Tony Finch – link log
2002 2003 2004 2005 2006 2007 2008 2009 2010 2011 2012 2013 2014 2015 2016 2017 2018 2019 2020 2021 2022 2023 2024 2025
- 2010‑12‑31:
On good URL design.
- 2010‑12‑31:
Multi-line comments considered harmful.
- 2010‑12‑31:
Cassandra vs MongoDB vs CouchDB vs Redis vs Riak vs HBase.
- 2010‑12‑30:
Why do Americans say (or cry) uncle?
- 2010‑12‑30:
Touching your junk: an ontological complaint.
- 2010‑12‑28:
New papers about specialized databases at Google.
- 2010‑12‑27:
Is Erlang overhyped or underestimated?
- 2010‑12‑25:
Ask Ross Anderson to hush up banking insecurity? Priceless!
- 2010‑12‑25:
Inside the 1kb Javascript 3D Christmas tree.
- 2010‑12‑25:
How Ray Kurzweil says his predictions are faring.
- 2010‑12‑25:
What would you describe as a "Gloucesterfuck"?
- 2010‑12‑25:
It's the latency, stupid.
- 2010‑12‑24:
JavaScript antipatterns in Google Closure.
- 2010‑12‑24:
Homeland Security seized domains of sites providing official free song downloads.
- 2010‑12‑22:
The fees policy is more about universities than students.
- 2010‑12‑22:
More detailed analysis of race in Oxford's admissions process.
- 2010‑12‑22:
Students of England, the NUS has failed you.
- 2010‑12‑22:
Comic Sans criminal.
- 2010‑12‑21:
Slow start and congestion control for a snowbound Eurostar.
- 2010‑12‑21:
Breaking SSL on embedded devices with promiscuous private keys.
- 2010‑12‑21:
Jeff Varasano's NY pizza recipe.
- 2010‑12‑21:
Azul's pauseless garbage collector.
- 2010‑12‑19:
XSS vulnerability in Amazon "search inside".
- 2010‑12‑19:
Cash Cow Disease: the cognitive decline of Microsoft and Google.
- 2010‑12‑17:
DNS-operations mailing list thread containing a Who's Who in DNS.
- 2010‑12‑17:
Plan 28: building Babbage's analytical engine.
- 2010‑12‑17:
"Post hoax, ergo propter hoax" - a review of Sokal's book.
- 2010‑12‑16:
Insert coin ... be amazed. (youtube)
- 2010‑12‑16:
Patents do not protect small businesses because they cannot be enforced.
- 2010‑12‑16:
Git explained by analogy with higher-dimensional manifolds :-)
- 2010‑12‑16:
Former drugs minister calls for an end to prohibition, a bit late.
- 2010‑12‑16:
Dan Kaminsky explains his colourblindness app.
- 2010‑12‑16:
A better code of urban design for America.
- 2010‑12‑16:
Make snow chains for your bicycle from cable ties.
- 2010‑12‑15:
fabricate - a Python build tool with automatic dependency discovery.
- 2010‑12‑15:
Dan Kaminsky's anomalous colour vision fixer app for iPhones.
- 2010‑12‑15:
Why John Cage's 4'33" is no laughing matter.
- 2010‑12‑15:
The only build system that might someday replace make... ?
- 2010‑12‑15:
Bytecode verifier for Lua-5.2
- 2010‑12‑15:
Allegations that the FBI backdoored OpenBSD IPSEC.
- 2010‑12‑15:
Lua / C++ binding generators compared.
- 2010‑12‑14:
<input type=password> needs to grow up.
- 2010‑12‑14:
BSD For Linux Users.
- 2010‑12‑14:
Status of FreeBSD on Amazon EC2.
- 2010‑12‑13:
An Amazon Web Services news roundup, including a link to yours truly.
- 2010‑12‑13:
Visualizing sorting algorithms.
- 2010‑12‑13:
Original Tron is losing DVD sales while stuck in the Disney Vault.
- 2010‑12‑13:
Open Research Computation: An ordinary journal with extraordinary aims.
- 2010‑12‑12:
The day MAME saved my company.
- 2010‑12‑11:
Filming the LEGO Antikythera mechanism.
- 2010‑12‑11:
A LEGO version of the Antikythera mechanism.
- 2010‑12‑11:
Why apparently banal revelations can have very important political consequences.
- 2010‑12‑10:
The utter balls people write about Oxbridge.
- 2010‑12‑09:
Comcast's protocol-agnostic congestion management system.
- 2010‑12‑09:
The Royal Statistical Society Magazine on race and Oxbridge.
- 2010‑12‑09:
Clay Shirky on Wikileaks.
- 2010‑12‑09:
A free press [has] the duty to prevent...government from deceiving the people and sending them off to distant lands to die.
- 2010‑12‑08:
There is no such thing as a non-obvious invention.
- 2010‑12‑08:
The Wikileaks publications are caused by a failure to compartmentalize.
- 2010‑12‑07:
One ambassador's embarrassment is a tragedy; 15 000 civilian deaths is a statistic.
- 2010‑12‑07:
VeriSign launches cloud-based DNSSEC signing service. (Where are the docs?)
- 2010‑12‑07:
Making all data races manifest themselves.
- 2010‑12‑06:
Autonomous sycamore-seed single-blade mini helicopters.
- 2010‑12‑06:
Mary Beard visits the Cambridge University Library tower.
- 2010‑12‑06:
On the duality of operating system structures - events vs. threads.
- 2010‑12‑06:
Yacc is not dead.
- 2010‑12‑06:
Continuation-passing C: automatically rewriting thraded C into event-passing C.
- 2010‑12‑06:
The intellectual propeerty implications of low-cost 3D printing.
- 2010‑12‑05:
Ghosts of Unix Past: a historical search for design patterns.
- 2010‑12‑05:
When seekdir() didn't seek to the right position.
- 2010‑12‑05:
What the attacks on WikiLeaks tell us.
- 2010‑12‑04:
Explaining the Comcast / Level3 peering dispute.
- 2010‑12‑04:
Jim Gettys on buffer bloat. (TCP Vegas is the answer!)
- 2010‑12‑03:
The Fossil distributed software management system - version control + wiki + bug tracker.
- 2010‑12‑03:
The TH scripting language.
- 2010‑12‑03:
Git and Mercurial users should gang up against Subversion.
- 2010‑12‑03:
Unbelievably easy mince pie recipe.
- 2010‑12‑03:
Medical researcher rediscovers integration and gets 75 citations.
- 2010‑12‑03:
Understanding pac-man ghost behaviour.
- 2010‑12‑03:
Why Google Maps's city labels are more readable than the others'.
- 2010‑12‑02:
French libel law abuse: professor of public health sued for saying that cigarettes kill.
- 2010‑12‑01:
Obituary of Maurice Wilkes in the Guardian.
- 2010‑12‑01:
Obituary of Maurice Wilkes in the Independent.
- 2010‑12‑01:
Obituary of Maurice Wilkes in the Telegraph.
- 2010‑12‑01:
dpkg vs. ext4fs - safety vs performance.
- 2010‑12‑01:
Canon "original data" security kit is thoroughly cracked.
- 2010‑11‑30:
BBC obituary of Maurice Wilkes.
- 2010‑11‑30:
NetReg - CMU's network registration system.
- 2010‑11‑30:
Obituary of Benoït Mandelbrot in the Independent.
- 2010‑11‑30:
Obituary of Benoît Mandelbrot in the Telegraph.
- 2010‑11‑30:
Obituary of Benoït Mandelbrot in the Guardian.
- 2010‑11‑30:
Programmer competency matrix.
- 2010‑11‑30:
Carne Ross on Wikileaks / cablegate.
- 2010‑11‑29:
The Crash at Crush - the staged train wreck of 1896.
- 2010‑11‑29:
Pure and declarative syntax definition: paradise lost and regained.
- 2010‑11‑29:
Progress with libgit2.
- 2010‑11‑29:
Sir Maurice Wilkes, DFBCS FREng FRS, 1913 - 2010.
- 2010‑11‑29:
Copyright lawyers sue lawyer who helped copyright defendants.
- 2010‑11‑29:
Regular-expression derivatives re-examined.
- 2010‑11‑29:
Yacc is dead - parsing with derivatives.
- 2010‑11‑29:
24 ways - web design and development articles and tutorials for advent.
- 2010‑11‑28:
Jean-Baptiste Alphonse Karr: "plus ça change, plus c'est la même chose".
- 2010‑11‑28:
Lua interpreter compiled from C to JavaScript using Emscripten.
- 2010‑11‑28:
x86 optimization resources.
- 2010‑11‑28:
Land of Lisp / insect nation.
- 2010‑11‑28:
The art of the interpreter.
- 2010‑11‑28:
Learn You a Haskell for Great Good!
- 2010‑11‑28:
Die unerträgliche Lameness des Web 2.0 (English version).
- 2010‑11‑28:
How DST caused severe database performance problems.
- 2010‑11‑28:
Statistical fingertrees - Haskell code to dynamically combine and split means and variances.
- 2010‑11‑28:
Earliest known uses of some of the words of mathematics.
- 2010‑11‑28:
The triumph of types: Principia Mathematica's impact on computer science.
- 2010‑11‑27:
A 15-minute writing exercise closes the gender gap in physics at university.
- 2010‑11‑27:
FreeBSD network performance tuning.
- 2010‑11‑27:
US Immigration and Cusoms Enforcement siezes domain names involved in copyright infringement.
- 2010‑11‑27:
Review: How equal temperament ruined harmony.
- 2010‑11‑27:
High quality motion deblurring from a single image.
- 2010‑11‑27:
Why blurring sensitive text is a bad idea.
- 2010‑11‑27:
How to understand your hot and cold water system.
- 2010‑11‑26:
A GSM hacking blog.
- 2010‑11‑26:
0wnz0red by Cory Doctorow.
- 2010‑11‑26:
Steal this presentation.
- 2010‑11‑26:
You suck at PowerPoint!
- 2010‑11‑26:
How Objective C method dispatch works.
- 2010‑11‑26:
No, you can't have Matt Blaze's slides.
- 2010‑11‑26:
Having children abroad? Your country might not accept them as citizens.
- 2010‑11‑26:
A typographic anatomy lesson.
- 2010‑11‑26:
Police to get power to sieze UK domain names.
- 2010‑11‑26:
AeroPress coffee maker.
- 2010‑11‑25:
What things did scientists long believe which turned out to be wrong?
- 2010‑11‑23:
Give money to Bletchley Park to buy Alan Turing's papers for the nation.
- 2010‑11‑23:
Benchmarking the native Linux ZFS module.
- 2010‑11‑23:
That Alternative Vote ballot paper in full.
- 2010‑11‑23:
Are you holding back something that seems too obvious to share?
- 2010‑11‑23:
How complete is the RIPE routing registry.
- 2010‑11‑22:
Bicycles & tricycles: an elementary treatise on their design and construction. (1896)
- 2010‑11‑22:
Novell sold to Attachmate (who?)
- 2010‑11‑22:
Why π does not equal 4.
- 2010‑11‑22:
A collection of .gitignore templates.
- 2010‑11‑22:
LaTeX coffee stains.
- 2010‑11‑21:
Goodbye Ireland, it was nice knowing you.
- 2010‑11‑21:
IKEA hacker.
- 2010‑11‑20:
The government's badger culling policy encourages the spread of bovine TB.
- 2010‑11‑19:
WebKit security bug caused by unchecked NaN tagging.
- 2010‑11‑19:
NaN tagging in Mozilla JaegerMonkey.
- 2010‑11‑19:
Security and NaN tagging.
- 2010‑11‑19:
Alejandro Caro invented NaN tagging for Parallel Haskell in 1997.
- 2010‑11‑19:
Understanding the strict aliasing rule in C.
- 2010‑11‑19:
Keyboard buddy iPhone 4 case.
- 2010‑11‑19:
Periodic and chaotic iteration and the structure of the Mandelbrot set.
- 2010‑11‑19:
Renesys on China's 18 minute Internet traffic interception.
- 2010‑11‑18:
Constructive Eating - children's cutlery.
- 2010‑11‑18:
Bladon Jets: micro gas turbines.
- 2010‑11‑18:
Jaguar C-X75 concept hybrid electric / gas turbine car.
- 2010‑11‑18:
NaN tagged objects used by SuperCollider in 2002.
- 2010‑11‑16:
John Hubbard gives a tour of the Mandelbrot set.
- 2010‑11‑15:
David Madore's Mandelbrot movies and images.
- 2010‑11‑13:
An asymmetric umbrella that turns into the wind, not inside-out.
- 2010‑11‑13:
Schizophrenia seems to be caused by an endogenous retrovirus.
- 2010‑11‑12:
Evan Harris on #twitterjoketrial and #stoningcase.
- 2010‑11‑12:
Does the law treat killing a cyclist seriously enough?
- 2010‑11‑12:
Are we fast yet? Javascript benchmark graphs.
- 2010‑11‑11:
The Economist on the true size of Africa.
- 2010‑11‑11:
How to clean a decanter.
- 2010‑11‑11:
Slides for Dan Kaminsky's talk about his Phreebird easy DNSSEC software.
- 2010‑11‑11:
Dan Kaminsky to release easy DNSSEC-ifying proxy for authoritative servers.
- 2010‑11‑11:
Calculating base 2 logarithms quickly using floating point hardware.
- 2010‑11‑10:
Lost Book Sales.
- 2010‑11‑10:
Suggestions for short trips to abandoned bits of Britain.
- 2010‑11‑10:
Seven cycling mistakes and how to correct them.
- 2010‑11‑09:
The Times' paywall and newsletter economics.
- 2010‑11‑09:
Sailing downwind three times faster than the wind.
