Tony Finch – link log
2002 2003 2004 2005 2006 2007 2008 2009 2010 2011 2012 2013 2014 2015 2016 2017 2018 2019 2020 2021 2022 2023 2024 2025
- 2011‑12‑31:
Audiofools and the need to feel special.
- 2011‑12‑31:
Raiders of the lost archives. (YouTube)
- 2011‑12‑31:
The dangerous effects of reading.
- 2011‑12‑31:
A proposal to stress-test implementations of C++11 concurrency.
- 2011‑12‑30:
Just ordered a ladle from Amazon ...
- 2011‑12‑30:
The myth of Japan's lost decades.
- 2011‑12‑30:
Bruce Lee plays pingpong and lights matches with nunchuks.
- 2011‑12‑30:
What's the deal with RC4?
- 2011‑12‑30:
Visualizing Reddit ranking with a bumps chart.
- 2011‑12‑30:
Mob response - think before you weigh in.
- 2011‑12‑30:
RED in a different light: Van Jacobson on active queue management.
- 2011‑12‑30:
Take your DNSSEC with a pinch of salt: how authenticated denial of existence works.
- 2011‑12‑30:
Why movie revenue is dropping.
- 2011‑12‑30:
Brute forcing Wi-Fi Protected Setup.
- 2011‑12‑30:
The coming war on general-purpose computation.
- 2011‑12‑30:
High quality education in Finland.
- 2011‑12‑30:
Can you explain why ++[[]][+[]]+[+[]] = 10 in JavaScript?
- 2011‑12‑30:
The development of a storm surge barrier control system - revisiting the seven myths of formal methods.
- 2011‑12‑30:
Fair use vs appropriation in contemporary art.
- 2011‑12‑30:
Augmented reality with Processing: a tutorial.
- 2011‑12‑30:
The incredible true story of the collar bomb heist.
- 2011‑12‑30:
Some particularly stupid patents.
- 2011‑12‑30:
The web browser platform should be radically refactored.
- 2011‑12‑30:
California's equal marriage ban leads to constitutional challenge on tax raising restrictions.
- 2011‑12‑30:
Digital fireplace.
- 2011‑12‑30:
Remake: photographic reconstructions of classic art.
- 2011‑12‑30:
What hackers learn that the rest of us don't: notes on a hacker curriculum.
- 2011‑12‑30:
Occupy Babel explain LANGSEC in a few slogans.
- 2011‑12‑29:
Dot-dash-diss: The gentleman hacker's 1903 lulz.
- 2011‑12‑29:
Radical honesty.
- 2011‑12‑28:
Unofficial LEGO advanced building techniques guide.
- 2011‑12‑28:
Maize rootworm evolves to resist Monsanto Bt corn.
- 2011‑12‑28:
Google+ fingering profile pictures.
- 2011‑12‑28:
"Blue hour" twilight photography.
- 2011‑12‑27:
Lessons from suppressing research.
- 2011‑12‑27:
The coming retail apocalypse.
- 2011‑12‑27:
Launching the Kindle Fire in its current state was a mistake.
- 2011‑12‑27:
The dumbest idea in the world: maximizing shareholder value.
- 2011‑12‑27:
Why (and how) we've switched from Google Maps to Open Street Map.
- 2011‑12‑27:
The amazing power of deflationary economics for startups.
- 2011‑12‑27:
HTTP status dogs.
- 2011‑12‑26:
GoDaddy breaks ICANN rules by delaying domain transfers.
- 2011‑12‑26:
GoDaddy: A glimpse of the Internet under SOPA.
- 2011‑12‑26:
ByeDaddy: find out if a domain is registered with GoDaddy.
- 2011‑12‑26:
The status of Cambridge and the Lucasian Chair of mathematics when Newton was appointed.
- 2011‑12‑25:
James Bond: you know the rules, and so does he.
- 2011‑12‑25:
Why didn't Thorium molten salt reactors happen?
- 2011‑12‑24:
John Carmac on the value of static code analysis.
- 2011‑12‑23:
Yossi Kreinin's history with Forth and stack machines.
- 2011‑12‑23:
One teachers approach to preventing gender bullying in a classroom.
- 2011‑12‑23:
Five things Roger Ebert taught me about criticizing programming languages.
- 2011‑12‑23:
Forty things about writing.
- 2011‑12‑23:
A Christmas message from America's rich.
- 2011‑12‑23:
Programming with technological ritual and alchemy.
- 2011‑12‑22:
Step-by-step guide to transferring your domains away from GoDaddy.
- 2011‑12‑22:
Folding cup eliminates need for plastic lids.
- 2011‑12‑22:
Multiple sclerosis is a metabolic disorder, not an autoimmune disease.
- 2011‑12‑22:
Convicted for words not deeds.
- 2011‑12‑22:
Why not to expose your VM bytecode.
- 2011‑12‑22:
Why do humans menstruate when most mammals do not?
- 2011‑12‑22:
Smoke screening: how airport security accomplishes nothing, at enormous cost.
- 2011‑12‑22:
Police militarization and the war on drugs.
- 2011‑12‑22:
Thatcher state funeral should be privatised.
- 2011‑12‑22:
JavaScript as a first language.
- 2011‑12‑22:
How Harvey Mudd College increased female compsci enrolment to 40%.
- 2011‑12‑22:
20 JavaScript showcase sites of 2011.
- 2011‑12‑22:
Jurors in New York need to know they can say no.
- 2011‑12‑22:
Dropping a magnet through a copper pipe.
- 2011‑12‑21:
Mozilla secures continued funding from Google search revenue.
- 2011‑12‑21:
Stories from North Korea by Kim Jong Il's Russian tutor.
- 2011‑12‑21:
Unfortunate Python features to avoid.
- 2011‑12‑21:
There is no formal legal means in Texas to confess to a crime for which someone else has been convicted.
- 2011‑12‑21:
Zombie Borders.
- 2011‑12‑21:
Interview with ARM co-founder John Biggs.
- 2011‑12‑21:
Five reasons why Trey Ratcliff doesn't care if his photos are pirated.
- 2011‑12‑21:
A secret that Big Shaving has kept from you.
- 2011‑12‑21:
Worst (and some best) Xmas happenings.
- 2011‑12‑20:
An Indian inventor disrupts the period industry.
- 2011‑12‑19:
Roller derby breastfeeding.
- 2011‑12‑19:
A case for using CoffeeScript.
- 2011‑12‑19:
Visualizing device utilization.
- 2011‑12‑19:
- 2011‑12‑19:
Lego is for girls - or should be.
- 2011‑12‑19:
Federated account management using SAML and Shibboleth.
- 2011‑12‑19:
Republic Lost: how government centralization and expansion puts democracy in the service of special interests.
- 2011‑12‑19:
Prof David Nutt: science and non-science in drug policy. (23 Jan @ Churchill Coll)
- 2011‑12‑19:
The changing face of the Lego minifigure.
- 2011‑12‑19:
Collection of light: an LED taxonomy like an insect collection.
- 2011‑12‑19:
Bradshaw's descriptive railway handbook: an 1860s tourist guide.
- 2011‑12‑19:
Britain's ghost trains.
- 2011‑12‑19:
CoffeeScript is not a language worth knowing.
- 2011‑12‑19:
Progress with the HTTP cookie opt-in consent regulations.
- 2011‑12‑19:
The node.js aesthetic.
- 2011‑12‑19:
Why CloudKick switched from Twisted Python to node.js.
- 2011‑12‑19:
The orbit of the Moon around the Sun is convex!
- 2011‑12‑19:
The recording industry likes to make its supporters look like assholes.
- 2011‑12‑18:
Lord of the Buns: Tim Hayward and why saving Fitzbillies matters.
- 2011‑12‑18:
PHP's problem: "no design and no plan".
- 2011‑12‑18:
Goodbye World! The perils of relying on output streams in C. (video)
- 2011‑12‑17:
Institutional memory, engineering archaeology, and reverse corporate espionage.
- 2011‑12‑17:
GNU/Linux distribution timeline.
- 2011‑12‑17:
POSIX close(2) is broken.
- 2011‑12‑17:
A history of source code control in ten innovations.
- 2011‑12‑16:
- 2011‑12‑16:
UDUNITS: a library for manipulation of units of measurement.
- 2011‑12‑16:
Anagram tube map.
- 2011‑12‑16:
The surprise exam, and more surprises.
- 2011‑12‑16:
GPU-accelerated RSA.
- 2011‑12‑16:
A review of "Unjustifiable Risk? The Story of British Climbing".
- 2011‑12‑16:
Why programmers work at night.
- 2011‑12‑16:
Sun Java JDK evicted from Ubuntu following security vulnerability and withdrawal of licence by Oracle.
- 2011‑12‑16:
Lego has lost its gender-neutral creativity.
- 2011‑12‑16:
Fantasy armour and lady bits.
- 2011‑12‑15:
Bug prediction at Google.
- 2011‑12‑15:
CarrierIQ: the real story.
- 2011‑12‑15:
Elevator algorithms.
- 2011‑12‑15:
Best YA GLBTQ books of the year.
- 2011‑12‑15:
A review of MoonScript, CoffeeScript-style syntactic sugar for Lua.
- 2011‑12‑15:
Quel est le sexe des RFC ?
- 2011‑12‑14:
GlobalSign web server compromise incident report.
