly-typed memory areas: programming systems-level data structures in a functional language.
- 2008‑09‑18:
Banks buying each other to get their hands on the data centres.
- 2008‑09‑18:
Verifiable functional purity in Java / Joe-E.
- 2008‑09‑17:
The transactional memory / garbage collection analogy.
- 2008‑09‑17:
A comparison of IPv4 to IPv6 transition proposals.
- 2008‑09‑16:
Some bitwise tricks.
- 2008‑09‑16:
Impossible fractals.
- 2008‑09‑16:
A.C.Grayling flames Steve Fuller to a crisp when reviewing Fuller's book defending "intelligent design".
- 2008‑09‑15:
Why the creator of the GNU.FREE internet voting software decided to kill the project.
- 2008‑09‑15:
BGP information derived from the Spamhaus DROP list.
- 2008‑09‑15:
Simple static check for undefined global variables in Lua.
- 2008‑09‑15:
Cameraria ohridella in Cambridge.
- 2008‑09‑15:
Horse chestnut leaf miner moth (cameraria ohridella).
- 2008‑09‑12:
I want to scream at my computer.
- 2008‑09‑12:
What's wrong with Steve Jobs?
- 2008‑09‑12:
Don't mess with the pancreas.
- 2008‑09‑11:
Wired on the origin of the false United Airlines bankruptcy story.
- 2008‑09‑11:
Dear Zoo.
- 2008‑09‑11:
Best practices for system administration of perl installations.
- 2008‑09‑09:
Unpacking the Google Chrome user agent string.
- 2008‑09‑09:
Pictures of the Tesco Gerrards Cross tunnel collapse.
- 2008‑09‑09:
Tesco Gerrards Cross.
- 2008‑09‑08:
Map of root DNS servers.
- 2008‑09‑08:
Linux tweaks for SSDs.
- 2008‑09‑08:
US Naval Observatory UTC leap second survey.
- 2008‑09‑05:
OpenBTS - open source GSM stack, including field test at Burning Man.
- 2008‑09‑05:
Live action nethack.
- 2008‑09‑04:
Political censorship is a fundamental of network architecture for the ITU?
- 2008‑09‑04:
The awesome Japanese large helical plasma fusion device.
- 2008‑09‑04:
Sunrise Data Dictionary: C library for lock-free hash table storage of arbitrary data.
- 2008‑09‑04:
A scalable non-blocking concurrent hash table implementation with incremental rehashing.
- 2008‑09‑04:
Lock-free resizable hash tables using split-ordered lists.
- 2008‑09‑04:
Shared memory consistency models: a tutorial.
- 2008‑09‑04:
Google Chrome's poitless title bar.
- 2008‑09‑03:
Tom Rokicki's notes on his Hashlife implementation.
- 2008‑09‑03:
More periodic tables.
- 2008‑09‑03:
Alternative periodic tables.
- 2008‑09‑03:
Periodic spiral.
- 2008‑08‑31:
Tom Rokicki's Life In A Register.
- 2008‑08‑29:
A better record type for Erlang suggested by Richard O'Keefe.
- 2008‑08‑27:
UK postcode format.
- 2008‑08‑21:
An A to Z of pet poisons. (so far only A is for Alcohol)
- 2008‑08‑19:
Dave Crocker's view on the impact of email work at RAND in the mid 1970s.
- 2008‑08‑19:
Neal McBurnett on the Verisign SiteFinder debacle.
- 2008‑08‑15:
Perspectives: improving ssh-style host authentication with multi-path network probing.
- 2008‑08‑15:
Ben Laurie on access control and capabilities.
- 2008‑08‑15:
PostSpectacular - cool generative art for advertising etc.
- 2008‑08‑14:
Why film schools teach screenwriters not to pass the Bechdel test.
- 2008‑08‑12:
The Feltron Annual Reports - brilliant and utterly bonkers.
- 2008‑08‑11:
Internet safety guidelines.
- 2008‑08‑11:
"War on Terror" board game siezed by police.
- 2008‑08‑11:
The next Bond?
- 2008‑08‑08:
Poisoning BIND despite port randomization - requires 10 hours and gigabit ethernet.
- 2008‑08‑07:
DNSSEC in 6 (or more) minutes.
- 2008‑08‑07:
Apple can revoke iPhone apps and delete them from your phone when you next sync.
- 2008‑08‑07:
Volatiles are miscompiled, and what to do about it.
- 2008‑08‑06:
How to program the security chip in a stolen passport so it looks genuine.
- 2008‑08‑06:
Gross greylisting server.
- 2008‑08‑04:
Bike light comparison photos.
- 2008‑07‑30:
The UPU dotpost sTLD.
- 2008‑07‑30:
This is the 21st century, damnit! Where's my jetpack?
- 2008‑07‑30:
The fact is that illegally-obtained games often run better than their legal counterparts.
- 2008‑07‑30:
John Levine: "The reason that e-mail is uniquely useful is that you can exchange mail with people you don't already know. The reason that spam exists is that you can exchange mail with people you don't already know."
- 2008‑07‑28:
The Rule.
- 2008‑07‑25:
The 2 minute challenge: short films about the importance of computer science.
- 2008‑07‑25:
DNSSEC @ ICANN: signing the root zone: a way forward toward operational readiness.
- 2008‑07‑24:
Dr Evil logo.
- 2008‑07‑24:
F-Secure logo.
- 2008‑07‑24:
The Cambridge University Library paperchase.
- 2008‑07‑23:
Towards high-performance virtual routers on commodity hardware.