- 2010‑11‑09:
Feynman on magnets and ice and why? (Youtube)
- 2010‑11‑09:
Boeing 7*7 in a line for the first time.
- 2010‑11‑08:
Think of it as a graduate tax, not as tuition fees.
- 2010‑11‑08:
Graphs of the distribution of RIPE's IP address allocations over the last 20 years.
- 2010‑11‑08:
Why McDonald's hamburgers do not decay.
- 2010‑11‑08:
Common errors in English usage.
- 2010‑11‑07:
How to use the Ames lettering guide.
- 2010‑11‑07:
Raising the Internet MTU.
- 2010‑11‑06:
Moving beyond TCP/IP.
- 2010‑11‑05:
Life beyond distributed transactions: an apostate's opinion.
- 2010‑11‑05:
S4: a distributed stream computing platform from Yahoo! Labs.
- 2010‑11‑05:
Sudoku as a constraint problem - how to grade the difficulty of a puzzle.
- 2010‑11‑04:
Sinclair Research X-1 electric vehicle - the return of the C5!
- 2010‑11‑04:
Uninstall Flash to extend your battery life.
- 2010‑11‑04:
A stick-figure guide to AES.
- 2010‑11‑04:
Collection of spoof musical notation and silly scores.
- 2010‑11‑03:
Comparing DNS resolvers in the wild: Google vs. OpenDNS vs. your ISP.
- 2010‑11‑03:
The Earth considered as an oscillator and frequency standard.
- 2010‑11‑02:
Kidnapping, theft, and rape by cyber criminals.
- 2010‑11‑02:
Dreck in the halls - unseasonal clichés.
- 2010‑11‑02:
mdocml: a man-only replacement for groff.
- 2010‑11‑02:
Bell System Technical Journal: every edition 1922 - 1983 online.
- 2010‑11‑02:
Customizing the Mac OS X Cocoa Text system (brief overview).
- 2010‑11‑02:
Customizing the Mac OS X Cocoa Text system.
- 2010‑11‑02:
Higher-level keyboard rebinding for Cocoa apps on Mac OS X.
- 2010‑11‑02:
Installable keyboard layouts on Mac OS X.
- 2010‑11‑02:
Solar calendar leap rules.
- 2010‑10‑31:
The opening up of GSM.
- 2010‑10‑29:
DNSSEC deployment schedule for the .net and .com zones.
- 2010‑10‑29:
Daylight saving, electricity demand, and emissions - CE(S)T would reduce it by 0.27%.
- 2010‑10‑29:
RoSPA lobbying to move Britain to CE(S)T.
- 2010‑10‑29:
iPhone serial port hack.
- 2010‑10‑29:
CMPH - C Minimal Perfect Hashing Library.
- 2010‑10‑28:
Slot machines vs. voting machines.
- 2010‑10‑28:
Sharing desktops one window at a time, using VNC over XMPP.
- 2010‑10‑28:
Your desk job is slowly killing you.
- 2010‑10‑28:
Millimetres matter in an insect pie fight.
- 2010‑10‑27:
Dimensional analysis using C++ templates.
- 2010‑10‑27:
Spam, hacking, corruption, blackmail, kidnap, and rape.
- 2010‑10‑27:
How to make a hemispherum sundial.
- 2010‑10‑26:
DNSSEC or not?
- 2010‑10‑26:
The security of password expiration: a fast cracking algorithm and empirical analysis.
- 2010‑10‑26:
Characteristics of toxic organizations.
- 2010‑10‑26:
Explaining the coalition to Scandinavians.
- 2010‑10‑26:
An elementary proof of the undecidability of the halting problem - in verse.
- 2010‑10‑26:
Computer systems: a programmer's perspective (not a builder's).
- 2010‑10‑25:
Recommendation for a new Internet routing architecture.
- 2010‑10‑25:
Design goals for scalable Internet routing.
- 2010‑10‑25:
On the scalability of Internet routing.
- 2010‑10‑23:
Smoothly colouring the complement of the Mandelbrot set.
- 2010‑10‑22:
Qubes OS: security by isolation.
- 2010‑10‑22:
The NYT mag on language: "truthiness".
- 2010‑10‑21:
Making something hard to read means it is more likely to be remembered.
- 2010‑10‑21:
A new home for the Olson TZ database at IANA?
- 2010‑10‑21:
How Facebook decides whether to show your updates to your friends.
- 2010‑10‑21:
Head of Metropolitan Police Central e-Crime unit lied under oath.
- 2010‑10‑21:
Unsafe unfused plugs coming into the UK.
- 2010‑10‑20:
HTML mail: cute idea or abomination?
- 2010‑10‑20:
Create a paper sundial customized to a location you mark on Google Maps.
- 2010‑10‑20:
Australian school leaving exam grades are given as the percentile rank of the candidate's results.
- 2010‑10‑20:
Charlie Stross on credentialism and higher education restructuring.
- 2010‑10‑19:
When Dilbert came to Nokia.
- 2010‑10‑19:
Comcast rolls out DNSSEC.
- 2010‑10‑18:
Amazing Mandelbrot set tattoo.
- 2010‑10‑18:
xapply - another concurrent xargs replacement.
- 2010‑10‑18:
GNU Parallel - replacement for xargs with concurrent subprocesses.
- 2010‑10‑18:
The "ladies' night" strategy in two-sided markets.
- 2010‑10‑18:
Interesting privilege escalation vulnerability running setuid binaries with the glibc dynamic linker.
- 2010‑10‑18:
Cultural heritage of astronomical observatories.
- 2010‑10‑18:
Advice on composing a .sig from the NYT.
- 2010‑10‑18:
Emergency Navigation: improvised and no-instrument methods for the prudent mariner.
- 2010‑10‑18:
Solar warm air heating system using glass roof tiles.
- 2010‑10‑18:
What is wrong with extending the DOM.
- 2010‑10‑17:
MCE OptiBay - replace Mac DVD SuperDrive with a hard disk drive.
- 2010‑10‑17:
BlindType - clever touch phone typing autocorrection.
- 2010‑10‑16:
Homeopathetic Order Logic.
- 2010‑10‑14:
A brief history of ARM.
- 2010‑10‑14:
Tube Map Central.
- 2010‑10‑14:
The Axis of Awesome - Four Chord Song. (youtube) :-)
- 2010‑10‑14:
The Aten heliochronometer.
- 2010‑10‑14:
McDonalds say dried-out food doesn't get mouldy.
- 2010‑10‑14:
History of the Super Soaker.
- 2010‑10‑14:
Super Soaker inventor has designed a new kind of solar generator.
- 2010‑10‑14:
What a 12-year-old McDonalds hamburger looks like.
- 2010‑10‑14:
Blosc: loss-less compression faster than memcpy().
- 2010‑10‑14:
The Well Grounded Java Developer, covering Java 7.
- 2010‑10‑14:
Design principles behind Smalltalk.
- 2010‑10‑14:
Rubik's Sundial Cube.
- 2010‑10‑13:
ThinPlug - folding UK plug (unearthed).
- 2010‑10‑12:
Peter's Principle confirmed: meritocratic hierarchial organizations are built to fail.
- 2010‑10‑12:
Protocol Politics: a book about IPv6 deployment.
- 2010‑10‑12:
High speed logarithmic arithmetic processor.
- 2010‑10‑08:
OpenDNSSEC monitoring tools.
- 2010‑10‑08:
DNSSEC monitoring tools used by the .se TLD.
- 2010‑10‑07:
Eloquent JavaScript: a modern introduction to programming.
- 2010‑10‑06:
Irish government discovers that 7000 unused voting machines costing €50m are now worthless.
- 2010‑10‑06:
Top level domain DNSSEC deployment report.
- 2010‑10‑06:
Domain registrations under the .ly Libya TLD should be considered unsafe.
- 2010‑10‑06:
Comet: a distributed key-value store for active objects scripted in Lua.
- 2010‑10‑06:
Man fined $1B for sending Facebook spam.
- 2010‑10‑05:
Cyclist found not guilty of assault after being strangled by a taxi driver and stitched up by the police.
- 2010‑10‑05:
Cleverly scratched glasses give perfect vision for any eyesight.
- 2010‑10‑05:
Cross-site scripting by putting JavaScript in DNS records.
- 2010‑10‑01:
TTYtter: Perl command-line and interactive terminal-based Twitter client.
- 2010‑09‑30:
HDCP encryption/decryption code.
- 2010‑09‑30:
The world's longest disused guided busway.
- 2010‑09‑30:
How to configure Thunderbird to avoid Exchange's inability to handle Content-Disposition: inline.
- 2010‑09‑30:
Google's use of Haskell for virtual machine cluster load balancing.
- 2010‑09‑30:
Linux's "swap insanity" problem and the effects of the NUMA architecture.
- 2010‑09‑29:
FDA bureacratic interference seriously discourages the development of new antibiotics.
- 2010‑09‑29:
Five reasons to stop praising your child.
- 2010‑09‑29:
MathJax: beautiful maths in all browsers.
- 2010‑09‑29:
Russ Allbery's coding style notes (including docs and build system).
- 2010‑09‑28:
Quicksort is faster with two pivots.
- 2010‑09‑28:
Internet Failures: an emergent sea of complex systems and critical design errors?
- 2010‑09‑27:
ILNP - Identifier/Locator Network Protocol - another attempt to fix IPv6's scalability.
- 2010‑09‑27:
Lego Tower Bridge.
- 2010‑09‑26:
Is Gideon Levy the most hated man in Israel or just the most heroic?
- 2010‑09‑26:
Margaret Stanier's memorial unequal-hours sundial at Newnham.
- 2010‑09‑26:
The Spamhaus Whitelist.
- 2010‑09‑25:
Bonfire of the quangos - find out what they know before they shred everything!
- 2010‑09‑24:
Most software patents do not survive a lawsuit.
- 2010‑09‑24:
Incident report for the .uk DNSSEC screwup of 11 Sep.
- 2010‑09‑24:
ltwitter: Lua Twitter client.
- 2010‑09‑24:
iOS programming with Lua.
- 2010‑09‑24:
A digital media primer for geeks. (30 min. video)
- 2010‑09‑24:
Endlich: das xphone. (youtube) :-)
- 2010‑09‑24:
makespace - Cambridge "inventing shed" / hackspace.
- 2010‑09‑23:
Pinion P-1: a bottom-bracket bike gearbox.
- 2010‑09‑23:
BookBook: a MacBook case that looks like an old hardback.
- 2010‑09‑23:
evercookie - virtually irrevocable persistent cookies.
- 2010‑09‑22:
A path-finding algorithm for loop-free routing.
- 2010‑09‑22:
libconfig - configuration file library for C and C++.
- 2010‑09‑21:
AppTamer: Mac OS X GUI for SIGSTOP and renice.
- 2010‑09‑21:
Unibody MacBook chopping board.
- 2010‑09‑21:
Copilot: a Haskell DSL for writing embedded hard real time avionics code.
- 2010‑09‑21:
Perian: universal codec for QuickTime.
- 2010‑09‑21:
A Linux feature to get more info about dying processes. (/proc/sys/kernel/core_pattern)
- 2010‑09‑20:
Using an Apple Aluminium keyboard with Linux.
- 2010‑09‑20:
Using the Apple Bluetooth keyboard with the Nokia N800.
- 2010‑09‑20:
On-line tools to test your DNS setup.
- 2010‑09‑20:
The Twitter Joke trial - mindless authoritatianism in modern Britain.
- 2010‑09‑20:
iPhones for the blind.
- 2010‑09‑19:
Gene for short-sightedness discovered.
- 2010‑09‑19:
How to stifle the British press.
- 2010‑09‑19:
Visual transistor-level simulation of the 6502 microprocessor.
- 2010‑09‑19:
ICSI Netalyzr - connectivity debugging.
- 2010‑09‑19:
Network Performance Knowledge Base - Issues for Bulk Data Transfer over a WAN.
- 2010‑09‑17:
Machine learning spam filter based on the Google Prediction API.
- 2010‑09‑17:
A small fraction of selfish referees can drastically reduce the quality of published science.
- 2010‑09‑17:
What's cooking for FreeBSD 9?
- 2010‑09‑17:
Steve Jobs ninja stars revealed to be iPod prototypes.
- 2010‑09‑17:
Police sabotage News of the World investigation by intimidating whistle-blowers.
- 2010‑09‑17:
Using colour in information display graphics.
- 2010‑09‑16:
How to get SMS delivery reports on an iPhone.
- 2010‑09‑16:
SCSI debug driver for Linux - configurable block size and error generation.
- 2010‑09‑16:
Solomon Linda and "The Lion Sleeps Tonight".
- 2010‑09‑16:
John's Phone is the world's simplest cell phone.
- 2010‑09‑16:
earPod - iPhone earbud case.
- 2010‑09‑16:
miniWINDER - iPhone earbud case.
- 2010‑09‑16:
earBuddy - iPhone earbud case.
- 2010‑09‑16:
BudCase 2 - iPhone ear bud case.
- 2010‑09‑15:
Paedophile priests still supported by UK Catholic church.
- 2010‑09‑15:
Popular usernames and passwords. (word clouds)
- 2010‑09‑15:
Brilliant 3D light painting stop motion animation with iPads. (vimeo)
- 2010‑09‑14:
Musicians make more money in file-sharing age than before.
- 2010‑09‑14:
HDCP master key leaked?
- 2010‑09‑14:
Musopen - copyright-free classical music recordings.
- 2010‑09‑14:
Mac OS X hidden features and useful tricks.
- 2010‑09‑14:
"Thinking meat! You're asking me to believe in thinking meat!"
- 2010‑09‑14:
Experimental JIT-compiled version of LPEG.