- 2011‑12‑14:
Long-form journalism highlights of the year.
- 2011‑12‑14:
Cheap PID-controlled espresso machine. (Kickstarter)
- 2011‑12‑14:
Louis C.K. on the production costs and profitability of his DRM-free comedy video.
- 2011‑12‑14:
Some iOS apps for children.
- 2011‑12‑14:
HTTP status cats.
- 2011‑12‑13:
IBM CMS "Hartmann" pipelines.
- 2011‑12‑13:
The Fox News approach to charting unemployment.
- 2011‑12‑13:
As expected, retreat of arctic ice leads to extensive methane plumes.
- 2011‑12‑13:
NOtES: nano-scale biomimicry for secure optical effects on cash.
- 2011‑12‑13:
Using augmented reality to show what it is like to have anomalous colour vision.
- 2011‑12‑13:
Statistical analysis of widespread Russian electoral fraud.
- 2011‑12‑13:
Vim: revisited.
- 2011‑12‑12:
Megaupload to sue Universal Music for false DMCA takedown.
- 2011‑12‑12:
The growth of the NYC commuter cycling indicator.
- 2011‑12‑12:
STFU about what women want.
- 2011‑12‑12:
Do not go rioting with remaining eye.
- 2011‑12‑12:
A skyscraper without windows: the AT&T long lines building at 33 Thomas St in Manhattan.
- 2011‑12‑12:
EU bans export of thiopental for use in executions.
- 2011‑12‑12:
DNSSEC validating stub resolver NSS plugin for glibc.
- 2011‑12‑12:
Kindle Touch jailbreak via JavaScript in an ID3 tag.
- 2011‑12‑12:
Why Spotify can never be profitable: the secret demands of record labels.
- 2011‑12‑11:
Tanenbaum's law vs. SETI.
- 2011‑12‑10:
Come bellringing in Cambridge on BBC Four.
- 2011‑12‑10:
The moment that David Cameron lost his argument at the EU summit.
- 2011‑12‑10:
René Carmille: founder of the French national statistics service, hero of the résistance, and hacker of IBM punched cards.
- 2011‑12‑10:
How to dispel your illusions: Freeman Dyson reviews "thinking, fast and slow" by Daniel Kahneman.
- 2011‑12‑10:
A BBC Micro for the 21st Century?
- 2011‑12‑10:
The deepening Fermi paradox.
- 2011‑12‑10:
Getting value for money from cloud computing.
- 2011‑12‑10:
RIAA musicians promote "rogue site" Megaupload. (Plus interesting business plan.)
- 2011‑12‑09:
Australian exceptionalism.
- 2011‑12‑09:
Painting the Forth Bridge now finished.
- 2011‑12‑09:
Producing documents by programming in Postscript.
- 2011‑12‑09:
The Crunchpad is proof that the iPad design is obvious.
- 2011‑12‑09:
Cory Doctorow reviews "how to fix copyright" by William Patry.
- 2011‑12‑09:
WebOS goes open source.
- 2011‑12‑09:
Apple using patents to undermine open web standards again.
- 2011‑12‑09:
New ice cream flavour: cookies and e. coli.
- 2011‑12‑09:
An infographic describing the criminal enterprise of counterfeit drug spam.
- 2011‑12‑09:
Popular xmas songs by decade of recording - UK version of today's XKCD.
- 2011‑12‑09:
Deutsch Bahn ICE channel tunnel service delayed until 2015 owing to late arrival of trains.
- 2011‑12‑09:
Buffer bloat: what's wrong with the Internet? - ACM Queue
- 2011‑12‑09:
US immigration and customs enforceme unjust domain name seizure processes.
- 2011‑12‑09:
An end to UK student loan phishing spam?
- 2011‑12‑09:
Results of UK publicly funded research will be open access.
- 2011‑12‑08:
DNSSEC deployment status at Comcast.
- 2011‑12‑08:
Understanding prototypes in Javascript.
- 2011‑12‑08:
Dutch government X.509 CA KPN Gemnet hacked via PHP MyAdmin.
- 2011‑12‑08:
Some pictures of the St Pancras Lego christmas tree.
- 2011‑12‑08:
Lads' mags use the same misogynist language as rapists to describe women.
- 2011‑12‑08:
Cambridge Noir.
- 2011‑12‑07:
Mandelbrot beats economics at modelling markets.
- 2011‑12‑07:
Corruption and dumbing down in exam boards.
- 2011‑12‑07:
Truly open data.
- 2011‑12‑07:
Who looked at /etc/motd on ubuntu and thought, HEY, I KNOW WHAT THIS NEEDS - SHELL SCRIPTS!?
- 2011‑12‑07:
Exploiting holes in deeper security layers of Intel CPUs.
- 2011‑12‑07:
git gets easier once you get the basic idea that branches are homeomorphic endofunctors mapping submanifolds of a Hilbert space.
- 2011‑12‑07:
Is your logo design phallic?
- 2011‑12‑07:
"I like to urge designers to always ask themselves, does this logo look like a penis?"
- 2011‑12‑07:
More news: C|Net bundles adware trojans with free software.
- 2011‑12‑07:
Google has raised the bar for intelligence gathering.
- 2011‑12‑06:
Piumarta's cola: combined object/lambda architecture.
- 2011‑12‑06:
The Kernel programming language: first class fexprs.
- 2011‑12‑06:
Bringing a Norwich Pharmacal order as a litigant-in-person to identify a nasty online troll.
- 2011‑12‑06:
The curious case of
- 2011‑12‑06:
C|Net bundles trojan adware with free software downloads.
- 2011‑12‑06:
PayPal says Christmas is for sick cats not poor people.
- 2011‑12‑06:
Busway car traps are the new rising bollards.
- 2011‑12‑06:
The Eurozone's terrible mistake: to guarantee banks' foolish lending.
- 2011‑12‑05:
What do you do when an entire system of laws is flouted and unenforced?
- 2011‑12‑05:
How integers should work in systems programming languages.
- 2011‑12‑05:
American Christmas devil is coming!
- 2011‑12‑05:
The discovery of dolphin language.
- 2011‑12‑05:
Botnets in the UK: spam and hi-tech crime.
- 2011‑12‑05:
Bulls Dairies - a preserved sign in Cambridge.
- 2011‑12‑05:
Anti-Grain Geometry - accurate text rasterization.
- 2011‑12‑05:
Animated Bézier curves in SVG.
- 2011‑12‑05:
Cubic spline & bezier curves library.
- 2011‑12‑05:
Hermite curve interpolation.
- 2011‑12‑05:
Bezier curves - a primer.
- 2011‑12‑05:
What powers Instagram.
- 2011‑12‑04:
British public life is 78% male or worse.
- 2011‑12‑04:
On the feasibility of maglev monorails.
- 2011‑12‑04:
How Rachel Aaron went from writing 2000 to 10,000 words a day.
- 2011‑12‑04:
A programming language for DNA-based computing.
- 2011‑12‑04:
A review of "don't take no for an answer" on the Yes to AV campaign.
- 2011‑12‑04:
Moving from SVN to Git in 1,000 easy steps!
- 2011‑12‑04:
Has Mozilla lost its Google search revenue?
- 2011‑12‑04:
Damn you autocorrect: top 25 of the year.
- 2011‑12‑04:
The medical loss ratio: the bomb buried In Obamacare explodes today, Hallelujah!
- 2011‑12‑04:
Beall's list of predatory "open-access" vanity publishers.
- 2011‑12‑03:
The great Ivy League nude posture photo scandal.
- 2011‑12‑03:
How Google killed the long tail of search ad keywords.
- 2011‑12‑03:
This site's domain name has been stolen.
- 2011‑12‑03:
Doug McIlroy's guide to Research Unix.
- 2011‑12‑02:
The strange birth and long life of Unix.
- 2011‑12‑02:
Dutch anti-piracy campaign and collection agency caught in big copyright infringement and corruption scandal.
- 2011‑12‑02:
Skeuomorphism in iOS: the opiate of the people.
- 2011‑12‑02:
Microsoft Windows Server 2003 lack-of support for DNAME.
- 2011‑12‑02:
Eleven charts on inequality in America.
- 2011‑12‑02:
How Republicans are being taught to talk about Occupy Wall Street.
- 2011‑12‑02:
Email problems at UC Berkeley.
- 2011‑12‑02:
Will Abellio, Dutch operator of East Anglian rail franchise, improve cycle parking at Cambridge?
- 2011‑12‑01:
Carrier IQ usage tracking on iPhones, and how to turn it off.
- 2011‑12‑01:
A Lua DLZ back end for BIND.
- 2011‑12‑01:
DNSSEC: how to deploy it, and why you should bother.
- 2011‑12‑01:
How cleaning up the DNSChanger malware highlights the law's control over the IP address registries.
- 2011‑12‑01:
Learning modern 3D graphics programming.
- 2011‑12‑01:
Do data caps punish the wrong users?
- 2011‑11‑30:
Software in the Public Interest associated projects.
- 2011‑11‑30:
Frink: a programming language that knows about units of measurement.
- 2011‑11‑30:
Ben Collins-Sussman on the ASF/git debate: "your community is not your tools".
- 2011‑11‑30:
Amazing glass staircase wrapped around a huge cylindrical aquarium.