- 2008‑07‑23:
Protecting browsers from DNS rebinding attacks.
- 2008‑07‑23:
Wired interviews Dan Kaminsky.
- 2008‑07‑23:
Dan Kaminsky and his neice explain the DNS problem.
- 2008‑07‑23:
Aggregated diamond nanorods.
- 2008‑07‑23:
Scalable computer programming languages.
- 2008‑07‑23:
Grafting functional support on top of an imperative language: how D 2.0 implements immutability and functional purity.
- 2008‑07‑23:
Ben Edelman on the impending scarcity of IP addresses and what to do about it.
- 2008‑07‑23:
Network World on IPv6 transition plans.
- 2008‑07‑22:
The HAMMER filesystem in Dragonfly BSD.
- 2008‑07‑22:
Crystal Clear LGPL icons.
- 2008‑07‑22:
Instruction creep.
- 2008‑07‑22:
Network World on dual-stack-lite.
- 2008‑07‑22:
Comcast's "dual-stack lite" proposal to speed up IPv6 deployment.
- 2008‑07‑21:
Combining global and personal anti-spam filtering.
- 2008‑07‑21:
Scalaris: a transactional key/value store.
- 2008‑07‑21:
Does genuine tech innovation happen better in a recession?
- 2008‑07‑18:
You won't be prosecuted for driving into a cyclist.
- 2008‑07‑16:
Petition against European copyright term extension.
- 2008‑07‑15:
Legibility and correct punctuation.
- 2008‑07‑15:
Brad Appleton's operating systems links.
- 2008‑07‑15:
Advances in dataflow programing languages.
- 2008‑07‑15:
Most borrowed authors.
- 2008‑07‑14:
A radio receiver made from a carbon nanotube.
- 2008‑07‑14:
Adeona: privacy-preserving tracking of stolen laptops based on OpenDHT.
- 2008‑07‑14:
Boris's design competition for a new Routemaster-like bus for London.
- 2008‑07‑14:
Communications of the ACM on Transactional Memory.
- 2008‑07‑14:
Inside BEAM, Bogdan's Erlang Abstract Machine.
- 2008‑07‑14:
A VW that does 100km per litre of fuel.
- 2008‑07‑14:
Bush hid the facts.
- 2008‑07‑11:
Compiling Mercury to high-level C code.
- 2008‑07‑11:
The origins and nature of the Internet in Australia.
- 2008‑07‑11:
Effective inline-threaded interpretation of Java bytecode using preparation sequences.
- 2008‑07‑11:
Yeti: a gradually extensible trace interpreter.
- 2008‑07‑11:
Context threading: a flexible and efficient dispatch technique for virtual machine interpreters.
- 2008‑07‑11:
Towards type-safe, hierarchical, lightweight, polymorphic and efficient error management in OCaml.
- 2008‑07‑11:
IMAP client feature table.
- 2008‑07‑11:
Import Genius: real-time reporting of the contents of every shipping container entering the United States.
- 2008‑07‑09:
Vote for Skylon!
- 2008‑07‑09:
Select quotes from "Peopleware - productive projects and teams".
- 2008‑07‑09:
Microsoft wants Yahoo!s search advertising patent.
- 2008‑07‑09:
On the unpredictability of support for TLDs with MXs, especially resolver oddities.
- 2008‑07‑08:
Hints for getting mail through various gateways to and from JANET (1990).
- 2008‑07‑08:
An extensible dynamically-typed hierarchy of exceptions for Haskell.
- 2008‑07‑07:
Linux signalfd() and timerfd() vs. kevent.
- 2008‑07‑07:
How freakanomics is ruining the dismal science.
- 2008‑07‑07:
REST anti-patterns.
- 2008‑07‑05:
The origins and development of TOPS-20.
- 2008‑07‑04:
Pringles are more like cakes or biscuits than potato crisps.
- 2008‑07‑01:
Parallel generational-copying garbage collection with a block-structured heap.
- 2008‑06‑27:
Vampire domestication.
- 2008‑06‑25:
Plugin pros and cons.
- 2008‑06‑25:
Let's talk about documentation.
- 2008‑06‑24:
Ideas for a new Erlang.
- 2008‑06‑22:
TICTOC problem statement - transmission of precision time over IP connections and transfer of clock.
- 2008‑06‑22:
ITU-T recommendation X.743 - information technology - open systems interconnection - systems management - time management function.
- 2008‑06‑21:
Xoc: an extension-oriented compiler for systems programming.
- 2008‑06‑21:
Pointer Rijwielen B.V.
- 2008‑06‑19:
ConneXions: the interoperabilty report, 1987-1996.
- 2008‑06‑18:
Murray Edwards College, Cambridge.
- 2008‑06‑18:
James Follett on his stroke and recovery.
- 2008‑06‑18:
$18000 for a 1900-year-old Roman D20.
- 2008‑06‑18:
Pl. George Orwell in Barcelona.
- 2008‑06‑18:
Life beyond distributed transactions: an apostate's opinion.
- 2008‑06‑17:
Quick reference for ANSI 606A administrations standard for telecommunications infrastructure.
- 2008‑06‑17:
Quadrilateral Venn diagram.
- 2008‑06‑16:
What it is like to write a technical book.
- 2008‑06‑16:
Markus Kuhn on Microsoft's lack of support for running PC real-time clocks in UTC.
- 2008‑06‑16:
A practical scalable distributed B-tree.
- 2008‑06‑15:
Wikipedia on Multiflow, with links to more papers.
- 2008‑06‑15:
The Multiflow trace scheduling compiler.