- 2010‑09‑14:
Calm networking.
- 2010‑09‑13:
Official response from the USA to the ITU-R on the abolition of leap seconds. (docx)
- 2010‑09‑13:
AppleScript code to avoid top-posted replies in
- 2010‑09‑13:
Professor Brindley's famous lecture about the first effective remedy for erectile disfunction.
- 2010‑09‑13:
Alec Muffett thinks remote wipe is OK. (I think he is too sanguine.)
- 2010‑09‑13:
MS Exchange server admins can remotely wipe client devices!!
- 2010‑09‑12:
The man who makes your iPhone.
- 2010‑09‑11:
How iPhones detect wifi captive portals.
- 2010‑09‑11:
Fortifying Scheme macros.
- 2010‑09‑11:
Court upholds EULAs, threatening digital resale.
- 2010‑09‑11:
Topology-independent flat addressing makes sub-linear routing table sizes impossible.
- 2010‑09‑10:
Reverse traceroute.
- 2010‑09‑10:
Why parents can't do primary school maths any more.
- 2010‑09‑10:
Network Heretics on timezone identifiers.
- 2010‑09‑10:
MobilityFirst future internet architecture.
- 2010‑09‑10:
XIA: the expressive internet architecture.
- 2010‑09‑09:
Test your internet connection speed. Is your provider throttling certain apps?
- 2010‑09‑09:
Apple relaxes restrictions on development tools used to create iOS apps, provided the apps do not download any code.
- 2010‑09‑09:
Urs Hölzle: Brawny cores still beat wimpy cores, most of the time.
- 2010‑09‑09:
Why blue collar Americans switched from the Democrats to the Republicans.
- 2010‑09‑09:
Longyearbyen: the most northerly sundial.
- 2010‑09‑09:
On packet switches with infinite storage.
- 2010‑09‑08:
The annual workshop on duplicating, deconstructing, and debunking research in computer architecture.
- 2010‑09‑08:
Why we don't need more women in tech ... yet.
- 2010‑09‑08:
A retrospective on software transactional memory (wrt C#).
- 2010‑09‑07:
A classically-trained singing instructor reviews five metal singers.
- 2010‑09‑07:
Great microprocessors of the past and present.
- 2010‑09‑07:
Mediaeval helpdesk. (youtube)
- 2010‑09‑07:
Subtleties of search-and-replace in Emacs.
- 2010‑09‑07:
The "premature optimization is evil" myth.
- 2010‑09‑07:
Pictures of a morris dancing event in London.
- 2010‑09‑06:
SURFnet (Dutch academic network) DNSSEC survey.
- 2010‑09‑06:
Alan Turing and reaction-diffusion.
- 2010‑09‑06:
More parkour in Cambridge.
- 2010‑09‑06:
Parkour in Cambridge.
- 2010‑09‑06:
University of Cambridge corporate typography and design guidelines.
- 2010‑09‑06:
Rethinking the service model: scaling ethernet to a million nodes.
- 2010‑09‑06:
The Bernhardt precision sundial.
- 2010‑09‑06:
Dangermouse's esoteric programming languages and algorithms.
- 2010‑09‑04:
syslogintr: a syslog daemon configured with Lua.
- 2010‑09‑04:
Stephen Hawking denies God.
- 2010‑09‑04:
A nifty new jet engine design promises to improve combustion efficiency.
- 2010‑09‑04:
Most of the environmental impact of an electric car comes from its operation not from battery manufacture.
- 2010‑09‑04:
Cool tech drives the strong demand for Java skills.
- 2010‑09‑04:
Paul Allen's patent are not worth single penny - execution counts, not lawsuits.
- 2010‑09‑03:
Why is everyone always writing off Netflix?
- 2010‑09‑03:
Thomas Edison's plot to patent the movie industry to death.
- 2010‑09‑03:
SSL Certificate Authorities: the Internet's cryptography back door.
- 2010‑09‑03:
Edwina Currie was right about salmonella.
- 2010‑09‑03:
U.S. rejected chicken salmonella vaccination despite British success.
- 2010‑09‑02:
The third-world squat.
- 2010‑09‑02:
How defecation posture affects your health.
- 2010‑09‑02:
Why can you turn clothing inside-out?
- 2010‑09‑02:
How to lose data.
- 2010‑09‑02:
Productivity tips for academics.
- 2010‑09‑02:
Five myths about the female brain.
- 2010‑09‑02:
Netflix lets its staff take as much holiday as they want, whenever they want - and it works.
- 2010‑09‑02:
How Twitter does OAuth wrong, and how to compromise it.
- 2010‑09‑02:
Problems with ACID and scalability, and how to fix them without going NoSQL.
- 2010‑09‑02:
Fast cache for your text: accelerating exact pattern matching with feed-forward Bloom filters.
- 2010‑09‑02:
CPU clock rates stopped growing in 2003. (article text 2005; graph updated 2009)
- 2010‑09‑02:
Represent sets using products of primes.
- 2010‑09‑02:
A complete history of the Soviet Union from the point of view of the workers - or is it Tetris?.
- 2010‑09‑02:
Strength training for parkour.
- 2010‑09‑02:
Impressive parkour in Cambridge.
- 2010‑09‑02:
Ten easy ways to fail a PhD.
- 2010‑09‑02:
Ubercab aims to disrupt the taxi business.
- 2010‑09‑02:
The New York Times on the News of the World hacking voicemail for celebrity gossip.
- 2010‑09‑01:
UK Youth Parliament report on sex education.
- 2010‑09‑01:
Google Summer of Code project: dynamic NetBSD kernel extensions written in Lua.
- 2010‑09‑01:
Mail abuse reporting format spec finally published as RFC 5965.
- 2010‑09‑01:
Lord Tanlaw summarizes the UTC vs. GMT argument in UK law.
- 2010‑09‑01:
Charles Darwin terraformed Ascension Island.
- 2010‑09‑01:
The fake telephone tech support scam - supportonclick, systemrecure and
- 2010‑09‑01:
Compile Haskell to synthesizable VHDL.
- 2010‑09‑01:
Who would gain from copyright restrictions on fashion?
- 2010‑09‑01:
Make Time Machine aware of your Mac's location.
- 2010‑08‑31:
Wrongfully accused of copyright infringement? File for harassment.
- 2010‑08‑31:
Shameful news industry sacrifices Wikileaks to get shield law.
- 2010‑08‑31:
Commercialization of IP in Canadian universities is barely better than break-even.
- 2010‑08‑31:
Man blows himself up trying to kill a spider.
- 2010‑08‑31:
Google's acquisition appetite.
- 2010‑08‑31:
On the typography and character set encoding of the apostrophe and quotation mark.
- 2010‑08‑31:
Magnetic coasters on a table inlaid with compasses.
- 2010‑08‑31:
Paul Allen becomes another ex-Microsoft patent troll.
- 2010‑08‑30:
Live Irish electricity consumption graph.
- 2010‑08‑30:
Computational necromancy: homebrew Cray-1A.
- 2010‑08‑28:
Subliminal advertising of Apple logo makes viewers more creative than IBM logo.
- 2010‑08‑27:
Touch application design for toddlers.
- 2010‑08‑27:
A fast Bresenham-type algorithm for drawing ellipses.
- 2010‑08‑25:
The war on children's playgrounds.
- 2010‑08‑25:
Swimming and freedom: can liberals and libertarians agree on regulations they both hate?
- 2010‑08‑25:
How Mono's new generational garbage collector rocks.
- 2010‑08‑25:
Notes on retooling libraries: "The coolest thing to do with your data will be thought of by someone else."
- 2010‑08‑25:
British Library makes catalogue data available for free to non-commercial users.
- 2010‑08‑25:
We don't need a github for data.
- 2010‑08‑25:
Is there anything good about men?
- 2010‑08‑25:
The story of the king and the calligrapher.
- 2010‑08‑25:
The strange case of solar flares and radioactive elements.
- 2010‑08‑25:
Introduction to parallel & distributed algorithms.
- 2010‑08‑25:
How anycast routing works for the ISC's F root DNS server.
- 2010‑08‑24:
Support for TCP is now a REQUIRED part of a full DNS protocol implementation.
- 2010‑08‑24:
The high cost of copyright - brilliant jazz recordings that cannot be sold.
- 2010‑08‑24:
The great university con: why giving degrees out willy-nilly doesn't actually help the economy.
- 2010‑08‑24:
PacketShader: a GPU-accelerated software router.
- 2010‑08‑24:
Tamale: Erlang-style pattern matching for Lua.
- 2010‑08‑24:
Why GNU grep is fast.
- 2010‑08‑24:
Gnu grep's treacherous optimization.
- 2010‑08‑24:
The self-tuning Boyer-Moore string search algorithm.
- 2010‑08‑23:
How one driver can eliminate stop-go traffic.
- 2010‑08‑23:
Looking back on the "free range kids" media storm.
- 2010‑08‑22:
The Internet transit market ant the gravitational pull to $0/Mbps.
- 2010‑08‑22:
Indian researcher arrested over anonymous source of voting machine.
- 2010‑08‑21:
Why 3G is a worthless marketing buzzword.
- 2010‑08‑21:
Lithium: robust distributed storage for virtual machines.
- 2010‑08‑20:
Center for automotive embedded systems security.
- 2010‑08‑20:
Jobs was right: Flash is bad on Android.
- 2010‑08‑19:
Incorrect perceptions of energy consumption and saving.
- 2010‑08‑18:
Fast incremental regular expression matching with monoids.
- 2010‑08‑18:
C programming language reference manual. (1975)
- 2010‑08‑18:
A Unix system implementation for the IBM S/370. (1984)
- 2010‑08‑18:
Porting Unix to a 36-bit ones complement machine.
- 2010‑08‑18:
Portability of C programs and the Unix system. (1978)
- 2010‑08‑18:
C programming language reference manual. (1974)
- 2010‑08‑16:
Inside Android's stripped-down libc.
- 2010‑08‑16:
Companies should not be able to sue (or threaten to sue) for libel.
- 2010‑08‑16:
Infants die of whooping cough while media stoke fear of vaccines.
- 2010‑08‑16:
Schengen attracts tourists to the continent; fiddly visas repel them from Britain.
- 2010‑08‑16:
Poor record keeping and pension fraud inflated number of Japanese centenarians.
- 2010‑08‑16:
Detailed and systematic comparison of system configuration management tools.
- 2010‑08‑16:
Five reasons why this is the only online SEO marketing blog entry you will ever need to read.
- 2010‑08‑16:
Jef Poskanzer's oauth_sign software.
- 2010‑08‑16:
The Ark Booktower at the Victoria & Albert museum.
- 2010‑08‑15:
Strangest programming language features.
- 2010‑08‑13:
The Swedish Chef makes pöpcørn :-)
- 2010‑08‑13:
Andrew Odlyzko on bubbles and gullibility.
- 2010‑08‑13:
HMRC throws a spanner in the wheels of the Cycle to Work scheme.
- 2010‑08‑13:
How to get Apple Mail to work well with GMail's weird IMAP implementation.
- 2010‑08‑13:
Nice profile of Hans Monderman and his shared streets.
- 2010‑08‑12:
Old Spice Man vs. Feminist Hulk.
- 2010‑08‑12:
Venting your anger does NOT reduce stress and prevent lashing out at friends and family.
- 2010‑08‑12:
Collisions in PDF digital signatures.
- 2010‑08‑11:
Why the Complementary and Natural Healthcare Council (Ofquack) cannot succeed.
- 2010‑08‑11:
Adobe fails at handling case-sensitive filesystems.
- 2010‑08‑11:
Political arguments over the Islamic calendar and the start of Ramadan.
- 2010‑08‑11:
A clearinghouse for news and analysis of Vinay Deolalikar's P != NP preprint.
- 2010‑08‑11:
Soundmatters foxL v2 portable speaker.
- 2010‑08‑11:
Jake Adelstein plays, reviews, and fact-checks "Yakuza 3" with real yakuza.
- 2010‑08‑11:
The first English dictionary of slang (1699) republished from a copy found in the Bodleian.
- 2010‑08‑11:
An infographic about infographics.
- 2010‑08‑10:
Apple: Link different.
- 2010‑08‑10:
Monsanto's soybean herbicide resistance patent cannot prevent EU sales of processed soybeans.
- 2010‑08‑10:
A decade of debate over UTC and the abolition of leap seconds.
- 2010‑08‑09:
Southampton FC bans unofficial photos to make money, so newspaper uses cartoons instead.
- 2010‑08‑09:
David Tennant fails at Scottish fashion.
- 2010‑08‑09:
Cambridge city centre speed limit reduced to 20mph.
- 2010‑08‑09:
Antonio Porreca rounds up informed opinion on Vinay Deolalikar's claimed proof of P ≠ NP.
- 2010‑08‑09:
Rubik's cube can be solved in 20 moves or fewer.
- 2010‑08‑09:
Hacker News on Vinay Deolalikar's draft proof of P ≠ NP.
- 2010‑08‑09:
P ≠ NP
- 2010‑08‑08:
The evolution of the double-edge safety razor blade.
- 2010‑08‑08:
The Moss shaving scuttle.
- 2010‑08‑08:
Deprecating the observer pattern in favour of reactive programming.
- 2010‑08‑08:
Monkeysphere - SSH and SSL authentication using the PGP web of trust.
- 2010‑08‑07:
The early history of HTML: 1990 to 1992.
- 2010‑08‑06:
Calculus made easy.
- 2010‑08‑06:
How to read mathematics.
- 2010‑08‑06:
What everyone should know about poo.
- 2010‑08‑05:
YAZVS - yet another zone validation script with DNSSEC support.