- 2011‑11‑30:
Royal Flying Corps trainee Graham Donald tries a new manoeuvre with his Sopwith Camel.
- 2011‑11‑30:
Norman Matloff's R programming language page.
- 2011‑11‑30:
Making sure your site can be read by a screen reader just got a whole lot more important, wouldn't you say?
- 2011‑11‑30:
Amusing bug: can't type lowercase e on Amazon EC2 Linux server.
- 2011‑11‑30:
Mary Beard on the Oxbridge interview.
- 2011‑11‑30:
RFC 6441: time to remove /8 bogon filters.
- 2011‑11‑30:
"My head teacher won't let me teach computing."
- 2011‑11‑30:
Wikipedia on the Intercity Express Programme for new trains and electrified lines.
- 2011‑11‑30:
Cambridge to get faster trains, up from 160 to 200 km/h.
- 2011‑11‑30:
Monadic region-based resource management.
- 2011‑11‑30:
Why one company is switching back from Scala to Java.
- 2011‑11‑30:
Reddit discusses "simple made easy".
- 2011‑11‑29:
Rich Hickey: simple made easy.
- 2011‑11‑29:
Hank Paulson's inside jobs.
- 2011‑11‑29:
There should never, ever be even a trace of the supernatural in the world of Scooby-Doo.
- 2011‑11‑29:
ACLs in SQL for Geeklog2.
- 2011‑11‑29:
How to build role-based access control in SQL.
- 2011‑11‑29:
HTTP Strict-Transport-Security: protection against TLS stripping attacks.
- 2011‑11‑29:
Certificate transparency: public audit logs for TLS.
- 2011‑11‑29:
GitHub is the shape of things to come, but the Apache Software Foundation still has a role.
- 2011‑11‑29:
Node.js is the most popular repo on GitHub.
- 2011‑11‑29:
DNS DNAME is almost useless.
- 2011‑11‑29:
A standard is open when it has an active open source implementation.
- 2011‑11‑29:
Thinking of impact as re-use could be key to uniting funders and researchers behind open research.
- 2011‑11‑29:
The real climategate.
- 2011‑11‑29:
Idiomatic Python: code like a Pythonista.
- 2011‑11‑29:
A basic tutorial on the pragmatics of Python.
- 2011‑11‑29:
Some equations computer scientists should (at least pretend to) know.
- 2011‑11‑29:
NPR interviews biographer of Hedy Lamarr, inventor of spread spectrum radio.
- 2011‑11‑29:
Matrix multiplication is O(n^2.373).
- 2011‑11‑29:
John Bercow's arms have an LGBT motto.
- 2011‑11‑28:
Publishers are cutting their own throats by requiring DRM on ebooks.
- 2011‑11‑28:
The death of Flash was eight years in the making.
- 2011‑11‑28:
Cumbria police killed a man by repeated tasering.
- 2011‑11‑28:
What a lender of last resort looks like: the Federal Reserve and Morgan Stanley.
- 2011‑11‑28:
"The Dick Night" featuring Frank Miller.
- 2011‑11‑28:
US Senate voting whether to allow indefinite military detention of US citizens without charge or trial.
- 2011‑11‑28:
The rise and fall of Bitcoin.
- 2011‑11‑28:
Male comic-book superheroes drawn like female ones.
- 2011‑11‑28:
The King James bible, still in copyright in the UK after 400 years.
- 2011‑11‑28:
libfaketime: a preload library that reports fake time to programs without having to change the system-wide time.
- 2011‑11‑28:
Toy advertising and gender stereotypes.
- 2011‑11‑28:
Burzynski clinic "cancer cure" quacks learn about the Streisand Effect from a school boy.
- 2011‑11‑28:
A century of reactionary deceit fromt he copyright industry.
- 2011‑11‑28:
Companies that ban Facebook are 30% more likely to have IT security breaches.
- 2011‑11‑28:
LLVM 3.0 type system rewrite.
- 2011‑11‑28:
Roll over, Frank Miller: or, why Occupy Wall Street is better than the Spartans.
- 2011‑11‑28:
Alan Moore: meet the man behind the protest mask.
- 2011‑11‑27:
How Spotify works.
- 2011‑11‑27:
Pre-fabricated energy-saving homes from Hanse-Haus.
- 2011‑11‑27:
Modern houses in Cambridgeshire.
- 2011‑11‑26:
This stupid new housing policy takes us back to the glory days of Northern Rock.
- 2011‑11‑26:
Mirth helps correct cognitive errors.
- 2011‑11‑26:
HDCP cracked using leaked master key and cheap FPGA.
- 2011‑11‑26:
Your moons are rubbish, astronomer tells Christmas card artists.
- 2011‑11‑26:
Ten things to know about the King James bible.
- 2011‑11‑25:
Daily Mail trying to force Leveson enquiry to reveal who is criticising the tabloids.
- 2011‑11‑25:
Chronic Fatigue Syndrome and the CDC: a long, tangled tale.
- 2011‑11‑25:
Evangelical churches in UK killing people with HIV by convincing them to stop taking medicine.
- 2011‑11‑25:
Peter Losher from the ISC talks about running root DNS servers.
- 2011‑11‑25:
Cory Doctorow on cold-brewed coffee.
- 2011‑11‑25:
The Times and the Daily Mail attack a support group for victims of press intrusion.
- 2011‑11‑25:
Three dying platforms: Flash, Silverlight, Win32.
- 2011‑11‑25:
Good footage of American football is an NFL trade secret.
- 2011‑11‑24:
What's wrong with OKCupid's matching algorithm.
- 2011‑11‑24:
A more detailed summary of the ECJ decision against court orders that require indiscriminate filtering by ISPs.
- 2011‑11‑24:
Air Traffic Control marches into the 1990s with new X.400 deployments!
- 2011‑11‑24:
Prevalence of swearing in the Guardian, 1999-2009.
- 2011‑11‑24:
European Court of Justice decision limits ability of member states to turn ISPs into copyright police.
- 2011‑11‑23:
World's tallest Lego Christmas tree at St Pancras: 12 metres, 3 tonnes.
- 2011‑11‑23:
Apache Software Foundation considered harmful.
- 2011‑11‑23:
Google TLS services now support forward secrecy for Firefox and Chrome users.
- 2011‑11‑23:
Porting TeX to the iPad.
- 2011‑11‑23:
After this experiment we reckon the vodka tampon is an urban myth.
- 2011‑11‑23:
Transactional memory in gcc 4.7+.
- 2011‑11‑23:
New York reporters meet the fists of the law.
- 2011‑11‑23:
Open source (almost) everything.
- 2011‑11‑23:
The Atlantic's online ad revenue surpasses print.
- 2011‑11‑22:
Is SpaceX changing the rocket equation?
- 2011‑11‑22:
Leave the history curriculum alone but teach it for longer.
- 2011‑11‑22:
What's wrong with #firstworldproblems.
- 2011‑11‑22:
Hospital patients forced to watch continuous message from Andrew Lansley, or pay £5 a day to a private company.
- 2011‑11‑22:
Monopolistic tendencies in the domain name system.
- 2011‑11‑22:
David Frum asks, when did Republicans lose touch with reality?
- 2011‑11‑22:
How the automatic gearbox nearly killed off the sperm whale.
- 2011‑11‑22:
Full disk encryption is too good, complain digital CSI teams, demanding more research to make it stronger.
- 2011‑11‑21:
What is pepper spray and what harm does it do?
- 2011‑11‑21:
Café threatened for unauthorized use of hobbit.
- 2011‑11‑21:
Neelie Kroes, EU commission VP for the digital agenda: "trying to enforce copyright has not stemmed piracy".
- 2011‑11‑21:
Iceland let the creditors of its banks hang. Ireland did not. Good for Iceland!
- 2011‑11‑21:
Sovereign Keys: a proposal to make TLS more secure.
- 2011‑11‑20:
Journals are the dinosaurs of academia.
- 2011‑11‑20:
How the police treat abuse of women and minorities online.
- 2011‑11‑20:
Improve diversity by making recruitment more objectively meritocratic.
- 2011‑11‑20:
How the San Francisco Ruby meetup grew from 2% to 18% women.
- 2011‑11‑20:
Militarized police treat prisoners better than students in California.
- 2011‑11‑20:
Cleggmania round two?
- 2011‑11‑20:
Cassandra's curse: how "The Limits to Growth" was demonized.
- 2011‑11‑20:
Seven misunderstandings about classical architecture.
- 2011‑11‑20:
Most laser printers add a tracking watermark to every page they print.
- 2011‑11‑20:
eWAVE: the world atlas of varieties of English - online.
- 2011‑11‑19:
Demonstrating should not be not a crime.
- 2011‑11‑19:
One third of Americans are below the poverty line or just scraping by.
- 2011‑11‑19:
Occupy HOPE.
- 2011‑11‑19:
Clayton Christensen: how pursuit of profits kills innovation and the U.S. economy.
- 2011‑11‑19:
Phonological change in English: the trap-bath split.
- 2011‑11‑19:
Modest dressing.
- 2011‑11‑19:
Declassified 7000 sq.m. nuclear bunker 65m under Moscow.
- 2011‑11‑19:
How tabloids treat your family if you speak against their evil acts.
- 2011‑11‑19:
Thoughts and ideas about teaching computing in school.
- 2011‑11‑19:
How to fix copyright, by William Patry of Google.