- 2008‑06‑15:
TERENA: trans-European research and education networking association.
- 2008‑06‑13:
Why are our programs still represented by flat files?
- 2008‑06‑13:
IEEE Spectrum special issue on the singularity.
- 2008‑06‑11:
The Schmidt sting pain index - like wine tasing notes for insect bites.
- 2008‑06‑06:
Announcing SquirrelFish: WebKit's new JavaScript interpreter.
- 2008‑06‑06:
Virtual machine showdown: stack versus registers.
- 2008‑06‑06:
The structure and performance of efficient interpreters.
- 2008‑06‑06:
The Guardian on the G4G recreational maths conference.
- 2008‑06‑06:
Fast, inexpensive content-addressed storage in Foundation.
- 2008‑06‑06:
Design tradeoffs for SSD performance.
- 2008‑06‑06:
An optimal Bloom filter replacement.
- 2008‑06‑05:
A&A's retort to stupid email disclaimers.
- 2008‑06‑04:
The design and implementation of dynamic hashing for sets and tables in Icon.
- 2008‑06‑04:
Mac OS X Leopard security configuration guide. (240 pages)
- 2008‑06‑03:
Problems with RFC 3484.
- 2008‑06‑03:
Skydiving plane fails at 7000ft.
- 2008‑06‑01:
A text pattern-matching tool based on parsing expression grammars.
- 2008‑05‑30:
How to manage outbound email.
- 2008‑05‑30:
A grocer's that sells unpackaged goods.
- 2008‑05‑30:
Paul Vixie blocks free email providers.
- 2008‑05‑29:
Joe Armstrong's standard Erlang lecture.
- 2008‑05‑29:
The Labour loans scandal turns into a crisis that may bankrupt members of its national executive committee.
- 2008‑05‑28:
Redundancy vs. dependencies - which is worse?
- 2008‑05‑28:
HPC considered harmful.
- 2008‑05‑28:
Sun "Lively" Javascript environment.
- 2008‑05‑28:
FixMyStreet Cambridge RSS feed.
- 2008‑05‑27:
The Economist on data centre energy use.
- 2008‑05‑27:
Same-day money transfers come to the UK.
- 2008‑05‑25:
Schroedinger's Cat.
- 2008‑05‑25:
Some wet cats.
- 2008‑05‑23:
Dual-head X11 RandR configuration.
- 2008‑05‑23:
FreeBSD dev summit in Cambridge in August.
- 2008‑05‑23:
RPC under fire.
- 2008‑05‑23:
The future without IPv6.
- 2008‑05‑23:
Bram Cohen's recommended version control practices.
- 2008‑05‑23:
The CPS slaps the City of London police over the Scientology "cult" case.
- 2008‑05‑22:
ESPN on Sam Whittingham and the HPV land speed record.
- 2008‑05‑22:
Unbound - fast recursive cacheing DNS server.
- 2008‑05‑21:
Broadband service infrastructure in Cambridge.
- 2008‑05‑21:
Russ Cox on the stupid Debian OpenSSL vulnerability.
- 2008‑05‑21:
DJB's pty program.
- 2008‑05‑21:
Mark Crispin laid off by UW.
- 2008‑05‑20:
Paul Vixie on the L-root decommission weirdness.
- 2008‑05‑20:
GnuTLS remote execution vulnerabilities.
- 2008‑05‑20:
An account of the Estonian Internet war.
- 2008‑05‑20:
ICANN on the L-root DNS server decommission weirdness.
- 2008‑05‑20:
The long, painful history of time.
- 2008‑05‑20:
SOCA fails to keep NHTCU going, so Home Office will fund a replacement.
- 2008‑05‑20:
Source of the famous "now you have two problems" quote.
- 2008‑05‑20:
Blackboard Mac - cool!
- 2008‑05‑20:
Erik Naggum's brilliant anti-XML rant.
- 2008‑05‑20:
Erik Naggum on XML, Lisp, and "enamel".
- 2008‑05‑20:
UK government wants to log all phone calls and emails.
- 2008‑05‑20:
Channel 4 successfully sues police for libel after being accused of exaggerating Muslim extremism.
- 2008‑05‑20:
Steve Bellovin on SPF.
- 2008‑05‑20:
Teenager faces prosecution for calling Scientology a cult.
- 2008‑05‑20:
MailChannels traffic control available free for small sites.
- 2008‑05‑20:
How to have a narrow keyboard.
- 2008‑05‑20:
IBM model M clicky keyboards.
- 2008‑05‑20:
Evoluent - interesting keyboards and mice.
- 2008‑05‑20:
Home-made weather balloon experiment.
- 2008‑05‑19:
Achieving line rate on a 10Gbit NIC.
- 2008‑05‑19:
Which social network web sites are popular where?
- 2008‑05‑19:
Thunderbird Lightning calendaring component.
- 2008‑05‑16:
California supreme court overturns gay marriage ban.
- 2008‑05‑15:
Concrete syntax for objects: domain-specific language embedding and assimilation without restrictions.
- 2008‑05‑15:
Context-aware scanning for parsing extensible languages.
- 2008‑05‑15:
Bashing twitter, or twittering bash?
- 2008‑05‑15:
XKCD on randomness.
- 2008‑05‑15:
Dilbert on randomness.
- 2008‑05‑14:
An interesting approach to peer review.
- 2008‑05‑14:
Evan Martin and I discuss format strings etc.
- 2008‑05‑13:
An older stupid Debian security vulnerability.
- 2008‑05‑13:
Ben Laurie on a stupid Debian security vulnerability.