- 2010‑08‑05:
Type classes as objects and implicits (or, how to write Haskell in Scala).
- 2010‑08‑05:
Evan Harris on Mephedrone and making policy by moral panic.
- 2010‑08‑05:
A retrospective on SEDA (staged event-driven architecture).
- 2010‑08‑05:
Fred Brooks explains how to design anything.
- 2010‑08‑05:
Margin kerning and hanging punctuation in LaTeX.
- 2010‑08‑05:
The beauty of LaTeX.
- 2010‑08‑05:
Cheer yourself up with a happy password.
- 2010‑08‑05:
Improving the look of papers written in Microsoft Word.
- 2010‑08‑05:
Understanding and applying Operational Transformation.
- 2010‑08‑05:
Rubber handles all tasks related to the compilation of LaTeX documents.
- 2010‑08‑05:
Operational transformation - consistency maintenance and concurrency control for distributed groupware.
- 2010‑08‑03:
Oniguruma multi-encoding regex library.
- 2010‑08‑03:
Worst photo of Julian Huppert ever? (good interview, though)
- 2010‑08‑03:
Corning discovers display screen bonanza in super-strong glass invented in 1962.
- 2010‑08‑02:
Ultimate physical limits to computation.
- 2010‑07‑30:
ISC creates DNS blacklists for recursive DNS servers.
- 2010‑07‑30:
The longest photographic exposures ever.
- 2010‑07‑30:
Top 20 countries on the Internet - Nigeria is 10th!
- 2010‑07‑30:
Custom keyboard shortcuts do not work in Firefox on Mac OS X.
- 2010‑07‑29:
Node, scaling in the small vs in the large, events vs threads.
- 2010‑07‑28:
Frink: a programming language that understands units of measure.
- 2010‑07‑28:
Lua program analysis, in particular for editors.
- 2010‑07‑28:
How to meet interesting people in Cambridge.
- 2010‑07‑28:
SAS vs World Programming: landmark UK case about copyright law and cloned software.
- 2010‑07‑28:
The Guardian on Paul Kane being a root zone recovery key share holder.
- 2010‑07‑28:
Bookshelf porn.
- 2010‑07‑28:
"Metro" on Paul Kane being a root zone recovery key share holder.
- 2010‑07‑28:
Bath University's press release on Paul Kane being a root zone recovery key share holder.
- 2010‑07‑28:
CommunityDNS's press release on their CEO Paul Kane being a root zone recovery key share holder.
- 2010‑07‑27:
BlueSniff: Eve meets Alice and Bluetooth.
- 2010‑07‑27:
How secure is a Bluetooth keyboard against password sniffing?
- 2010‑07‑27:
The Times loses 90% of its readers after putting up its paywall.
- 2010‑07‑27:
Vulnerability found in WPA2.
- 2010‑07‑27:
HyperMac - external batteries for Apple gear.
- 2010‑07‑27:
Where should a new TLD get its registry and DNS services from?
- 2010‑07‑27:
The .uk TLD is 25 years old.
- 2010‑07‑27:
A study on the status of women faculty in science at MIT.
- 2010‑07‑27:
Great informative rant about women in technology.
- 2010‑07‑27:
Homemade scanning tunnelling electron microscope.
- 2010‑07‑26:
The New Yorker on WikiLeaks and the war.
- 2010‑07‑26:
Threaded blocking IO vs. async event-driven IO in Java.
- 2010‑07‑26:
Managing data storage at the south pole.
- 2010‑07‑26:
Celera's human genome trade secrets reduced research on affected genes by 30% despite their subsequent public domain release.
- 2010‑07‑26:
The Gimli Glider - what happens when a Boeing 767 runs out of fuel in mid-flight.
- 2010‑07‑26:
Autojump: a `cd` command that learns.
- 2010‑07‑26:
Tips and tricks for the Mac OS X command line.
- 2010‑07‑25:
"Open smartphone" is a lie.
- 2010‑07‑25:
George Monbiot on the CPS's decision not to prosecute for the death of Ian Tomlinson.
- 2010‑07‑25:
Jack of Kent on the CPS's decision not to prosecute for the death of Ian Tomlinson.
- 2010‑07‑25:
Whitehall still trying to cover up Labour government's misdeeds.
- 2010‑07‑25:
Cannabis and tobacco smoke are not equally carcinogenic.
- 2010‑07‑24:
Tangent Labs discovers that threatening to sue is the best way to make a name for shit web design.
- 2010‑07‑24:
The language we use affects the way we think.
- 2010‑07‑24:
You have no free will but you are responsible for your actions.
- 2010‑07‑24:
437 people harmed by homeopathy.
- 2010‑07‑23:
Objective measurements of the behaviour of drivers overtaking bicycles.
- 2010‑07‑23:
Cambridge Geek Night 4 - Tue 3rd Aug, 19:00 at the Union.
- 2010‑07‑23:
Speed cameras and accident statistics.
- 2010‑07‑23:
Wayward Alzheimer's patients foiled by fake bus stop.
- 2010‑07‑23:
Lesser-known but cool data structures.
- 2010‑07‑23:
Character amnesia - the increasing romanization of Chinese.
- 2010‑07‑23:
sshuttle - transparent proxy / vpn over ssh.
- 2010‑07‑23:
NY Times "opinionator" blog on the Dunning-Kruger effect - "incompetent and unaware of it".
- 2010‑07‑22:
World's first molten salt concentrating solar power plant.
- 2010‑07‑22:
A second look at SCons performance.
- 2010‑07‑22:
Low vaccination rates lead to deaths from whooping cough in California.
- 2010‑07‑22:
Israeli police torture Palestinians to improve their management stats.
- 2010‑07‑21:
Examining the structure of TCP/IP headers with Lego.
- 2010‑07‑21:
Abolishing university fees in Ireland did not improve access by students from poorer backgrounds.
- 2010‑07‑21:
Firefox 4 tabs-on-top fails to save vertical space. Why couldn't they copy the Safari 4 beta properly?
- 2010‑07‑21:
Columbus discovered the Americas and venereal syphilis.
- 2010‑07‑21:
The growing number of prosecutions in the USA for videoing the police.
- 2010‑07‑21:
A Newport state of mind. (hilarious!)
- 2010‑07‑20:
Will it Metablend? Recursively?
- 2010‑07‑20:
A Java implementation of the Lua Language.
- 2010‑07‑20:
Treventus ScanRobot automatic book scanner.
- 2010‑07‑20:
Source code for MacPaint and QuickDraw (1984) - Computer History Museum.
- 2010‑07‑20:
Three scripts to check your technical writing style.
- 2010‑07‑19:
Pure-food worshippers put their health at risk - especially when they drink unpasteurized milk.
- 2010‑07‑19:
Periodic table of visualization methods. (love the popups)
- 2010‑07‑19:
How the iPhone broke AT&T's network.
- 2010‑07‑19:
Stéphane Bortzmeyer on root DNSSEC, auto-translated from French (including a link to YT).
- 2010‑07‑19:
BookLiberator: a set of free software and hardware to digitize books.
- 2010‑07‑19:
Sexism hurts men too.
- 2010‑07‑19:
Periodic table of irrational nonsense.
- 2010‑07‑19:
Your Facebook friends had better be real friends or you may lose access to your account.
- 2010‑07‑19:
Iljitsch van Beijnum on DNSSEC in Ars Technica (including a link to YT).
- 2010‑07‑18:
Kimbolton Fireworks.
- 2010‑07‑18:
Gamma correction failure in picture scaling.
- 2010‑07‑18:
CoffeeScript - alternate syntax for JavaScript.
- 2010‑07‑18:
Vibration-powered generator - an internal recharger for remote controls.
- 2010‑07‑17:
Amazing automated underground car park in Budapest.
- 2010‑07‑16:
Jakob Schlyter's DNSSEC trust anchor tool.
- 2010‑07‑16:
anchors2keys - convert IANA XML trust anchors to BIND trusted-keys format.
- 2010‑07‑16:
DNSSEC validator add-on for Firefox.
- 2010‑07‑16:
DNSviz: a DNS visualization tool.
- 2010‑07‑16:
.SE's DNS checker (also with DNSSEC support).
- 2010‑07‑16:
Verisign's DNSSEC debugger.
- 2010‑07‑16:
Root zone DNSSEC trust anchors.
- 2010‑07‑16:
The Daily Mail moral underground map.
- 2010‑07‑15:
Vince Cable's speech on higher education.
- 2010‑07‑15:
Dumbster: a simple fake SMTP server for testing applications that send email.
- 2010‑07‑15:
Hidden features of Python.
- 2010‑07‑14:
Gender imbalance in various university subjects.
- 2010‑07‑14:
Basic mailing list management guidelines for preventing abuse. (Nov 2000)
- 2010‑07‑14:
Classic papers in OOP, including "Typestate: a programming language concept for enhancing software reliability."
- 2010‑07‑14:
Fifteen more creative staircases.
- 2010‑07‑14:
Nine creative staircases.
- 2010‑07‑14:
An alternative to the war on drugs.
- 2010‑07‑14:
The cache behaviour of large lazy functional programs on stock hardware.
- 2010‑07‑14:
Glasgow Haskell Compiler performance variation with differing gc tuning parameters.
- 2010‑07‑14:
Despair at the state of the art in build systems.
- 2010‑07‑14:
Hacker News Daily - the top ten stories each day.
- 2010‑07‑14:
Godbusters - "Don't cross the beams!"
- 2010‑07‑13:
'We Need Roots' - Englishness and the new folk revival.
- 2010‑07‑13:
Brazil forbids the use of DRM where that hinders fair use.
- 2010‑07‑13:
The Liberal Moment, by Nick Clegg. "The time has come for a new alignment of progressive politics..."
- 2010‑07‑13:
Typography for visually-impaired people.
- 2010‑07‑13:
Typefaces for dyslexia.
- 2010‑07‑12:
What happens when Twitter gets consumed by the Great Old Ones?
- 2010‑07‑12:
This week the root zone will switch to full DNSSEC production deployment.
- 2010‑07‑12:
Accurate garbage collection in an uncooperative environment.
- 2010‑07‑12:
Bitcoin: peer-to-peer electronic cash without a trusted third party.
- 2010‑07‑12:
The Liberal Democrat journey to a Lib-Con coalition - and where next? by Richard Grayson.
- 2010‑07‑12:
Artifactory, "the world's most advanced repository manager".
- 2010‑07‑11:
Are teenagers hooked on porn?
- 2010‑07‑10:
Why we hate HR.
- 2010‑07‑10:
George Hart's rapid prototyping models.
- 2010‑07‑09:
RedLaser barcode scanner for iPhone.
- 2010‑07‑09:
How to control web browser quirks/standards modes.
- 2010‑07‑09:
Jack of Kent on Hackney Council's bizarre treatment of the Conservative mayoral candidate.
- 2010‑07‑09:
Graydon Hoare - the Rust programming language.
- 2010‑07‑08:
UK urban exploration forums.
- 2010‑07‑08:
The proton is 3x10^-17 metres smaller than previously thought.
- 2010‑07‑08:
Petition to save the Silver Star unit.
- 2010‑07‑08:
The "Silver Star" maternal medicine unit at the John Radcliffe hospital in Oxford.
- 2010‑07‑08:
BT and TalkTalk challenge Digital Economy Act.
- 2010‑07‑07:
Drowning does not look like drowning.
- 2010‑07‑07:
Pro Git - complete book on line.
- 2010‑07‑07:
How can a website cost £35m? Easily.
- 2010‑07‑07:
The "num-utils" are a set of programs for dealing with numbers from the Unix command line.
- 2010‑07‑07:
"moreutils" is a growing collection of the unix tools that nobody thought to write long ago when unix was young.
- 2010‑07‑07:
Middle-aged men taking Viagra & Cialis three times more likely to have an STD than those not taking the drugs.
- 2010‑07‑07:
1&1 disables SpinProfiles lobbying watch web site for no good reason.
- 2010‑07‑07:
Counter-terrorism chief says government policy promotes terrorism.
- 2010‑07‑07:
Home birth scaremongering.
- 2010‑07‑06:
The length of the year is complicated.
- 2010‑07‑06:
How can you improve upon Debian's packaging system?
- 2010‑07‑06:
LBW: run unmodified Linux applications on Windows.
- 2010‑07‑06:
How could abundance be convincingly portrayed in the world of atoms as well as bits?
- 2010‑07‑05:
Extracts from "iPhone Four" by George Orwell.
- 2010‑07‑05:
Hackney Council threatens local paper with legal action over embarrassing recording.
- 2010‑07‑05:
A relational version of the zoneinfo database.
- 2010‑07‑05:
The Tea Party and the new right-wing Christian feminism.
- 2010‑07‑05:
Apple's app store is filled with "App farms" being used to steal.
- 2010‑07‑04:
Overclocking SSL.
- 2010‑07‑03:
The state of open source text rendering.
- 2010‑07‑03:
Andy Grove gripes about offshored tech jobs.
- 2010‑07‑03:
Genetic test predicts who will have a long life.
- 2010‑07‑03:
Speculators might not have caused commodity price rises.
- 2010‑07‑03:
The Better String Library.
- 2010‑07‑03:
Peer-to-peer edge caches should be free - the economics of content delivery.
- 2010‑07‑02:
How Goldman Sachs caused starvation by creating the 2006-2008 food price bubble.
- 2010‑07‑02:
Ratzinger failed to act as Roman Catholic abuse scandal grew.
- 2010‑07‑02:
Pirate Party to run The Pirate Bay from inside the Swedish parliament and get immunity from prosecution.
- 2010‑07‑02:
Christian science textbook says "Electricity is a mystery."
- 2010‑07‑02:
The local government open spending data that isn't.