- 2011‑11‑19:
A review of the Kindle Fire.
- 2011‑11‑19:
The systemd journal: a syslog replacement for Fedora.
- 2011‑11‑18:
The Hotel Silken Puerta América in Madrid - different design and architecture on each floor.
- 2011‑11‑18:
An experiment in extreme schooling at the Moscow New Humanitarian.
- 2011‑11‑18:
The top ten supercomputers, illustrated.
- 2011‑11‑18:
The United States Supreme Court has another chance to reverse the mission creep in patent law - Prometheus vs Mayo.
- 2011‑11‑18:
In praise of clutter and paper.
- 2011‑11‑18:
Are you reading too much? (Am I?!)
- 2011‑11‑18:
"The police tried to provoke people to react violently [...] but we all supported one another and prevented the police from causing a riot."
- 2011‑11‑18:
poll() vs select()
- 2011‑11‑18:
On the Google WiFi mapping opt-out.
- 2011‑11‑18:
The NTP nanokernel.
- 2011‑11‑18:
Martian Time FAQ.
- 2011‑11‑17:
Optimization tricks used by the lockless allocator.
- 2011‑11‑17:
NeverWet coatings are superhydrophobic surfaces.
- 2011‑11‑17:
Graphene improves lithium-ion battery capacity and recharge rate ten times.
- 2011‑11‑17:
The mouse trap: the dangers of using one lab animal to study every disease.
- 2011‑11‑17:
Teaching good sex.
- 2011‑11‑17:
Windows 8 secure boot is not secure.
- 2011‑11‑17:
nixio: Lua networking + crypto + filesystem functions.
- 2011‑11‑17:
WinKexec: a Linux bootloader implemented as a device driver for Windows.
- 2011‑11‑17:
The fall of America's r-less class.
- 2011‑11‑16:
Miss World and Mary Beard.
- 2011‑11‑16:
The 3-D printing free-for-all. (Not for long!)
- 2011‑11‑16:
What exactly is HMRC paying Capgemini billions for?
- 2011‑11‑16:
Javascript minitel emulator.
- 2011‑11‑16:
SPDY is not hard. Securing the Internet is.
- 2011‑11‑16:
Zoho mail sends messages with a Status: header marking them as already seen.
- 2011‑11‑16:
Men-only policy debates must stop.
- 2011‑11‑16:
Oh dear, another BIND crash bug.
- 2011‑11‑15:
"Verbatim" mode stops Google search from trying to be clever.
- 2011‑11‑15:
Cracking Siri: how an iPhone 4S talks to the speech recognition engine hosted at Apple.
- 2011‑11‑15:
PDP-10/X: a reimplementation of a PDP-10 on an FPGA, running ITS.
- 2011‑11‑15:
sortu: sort | uniq in one.
- 2011‑11‑15:
"My ICT teacher can't mark my homework" - a problem for children who can code.
- 2011‑11‑15:
DNSSEC reality and utility.
- 2011‑11‑15:
Lua-CodeGen: a template engine based on Terence Parr's ideas.
- 2011‑11‑15:
Condorcet internet voting service.
- 2011‑11‑14:
Observations of two "happy eyeballs" quick IPv6 / IPv4 connect implementations.
- 2011‑11‑14:
Remembrance Sunday and Germans.
- 2011‑11‑14:
The handling of sex offenders in the USA makes the problem worse.
- 2011‑11‑14:
101 - national non-emergency number for contacting the police.
- 2011‑11‑14:
Google's smeared leap seconds vs. Markus Kuhn's smoothed leap seconds.
- 2011‑11‑13:
Cheap drugs reduce violent crime.
- 2011‑11‑13:
A memory of sexist abuse.
- 2011‑11‑13:
The nocebo effect.
- 2011‑11‑13:
In America some women who lose babies face murder charges.
- 2011‑11‑13:
Grammatical variation in Irish English.
- 2011‑11‑12:
Luma Labs discontinues their camera sling products to avoid patent litigation.
- 2011‑11‑12:
Finally, a judge stands up to Wall Street.
- 2011‑11‑12:
Planning for the post euro Irish economy.
- 2011‑11‑12:
The Riot's catcaller form.
- 2011‑11‑12:
"How I stopped worrying and learned to love OWS."
- 2011‑11‑11:
The slow approach of the bananapocalypse.
- 2011‑11‑11:
Bright: a C-like Lua derivative.
- 2011‑11‑11:
How Fitzbillies was saved.
- 2011‑11‑11:
Wittgenstein on fog-like sensations and road signs.
- 2011‑11‑11:
80 mph speed limit does not look so clever now.
- 2011‑11‑11:
"The Eurozone countries most under threat aren't the ones with generous welfare states or effective social contracts."
- 2011‑11‑10:
Confident code.
- 2011‑11‑10:
Everson Mono font.
- 2011‑11‑10:
Google+ does not understand its users.
- 2011‑11‑10:
Online abuse: what about the men?
- 2011‑11‑10:
OFCOM study on the state of DNSSEC deployment in the UK and internationally.
- 2011‑11‑10:
Engineering the ten thousand year clock.
- 2011‑11‑10:
Computer programming for children, minus cryptic syntax.
- 2011‑11‑10:
Campaign against the "keep calm and carry on" trademark.
- 2011‑11‑10:
Celebrating 50 years of human-powered flight.
- 2011‑11‑10:
60th birthday of the Lyons Electronic Office, the first business computer, based on EDSAC.
- 2011‑11‑10:
More water rocket construction tutorials.
- 2011‑11‑10:
NASA water rocket launcher build instructions.
- 2011‑11‑10:
High-power paper rocket launcher.
- 2011‑11‑10:
NASA water rocket build instructions.
- 2011‑11‑10:
NASA project X-51: water rockets for kids.
- 2011‑11‑10:
DTrace and Erlang.
- 2011‑11‑09:
Comcast IPv6 deployment.
- 2011‑11‑09:
Authenticated denial of existence in DNSSEC.
- 2011‑11‑09:
xv6: 6th Edition Unix and Lions' commentary ported to ANSI C and x86 for teaching.
- 2011‑11‑09:
A brief rant on the future of interaction design.
- 2011‑11‑09:
HMG says open source is as secure as proprietary software, and should not be ruled out of the procurement process.
- 2011‑11‑09:
The social graph is neither.
- 2011‑11‑08:
32 questions for sysadmins.
- 2011‑11‑08:
Berp: a Python 3 to Haskell translator.
- 2011‑11‑08:
Michael Lewis on Daniel Kahneman, "the king of human error".
- 2011‑11‑08:
Non-errors in English usage.
- 2011‑11‑08:
La Brea allows you to insert Lua scripts into a program without recompiling.
- 2011‑11‑08:
The big sexy problem with superheroines and their "liberated sexuality".
- 2011‑11‑08:
Nature reports on the Royal Society leap second meeting.
- 2011‑11‑08:
Burj Khalifa has no sewers, so relies on trucking out the poo instead.
- 2011‑11‑08:
libfiu: fault injection in userspace.
- 2011‑11‑08:
Sir Paul Nurse on the Fracis Crick institute.
- 2011‑11‑08:
Francis Crick institute building. (Should have used the plot to keep more books on site at the library.)
- 2011‑11‑08:
The saggar maker's bottom knocker.
- 2011‑11‑08:
Morality and the markets.
- 2011‑11‑08:
Robert Fisk on remembrance poppies.
- 2011‑11‑08:
Version numbers in Perl are not boring enough.
- 2011‑11‑08:
Demystifying the chinese hacking industry.
- 2011‑11‑08:
ACPO and UCAS now count as public bodies for freedom of information purposes.
- 2011‑11‑08:
"All right, fine. I'll add a disclaimer to my emails."
- 2011‑11‑08:
NY Times obituary of Norman Ramsey, whose work led to atomic clocks and nuclear magnetic resonance.
- 2011‑11‑08:
Bayes' theorem not banned from British courts.
- 2011‑11‑08:
What lies behind online misogyny?
- 2011‑11‑08:
All Wired staff photos released under CC-BY-NC.
- 2011‑11‑08:
The project to build Babbage's Analytical Engine.
- 2011‑11‑08:
Ruby crypto key generation bug.
- 2011‑11‑07:
What should we do about sexist abuse online?
- 2011‑11‑07:
BozoCrack: depressingly effective MD5 password hash cracker.
- 2011‑11‑07:
Automated content: the future of sports journalism?
- 2011‑11‑07:
Artificial intelligence is putting people out of work.
- 2011‑11‑07:
The most amazing room in Queens.
- 2011‑11‑07:
Chaitin's incompleteness theorem and the surprisingly small complexity barrier.
- 2011‑11‑07:
IKEA's convoluted ownership and accounting.
- 2011‑11‑07:
Google's tax dodge.
- 2011‑11‑07:
"I think dead children should be used as a unit of currency. I know this sounds controversial, but hear me out."
- 2011‑11‑07:
1TB hard drive prices up 180% in a month due to floods in Tailand.
- 2011‑11‑07:
Glass-Steagall Act: the senators and economists who got it right.
- 2011‑11‑07:
Goldman Sachs is forcing up the price of aluminium.
- 2011‑11‑06:
The origins of Scala.
- 2011‑11‑06:
Eclipse Xtend: syntactic sugar for Java programmers.