- 2008‑05‑13:
A sensible literary theorist. (Who'd've thought?!)
- 2008‑05‑13:
MUTO: an ambiguous animation painted on public walls. (amazing!)
- 2008‑05‑13:
The "no dashes or spaces" hall of shame.
- 2008‑05‑12:
One method at a time is quite a waste of time.
- 2008‑05‑12:
1000 blank white cards.
- 2008‑05‑12:
An interview with Cliff Click (Java JITter).
- 2008‑05‑12:
Java 6 performance white paper.
- 2008‑05‑12:
A more self-defeating man with an angle grinder.
- 2008‑05‑12:
Angle grinder man.
- 2008‑05‑12:
"Something you had, something you forgot, something you were."
- 2008‑05‑11:
C++ draft standard.
- 2008‑05‑11:
eBay's lack of effective anti-fraud enforcement starts to hurt business?
- 2008‑05‑11:
How Sun failed to apply experience from Objective C to Java.
- 2008‑05‑09:
Heal warts with duct tape.
- 2008‑05‑09:
Illegal mistreatment of asylum seekers by the Home Office.
- 2008‑05‑09:
Nice password advice posters.
- 2008‑05‑08:
Unvaccinated child dies of preventable disease.
- 2008‑05‑08:
Igudesman & Joo.
- 2008‑05‑08:
Rachmaninov had big hands.
- 2008‑05‑08:
Defunctionalization at work.
- 2008‑05‑08:
Discussion thread about co-operative DNS cacheing.
- 2008‑05‑08:
The death of the SUV. (hooray!)
- 2008‑05‑08:
Web 2.0 developers' cluelessness about Internet hosting.
- 2008‑05‑08:
GreenFS: making enterprise computers greener by keeping their disks off most of the time.
- 2008‑05‑07:
An ex-professor from Dartmouth who deserves to lose.
- 2008‑05‑07:
Session startup mobile optimizations for XMPP.
- 2008‑05‑07:
The eggcorn database of malapropisms.
- 2008‑05‑07:
Black market prices of phished data.
- 2008‑05‑06:
Making the compilation "pipeline" explicit: dynamic compilation using trace tree serialization (October 2007).
- 2008‑05‑06:
Efficient just-in-time execution of dynamically typed languages via code specialization using precise runtime type inference (September 2007).
- 2008‑05‑06:
Incremental dynamic code generation with trace trees (November 2006).
- 2008‑05‑06:
HotpathVM: an effective JIT compiler for resource-constrained devices (June 2006).
- 2008‑05‑02:
The Merchant and the Alchemist's Gate (Nebula award winner by Ted Chiang).
- 2008‑05‑02:
What's expected of us (by Ted Chiang).
- 2008‑05‑02:
Richard Morgan on sfnal infighting.
- 2008‑05‑01:
Extending the scope of syntactic abstraction in Scheme.
- 2008‑05‑01:
Syntactic abstraction in Scheme.
- 2008‑04‑30:
Programming languages and facial hair.
- 2008‑04‑30:
SFTP sync (perl).
- 2008‑04‑30:
Apple vs. Microsoft / product vs. platform.
- 2008‑04‑30:
The real cost of motoring in the UK, 1987-2008.
- 2008‑04‑30:
Syntax matters.
- 2008‑04‑30:
Sex is good for you.
- 2008‑04‑29:
ArseNIC: a user-accessible gigabit ethernet interface.
- 2008‑04‑29:
Steps towards a DoS-resistant internet architecture.
- 2008‑04‑29:
Using packet symmetry to curtail malicious traffic.
- 2008‑04‑29:
La ligne du Haut-Bugey.
- 2008‑04‑29:
IBM X10 experimental programming language.
- 2008‑04‑29:
Making chocolate at home starting from raw beans.
- 2008‑04‑28:
Rubik's cube can be solved in 25 moves or fewer (proved by Thomas Rokicki, also known for a hashlife implementation).
- 2008‑04‑28:
First superheavy element found in nature.
- 2008‑04‑28:
What programming languages should you know?
- 2008‑04‑27:
David Woodhouse's exim+sqlite grelisting.
- 2008‑04‑27:
Heiko Schlitterman's exim+perl greylisting.
- 2008‑04‑27:
Guardian report on DTI human vital statistics survey.
- 2008‑04‑27:
News Corporation hired a hacker to undermine a rival satellite TV network with pirated smart cards.
- 2008‑04‑27:
Debian bug report: insuling source code in quodlibet.
- 2008‑04‑25:
The Internet owes its success to Windows 95 with built-in TCP/IP.
- 2008‑04‑25:
Lightweight version of official Dilbert website.
- 2008‑04‑25:
Infection points everywhere in computing.
- 2008‑04‑24:
The end of end-to-end?
- 2008‑04‑24:
The silence of the Finns.
- 2008‑04‑24:
Cable TV head-end photographs.
- 2008‑04‑24:
Christiaan Postma's amazing clock.
- 2008‑04‑23:
Another step towards augmented intelligence?
- 2008‑04‑23:
Colemak keyboard layout.
- 2008‑04‑22:
Turkish dotless-I can ruin your life.
- 2008‑04‑22:
I can't believe I'm praising Tcl!
- 2008‑04‑22:
Microsoft turns off remote access to Hotmail using standard protocols.
- 2008‑04‑22:
The Darwin Correspondence Project.
- 2008‑04‑21:
How Norway came to vote "yes" for MS-OOXML.
- 2008‑04‑21:
Stirling-engine CPU fan.
- 2008‑04‑21:
The Royal Observatory, Greenwich: a glance at its history and work.