- 2010‑07‑02:
UK government attitude to the morality of torture.
- 2010‑07‑01:
I never knew an AT-AT could be so cute. (YouTube)
- 2010‑07‑01:
Better food improves a school's results.
- 2010‑07‑01:
Deputy Prime Minister crowdsources the great repeal bill.
- 2010‑06‑30:
Self-administered eye test using a mobile phone app and a lens.
- 2010‑06‑30:
ECHR confirms that section 44 stop-and-search powers are illegal.
- 2010‑06‑30:
ECJ rules on reconciling data protection with freedom of information.
- 2010‑06‑30:
Web sites that ban deep links: YOU ARE ALL CLOWNS!
- 2010‑06‑30:
The mathematics of pathological tennis.
- 2010‑06‑30:
New US banknotes are almost colourful!
- 2010‑06‑30:
There are 99 infected legit websites for each infected porn site.
- 2010‑06‑30:
How Google promotes its internal Mac OS training sessions.
- 2010‑06‑30:
The continuing decline in UK energy production.
- 2010‑06‑30:
Companies can't reject complainants who ticked a box saying they agreed to an unfair contract.
- 2010‑06‑29:
SURFnet DNSSEC blog.
- 2010‑06‑29:
Google IPv6 Implementors Conference - agenda and slide decks.
- 2010‑06‑29:
"Print" on your Mac to send a document to iBooks on your iOS4 device.
- 2010‑06‑29:
The presence of giant billion dollar companies suggests a market inefficiency of some sort.
- 2010‑06‑29:
Sort vs Hash: Fast join implementations on multicore CPUs.
- 2010‑06‑29:
Children could be put at greater risk by ContactPoint, not protected by it.
- 2010‑06‑29:
An antenna + RF engineer on the iPhone 4 reception problems.
- 2010‑06‑28:
Why τ = 2π is a better circle constant.
- 2010‑06‑26:
Cutting through the confusion about Israel vs Palestine.
- 2010‑06‑25:
PathScale aims to beat CUDA and OpenCL with their reverse engineered GPU compiler.
- 2010‑06‑24:
Authoritarian politics in the USA.
- 2010‑06‑24:
Replies to legal claims mis-addressed to Railtrack Ltd (not Railtrack PLC). (heh)
- 2010‑06‑22:
Cambridge University Library API.
- 2010‑06‑22:
1 bit symphony.
- 2010‑06‑22:
Science fiction air show.
- 2010‑06‑22:
Your computer system almost certainly handles names incorrectly.
- 2010‑06‑21:
Saharan solar power will be imported to the EU in 5 years' time.
- 2010‑06‑21:
Information technology's environmental benefits vastly outweigh the environmental cost of its electricity usage.
- 2010‑06‑21:
Reverse-engineering the ZX Spectrum.
- 2010‑06‑21:
yagg - grammar-driven string generator / reverse parser.
- 2010‑06‑21:
Thinkgeek fools the National Pork Board (and offers a tasty discount to celebrate).
- 2010‑06‑21:
A cartoon guide to legal immigration to the USA.
- 2010‑06‑21:
A theory of typed hygienic macros.
- 2010‑06‑21:
How the fashion industry has managed to survive without copyright.
- 2010‑06‑20:
Live map of trains on the London Underground.
- 2010‑06‑18:
Deaths caused by unreasonable dedication to homeopathy.
- 2010‑06‑18:
Estonia gets approval to join the Eurozone.
- 2010‑06‑18:
"Numerous deaths have occurred after chiropractic manipulations. The risks by far outweigh its benefit."
- 2010‑06‑18:
Why the AT&T iPad ICCID + email address exposure is worse than it seems at first.
- 2010‑06‑18:
Facebook's 512 bit DKIM RSA key should be crackable.
- 2010‑06‑18:
Hints on programming language design. (C.A.R. Hoare, 1973)
- 2010‑06‑18:
"Significant Objects" - good stories make insignificant trinkets more valuable.
- 2010‑06‑18:
Google Chrome obsoletes Adobe's PDF reader plugin.
- 2010‑06‑17:
A review of administrative tools for DNSSEC (spring 2010 version).
- 2010‑06‑17:
Students flood Sidney Sussex College so that they can punt at their May Ball.
- 2010‑06‑17:
MEPs not welcome in the House of Commons but are in the House of Lords. (!)
- 2010‑06‑17:
Stop the avalanche of low-quality research? (interesting comments)
- 2010‑06‑17:
Why Peter Bregman returned his iPad - "being bored is a precious thing".
- 2010‑06‑16:
Will Apple be crippled because Objective C is too low-level?
- 2010‑06‑16:
Rebooting the computer science academic publication process.
- 2010‑06‑16:
What to desire from the scientific publisher of the future?
- 2010‑06‑16:
How to measure the speed of light using your microwave oven.
- 2010‑06‑16:
USB mass storage business card.
- 2010‑06‑16:
Thousands of patents declared state secrets in UK and USA.
- 2010‑06‑15:
What makes a "rock star" sysadmin?
- 2010‑06‑15:
The Economist's "Johnson" blog on the use and abuse of language.
- 2010‑06‑15:
A discussion about the unpopularity of parallel languages.
- 2010‑06‑14:
FOI request gets an answer where a parliamentary question does not!
- 2010‑06‑14:
twttr sketch, July 2006.
- 2010‑06‑14:
Academic publishers sue universities to control digital fair use.
- 2010‑06‑14:
PHK on how you are getting server performance wrong.
- 2010‑06‑14:
A report on the economics of copyright and digitization from the UK strategic advisory board for intellectual property policy.
- 2010‑06‑14:
File sharing only hurts bad or mediocre films.
- 2010‑06‑14:
Political judgments and the pre-budget economic forecast.
- 2010‑06‑14:
Open source licences are all very well, but you should also run your project in an open manner.
- 2010‑06‑14:
Peer review was designed to cope with scarcity; it has been obsoleted by abundance, so drop it.
- 2010‑06‑14:
Ars Technica on Ofcom's survey of attitudes to bad language on television.
- 2010‑06‑14:
Seq no more: better evaluation strategies for parallel Haskell.
- 2010‑06‑14:
Scalable event handling for the Glasgow Haskell Compiler run-time system.
- 2010‑06‑14:
The myth of radio spectrum scarcity.
- 2010‑06‑14:
Increasingly practical computation on encrypted data without decryption.
- 2010‑06‑14:
Differing meanings of "spastic" in UK and US.
- 2010‑06‑14:
Online dictionary of playground slang.
- 2010‑06‑14:
Submarine cable map.
- 2010‑06‑14:
The behind-the-scenes logistics of Kenya's mobile phone banking miracle.
- 2010‑06‑14:
Once upon a time in Afghanistan...
- 2010‑06‑14:
They Might Be Giants gig in the Babbage Lecture Theatre (of all places).
- 2010‑06‑14:
Patients are less likely to die of planned vascular surgery in bigger hospitals.
- 2010‑06‑13:
Bot-in-the-middle social engineering on IRC.
- 2010‑06‑12:
Graphic novels are literature too.
- 2010‑06‑12:
UK smoking ban reduces heart attacks by 100 per month.
- 2010‑06‑12:
Puntcon, 25 July 2010.
- 2010‑06‑11:
Sport journalism is simple enough that computers can do it.
- 2010‑06‑11:
Capsicum: practical capabilities for Unix.
- 2010‑06‑11:
Inside iPhone 4 "FaceTime" video conferencing.
- 2010‑06‑11:
Apple iOS developer agreement updated to permit embedded interpreters such as Lua.
- 2010‑06‑11:
The media are suffering from the change from scarcity to surfeit.
- 2010‑06‑10:
Pornography does not encourage sex crimes.
- 2010‑06‑10:
True Knowledge - the Internet answer engine.
- 2010‑06‑10:
Risk management failures and the earthquake game.
- 2010‑06‑10:
The Jedi census phenomenon.
- 2010‑06‑10:
The copyright wars come to "Glee".
- 2010‑06‑10:
Information Commissioner rules that Freedom of Information trumps copyright.
- 2010‑06‑09:
Five hundred Wi-Fi networks in one room?!
- 2010‑06‑08:
Raj Persaud on the psychology of the suicidal killing spree.
- 2010‑06‑08:
What drives Israel?
- 2010‑06‑08:
A classification of computer science research.
- 2010‑06‑07:
Google's thoughts about how to save the news business.
- 2010‑06‑07:
Economic consequences of British copyright and German freedom in publishing around 1800.
- 2010‑06‑07:
PLT Scheme is changing its name to "Racket".
- 2010‑06‑07:
Transport for London poster about CCTV has totalitarian style as well as substance.
- 2010‑06‑07:
Travelling downwind faster than the wind in a purely wind-powered vehicle.
- 2010‑06‑06:
Keeping ID cards by the back door?
- 2010‑06‑06:
How to make perfect thin and crispy french fries.
- 2010‑06‑05:
Justice Stevens' decisions for free expression on the net eroded by p2p fight.
- 2010‑06‑04:
Government web sites to use open source software whenever possible.
- 2010‑06‑04:
Grazing on Midsummer Common.
- 2010‑06‑04:
Welcome to bug 323, where all x87 floating point errors in gcc come to die!
- 2010‑06‑04:
Lago Fucino looks like a massive rendering error in Google Maps.
- 2010‑06‑04:
The pitfalls of verifying floating point computations.
- 2010‑06‑04:
The $3000 shirt.
- 2010‑06‑04:
The Dalvik VM JIT compiler.
- 2010‑06‑04:
I'm done explaining to people why fanfic is okay.
- 2010‑06‑03:
Mississippi improves healthcare by copying Iran.
- 2010‑06‑03:
Some esoteric but useful Linux commands.
- 2010‑06‑03:
A New Yorker profile of Julian Assange and WikiLeaks.
- 2010‑06‑03:
Government advice for publishing itemised local authority expenditure.
- 2010‑06‑03:
This is the age of political conflict between the generations.
- 2010‑06‑02:
Australia's CSIRO hopes to get $1bn from its WiFi patents.
- 2010‑06‑02:
The saga of the Euston puddle.
- 2010‑06‑02:
Flotillas and wars of public opinion.
- 2010‑06‑02:
bup - git-based incremental backup software.
- 2010‑06‑02:
Almost 80% support propotional representation and almost 75% want a majority government.
- 2010‑06‑02:
Stopped by the police? Here's what to do...
- 2010‑06‑02:
Keeping calm in the face of technical problems.
- 2010‑06‑02:
Wikileaks was launched with documents intercepted from Tor.
- 2010‑06‑01:
get_iplayer - perl script for downloading BBC programmes.
- 2010‑05‑31:
David Cameron's letter to government departments on opening up data.
- 2010‑05‑31:
China bans the use of evidence obtained under torture. (America and Britain should too.)
- 2010‑05‑31:
How long is the optimal copyright term?
- 2010‑05‑31:
How big would the public domain be without copyright term extensions?
- 2010‑05‑31:
Francis Maude outlines the coalition's plans for government data publication.
- 2010‑05‑31:
Summary of development plans for Ubuntu 10.10.
- 2010‑05‑31:
Big media has trouble collecting Pirate Bay fines.
- 2010‑05‑31:
Microsoft quietly patches some security vulnerabilities without identifying them.
- 2010‑05‑31:
PortLand source code released - a data centre networking protocol.
- 2010‑05‑31:
The resurgence of parallel computing research after a quarter century of neglect.
- 2010‑05‑31:
Stimulus surprise: companies retrench when government spends.
- 2010‑05‑31:
The Innovator's Dilemma: insights from the hard disk drive industry.
- 2010‑05‑27:
Track the progress of the libel reform bill here.
- 2010‑05‑27:
Caroline Lucas uses her maiden speech to attack Trafigura.
- 2010‑05‑27:
The Independent loves Caroline Lucas.
- 2010‑05‑27:
The royal appetite for secrecy can only invite scandal.
- 2010‑05‑27:
The only weapons we have [in programming] are simplicity and convention.
- 2010‑05‑27:
Documentation and code for manipulating Microsoft Outlook .pst files.
- 2010‑05‑27:
Trafigura goes on trial next week in Amsterdam - will the UK media dare to report it?
- 2010‑05‑27:
Compilers and Compiler Generators, by P.D. Terry.
- 2010‑05‑27:
Compiler Construction, by Niklaus Wirth.
- 2010‑05‑27:
Julian Huppert's Early Day Motion on repeal of the nasty bits of the Digital Economy Act.
- 2010‑05‑27:
Julian Huppert's maiden speech.
- 2010‑05‑26:
Head and neck injury risks in heavy metal. (BMJ)
- 2010‑05‑26:
Dyson Air Multiplier fans and balloons. (YouTube)
- 2010‑05‑26:
Johann Hari on Heavy Metal Muslims and Country and Western lefties.
- 2010‑05‑25:
The Real Time Club - the oldest IT dining club.
- 2010‑05‑25:
UNIX Tips for Mac OS X.
- 2010‑05‑25:
- 2010‑05‑25:
A programmers' wedding cake.
- 2010‑05‑25:
Google will not be able to index stories behind The Times' paywall.
- 2010‑05‑25:
Announcing the iPad XL - the power to run flash!
- 2010‑05‑24:
Patent claim halts stem cell research into childhood brain diseases.
- 2010‑05‑24:
4K sector drives and Linux.
- 2010‑05‑24:
Apple will soon be worth more than Microsoft.
- 2010‑05‑24:
Julian Todd complains about funding for open democracy in the UK.
- 2010‑05‑24:
Busting frame busting: a study of clickjacking vulnerabilities at popular sites.
- 2010‑05‑24:
Daily Mail shows no respect for copyright in pictures.