- 2011‑11‑05:
Is abuse really a necessary occupational hazard of blogging?
- 2011‑11‑05:
The only way to have a successful revolution in any field of human activity.
- 2011‑11‑05:
Words on plot and treason.
- 2011‑11‑05:
DNSSEC-trigger on Mac OS X.
- 2011‑11‑05:
L'énergie tirée des forêts polluerait plus que le charbon.
- 2011‑11‑05:
When centralised purchasing wastes money.
- 2011‑11‑05:
Capitalism can't just be about money.
- 2011‑11‑05:
The thing about bullying.
- 2011‑11‑05:
haveged: an entropy gathering daemon based on variable execution timing.
- 2011‑11‑05:
Proportional Rate Reduction for TCP: another improved flow control algorithm.
- 2011‑11‑05:
FileVault 2 and Find My Mac foil thieves.
- 2011‑11‑05:
A woman's opinion is the mini-skirt of the Internet.
- 2011‑11‑04:
Universal Music sued again for not paying licensing royalties to musicians.
- 2011‑11‑04:
KON Getronics suspends CA operations after finding DDOS tool on web server.
- 2011‑11‑04:
Patently absurd: copyright law provides enough protection for software.
- 2011‑11‑04:
The BBC on the leap second debate.
- 2011‑11‑04:
Gaslighting: belittling women and dismissing their legitimate emotions as unreasonable.
- 2011‑11‑04:
Future of UTC meeting presentations.
- 2011‑11‑04:
Women in finance.
- 2011‑11‑04:
Apple's supply chain expertise.
- 2011‑11‑04:
Not One-Off Britishisms: UK expressions that have taken hold in the US.
- 2011‑11‑04:
Four ways men stunt women's careers.
- 2011‑11‑04:
Gas mask, $20, ideal for occupying Oakland or Wall St.
- 2011‑11‑04:
A senior police officer says brothels should be legal.
- 2011‑11‑03:
An RFC 4819 secure shell public key subsystem implementation for OpenSSH.
- 2011‑11‑03:
Mozilla revokes trust in a Malaysian intermediate CA, DigiCert Sdn. Bhd.
- 2011‑11‑03:
Australian weather calendar 2012.
- 2011‑11‑03:
How iAds support WebGL, and how developers can use WebGL on iOS.
- 2011‑11‑03:
The Mac app sandbox is restrictive.
- 2011‑11‑03:
Knot authoritative DNS server from (RIPE63)
- 2011‑11‑03:
Yadifa: beyond BIND and NSD. (RIPE63)
- 2011‑11‑03:
"Google release something, and I no longer have any faith that it's going to be any good."
- 2011‑11‑03:
The flat world of BGP: AS and prefix counts growing, but not update rate. (RIPE63)
- 2011‑11‑03:
IPv6 day: what did we learn? (RIPE63)
- 2011‑11‑03:
DNSCCM: an implementation of the nameserver control protocol. (RIPE63).
- 2011‑11‑03:
DNSSEC-trigger: mobile Unbound validator autoconfiguration. (RIPE63)
- 2011‑11‑03:
The sheer volume of sexist abuse thrown at female bloggers is the Internet's festering sore.
- 2011‑11‑03:
The Daily Mail and Hugh Grant: how tabloids intimidate privacy campaigners.
- 2011‑11‑03:
Documentation about the ITO map.
- 2011‑11‑03:
ITO Map: view hidden layers of Open Street Map.
- 2011‑11‑03:
Copyright policy is Internet policy.
- 2011‑11‑03:
Almost all BT Newzbin2 users are bypassing the court-ordered block.
- 2011‑11‑03:
Yadifa: a full-featured DNS server in development at EURID.
- 2011‑11‑03:
Knot DNS: full featured high performance authoritative DNS server from
- 2011‑11‑03:
A beautiful ring counter clock.
- 2011‑11‑03:
Don't give your users shit work: manually categorizing contacts is a waste of time.
- 2011‑11‑03:
Studded bicycle tires.
- 2011‑11‑02:
In-place modification/assignment patch for Lua.
- 2011‑11‑02:
East Bergholt.
- 2011‑11‑02:
Germany's difficulties caused by phasing out nuclear power.
- 2011‑11‑02:
Inside the mind of the octopus.
- 2011‑11‑02:
So you think Linux's capability model is bad? What about the web's?
- 2011‑11‑02:
Did accounting help sink Corzine's MF Global?
- 2011‑11‑02:
Ex Google Reader PM on the redesign.
- 2011‑11‑02:
Chemistry and early hominid diets.
- 2011‑11‑01:
Jamie Zawinsky discusses RSS feed readers.
- 2011‑11‑01:
Ten years of ZFS.
- 2011‑11‑01:
Notes d'EuroBSDcon 2011 en Français.
- 2011‑11‑01:
Status of the ITU-R study of UTC.
- 2011‑11‑01:
Key escrow from a safe distance: looking back at the Clipper chip.
- 2011‑11‑01:
Telescript programming guide.
- 2011‑11‑01:
Telescript language reference.
- 2011‑11‑01:
Protesters decide they actually like wind turbines now they have been built.
- 2011‑11‑01:
Three RSS feed readers.
- 2011‑10‑31:
The mediaeval plutocracy at the heart of London.
- 2011‑10‑31:
Android has swallowed the UK smartphone market in the last 18 months.
- 2011‑10‑31:
Siri ported to jailbroken iPhone 4.
- 2011‑10‑31:
Averia: an average font made using generative typography.
- 2011‑10‑31:
jgrep: a grep for JSON written in Ruby.
- 2011‑10‑31:
The OTCA metapixel: running Life inside Life, 4 million times bigger and 35 thousand times slower.
- 2011‑10‑31:
The Dish celebrates its 50th birthday.
- 2011‑10‑31:
A senior civil servant on the unavoidable truths about government IT.
- 2011‑10‑31:
State schools are not properly guiding pupils through university applications; UCAS planning to move process after A-levels.
- 2011‑10‑31:
The Guardian on the Janet 6 network upgrade project. (Wot no "super"?)
- 2011‑10‑31:
Acoustic cryptanalysis: nosy people and noisy machines.
- 2011‑10‑31:
Tachyon: a meta-circular optimizing JavaScript virtual machine.
- 2011‑10‑31:
TLS out-of-band public key validation: divorcing TLS from X.509.
- 2011‑10‑31:
TACK: Tethered Assertions for Certificate Keys. Convergence widens its TLS protection.
- 2011‑10‑31:
The war on lemonade stands.
- 2011‑10‑31:
Giving Haskell a promotion: kind polymorphism and typed type-level programming.
- 2011‑10‑31:
All Chinese maps are subtly obfuscated.
- 2011‑10‑31:
Brian Kernighan talks about Dennis Ritchie.
- 2011‑10‑31:
Extensible programming with first-class cases - a solution to Wadler's expression problem.
- 2011‑10‑31:
The evolution of RISC technology at IBM.
- 2011‑10‑31:
A Smalltalker reviews Google Dart.
- 2011‑10‑31:
Freedom and crutches in programming language design.
- 2011‑10‑30:
Open Access to scientific publications: a short summary.
- 2011‑10‑30:
Wall Street isn't winning, it's cheating.
- 2011‑10‑29:
kramdown-rfc2629: an xml2rfc back end for a ruby markdown processor.
- 2011‑10‑29:
Markdown -> pandoc -> docbook -> xslt -> xml2rfc -> Internet draft.
- 2011‑10‑29:
The EFF on SOPA: "Hollywood finally gets a chance to break the Internet."
- 2011‑10‑29:
Why everything R2D2 says is bleeped out.
- 2011‑10‑29:
DNSCCM: DNS Configuration, Control and Monitoring.
- 2011‑10‑29:
Freshmeat renamed FreeCode.
- 2011‑10‑29:
Publicly funded science should be published and practised in the open.
- 2011‑10‑29:
Dr. Walter Bortz on his patient and friend, John McCarthy.
- 2011‑10‑29:
Google Apps admins have unrestricted access to all their users' Google+ data.
- 2011‑10‑29:
RSS vs social media.
- 2011‑10‑29:
Copyright troll loses case for not owning rights; must pay nearly $120k costs.
- 2011‑10‑29:
StackExchange's battles with the .NET garbage collector.
- 2011‑10‑28:
Google staff being put on probation or sacked for arguing against the real names policy.
- 2011‑10‑28:
Legal aid: the new poor law.
- 2011‑10‑28:
Sexist reactions to feminism in open source.
- 2011‑10‑28:
How Occupy Wall Street cost Caitlin Curran her job.
- 2011‑10‑28:
Girls often driven away from STEM by their teachers.
- 2011‑10‑28:
USPTO grants patent on obvious application of scientific method.
- 2011‑10‑28:
If Google don't like your name they will delete the contacts from your Android phone.
- 2011‑10‑28:
Why Dave Winer needs to learn about RFC 2136 DNS updates.
- 2011‑10‑28:
Broadway: a JavaScript H.264 decoder.
- 2011‑10‑28:
- 2011‑10‑28:
Apple gift catalogue 1983.
- 2011‑10‑28:
Codify: game and simulation development with Lua on iPad.
- 2011‑10‑27:
An experimental evaluation of rate-adaptation algorithms for streaming over HTTP.
- 2011‑10‑27:
Google nymwars, redux.