- 2008‑04‑21:
Cambridge's Richardson Candle street lighting.
- 2008‑04‑20:
Funky Fun House.
- 2008‑04‑18:
An engineer's guide to cats.
- 2008‑04‑18:
"Little Brother" by Cory Doctorow, reviewed by Farah Mendlesohn.
- 2008‑04‑18:
The old Dilbert website.
- 2008‑04‑18:
Dilbert without the flash crap.
- 2008‑04‑18:
MIT's obituary of Edward Lorentz.
- 2008‑04‑17:
US-CERT Vulnerability Note VU#162289 - gcc silently discards some wraparound checks.
- 2008‑04‑16:
Lolgrues (via jm).
- 2008‑04‑16:
Apple buyers guide.
- 2008‑04‑16:
Google spins down its "don't be evil" motto.
- 2008‑04‑15:
How Wordpress keep track of 300 servers.
- 2008‑04‑15:
A cat playing the Theremin.
- 2008‑04‑15:
F-secure are against Phorm.
- 2008‑04‑15:
Monster Cables gets a longer version of the response in Arkell vs. Pressdram.
- 2008‑04‑14:
My LibraryThing profile.
- 2008‑04‑14:
Healing backups in Venti archives.
- 2008‑04‑11:
Bubble babble binary-to-text coding system.
- 2008‑04‑11:
Boeing patent prevents recovery of satellite after failed orbit insertion.
- 2008‑04‑10:
John Mashey on RISC vs CISC.
- 2008‑04‑09:
Robust bilingual word alignment for machine-aided translation.
- 2008‑04‑09:
An algorithm for structuring programs - converting Fortran to Ratfor.
- 2008‑04‑09:
Read the fine little red book.
- 2008‑04‑09:
Killough robot platform: omnidirectional motion with normal wheels.
- 2008‑04‑09:
Airtrax fork-lifts etc. with Mecanum/Ilon wheels.
- 2008‑04‑09:
Segway robotic mobility platform, with Mecanum/Ilon wheels.
- 2008‑04‑09:
A short history of omnidirectional wheels.
- 2008‑04‑09:
Modern wheel inventions, including omnidirectional wheels.
- 2008‑04‑08:
On the scale and performance of co-operative web proxy cacheing.
- 2008‑04‑08:
Networked Livermore Time-Sharing System.
- 2008‑04‑08:
Unix file IO atomicity.
- 2008‑04‑08:
Unix file offset semantics.
- 2008‑04‑07:
Core Memory - coffee table book of vintage computer photographs.
- 2008‑04‑06:
High-speed TCP variants.
- 2008‑04‑02:
Renard numbers.
- 2008‑04‑02:
A plan for scams.
- 2008‑04‑02:
Protothreads - switch-based coroutines.
- 2008‑04‑01:
Efficient deadline scheduling with annotated B-trees.
- 2008‑03‑27:
What will life be like in 2008? Predictions from 40 years ago.
- 2008‑03‑26:
Relative capacities of energy sources and users in the USA.
- 2008‑03‑26:
Parametron circuit.
- 2008‑03‑26:
Parametron - Japanese digital computer based on the phase of AC signals.
- 2008‑03‑26:
Chatsworth Products - passive thermal management for data centre cabinets.
- 2008‑03‑26:
Apple Store, Grand Arcade, Cambridge.
- 2008‑03‑19:
Phorm: malware developers who want to intercept all your users' web traffic.
- 2008‑03‑19:
Mac OS X getaddrinfo() unexpectedly looks up MX records for TCP connections to port 25.
- 2008‑03‑18:
An executive infrastructure for TCB minimization.
- 2008‑03‑18:
Trying to find Microsoft interop specifications.
- 2008‑03‑17:
Match it for Pratchett.
- 2008‑03‑14:
Run-time-system-level fault-tolerance for a distributed functional language.
- 2008‑03‑14:
Mifare cryptanalysis.
- 2008‑03‑14:
A safe way to use uninitialized memory.
- 2008‑03‑13:
How to be a programmer.
- 2008‑03‑12:
Jodrell Bank to be closed.
- 2008‑03‑11:
A response to complaints about Erlang.
- 2008‑03‑10:
Erlang warts.
- 2008‑03‑10:
Studly Mac display hack.
- 2008‑03‑09:
DTrace BIFs for Erlang.
- 2008‑03‑09:
DTrace provider for Erlang.
- 2008‑03‑09:
Monadic memoization mixins.
- 2008‑03‑09:
Data types à la carte.
- 2008‑03‑09:
The genuine sieve of Eratosthenes.
- 2008‑03‑09:
Paul Lockhart's Mathematician's lament.
- 2008‑03‑07:
Screen cleaner.
- 2008‑03‑07:
Files in limbo wrt your VCS, and mistakes users make with git.
- 2008‑03‑06:
One user group has been overlooked during the development of the UCS, namely that of young adolescent women.
- 2008‑03‑04:
Solaris dldump(3C) - create a new shared object from (part of) a running process.
- 2008‑03‑04:
Limerick database.
- 2008‑03‑04:
Bundling Lua code in your ELF executable.
- 2008‑03‑04:
Bundling Lua code into your Mach-O executable.
- 2008‑03‑03:
A quick guide to the Lua interpreter.
- 2008‑03‑03:
Haskell on a shared memory multiprocessor.
- 2008‑03‑03:
Uniqueness typing simplified.
- 2008‑02‑29:
Learning to lie.
- 2008‑02‑29:
Van Jacobson on modern IP stack performance improvements.