- 2010‑05‑24:
Michael Geist's fair copyright proposals for Canada.
- 2010‑05‑24:
Anthony Lester QC, architect of the Human Rights Act, introduces libel reform bill in the House of Lords.
- 2010‑05‑24:
Practical examples of siphons at work.
- 2010‑05‑24:
How bells are rung in Bologna.
- 2010‑05‑24:
Graphs of DNS RFC relationships.
- 2010‑05‑24:
English judge complains at length about bad ECJ trademark ruling.
- 2010‑05‑23:
Iteratees step-by-step.
- 2010‑05‑23:
Brian Deer on the end of the Wakefield MMR enquiry.
- 2010‑05‑23:
giffgaff - The people-powered PAYG mobile phone network.
- 2010‑05‑22:
Why Verisign is leaving the X.509 business.
- 2010‑05‑22:
Rumours of safety arguments between BP and Schlumberger on the Deepwater Horizon.
- 2010‑05‑22:
Why to use the term "preferential voting" when campaigning for electoral reform.
- 2010‑05‑22:
Bottom-up innovation will save us says Matt Ridley. (Unless IP squashes it?)
- 2010‑05‑22:
David Davies MP thinks torture is a good thing.
- 2010‑05‑22:
How the coalition deal was negotiated.
- 2010‑05‑21:
Creating a Solaris IPS repository and adding your first package.
- 2010‑05‑21:
"Email and bacon! This car has everything ..."
- 2010‑05‑21:
Chocolate filled with Marmite!?!
- 2010‑05‑21:
A Windows 3.1 clone running in your browser.
- 2010‑05‑21:
Lightspark: Flash player for Linux accelerated with LLVM and GLSL.
- 2010‑05‑21:
Cameron/Clegg (7)
- 2010‑05‑21:
Superficially improving Google Reader.
- 2010‑05‑21:
Wenlock and Mandeville welcome you to London 2012.
- 2010‑05‑20:
Living in denial: Why sensible people reject the truth.
- 2010‑05‑20:
A look at Lua 5.2.0-work3.
- 2010‑05‑20:
Richard Feynman on judging (text)books by their covers.
- 2010‑05‑20:
In order to complain to the TPS about phone spam, you must let them give the spammer your postal and email addresses.
- 2010‑05‑20:
Australian customs officers can now search incoming travellers' laptops and mobile phones for pornography.
- 2010‑05‑19:
You can do something about street harassment.
- 2010‑05‑19:
How to prevent browser history sniffing.
- 2010‑05‑19:
Mapping the demographics of American English with Twitter.
- 2010‑05‑19:
The Associated Press's most popular stories are the fact-checking nonsense-debunking ones.
- 2010‑05‑19:
AAAS Science Magazine interview with Julian Huppert MP.
- 2010‑05‑19:
Verisign to concentrate on DNS registry business after selling X.509 business to Symantec.
- 2010‑05‑19:
Symantec to buy Verisign's X.509 business.
- 2010‑05‑19:
How to sniff the contents of a web browser's history.
- 2010‑05‑19:
Warning signs in experimental design and interpretation.
- 2010‑05‑19:
List of Guantanamo Bay detainees accused of possessing terrorist Casio watches.
- 2010‑05‑19:
A great interview with Ben Goldacre about his philosophy.
- 2010‑05‑19:
Interviews with Evan Harris and Julian Huppert.
- 2010‑05‑19:
Harmful drinks in America - astonishing quantities of sugar.
- 2010‑05‑19:
Writing systems and calligraphy of the world.
- 2010‑05‑19:
Craig Murray debunks the coalition's first islamophobic terror scare.
- 2010‑05‑19:
Experimental security analysis of a modern automobile.
- 2010‑05‑19:
Lesbian Iranian film-maker denied asylum in Britain.
- 2010‑05‑18:
Heather Brooke on CCTV.
- 2010‑05‑18:
Monsanto's GM cotton and the increasing suicide rate amongst Indian farmers.
- 2010‑05‑18:
Resistance to anti-piracy law by Swedish ISPs makes it harder to tackle serious criminals.
- 2010‑05‑18:
The Reed Research Reactor is the only nuclear reactor operated primarily by undergraduates.
- 2010‑05‑18:
DNSSEC in the root zone delayed two weeks.
- 2010‑05‑18:
Proportion of women parliamentary candidates in each party.
- 2010‑05‑18:
Kent police and the CPS think a private online chat is an obscene publication.
- 2010‑05‑18:
Civil service chiefs made formal protests at Labour's excessive spending in their final months.
- 2010‑05‑18:
Testing salted coffee with Tim Wendelboe.
- 2010‑05‑18:
The lack of IP law enforcement in Spain - an entrenched culture of sharing.
- 2010‑05‑18:
Mil-Spec chocolate chip cookies.
- 2010‑05‑18:
Lynne Featherstone supports John Bercow as Speaker.
- 2010‑05‑18:
On Liberal Conservatism.
- 2010‑05‑17:
Electoral dysfunction: why democracy is always unfair.
- 2010‑05‑17:
The Right Tool - a survey to find out how programmers pick languages.
- 2010‑05‑17:
James K. Galbraith: Why the 'experts' failed to see how financial fraud collapsed the economy.
- 2010‑05‑17:
The Glasgow Haskell Compiler LLVM back-end.
- 2010‑05‑17:
Liam Byrne's handover letter to David Laws says Labour spent all the money, as if it were a joke.
- 2010‑05‑17:
Forget about Goldman Sachs: the entire economy is built on fraud.
- 2010‑05‑17:
Labour's record on civil liberties alienated its core supporters and drove voters to the Liberal Democrats.
- 2010‑05‑17:
Skeptic Top Trumps.
- 2010‑05‑17:
Will Aaron Sorkin's Zuckerberg biopic damage Facebook's reputation even more?
- 2010‑05‑17:
Cambridge's response to the Browne review of higher education funding and student finance.
- 2010‑05‑17:
Cameron/Clegg (6)
- 2010‑05‑17:
Australia retaliates against Wikileaks founder Julian Assange.
- 2010‑05‑17:
IP as censorship: a growing library of banned books.
- 2010‑05‑17:
Jack o' Kent was a folk hero in the borderland of Herefordshire and Monmouthshire.
- 2010‑05‑17:
How (not) to lobby a parliamentary candidate.
- 2010‑05‑16:
The Orwell Prize blog shortlist.
- 2010‑05‑16:
The electoral politics of the LibDem-Conservative coalition, according to Pippa Norris.
- 2010‑05‑16:
Doc Searls on Steve Jobs, 1997 - right on the mark.
- 2010‑05‑16:
Greed all about it - Radio 4 Friday play about Murdoch's move to Wapping.
- 2010‑05‑16:
Tories ditched policies as fast as they listed them: 'Cameron wanted to bury party Right,' say Lib Dems.
- 2010‑05‑16:
Labour hid 'scorched earth' debts worth billions.
- 2010‑05‑16:
BMA votes to end NHS funding for homoeopathy.
- 2010‑05‑16:
Henry Porter says the voices of liberty have triumphed and Britain is better for it
- 2010‑05‑16:
Leaked memo reveals what Whitehall really thinks of its new masters.
- 2010‑05‑15:
Typographical problems with the iPad.
- 2010‑05‑15:
Why Peter Serafinowicz steals movies ... even ones he is in.
- 2010‑05‑15:
How to design a popular programming language.
- 2010‑05‑14:
Tell the Electoral Commission about any problems you had with voting.
- 2010‑05‑14:
Some pages from Willard Cope Brinton's 1939 book Graphic Presentation.
- 2010‑05‑14:
Will the civil service scupper the Freedom Bill?
- 2010‑05‑14:
Apple responds to Adobe's "We ♥ Apple" advertisement.
- 2010‑05‑14:
Stop slutting up our girls.
- 2010‑05‑14:
UK Government Twitter strategy.
- 2010‑05‑13:
Philip Hammond, Secretary of State for Transport, promises to "end the war on motorists".
- 2010‑05‑13:
Cameron/Clegg (5)
- 2010‑05‑13:
"Psychic" Joe Power and the two-man mob.
- 2010‑05‑13:
Cameron/Clegg (4) [only slightly slashy]
- 2010‑05‑13:
Police threaten and handcuff man in his home because of his silly Cameron poster.
- 2010‑05‑12:
Cameron/Glegg (3)
- 2010‑05‑12:
Henry Porter on the coalition's plans for civil liberties.
- 2010‑05‑12:
Cameron/Clegg (2)
- 2010‑05‑12:
ComRes says flakier voters failed to turn up and vote LibDem as expected.
- 2010‑05‑12:
Channel 4 compares Tory and LibDem policies before and after the coalition.
- 2010‑05‑12:
Open WiFi banned in Germany.
- 2010‑05‑12:
The Spectator's view of the coalition.
- 2010‑05‑12:
The impact of the fiscal stimulus on economic growth.
- 2010‑05‑12:
Liberty responds to the Con/LibDem coalition agreement.
- 2010‑05‑12:
Conservative / Liberal Democrat coalition agreements.
- 2010‑05‑12:
HMG will act on 10:10 campaign to cut CO2 emissions by 10% within a year.
- 2010‑05‑12:
Ultrasound reveals breastfeeding mechanics.
- 2010‑05‑12:
- 2010‑05‑11:
Eight websites you need to stop building.
- 2010‑05‑11:
High Court rules that software liability disclaimers are unfair and unenforcable.
- 2010‑05‑11:
Ten tips for coping with lots of rough nights.
- 2010‑05‑11:
UK party policy Venn diagram.
- 2010‑05‑11:
Yale delays switch to GMail owing to data ownership concerns.
- 2010‑05‑11:
UC Davis scraps GMail pilot because of privacy concerns.
- 2010‑05‑10:
Heather Brooke on the lack of accountability and oversight of UK election officials.
- 2010‑05‑10:
Losing the fight against AIDS in Africa.
- 2010‑05‑10:
Inspired by XKCD...
- 2010‑05‑10:
Welcome to the post-meritocratic age - the increasing proportion of MPs from independent schools.
- 2010‑05‑10:
The origin of HTML's blink tag.
- 2010‑05‑10:
Tories and LibDems want to cancel the one-sided extradition treaty with the USA.
- 2010‑05‑10:
Unprecedented rain in the high arctic in April.
- 2010‑05‑09:
Britain's experience of electoral systems, published by the Electoral Reform Society, Apr. 2007.
- 2010‑05‑09:
The experience of new voting systems in the United Kingdom since 1997, presented to Parliament by the Justice Secretary, Jan. 2008.
- 2010‑05‑09:
Report of the independent commission on the voting system, presented to Parliament by the Home Secretary, Oct. 1998.
- 2010‑05‑09:
Where no woman has gone before - a map of women in parliament.
- 2010‑05‑09:
Tories re-nationalise the London Underground.
- 2010‑05‑09:
Clegg and Cameron explain the state of the negotiations to their parties.
- 2010‑05‑09:
The 14-year-old voter tells his story. (ace!)
- 2010‑05‑09:
HengeDocks - a well-designed docking station for unibody MacBooks.
- 2010‑05‑09:
SecondBar and BetterTouchTool - Mac OS X user interface tweaks.
- 2010‑05‑09:
An in-depth tutorial on Perl autovivification.
- 2010‑05‑06:
Portillo tells Ed Balls how to lose.
- 2010‑05‑06:
Robert Mugabe supports the Conservative party.
- 2010‑05‑06:
What happened to the Wall Street Journal when Rupert Murdoch took over.
- 2010‑05‑06:
HP printer cartridges are region-coded - WTF!
- 2010‑05‑05:
A new record for Apple - iPad fastest product to reach $1 billion revenue?
- 2010‑05‑05:
Johann Hari takes you on a tour of Cameron Land.
- 2010‑05‑05:
The people's flag is palest pink: it's not as red as people think.
- 2010‑05‑05:
The election night party kit.
- 2010‑05‑05:
A personal account of the smallpox outbreak in Bradford in 1962.
- 2010‑05‑05:
The Tory plan for a hung parliament.
- 2010‑05‑05:
The Soviet solution: nuke the gushing oil well.
- 2010‑05‑04:
The Single Transferable Vote in action in the Republic of Ireland.
- 2010‑05‑04:
Some details of LuaJIT's intermediate representation.
- 2010‑05‑04:
The IBM film Powers of Ten.
- 2010‑05‑04:
The scale of the universe - Powers of Ten as a flash app.
- 2010‑05‑04:
Cameron does not understand proportional representation.
- 2010‑05‑04:
File-sharers are content industry's best customers.
- 2010‑05‑04:
FiveThirtyEight predicts Lib/Lab coalition would not have a majority - neither would the Tories.
- 2010‑05‑04:
BNP uses ballot paper aliases to fool voters.
- 2010‑05‑04:
What's in a name? - Pirate Party UK.
- 2010‑05‑04:
Anti-brothel law puts prostitutes at risk. (ps. no relation!)
- 2010‑05‑04:
Cameron to celebrate victory with Bullingdon-style trashing of UK.
- 2010‑05‑04:
The utter failure of the Pruitt-Igoe housing project.
- 2010‑05‑03:
Fear let the Labour Party abandon everything it stood for.
- 2010‑05‑03:
MPEG-LA creates patent holding company to sue its own patent contributors. WTF.
- 2010‑05‑03:
A better graph of support for Labour+Conservative vs LibDem bs others over the last 25 years.
- 2010‑05‑03:
Automatic permanent background SSH tunnels - howto for unix, mac, windows.
- 2010‑05‑03:
Julian Huppert says why he is against the Digital Economy Act.
- 2010‑05‑03:
How to establish a pub's Mank Rating.