- 2011‑10‑27:
Norman Davies on Europe's vanished states.
- 2011‑10‑27:
EPO grants patent on broccoli.
- 2011‑10‑27:
Brian Cox is wrong: blogging your research is not a recipe for disaster.
- 2011‑10‑27:
PLoS Won: the success of open access journals.
- 2011‑10‑27:
Playing the probabilities: blackjack, shuffles, and residual correlations.
- 2011‑10‑27:
The EFF on the security of and attacks on TLS.
- 2011‑10‑27:
Australian helmet cam study reveals motorists to blame in vast majority of cycling crashes.
- 2011‑10‑27:
Android orphans: visualizing a sad lack of supported software updates.
- 2011‑10‑27:
Valve: "The easiest way to stop piracy is to give people a service that's better than what they get from pirates."
- 2011‑10‑27:
Paraglider survives encounter with thunderstorm.
- 2011‑10‑27:
Parachuting through a cumulonimbus.
- 2011‑10‑27:
Two amusing side channel attacks.
- 2011‑10‑27:
Higher-Order Perl.
- 2011‑10‑27:
Modern Perl.
- 2011‑10‑27:
Perl tutorials suck (and cause serious damage).
- 2011‑10‑27:
The making of Arduino.
- 2011‑10‑26:
Sealand, HavenCo, and the rule of law.
- 2011‑10‑26:
It has to work: the essential ingredient of successful software.
- 2011‑10‑26:
French government "banning vegetarianism" in school canteens.
- 2011‑10‑26:
The road to better web authorization.
- 2011‑10‑26:
Cutting the Gordian knot of web identity.
- 2011‑10‑26:
The forbidden story of Argentina's post-default economic success.
- 2011‑10‑26:
Reminiscing about The Princess Bride.
- 2011‑10‑26:
How the Joy of Sex was illustrated.
- 2011‑10‑26:
The St Paul's protesters are taking health and safety more seriously, with more professional responsibility, than the Dean and Chapter.
- 2011‑10‑25:
Visa and MasterCard want to use credit card activity to target web ads.
- 2011‑10‑25:
Radiation and Reason: the impact of science on a culture of fear.
- 2011‑10‑25:
The Register's obituary of John McCarthy.
- 2011‑10‑25:
UN special rapporteur on health as a human right says all states must provide safe abortion and contraception.
- 2011‑10‑25:
A randomly generated language is as easy as Perl for novice programmers.
- 2011‑10‑25:
On parliamentary sovereignty.
- 2011‑10‑25:
Software patents come to the UK.
- 2011‑10‑25:
How to handle versioning in web APIs.
- 2011‑10‑25:
Jamie Zawinsky's tribute to John McCarthy.
- 2011‑10‑25:
Wired obituary of John McCarthy, father of AI and Lisp.
- 2011‑10‑24:
Empirical software engineering.
- 2011‑10‑24:
Who else was hit by the RSA attackers?
- 2011‑10‑24:
How to break XML encryption.
- 2011‑10‑23:
Tim O'Reilly on running a business, and the pursuit of passion rather than profit.
- 2011‑10‑23:
"Cookie Monster" explains Occupy Wall Street.
- 2011‑10‑23:
Congress warned in 1999 that deregulation would lead to cascade failures and make banks too big to fail.
- 2011‑10‑23:
Space Alert's genius is in combining its madness-inducing ten minute time limit with a spectacular demand for player co-ordination.
- 2011‑10‑23:
Holy Flying Circus: brilliant funny dramatization of the controversy over "Life of Brian".
- 2011‑10‑23:
Find out why the onions are in there before changing the recipe.
- 2011‑10‑23:
The Goertzel tone detection algorithm.
- 2011‑10‑23:
1e13 digits of pi.
- 2011‑10‑21:
Susan Greenfield should write up her techno-scare stories for scientific review.
- 2011‑10‑21:
How a tabloid ruins someone's life for no good reason.
- 2011‑10‑21:
The Economist's obituary of Dennis Ritchie.
- 2011‑10‑21:
Centralized shared HR and finance services for the research councils fails to save money.
- 2011‑10‑21:
The stilted grammar of telemarketing.
- 2011‑10‑21:
Quasiquotation in Lisp.
- 2011‑10‑21:
Labscam: Penn & Teller at Bell Labs, as told by Dennis Ritchie.
- 2011‑10‑20:
Design mistakes in mixed C / C++ and Lua projects.
- 2011‑10‑20:
A list of AJAX webmail software.
- 2011‑10‑20:
The case for copyright piracy.
- 2011‑10‑20:
Why did the BBC compare sex education to paedophilia? Cowardly uninformative journalism.
- 2011‑10‑20:
Buying second-hand goods for cash is illegal in Louisiana.
- 2011‑10‑20:
Network effects in share ownership: the concentration of economic power in 147 companies.
- 2011‑10‑20:
Cambridgeshire county councillors give themselves a 25% pay increase in violation of the council constitution.
- 2011‑10‑20:
On the ethical conduct of News International's solicitors Farrers.
- 2011‑10‑20:
EFF declares premature victory in the Google+ nymwars.
- 2011‑10‑20:
The challenges of turning the Photoshop deblur prototype into a product.
- 2011‑10‑19:
Using an iPhone accelerometer to decode what is typed on a nearby keyboard.
- 2011‑10‑19:
How to create a fictional language in a day.
- 2011‑10‑19:
Programming languages of the last five years.
- 2011‑10‑19:
The guild of Silicon Valley.
- 2011‑10‑19:
In defence of Objective-C.
- 2011‑10‑19:
The digital replacement of film in cinema.
- 2011‑10‑19:
Drawbridge: user mode NT for application sandboxing.
- 2011‑10‑19:
Inserting synthetic 3D objects into 2D photographs.
- 2011‑10‑19:
Hacker News recommends programming blogs.
- 2011‑10‑19:
Bundled, Buried & Behind Closed Doors - about an Internet hub, 60 Hudson St.
- 2011‑10‑19:
In memoriam Dennis Ritchie.
- 2011‑10‑18:
The great tech war of 2012.
- 2011‑10‑18:
A*: reweighting a graph for faster shortest paths.
- 2011‑10‑18:
A review of the Guardian's iPad app.
- 2011‑10‑18:
The Devenish-Phibbs memorial gallery.
- 2011‑10‑18:
Mitigating the BEAST attack on TLS.
- 2011‑10‑17:
A plaque on both your houses.
- 2011‑10‑17:
Skyscraper builders get in trouble for re-creating photo safely.
- 2011‑10‑17:
Lunch atop a skyscraper in London.
- 2011‑10‑17:
OpenResty web app server basedon nginx + Lua.
- 2011‑10‑17:
Why Stephen Bond is no longer a skeptic.
- 2011‑10‑17:
WeatherSpark: beautiful weather graphs and maps.
- 2011‑10‑17:
Amazon is now becoming a publisher in its own right.
- 2011‑10‑17:
Summary of the judicial review of the charitable status of independent schools.
- 2011‑10‑17:
Accessibility does not require reduced security. (Alec Muffett on Steve Yegge's Amazon / Google rant.)
- 2011‑10‑17:
DNSSEC-Trigger updates your Unbound validating resolver configuration as your connectivity changes.
- 2011‑10‑17:
Programming for children.
- 2011‑10‑17:
Siri's favourite colour is octarine?
- 2011‑10‑17:
The Cambridge Tab on the election of the Chancellor.
- 2011‑10‑17:
Metaphor to maturity: typography, the web, and ebooks.
- 2011‑10‑17:
IANA Time Zone Database.
- 2011‑10‑17:
Athene Donald on the election of the Chancellor.
- 2011‑10‑17:
Mary Beard on the election of the Chancellor.
- 2011‑10‑17:
There seems to be only one cloud icon in the entire universe.
- 2011‑10‑17:
The Shen programming language.
- 2011‑10‑17:
How much do Apple's factories cost?
- 2011‑10‑16:
Fibonacci flim-flam.
- 2011‑10‑16:
Document history of plan to pass TZ database to IANA.
- 2011‑10‑16:
ICANN officially takes responsibility for TZ database.
- 2011‑10‑16:
York University to get the Brian Blessed Centre for Quiet Study.
- 2011‑10‑16:
Official result of the election of the Chancellor.
- 2011‑10‑16:
The consequences of missing sex education.
- 2011‑10‑16:
High-viz, women's clothing, and blaming the victim.
- 2011‑10‑16:
Lord Sainsbury elected Chancellor of the University of Cambridge.
- 2011‑10‑16:
The Keaton music typewriter.
- 2011‑10‑15:
How to reform copyright.
- 2011‑10‑15:
More C programming tricks
- 2011‑10‑15:
What is your favourite C programming trick?
- 2011‑10‑15:
The LMAX architecture.
- 2011‑10‑15:
Shit that Siri says.
- 2011‑10‑15:
The Cambridge Science Centre initiative.
- 2011‑10‑15:
The Department for Transport now allows "Except Cycles" to be added to "No Entry" signs.
- 2011‑10‑15:
Amazon Kindle source code.
- 2011‑10‑15:
Cambridge University official map switching to Open Street Map.
- 2011‑10‑15:
Google Labs and Code Search killed.
- 2011‑10‑15:
Google+ support staff will cancel your account if your name is too foreign.