- 2008‑02‑28:
RIPE on the YouTube hijack.
- 2008‑02‑28:
The true cost of Dubya's wars.
- 2008‑02‑28:
YouTube hijacking summary.
- 2008‑02‑28:
Computing at the Sanger Institute.
- 2008‑02‑28:
The effectiveness of greet-pause.
- 2008‑02‑28:
Better exception syntax for Erlang.
- 2008‑02‑28:
Better exception syntax for SML.
- 2008‑02‑28:
Semantics of value recursion for monadic IO.
- 2008‑02‑28:
A recursive `do` for Haskell.
- 2008‑02‑28:
A comparison of Java, Lua, Perl, Python, Ruby FFIs.
- 2008‑02‑27:
A pro-thougt manifesto.
- 2008‑02‑27:
The L.A. Times wonders if copyright should be taxed.
- 2008‑02‑27:
Lincolnshire museum of etch-a-sketch artwork.
- 2008‑02‑27:
Cunning hack using case-insensitivity in the DNS to provide more security.
- 2008‑02‑27:
British Geological Survey earthquake questionnaire.
- 2008‑02‑27:
Spam bots can solve HoTMaiL / Windows Live Mail CAPTCHAs.
- 2008‑02‑27:
Spam bots can solve GMail CAPTCHAs.
- 2008‑02‑26:
Some fairly nice free icons.
- 2008‑02‑25:
Rosencrantz and Guildenstern are wed.
- 2008‑02‑25:
Monkeypatching is destroying Ruby.
- 2008‑02‑25:
What is a purely functional language?
- 2008‑02‑25:
Sun Labs scalable synchronization research group.
- 2008‑02‑25:
Sun's research into transactional memory.
- 2008‑02‑22:
Firewire: all your memory are belong to bus.
- 2008‑02‑22:
IPv4 global unicast address assignments.
- 2008‑02‑21:
Hyperthreading timing attacks.
- 2008‑02‑21:
Breaking disk encryption by recovering keys from uncleared DRAM after a reboot.
- 2008‑02‑21:
Nominet requires mass registration transfers to be performed using Excel spreadsheets sent via email.
- 2008‑02‑20:
When is a functional program not a functional program?
- 2008‑02‑20:
Desktop RAID is a bad idea.
- 2008‑02‑20:
An analysis of latent sector errors in disk drives (connected to NetApps).
- 2008‑02‑20:
Sometimes all functions are continuous.
- 2008‑02‑20:
- 2008‑02‑20:
Latent sector errors in disk drives.
- 2008‑02‑19:
History of the lambda calculus and combinatory logic.
- 2008‑02‑19:
Antikythera mechanism solved.
- 2008‑02‑19:
Corrupted DNS resolution paths: the rise of a malicious resolution authority.
- 2008‑02‑19:
Radio controlled clocks.
- 2008‑02‑18:
Computer administrative debris.
- 2008‑02‑18:
Microsoft Office document format specifications.
- 2008‑02‑18:
Court of the Lord Lyon puts the heraldic slap-down on Donald Trump.
- 2008‑02‑15:
Russ Cox on the Bourne shell.
- 2008‑02‑15:
Justin Mason on the Bourne shell.
- 2008‑02‑15:
MIT graphic identity - fonts.
- 2008‑02‑15:
Eric Tetz on Tcl.
- 2008‑02‑15:
RMS explains why you should not use Tcl.
- 2008‑02‑15:
Explaining the link between autism and MMR.
- 2008‑02‑15:
Some references about precision timekeeping.
- 2008‑02‑15:
ICANN requests public comments on the effect of new gTLDs on the stability of the DNS.
- 2008‑02‑15:
Using inlines to reduce code duplication.
- 2008‑02‑15:
Embedding the photographer's iris scan in the image's EXIF data.
- 2008‑02‑15:
Declining educational standards at Oxford.
- 2008‑02‑15:
Density of water vs. alcohol.
- 2008‑02‑15:
Childhood origins of adult resistance to science.
- 2008‑02‑14:
The Bourne shell's infamous SEGV handler.
- 2008‑02‑14:
Momail: free mobile email for everyone.
- 2008‑02‑14:
Branding with Arial.
- 2008‑02‑14:
The scourge of Arial.
- 2008‑02‑13:
The determination and distribution of precise time (in 1966).
- 2008‑02‑12:
Stretching the storage manager: weak pointers and stable names in Haskell. (Describes memoized functions, so might be useful for a nice implementation of hashlife.)
- 2008‑02‑12:
Are C1 control characters permitted by W3C document formats?
- 2008‑02‑12:
Oil firms' output is down, yet profits skyrocket. Peak oil is coming.
- 2008‑02‑12:
World Health Organization style guide.
- 2008‑02‑12:
Fight the fog: how to write clearly.
- 2008‑02‑12:
The English style guide of the European Commission directorate-general for translation.
- 2008‑02‑12:
UK government plans to require ISPs to ban users who share files.
- 2008‑02‑12:
Do we need WADL?
- 2008‑02‑12:
Should you believe what you write in your PhD thesis?
- 2008‑02‑12:
UK intellectual property office issues statement on software patents.
- 2008‑02‑12:
Online encyclopaedia of western signs and ideograms.
- 2008‑02‑12:
A category-theoretic view of programming language design.
- 2008‑02‑11:
A picture of me!
- 2008‑02‑11:
In defence of the delete key.
- 2008‑02‑11:
iTunes U - educational audio and video hosting and distribution by Apple.
- 2008‑02‑11:
Multi-language extensions for the Java virtual machine.