- 2010‑05‑03:
Young adults ask, why isn't our parents' generation paying for us?
- 2010‑05‑03:
Hung parliament guaranteed by Labour and Conservative both declining over more than 20 years.
- 2010‑05‑02:
"When blowflies fight over a pile of elephant shit, their pecking order is a more elegant protocol than ICCCM."
- 2010‑05‑02:
If only Arizona were the real problem - the Tea Party takeover of the Republican Party.
- 2010‑05‑02:
Is Clegg throwing away his best cards?
- 2010‑05‑02:
Why even strict vegans should consider eating oysters by the boatload.
- 2010‑05‑02:
You owe licence fees to the MPEG-LA for anything you film with a video camera.
- 2010‑05‑02:
The scary evangelical Christian tendency in the Conservative party.
- 2010‑05‑02:
Quack in a Box: a game of medical malpractice.
- 2010‑05‑01:
Michael Specter's TED talk on the danger of science denialism.
- 2010‑05‑01:
Evan Harris argues against the Tories' extra pocket money for married couples.
- 2010‑05‑01:
Full body scanners are a useless waste of money, says Israeli airport security expert.
- 2010‑05‑01:
Wind power is starting to reduce the price of electricity.
- 2010‑05‑01:
Tim Harford on electoral reform and Arrow's theorem.
- 2010‑05‑01:
Political parties should be banned from handling postal vote applications.
- 2010‑05‑01:
The public electoral register is a good defence against electoral fraud.
- 2010‑05‑01:
A new init(8) called systemd.
- 2010‑04‑30:
The Telegraph says long copyright terms are bad for business.
- 2010‑04‑29:
An HTTP proxy server in 20 lines of node.js code.
- 2010‑04‑29:
FiveThirtyEight's advanced swingometer.
- 2010‑04‑28:
Mix tape amnesty.
- 2010‑04‑28:
What do you get if you teach toddlers to take pictures?
- 2010‑04‑28:
Guardian/ICM poll of marginal seats has LibDems in the lead.
- 2010‑04‑28:
Monsanto applies for a patent on pork.
- 2010‑04‑28:
Roman Catholic Church supports even non-Catholic abusers in US court.
- 2010‑04‑28:
Strategy's golden rule: what your fiercest rival does badly, do incredibly well.
- 2010‑04‑28:
Tony Juniper, Green Party parliamentary candidate for Cambridge (snigger).
- 2010‑04‑27:
Microsoft Research Cambridge moving from University West Cambridge site to CB1 station redevelopment.
- 2010‑04‑27:
XFS will be supported by Red Hat Enterprise Linux 6.
- 2010‑04‑27:
A 15,552,000 second exposure of the Clifton suspension bridge taken with a pinhole camera.
- 2010‑04‑27:
The Institute for Fiscal Studies is generally positive about the LibDem manifesto.
- 2010‑04‑27:
Wikipedia trumps Britannica.
- 2010‑04‑27:
Toxic assets emerged from a shadow economy.
- 2010‑04‑27:
Journalists and publishers worry about opaque and arbitrary Apple app store content rules.
- 2010‑04‑27:
Problems with CAP, and its relation to Yahoo's little known NoSQL system.
- 2010‑04‑27:
Murdoch Tory campaign is James's baby, not Rupert's?
- 2010‑04‑27:
Avatar cinema attendance increases after DVD release.
- 2010‑04‑27:
Twitter removes tweet after DMCA complaint - WTF in so many ways.
- 2010‑04‑26:
What is David Cameron thinking?
- 2010‑04‑26:
Jack Straw engages in illegal electoral treating - again!
- 2010‑04‑26:
Choose your own UK government budget cuts.
- 2010‑04‑26:
Beginning of the end of the floppy disk.
- 2010‑04‑25:
Old media, new media, and the election.
- 2010‑04‑25:
Microsoft is being very quiet about its vast and rapidly increasing quantity of debt.
- 2010‑04‑25:
Why doesn't the Labour party respect copyright?
- 2010‑04‑24:
BBC Newsnight's Michael Crick on YouGov's biased polling.
- 2010‑04‑23:
The Byzantine solution to Afghanistan.
- 2010‑04‑23:
How the Guardian decides who to support in the election.
- 2010‑04‑23:
Party name twitter trend chart.
- 2010‑04‑23:
Party leader 24h twitter trend chart.
- 2010‑04‑23:
How the unexpected rise of a third contender broke the cosy two-party system.
- 2010‑04‑23:
The Independent fisks the Tory press.
- 2010‑04‑22:
The forces that block British democracy are becoming visible in this election.
- 2010‑04‑22:
Anti-Clegg stories planted in the Tory press by Conservative central office, says the BBC.
- 2010‑04‑22:
Google Trends view of Brown, Cameron, and Clegg.
- 2010‑04‑22:
David Owen explains how to replace Trident with something much cheaper.
- 2010‑04‑22:
JK Rowling's single mothers' manifesto.
- 2010‑04‑22:
The Conservatives and Rupert Murdoch are gunning for the BBC.
- 2010‑04‑22:
David Camerwrong presents a new vision for Britain.
- 2010‑04‑22:
GitHub now supports git's smart HTTP protocol.
- 2010‑04‑22:
The Guardian considers whether Rupert Murdoch will lose Britain.
- 2010‑04‑22:
Surge in voter registrations makes election outcome even more volatile.
- 2010‑04‑22:
Don't believe the twitter echo chamber.
- 2010‑04‑22:
Do Daily Mail journalists cry themselves to sleep?
- 2010‑04‑22:
It's all #nickcleggsfault.
- 2010‑04‑22:
Ken Clarke agrees with LibDems Trident policy.
- 2010‑04‑22:
Daily-Mail-o-matic: automatic headline generator - Nick Clegg special edition!
- 2010‑04‑22:
Will Rupert Murdoch lose Britain?.
- 2010‑04‑22:
How to build a cybernuke.
- 2010‑04‑22:
Fuck yeah! Nick Clegg! :-)
- 2010‑04‑21:
Guess which newspaper is most annoyed by the LibDem surge...
- 2010‑04‑21:
Blowing up HTML5 video and mapping it into 3D space.
- 2010‑04‑21:
Geek the vote.
- 2010‑04‑21:
A vote for the LibDems is a vote against Rupert Murdoch.
- 2010‑04‑21:
Copyfight in Ireland in the 6th and 21st centuries.
- 2010‑04‑20:
How a hung parliament would work.
- 2010‑04‑20:
How powerful is your vote compared to the UK average?
- 2010‑04‑20:
UK polling report.
- 2010‑04‑20:
Forecast UK: predicting the next general election.
- 2010‑04‑20:
Electoral Calculus: general election prediction.
- 2010‑04‑20:
How to vote if you want a hung parliament (and electoral reform)!
- 2010‑04‑20:
Nice places to visit near Heathrow when there are NO PLANES.
- 2010‑04‑20:
YouGov asks, could the LIbDems win outright?
- 2010‑04‑19:
Amazing feats of error recovery by LLVM clang.
- 2010‑04‑19:
Clay Shirky on the collapse of complex business models.
- 2010‑04‑18:
An introduction to modern OpenGL.
- 2010‑04‑18:
Finnish F-18 engine check reveals effects of volcanic dust. (with pictures)
- 2010‑04‑16:
How not to print a document from an iPad.
- 2010‑04‑16:
Patent Absurdity: how software patents broke the system.
- 2010‑04‑16:
Political cartoon app rejected from app store because it "ridicules public figures".
- 2010‑04‑15:
Apple removes Scratch programming language for children from the app store.
- 2010‑04‑15:
The Guardian restores Simon Singh's article over which he was sued by the chiropractors for libel.
- 2010‑04‑15:
What if the very theory behind patents is wrong?
- 2010‑04‑15:
Laurie Taylor's experiences of a Roman Catholic boys' boarding school.
- 2010‑04‑15:
How to print a document from an iPad.
- 2010‑04‑15:
When record labels screw the musicians they claim to be supporting.
- 2010‑04‑15:
US military says peak oil is coming in about two years.
- 2010‑04‑15:
Chiropractors drop libel case against Simon Singh.
- 2010‑04‑14:
Small wheels for adult cycles.
- 2010‑04‑14:
Representing type information in dynamically typed languages.
- 2010‑04‑14:
Common mistakes when attempting to design a RESTful protocol.
- 2010‑04‑13:
This is not a spiral.
- 2010‑04‑12:
Internet security is a failure.
- 2010‑04‑12:
Technical drawings for the first prototype of the clock of the long now.
- 2010‑04‑12:
This week is the 300th anniversary of copyright law in England.
- 2010‑04‑09:
Pixels. (video)
- 2010‑04‑09:
Tetris hell.
- 2010‑04‑09:
Labour and Conservatives accused of copyright infringement.
- 2010‑04‑09:
Patent lawsuit may allow competitors to copy a revolutionary food for treating malnourished children.
- 2010‑04‑09:
Traffic in the IP address range
- 2010‑04‑09:
C: The Complete Nonsense: why you should not read Herb Schildt's books.
- 2010‑04‑08:
TalkTalk will refuse any demand to disconnect its customers despite the Digital Economy Act.
- 2010‑04‑08:
They work for the BPI.
- 2010‑04‑07:
Memory management threads: exploiting fine-grained parallelism in C/C++ dynamic memory management.
- 2010‑04‑07:
I made it to 2010 and all I got from the sf books of my youth was the lousy dystopian government.
- 2010‑04‑07:
The Internet backchannel to live discussions, and the "oh shit" moment when the previously oblivious discover what is happening.
- 2010‑04‑06:
The microwave mortuary: dead electronics.
- 2010‑04‑05:
A visual git reference.
- 2010‑04‑05:
Sharing code between projects with git subtree.
- 2010‑04‑05:
A successful git branching model and workflow.
- 2010‑04‑03:
Have you ever tried to sell a diamond? How the De Beers cartel keeps prices high.
- 2010‑04‑01:
Robin Milner's obituary in the Guardian. (Much better than the Times!)
- 2010‑04‑01:
Robin Milner's obituary on the Computer Lab web site.
- 2010‑04‑01:
Insanely deep fractal zoom.
- 2010‑04‑01:
Simon Singh wins his appeal against chiropractic accusations of libel.
- 2010‑04‑01:
It's not a bug, it's a feature!
- 2010‑04‑01:
Spoon feeding lazy journalists: Open Europe: the Eurosceptic group that controls British coverage of the EU.
- 2010‑03‑31:
Where Tcl and Tk went wrong.
- 2010‑03‑31:
Robin Milner's obituary in the Times. (Horribly garbled.)
- 2010‑03‑30:
Labservative - for more of the same. (We've had 65 years to get it right, so what's another 5?)
- 2010‑03‑30:
Python generators vs. coroutines.
- 2010‑03‑30:
Random recipe generator :-)
- 2010‑03‑28:
Dealing with font problems on Linux.
- 2010‑03‑26:
Klein bottle opener.
- 2010‑03‑25:
SOCIALISM in medicine is BAD because the government can't do anything right.
- 2010‑03‑25:
Gerald Blanchard, master thief.
- 2010‑03‑25:
Inside a global spyware ring.
- 2010‑03‑24:
Great Firewall of China spoofing responses to DNS queries from outside China to nameservers hosted inside China.
- 2010‑03‑24:
UK winning war against child poverty.
- 2010‑03‑24:
Radio 4's You and Yours misleads its audience and prefers ill-informed debate rather than knowledgable guests.
- 2010‑03‑24:
Emily Rosa (aged 11) published a paper in JAMA that demolished "therapeutic touch".
- 2010‑03‑23:
Lua-ev: Lus interface to libev event loop library.
- 2010‑03‑23:
How the internet came to be, by Vint Cerf, as told to Bernard Aboba.
- 2010‑03‑23:
Scrap peer review and beware of "top journals", says Richard Smith (of PLoS) in the BMJ.
- 2010‑03‑23:
The League of Movable Type - a collection of open source fonts.
- 2010‑03‑23:
Yet another uptime counter wrap bug. (Sun StorageTek diak arrays)
- 2010‑03‑22:
How to identify an undiscriminating skeptic.
- 2010‑03‑20:
LuaJIT interactive performance comparison chart.
- 2010‑03‑18:
Don't just do something, stand there! Constant reform has the public sector in shambles.
- 2010‑03‑18:
Hollywood, please stop the teal and orange madness!
- 2010‑03‑17:
Pseudo - an improved replacement for fakeroot.
- 2010‑03‑17:
Folding plug wins design award.
- 2010‑03‑17:
New Scientist's spam infographic.
- 2010‑03‑17:
The Barrelfish operating system - your computer is already a distributed system; why isn't your OS?
- 2010‑03‑16:
Sean Quinlan on Google GFS and BigTable - even Google suffers scalability problems :-)
- 2010‑03‑16:
ISC AFTR: IPv4 / IPv6 transition protocol "Dual Stack Lite" reference implementation.
- 2010‑03‑15:
Dear GNU Autohell, could you please die?
- 2010‑03‑15:
Stop the autoconf insanity!
- 2010‑03‑15:
Escape from GNU Autohell!
- 2010‑03‑14:
The Calendar Zone -- Bringing Order to Calendrical Chaos!
- 2010‑03‑14:
Partial evaluation, interpreters, compilers, and compiler-generators.
- 2010‑03‑12: to start accepting signed DNSSEC delegations in .org in June.
- 2010‑03‑11:
.ARPA TLD to be signed by 2010-03-18.
- 2010‑03‑11:
The unspoken British constitution.
- 2010‑03‑11:
The 100 most expensive petrochemical accidents.
- 2010‑03‑10:
Opt-out form for the NHS national health records database.