- 2011‑10‑14:
How to beat the CAP theorem.
- 2011‑10‑14:
Lights: pretty WebGL demo.
- 2011‑10‑14:
Speed up bloaty web apps with nginx microcaching.
- 2011‑10‑14:
Rob Pike on Dennis Ritchie.
- 2011‑10‑14:
Throwable 360° panoramic ball camera.
- 2011‑10‑14:
How Siri works.
- 2011‑10‑14:
Why extended display identification data (EDID) is untrustworthy for DPI.
- 2011‑10‑14:
The developer's guide to browser adoption rates.
- 2011‑10‑14:
More news on the Astrolabe / Olson + Eggert TZ database lawsuit.
- 2011‑10‑14:
Some funky new features in iOS 5.
- 2011‑10‑14:
Do anything interesting in the tech world, and you will get sued for patent infringement.
- 2011‑10‑14:
How to hide the iOS5 Newsstand icon in a folder.
- 2011‑10‑14:
Parsing expressions by recursive descent.
- 2011‑10‑14:
Top-down parsing of expressions.
- 2011‑10‑14:
Ars Technica obituary of Dennis Ritchie.
- 2011‑10‑14:
Wired obituary of Dennis Ritchie.
- 2011‑10‑14:
NY Times obituary of Dennis Ritchie.
- 2011‑10‑14:
Guardian obituary of Dennis Ritchie.
- 2011‑10‑14:
K&R and you.
- 2011‑10‑13:
A profile of Dennis Ritchie in the Economist, 2004.
- 2011‑10‑13:
The BLISS programming language: a history.
- 2011‑10‑13:
Herb Sutter on Dennis Ritchie and C.
- 2011‑10‑13:
Geoff Huston's progress report on IPv4 address exhaustion.
- 2011‑10‑13:
Who uses RFC 2136 dynamic DNS updates.
- 2011‑10‑13:
Smalltalk 80: the language and its implementation.
- 2011‑10‑13:
Why a RIM outage affects users on a corporate Blackberry Enterprise Server.
- 2011‑10‑13:
What our culture teaches about alcohol is all wrong.
- 2011‑10‑13:
Siri says some weird things.
- 2011‑10‑12:
Large scale pcap data analysis using Hadoop.
- 2011‑10‑12:
My Blackberry isn't working.
- 2011‑10‑12:
On blogging, death threats, and silence.
- 2011‑10‑12:
Benford's Law and the decreasing reliability of accounting data for US firms.
- 2011‑10‑12:
How Wall St salaries compare to the rest of New York.
- 2011‑10‑12:
Crash-only software.
- 2011‑10‑12:
Steve Yegge's Amazon vs Google platform rant.
- 2011‑10‑12:
Why isn't everyone hacked every day?
- 2011‑10‑12:
MDB: a memory-mapped database and backend for OpenLDAP.
- 2011‑10‑12:
The disfunction of Google's Wave project.
- 2011‑10‑12:
The search for a more perfect kilogramme.
- 2011‑10‑11:
Photoshop "unblur" / blind deconvolution.
- 2011‑10‑11:
Why your new programming language will not work.
- 2011‑10‑11:
The vicious trademark battle over "keep calm and carry on".
- 2011‑10‑11:
Why believe in Keynesian economics?
- 2011‑10‑11:
Why Caitlin Moran and Grace Dent are never on panel shows... but should be.
- 2011‑10‑11:
Dart has a feeble type system.
- 2011‑10‑11:
That's not online! Library collections, archives and other information that aren't accessible online, and how to find them.
- 2011‑10‑11:
The LONG and windy ROAD - a timeline of IPng and IPv6, 1991 - 1996.
- 2011‑10‑11:
UK ISP porn filter plans have been blown out of all proportion.
- 2011‑10‑11:
Radio 4 Long Wave's days are numbered - what will happen to Economy 7 radio teleswitching?
- 2011‑10‑11:
Ignition! An informal history of liquid rocket propellants.
- 2011‑10‑11:
What good is Wall Street?
- 2011‑10‑11:
List of languages that compile to JavaScript.
- 2011‑10‑11:
A first impression of Dart
- 2011‑10‑10:
Type inference for first-class messages with match functions.
- 2011‑10‑10:
Simple types are anti-modular.
- 2011‑10‑10:
Netflix realises that the Quikster split was a stupid idea.
- 2011‑10‑10:
Ben Pierce: "Types considered..."
- 2011‑10‑10:
Defending against spear phishing with Exim's embedded Perl feature.
- 2011‑10‑10:
Lambda The Ultimate discusses Dart.
- 2011‑10‑10:
The Dart programming language: Google updates Javascript for programming in the large.
- 2011‑10‑10:
Microtouch: AVR devel board with touch screen.
- 2011‑10‑10:
"Electronic communications privacy act" lets US law enforcement secretly search email logs.
- 2011‑10‑10:
The great American bubble machine.
- 2011‑10‑10:
HP plans to release first memristor memory alternative to flash in 18 months.
- 2011‑10‑09:
Vehicle and operator services agency: smoky vehicle report form.
- 2011‑10‑09:
How beer saved the world.
- 2011‑10‑09:
Edwin Land, the man who inspired Steve Jobs.
- 2011‑10‑09:
Steven Pinker's history of violence.
- 2011‑10‑08:
Margaret Dayhoff, pioneer of bioinformatics.
- 2011‑10‑08:
TCP-clouds, UDP-clouds, "design for fail" and AWS.
- 2011‑10‑07:
Understanding integer overflow in C and C++.
- 2011‑10‑07:
Microsoft ISA server is incompatible with CIDR.
- 2011‑10‑07:
LLVM IR is a compiler IR not a general-purpose bytecode.
- 2011‑10‑07:
ZBar bar code reader.
- 2011‑10‑07:
Infringement damages increased after CEO complains about patent system.
- 2011‑10‑07:
Swedish copyright policy is dictated by the USA.
- 2011‑10‑07:
Jason Kottke remembering Steve Jobs.
- 2011‑10‑07:
TZ database lawsuit the result of an argument between astrological software companies?
- 2011‑10‑07:
Answers to the IERS's UTC questionnaire.
- 2011‑10‑07:
IANA TZ Mailman list info page, including archives back to 1986.
- 2011‑10‑07:
F*: secure distributed programming with value-dependent types.
- 2011‑10‑07:
TZ mailing list makes early move to IANA.
- 2011‑10‑06:
Steve Jobs succumbs to alternative medicine.
- 2011‑10‑06:
A portrait of Steve Jobs.
- 2011‑10‑06:
Thanks, Steve.
- 2011‑10‑06:
Astrolabe Inc. vs. Arthur David Olson and Paul Eggert: complaint.
- 2011‑10‑06:
Astrolabe, Inc. vs. Arthur David Olson and Paul Eggert.
- 2011‑10‑06:
Law suit shuts down Olson TZ database servers.
- 2011‑10‑06:
Exploiting Apache httpd reverse proxy rewrite rules.
- 2011‑10‑06:
Luca Cardelli: an accidental Simula user.
- 2011‑10‑06:
Affirmative design / critical design / programming language design.
- 2011‑10‑06:
Practical file system design with the Be file system.
- 2011‑10‑06:
ICANN security and stability advisory committee preliminary report on DNS response modification.
- 2011‑10‑05:
Organic farming outperforms industrial farming on every measure.
- 2011‑10‑05:
Bluetooth 4 vs near-field RFID.
- 2011‑10‑05:
Diplomatic blowback in the UN following the NATO action to enforce an "immediate ceasefire" in Lybia.
- 2011‑10‑05:
Middleboxes in cellular networks.
- 2011‑10‑05:
Patently misguided.
- 2011‑10‑05:
Broadcom's pet patent troll is suing hotels and cafés that offer WiFi.
- 2011‑10‑05:
Gaming security by obscurity.
- 2011‑10‑05:
Apple Knowledge Navigator 1987 concept video, vs iPhone 4S.
- 2011‑10‑04:
Cache directory tagging standard.
- 2011‑10‑04:
Amon Tobin ISAM visualisation.
- 2011‑10‑04:
Sampling and mixing by cutting and pasting vinyl records.
- 2011‑10‑04:
A homemade receiver for GPS & GLONASS satellites.
- 2011‑10‑04:
Homemade GPS receiver.
- 2011‑10‑04:
Facebook promotes rape and violence against women.
- 2011‑10‑04:
When archbishops propagate tabloid lies about the BBC's lack of editorial policy on dates.
- 2011‑10‑04:
Domain name case law in the US.
- 2011‑10‑04:
Nissan Computer vs. Nissan Motor domain name dispute.
- 2011‑10‑04:
AC: composable asynchronous IO for conventional languages.
- 2011‑10‑03:
MIT Technology Review special science fiction edition.
- 2011‑10‑03:
Bitbucket now supports Git as well as Mercurial.
- 2011‑10‑03:
Beloit College mindset list for this year's freshers.
- 2011‑10‑03:
Algorithmic symphonies from one line of code.
- 2011‑10‑03:
DNSMON view of the F-root Beijing node IPv6 route leak.
- 2011‑10‑03:
BGPmon on the F-root Beijing node IPv6 route leak.
- 2011‑10‑03:
Fanfic refugees get to grips with Pinboard, as it were.