- 2008‑02‑11:
FontFocus - sounds much better than TrueType (though that isn't hard).
- 2008‑02‑11:
Secure string interpolation in JavaScript.
- 2008‑02‑08:
Observable sharing for functional circuit description.
- 2008‑02‑08:
Data corruption in the Linden Labs network.
- 2008‑02‑07:
Remote control for Airport Express / AirTunes.
- 2008‑02‑06:
Clever hack using Exim's ratelimit features to implement auto-whitelisting.
- 2008‑02‑05:
Impressive Asus eee PC hardware hackery.
- 2008‑02‑04:
EJabberd s2s TLS certificate selection problems.
- 2008‑02‑03:
Programming languages as operating systems (or, revenge of the son of the lisp machine).
- 2008‑02‑03:
On the expressive power of programming languages.
- 2008‑02‑03:
Composable and compilable macros.
- 2008‑02‑03:
A theory of hygienic macros.
- 2008‑02‑03:
C0X draft decomposed for searchability.
- 2008‑02‑03:
"The new C standard: an economic and cultural commentary" updated to TC3.
- 2008‑02‑03:
CEO of Alphabasic Records promotes piracy because mainstream retailers are stiffing him.
- 2008‑02‑02:
Google Maps.
- 2008‑02‑02:
More about LuaJIT 2 NaN tagging.
- 2008‑02‑02:
A comprehensive approach to DRAM power management.
- 2008‑02‑01:
Brad Fitzpatrick announces Google's social graph API.
- 2008‑02‑01:
Some notes on LuaJIT 2.
- 2008‑02‑01:
Neal Stephenson ventures forth across the wide and wondrous meatspace of three continents, chronicling the laying of the longest wire on Earth.
- 2008‑02‑01:
A MacBook Air in pieces.
- 2008‑02‑01:
How the US government has used bogus terrorism scares to bury inconvenient news.
- 2008‑02‑01:
SIGPIPE misdesign in Python.
- 2008‑01‑31:
Jump Networks co-location: £0 per month for rack space, 2x GigE ports, 1Mbps transit, OOB management, and masterswitch port (power not included).
- 2008‑01‑31:
Undersea cable approaches around Cornwall and Brittany.
- 2008‑01‑31:
Countries affected by the Mediterranean cable break.
- 2008‑01‑31:
Deputy static checker for C.
- 2008‑01‑31:
Asterisk and Jabber integration tutorial.
- 2008‑01‑31:
NVIDIA Tesla GPU server.
- 2008‑01‑30:
Itanium sales forecasts.
- 2008‑01‑29:
Barracuda/ClamAV legal defence page.
- 2008‑01‑29:
Trend Micro sues Barracuda for infringement of a patent on scanning email for viruses.
- 2008‑01‑29:
Software patents to be allowed in the UK?!
- 2008‑01‑29:
ICANN votes to make their 20c domain registration tax non-refundable in order to tackle domain tasting and front-running.
- 2008‑01‑29:
A troll gets a patent on smartphones and sues everyone in sight.
- 2008‑01‑28:
Perl cannot be parsed.
- 2008‑01‑28:
Nokia buys TrollTech.
- 2008‑01‑28:
All this online sharing has to stop.
- 2008‑01‑27:
PLT Scheme eliminates the set-car! and set-cdr! functions.
- 2008‑01‑27:
Google to prevent domain kiters from using AdSense, at last.
- 2008‑01‑25:
Ian Fleming / James Bond bibliography.
- 2008‑01‑24:
Fast queue runner for Exim.
- 2008‑01‑24:
Google Health.
- 2008‑01‑24:
Updated travel-time maps from MySociety.
- 2008‑01‑23:
More about separate intent logs for ZFS.
- 2008‑01‑23:
Level 2 ARC (flash cache) for ZFS.
- 2008‑01‑23:
Separate intent logs for ZFS.
- 2008‑01‑23:
Disabling PT_DENY_ATTACH on Mac OS X to make DTrace work properly.
- 2008‑01‑22:
Compiler optimizations using data compression to decrease address reference entropy.
- 2008‑01‑22:
jsMSX - the first MSX emulator 100% written in Javascript - modern software is beyond satire.
- 2008‑01‑22:
The Last Empire: China's pollution problem goes global.
- 2008‑01‑22:
John Levine's collection of UNCOL references from comp.compilers.
- 2008‑01‑22:
The design and implementation of Typed Scheme.
- 2008‑01‑21:
TSCP secure email spec.
- 2008‑01‑21:
The Transglobal Secure Collaboration Program (TSCP) publicly releases secure email specifications.
- 2008‑01‑21:
Cyber-extortion or CIA scaremongering?
- 2008‑01‑21:
Risk compensation deniers - more links from John Adams about road safety.
- 2008‑01‑21:
Heathrow at night.
- 2008‑01‑21:
Seat belt legislation and the Isles report.
- 2008‑01‑21:
Google's secret 10 gigabit ethernet switch.
- 2008‑01‑21:
Randy Bush enables IPv6.
- 2008‑01‑21:
Ben Laurie on Deputy, Delta, and type checking in C.
- 2008‑01‑21:
Official Internet protocol standards - RFCs indexed by topic.
- 2008‑01‑21:
More about the OV-chipkaart from Freedom to Tinker.
- 2008‑01‑21:
A parent's observations of a child using the OLPC.
- 2008‑01‑21:
Software system longevity paradigms.
- 2008‑01‑21:
RFID replay attack allows free travel in NL.
- 2008‑01‑21:
Statement about the Mifare cipher exposure.
- 2008‑01‑21:
The delta debugging tool.