- 2010‑03‑10:
A working implementation of Codd's self-replicating cellular automaton - bonkers and amazing.
- 2010‑03‑10:
2012 is the centenary of Alan Turing, marathon runner and computer scientist.
- 2010‑03‑10:
The Aegis software configuration management system.
- 2010‑03‑09:
Stack Overflow's best programming jokes.
- 2010‑03‑09:
Cambridgeshire County Council enumerates the guided busway screwups that their contractor refuses to fix.
- 2010‑03‑09:
Reddit discusses LuaJIT with its author Mike Pall.
- 2010‑03‑09:
Does a Lava Lamp work in a high-gravity environment such as Jupiter?
- 2010‑03‑08:
The first rule of formal logic club is ...
- 2010‑03‑08:
Strobeshnik: a clock hacked together from a hard disk drive.
- 2010‑03‑08:
Scott and scurvy - how, in the second half of the nineteenth century, the cure for scurvy was lost.
- 2010‑03‑07:
YikeBike folding elecric bicycle.
- 2010‑03‑07:
Jonathan Rees's security kernel based on the Lambda Calculus.
- 2010‑03‑05:
Ignition! An informal history of liquid rocket propellants.
- 2010‑03‑05:
Liberal atheists are not actually much more intelligent than the others.
- 2010‑03‑05:
There really is a liberal atheist intelligentsia.
- 2010‑03‑05:
Paul Vixie says DNScurve doesn't solve any important problems, whereas DNSSEC does.
- 2010‑03‑04:
Apple drops the iPhone patent bomb on HTC.
- 2010‑03‑04:
Yorkshireman prosecuted for joking on Twitter about bombs.
- 2010‑03‑04:
Kiosk mode on Mac OS X Snow Leopard.
- 2010‑03‑04:
Guide to creating kiosks on Mac OS X - plus demo app for tweaking the user interface.
- 2010‑03‑04:
How to auto-hide the menu bar and dock on a per-app basis on Mac OS X.
- 2010‑03‑03:
Nicholas Weaver reviews DNScurve and concludes it is catastrophically bad.
- 2010‑03‑03:
Why DRM doesn't work.
- 2010‑03‑03:
DNSSEC deployment is on track, says Verisign.
- 2010‑03‑03:
What is the worst class/variable/function name you have ever encountered?
- 2010‑03‑03:
DENIC now allows 2LDs to register DS records in their DNSSEC testbed.
- 2010‑03‑03:
UK libel law is being used to suppress inconvenient scientific results.
- 2010‑03‑02:
Koreans use sausages to control their iPhones in cold weather, because gloved hands don't work.
- 2010‑03‑02:
Quick reference sheet: your rights if you get stopped by the police in the UK.
- 2010‑03‑02:
A neutral collaboration point for everyone involved in "Teaching Open Source".
- 2010‑03‑02:
One in four chiropractors under investigation for false advertising because they sued Simon Singh for calling them "bogus".
- 2010‑03‑02:
The Cambridge tartan.
- 2010‑03‑02:
Packrat parsers can support left recursion.
- 2010‑03‑01:
Apple's successor to the iPad.
- 2010‑03‑01:
Addressing the outmoded swapping and paging strategy in Mac OS X.
- 2010‑03‑01:
Inside the iPad A4 chip.
- 2010‑03‑01:
ENISA's guide to deploying DNSSEC.
- 2010‑03‑01:
California wages war against the great evil that is flavoured vodka.
- 2010‑02‑27:
The Munich taxicab experiment - risk compensation and anti-lock brakes.
- 2010‑02‑25:
Using, not losing, your head regarding cycle helmets.
- 2010‑02‑25:
Like, Python. (heh)
- 2010‑02‑25:
FastMail's clever webmail session handling.
- 2010‑02‑25:
The film companies keep telling you pirated DVDs are worse, hoping you won't find out they are better.
- 2010‑02‑24:
Taking pictures of your own children is paedophilia according to the Bridges Shopping Centre in Sunderland.
- 2010‑02‑24:
What is a big salary?
- 2010‑02‑24:
Stéphane Bortzmeyer on the OpenDNS / DNScurve absurdity.
- 2010‑02‑23:
Comcast announces their DNSSEC deployment timeline and customer trials.
- 2010‑02‑23:
OpenDNS adopts DNScurve - WTF? no-one else will.
- 2010‑02‑23:
Bjørn Lomborg is a liar and a fraud.
- 2010‑02‑23:
You can be arrested for photography because it is suspicious and anti-social, say the police.
- 2010‑02‑23:
Radio 4 - Analysis - Failing better - excellent programme about evidence-based policy.
- 2010‑02‑22:
Design and implementation of mobile client support in SSH.
- 2010‑02‑22:
tmux: OpenBSD's replacement for GNU screen.
- 2010‑02‑22:
- 2010‑02‑22:
USA penalises other countries for supporting open source procurement.
- 2010‑02‑21:
The Medieval Unicode Font Initiative.
- 2010‑02‑21:
ConScript Unicode Registry - code point allocations for artificial scripts in the Unicode private use area.
- 2010‑02‑21:
Meta-programming in Lua.
- 2010‑02‑19:
How to configure BIND to automatically sign dynamic-update zones for DNSSEC.
- 2010‑02‑18:
Nice picture from a Sinclair C5 meet in Cambridge this week.
- 2010‑02‑18:
RFC 5782: DNS blacklists and whitelists.
- 2010‑02‑18:
Wall Street's bail-out hustle - how they returned to profitability so fast.
- 2010‑02‑18:
Cambridge buses no longer so confident about when the misguided busway will open.
- 2010‑02‑18:
Petition against imprisonment of children seeking asylum in the UK.
- 2010‑02‑18:
Measuring the gravitational red-shift predicted by general relativity using a caesium atom interferometer.
- 2010‑02‑16:
Bertrand Meyer on IEEE 754's non-reflexive equality predicate.
- 2010‑02‑16:
Layar: mobile augmented reality browser.
- 2010‑02‑16:
Migrating Haskell code from the uvector to vector library.
- 2010‑02‑16:
BBC Radio 4 Saturday Play 20 Feb 2010: Murder in Samarkand.
- 2010‑02‑15:
Reworking Python's global interpreter lock.
- 2010‑02‑15:
SpamAssassin ticket for adding support for the Spamhaus DBL.
- 2010‑02‑15:
The Spamhaus domain block list - to be launched on 1st March 2010.
- 2010‑02‑15:
How to configure secure NTP.
- 2010‑02‑15:
How Python's global interpreter lock hurts performance worse than you expect.
- 2010‑02‑12:
Notes on the resolution and other details of the human eye.
- 2010‑02‑11:
Chip and PIN is broken, says the Cambridge computer lab security group.
- 2010‑02‑11:
Sign the petition for UK libel law reform!
- 2010‑02‑11:
Changes to .com/.net/.edu name servers in preparation for DNSSEC.
- 2010‑02‑10:
SolidDNS secondary nameserver service supporting DNSSEC and IPv6.
- 2010‑02‑10:
Pothole gardens.
- 2010‑02‑10:
Monitoring the performance of the 100-year-old clock in the Great Court of Trinity College, Cambridge.
- 2010‑02‑10:
Roll over and die? Problems with key rollover in DNSSEC.
- 2010‑02‑10:
Tracing the meta level: PyPy's tracing JIT compiler.
- 2010‑02‑10:
The Journal of Craptology.
- 2010‑02‑10:
Romantic cryptography - if XKCD were an academic paper...?
- 2010‑02‑09:
How climate change skeptics propagated lies about the UEA CRU emails.
- 2010‑02‑08:
Peppersmith natural chewing gum.
- 2010‑02‑08:
Static detection of race conditions in Erlang.
- 2010‑02‑06:
A principled, complete, and efficient representation of C++.
- 2010‑02‑05:
Measuring DNS transfer sizes: first results.
- 2010‑02‑03:
What Second Life can teach you about scaling Web apps.
- 2010‑02‑03:
Problems allocating from polluted IPv4 address space.
- 2010‑02‑03:
Pollution in the last few unallocated blocks of IPv4 address space.
- 2010‑02‑03:
Bert's bad idea BOF.
- 2010‑02‑03:
Improving TCP security with robust cookies.
- 2010‑02‑02:
A discussion about implementing the Game of Life in Haskell.
- 2010‑02‑02:
Facebook announces the open source release of their PHP to C++ compiler, HipHop.
- 2010‑02‑02:
Quasiquoting for Haskell.
- 2010‑02‑02:
Parsifal validating XML parser written in C.
- 2010‑02‑02:
Clare Short says Tony Blair lied and misled parliament in the build-up to the Iraq war.
- 2010‑02‑02:
Evolution of adaptive behaviour in robots by means of Darwinian selection.
- 2010‑02‑02:
Boolean grammars.
- 2010‑02‑01:
LGBT History Month in Cambridgeshire - council buildings are flying the rainbow flag.
- 2010‑01‑30:
Initial .uk DNSSEC rollout to happen in March.
- 2010‑01‑29:
Old-world vs new-world computers.
- 2010‑01‑28:
Google says unicode nears 50% of the web.
- 2010‑01‑28:
How Google Chrome protects itself from browser extension vulnerabilities.
- 2010‑01‑28:
How to fail a PhD.
- 2010‑01‑28:
Honey, I Shrunk Steve Jobs!
- 2010‑01‑28:
Panopticlick: how unique and trackable is your browser?
- 2010‑01‑28:
Markus Kuhn's One-Time Passwords.
- 2010‑01‑28:
Steve Gibson's Perfect Paper Passwords.
- 2010‑01‑28:
Cambridgeshire Architecture Gazette, the newsletter of the Cambridge Association of Architects.
- 2010‑01‑27:
DNS-OARC stats covering the DURZ switch-on.
- 2010‑01‑27: statistics.
- 2010‑01‑27: has nearly 15,000 DNSSEC delegations from the .cz TLD.
- 2010‑01‑26:
British newspapers make things up and publish them as if they were true.
- 2010‑01‑26:
North-West Cambridge development plans.
- 2010‑01‑26:
Bryan Cantrill does not like transactional memory.
- 2010‑01‑26:
P2P copyright enforcement can be blatantly incorrect and maliciously gamed.
- 2010‑01‑26:
IKEA LackRack 19" table / server housing.
- 2010‑01‑25:
More details about root zone DNSSEC deployment, including precise transition times.
- 2010‑01‑25:
The Public Domain Manifesto.
- 2010‑01‑22:
Top Google search result for each Unicode character.
- 2010‑01‑22:
Number 10 responds to postcode database petition with a lengthy content-free brush-off.
- 2010‑01‑22:
The Fantom programming language.
- 2010‑01‑21:
A million-user comet application with Mochiweb.
- 2010‑01‑21:
Stair Porn.
- 2010‑01‑21:
Runtime object devirtualization: improving JIT compiler performance by inlining virtual function calls and memory accesses.
- 2010‑01‑21:
French anti-piracy organisation Hadopi uses a pirated font in its logo.
- 2010‑01‑21:
Systems of units of measurement defined such that certain universal physical constants are normalized to 1.
- 2010‑01‑21:
The electric unicycle.
- 2010‑01‑21:
LuaJIT 2.0 reaches sponsorship goal for x68-64 port.
- 2010‑01‑21:
Man buried by Haiti earthquake survives using iPhone for first aid advice.
- 2010‑01‑20:
Church of England parish finder and map.
- 2010‑01‑20:
The era of black boxes.
- 2010‑01‑20:
Let Over Lambda - a "hardcore" book about macro programming in Common Lisp.
- 2010‑01‑20:
"Matters Computational" - a book containing a lot of bitwise hacks amongst other things.
- 2010‑01‑18:
Nancy Reagan celebrates christmas with Mr T.
- 2010‑01‑18:
How not to hinder Haiti.
- 2010‑01‑18:
Nick Clegg's speech on science and politics to the Royal Society.
- 2010‑01‑18:
The Cambridge Evening News asks which party you will vote for in the general election.
- 2010‑01‑17:
Collective hallucinations and inefficient markets: the British railway mania of the 1840s.
- 2010‑01‑15:
Virbl virus senders blacklist now lists IPv6 addresses.
- 2010‑01‑14:
Root zone DNSSEC status update, 2010-01-14.
- 2010‑01‑14:
Cambridge traffic regulation orders.
- 2010‑01‑14:
Toppling a bogus-diploma empire of fraudulent "universities".
- 2010‑01‑14:
AOL's postmaster team laid off en masse.
- 2010‑01‑12:
UK "anti-terror" arbitrary stop and search law ruled illegal by European Court of Human Rights.
- 2010‑01‑12:
Who is your liberal voice of the year?
- 2010‑01‑11:
Capsicum: capability-secure sandboxing for FreeBSD.
- 2010‑01‑08:
Google's book scanning technology revealed.
- 2010‑01‑08:
Mercator Ocean maps and forecasts of ocean currents and temperatures, etc.
- 2010‑01‑07:
Fitzwilliam College Cambridge offers place to 14-year-old.
- 2010‑01‑07:
Johann Hari on the last years of summer ice in the Arctic.
- 2010‑01‑07:
Gulf Stream temporarily stopped warming Northern Europe last week.
- 2010‑01‑07:
Amazing satellite image of snow across Britain on 7th January 2010.
- 2010‑01‑06:
Details of Microsoft Outlook 2007 auto account setup (in the absence of autodiscover support from the server).
- 2010‑01‑06:
Unison claims to be "the best usenet browser".
- 2010‑01‑06:
Cambridge to be testing ground for ID cards.
- 2010‑01‑05:
Fabrice Bellard broke the world record for computing the digits of pi on 31 Dec 2009.
- 2010‑01‑02:
The basic laws of human stupidity.