- 2008‑01‑21:
Delta debugging.
- 2008‑01‑21:
Apple disables DTrace probes for some apps, including iTunes.
- 2008‑01‑21:
Car bomb? Exploding hot water tank? Or bread maker?
- 2008‑01‑19:
Fifty years of "How to lie with statistics".
- 2008‑01‑19:
Oracle btrfs for Linux.
- 2008‑01‑18:
Joke about side-effects in F# transactional memory.
- 2008‑01‑18:
Google Maps mashup of average house prices by postcode.
- 2008‑01‑18:
Stupidfilter - applying anti-spam technology to idiots in web fora.
- 2008‑01‑18:
Prototype HUD contact lenses.
- 2008‑01‑18:
AOL adds XMPP c2s access to the AIM/ICQ service.
- 2008‑01‑17:
Cross-site printing.
- 2008‑01‑17:
AXFR illegal in North Dakota.
- 2008‑01‑17:
Penrose vs. Kleenex.
- 2008‑01‑17:
Ancient Islamic Penrose tiles.
- 2008‑01‑16:
Prologue to Iain M. Banks's new Culture novel, Matter.
- 2008‑01‑16:
ACM classic books series, many with full text PDFs available on-line.
- 2008‑01‑16:
The "freedom to tinker" blog on electronic voting machines.
- 2008‑01‑16:
RFC 3974 is the de-facto standard for IPv6 MX routing.
- 2008‑01‑16:
How IPv6 breaks IPv4 MX lookups.
- 2008‑01‑16:
Rise of the stupid network.
- 2008‑01‑15:
Markus Kuhn on ASCII and Unicode quotation marks.
- 2008‑01‑15:
Other symbiotic colonies of bacteria and yeast.
- 2008‑01‑15:
Kombucha / Manchurian Mushroom / tea fungus.
- 2008‑01‑15:
Best GB/$ hard disk drives, graphed.
- 2008‑01‑14:
Ada style guide - performance.
- 2008‑01‑14:
GNAT performance considerations.
- 2008‑01‑14:
Les Hatton's articles on MISRA C and other safe subsets.
- 2008‑01‑14:
Cambridge city centre cycling map.
- 2008‑01‑14:
CD recycling.
- 2008‑01‑14:
The 3COM XJACK - utterly brilliant.
- 2008‑01‑14:
Would you trust your data to these people?
- 2008‑01‑13:
Some applications of Rabin's fingerprinting method.
- 2008‑01‑13:
Recipient filtering in Exchange 2007.
- 2008‑01‑11:
MAAWG abuse desk common practices.
- 2008‑01‑11:
Multitasking is dumbing us down and driving us crazy.
- 2008‑01‑10:
Multi-purpose fuzzer "zzuf".
- 2008‑01‑09:
Coffee portal.
- 2008‑01‑09:
Microsoft's "Mommy, Why is There a Server in the House?"
- 2008‑01‑09:
Network Solutions seems to be domain tasting.
- 2008‑01‑08:
Possibly the original description of the DJB times-33 hash function.
- 2008‑01‑08:
Blue Vinyl: an environmentalist documentary about PVC building materials.
- 2008‑01‑08:
A green house near Tahoe.
- 2008‑01‑08:
The Register on Cambridge's VOIP project.
- 2008‑01‑08:
Premake build script generator.
- 2008‑01‑08:
Computer science education: where are the software engineers of tomorrow?
- 2008‑01‑08:
Has chip+pin failed to foil fraudsters?
- 2008‑01‑07:
Fair Deal Homeopathy: natural products to help you feel better about yourself.
- 2008‑01‑07:
Government response to the petition to the Prime Minister to scrap the Huntingdon-Cambridge guided busway.
- 2008‑01‑07:
Why do critics still sneer at sci-fi?
- 2008‑01‑06:
Evolutionary programming and gradual typing in ECMAScript 4 - a tutorial.
- 2008‑01‑06:
Steve Yegge on Java and code bloat.
- 2008‑01‑06:
The in-flight passenger internet access network in the Boeing 787 is connected to the plane's control, navigation and communication systems.
- 2008‑01‑05:
Let's make cows fart like kangaroos.
- 2008‑01‑04:
The worker-wrapper transformation.
- 2008‑01‑04:
Open multimethods for C++.
- 2008‑01‑04:
J&: nested intersection for scalable software composition.
- 2008‑01‑04:
Mark Nottingham's cache channels prototype for HTTP.
- 2008‑01‑04:
Alan Ralsky on trial for penny stock fraud via spam.
- 2008‑01‑03:
Logan's Run - plot summary.
- 2008‑01‑03:
"If it works, it's not AI": a commercial look at artificial intelligence startups.
- 2008‑01‑03:
Patterns of Software - tales from the software community by Richard P. Gabriel.
- 2008‑01‑03:
Comments on the failure of Symbolics.
- 2008‑01‑03:
Why did Symbolics fail?
- 2008‑01‑03:
St James's Gate to be closed and sold off.
- 2008‑01‑02:
Bruce Bethke on Cyberpunk.
- 2008‑01‑02:
Satanism is alive and well.
- 2008‑01‑02:
Brad Hicks on the end of the Bronze Age.
- 2008‑01‑02:
The secret Mifare cipher has been broken.
- 2008‑01‑02:
Dave Gorman solves our calendrical and time-keeping problems.
- 2008‑01‑02:
A nasal spray of orexin A wakes up sleep-deprived monkeys.
- 2008‑01‑01:
An empirical study into the security exposure to hosts of hostile virtualized environments.