- 2011‑10‑03:
Pinboard gets to grips with the fanfic refugees from Delicious.
- 2011‑10‑03:
Microsoft blacklists email from Oxford University.
- 2011‑10‑03:
HTC Android phones log private data and expose it to unprivileged apps.
- 2011‑10‑03:
Cameron wants to scrap the Human Rights Act but Clegg prevents him.
- 2011‑10‑03:
Judge rules mathematical analysis of statistics and probability may not be used in court.
- 2011‑10‑03:
Cambridge Geek Night 13 featuring Bill Thompson and Simon Peyton Jones.
- 2011‑10‑02:
Innovation Starvation - Neal Stephenson.
- 2011‑10‑02:
How the US FRA is regulating passenger rail out of existence.
- 2011‑09‑30:
Browser speed tests: Opera wins, Chrome loses.
- 2011‑09‑30:
Chrome to pass Firefox in popularity by the end of the year.
- 2011‑09‑30:
Will Amazon buy Palm from HP?
- 2011‑09‑30:
LuaNode: asynchronous I/O based on Boost.Asio.
- 2011‑09‑30:
Whatever happened to the iPad rivals of 2010?
- 2011‑09‑30:
A Lua binding for libuv.
- 2011‑09‑30:
Cliff Stanford to appeal email interception conviction.
- 2011‑09‑30:
Spam feedback loop n-gram analyzer.
- 2011‑09‑29:
DJB's NaCl ECC-based cryptography library. No algorithm agility?
- 2011‑09‑29:
C#-style async/await support for node.js.
- 2011‑09‑29:
DJB vs. the IEEE on public domain papers and copyright assignment.
- 2011‑09‑29:
Academics should stop giving free peer review services to closed journals.
- 2011‑09‑29:
The BMJ on the Liberal Democrat drugs policy.
- 2011‑09‑29:
Organize your cables with toilet paper rolls.
- 2011‑09‑29:
ROBLOX FAQ for parents.
- 2011‑09‑29:
Video promo for ROBLOX: lego-ish kids' game engine scripted with Lua.
- 2011‑09‑28:
Tizen: Meego rides again.
- 2011‑09‑28:
On the proportion of women on comedy panel shows.
- 2011‑09‑28:
Luvit = node.lua = libuv + LuaJIT = node.js with Lua instead of JavaScript.
- 2011‑09‑28:
UK ICO guidance on freedom of information legislation and research information.
- 2011‑09‑28:
Can failure really be a spur to success?
- 2011‑09‑28:
Princeton bans academics from handing copyright to journals.
- 2011‑09‑28:
How journalists willingly get stitched up by the Daily Mail.
- 2011‑09‑28:
- 2011‑09‑27:
John Dee's calendar and God's longitude.
- 2011‑09‑27:
- 2011‑09‑26:
The (political) science of salt.
- 2011‑09‑26:
The engineers could [telnet into] the engine management system of a 747 [and] re-tune the engine in air.
- 2011‑09‑26:
It's time to end the war on salt.
- 2011‑09‑26:
Towards network reputation: analyzing the makeup of DNSBLs.
- 2011‑09‑26:
D-Link calls typosquatting and unreliability "Advanced DNS Service".
- 2011‑09‑26:
Identifying and characterizing anycast in the domain name system.
- 2011‑09‑26:
Einar Stefferud, 1930-2011.
- 2011‑09‑26:
Timelapse video of new bridge installation at Cambridge Station.
- 2011‑09‑26:
We buy any cat!
- 2011‑09‑26:
The simhash algorithm.
- 2011‑09‑26:
A program written by Charles Babbage.
- 2011‑09‑26:
Internal economic borders of the United States derived from tracking dollar bills.
- 2011‑09‑26:
Subdivision of the world into rectangles containing equal numbers of geotagged tweets.
- 2011‑09‑26:
Structure and Interpretation of Computer Programs, reformatted for Kindle.
- 2011‑09‑26:
ITU-R recommendation TF.460-6: standard-frequency and time-signal emissions.
- 2011‑09‑26:
Lessons from PostgreSQL's Git transition.
- 2011‑09‑25:
Why you should not go to medical school.
- 2011‑09‑24:
Apple Thunderbolt display teardown.
- 2011‑09‑24:
QR code clock.
- 2011‑09‑24:
Security impact of the Rizzo/Duong CBC "BEAST" attack.
- 2011‑09‑24:
Chrome and the BEAST.
- 2011‑09‑23:
The Internet is secure enough.
- 2011‑09‑23:
"Knot" authoritative DNS server from
- 2011‑09‑23:
Bunnie Huang on Moore's Law and the future of open hardware.
- 2011‑09‑23:
Squeak Smalltalk.
- 2011‑09‑23:
Pharo open source SmallTalk.
- 2011‑09‑23:
Mozilla's Rust programming language.
- 2011‑09‑23:
One million concurrent TCP connections with FreeBSD and Erlang.
- 2011‑09‑23:
Why SPDY is better than HTTP.
- 2011‑09‑23:
The BEAST attack on TLS 1.0.
- 2011‑09‑23:
Swedish Film Institute is accused of piracy based on BitTorrent IP address logging.
- 2011‑09‑22:
Pipe organ desk.
- 2011‑09‑22:
TOFU POP MONK: trust on first use, persistence of pseudonym, mesh overlay network keysigning.
- 2011‑09‑22:
Perspectives: public "notary" servers monitor certificates used by websites to detect man-in-the-middle attacks without certificate authorities.
- 2011‑09‑22:
Convergence: an agile distributed secure strategy for replacing certificate authorities.
- 2011‑09‑22:
How to write unmaintainable code.
- 2011‑09‑22:
University of Cambridge lecture list web site.
- 2011‑09‑21:
Bankers: an anthropological study.
- 2011‑09‑21:
Every time you make a PowerPoint, Edward Tufte kills a kitten.
- 2011‑09‑21:
Simhash: hash-based similarity detection.
- 2011‑09‑21:
Police attempted to make Guardian reveal phone hacking whistleblowers, but were prevented by the Human Rights Act.
- 2011‑09‑21:
Google Chrome "stable" version now supports DNSSEC-chained TLS certificates.
- 2011‑09‑20:
Patent trolls caused half a trillion dollars of lost wealth in the last 20 years.
- 2011‑09‑20:
DigiNotar files for bankruptcy after being comprehensively hacked.
- 2011‑09‑20:
Mining massive datasets.
- 2011‑09‑19:
A toolkit for spotting prejudice.
- 2011‑09‑19:
"He said, she said" binary journalism fails to inform the public.
- 2011‑09‑19:
Tenzing: Google's implementation of SQL on top of MapReduce.
- 2011‑09‑19:
The plot against the NHS.
- 2011‑09‑18:
The MIT guide to lockpicking.
- 2011‑09‑17:
Opening plain text files is not safe on Windows.
- 2011‑09‑16:
Adaptve cruise control on 20% of cars greatly reduces traffic jams.
- 2011‑09‑16:
Google Plus developer site and API documentation.
- 2011‑09‑16:
Cory Doctorow on the Lib Dem IT policy paper.
- 2011‑09‑16:
Google deploys Markus Kuhn's smoothed leap seconds to avoid having to audit code for leap second bugs.
- 2011‑09‑15:
Most of you have no idea of what Martin Luther King actually did.
- 2011‑09‑15:
You are all Johann Hari.
- 2011‑09‑15:
An interview with David Graeber.
- 2011‑09‑15:
David Graeber vs the Austrian shool of economics.
- 2011‑09‑15:
- 2011‑09‑15:
Eben Upton of Raspberry Pi answers some questions.
- 2011‑09‑15:
The Internet's not-very-secret back door: government certificate authorities support man-in-the-middle attacks.
- 2011‑09‑15:
Shock news: good ISPs and effective CERT teams lead to lower malware infection rates.
- 2011‑09‑15:
Evidence is scarce that expensive classroom IT improves results.
- 2011‑09‑15:
How money developed from debt accounting.
- 2011‑09‑15:
Why we should teach our kids to code.
- 2011‑09‑14:
Wonderful book sculptures anonymously left around Edinburgh "in support of libraries, books, words, ideas".
- 2011‑09‑14:
Convergent encryption reconsidered.
- 2011‑09‑14:
On the railways being a rich man's toy.
- 2011‑09‑14:
Tubular Fells: a topological map of the Lake District.
- 2011‑09‑14:
Are there any examples of good pie charts?
- 2011‑09‑14:
The BSD pf firewall on Mac OS X 10.7 Lion.
- 2011‑09‑14:
The HDCP magic inside Bunnie's NeTV.
- 2011‑09‑13:
Hotfile sues Warner Bros. for copyright fraud and abuse.
- 2011‑09‑13:
Dead Reckonings: a blog on nomograms and advanced mental arithmetic.
- 2011‑09‑13:
COMAP: Consortium for Mathematics and Its Applications: instructional resources for innovative educators.
- 2011‑09‑13:
The lost art of nomography.
- 2011‑09‑13:
Scratch: create and share your own interactive stories, animations, games, music, and art.
- 2011‑09‑13:
Royal Society education research and policy project on computing in schools.
- 2011‑09‑13:
Computer science for fun.
- 2011‑09‑13:
Alice: teaching programming in a 3D environment.
- 2011‑09‑13:
Programming is the new literacy.
- 2011‑09‑13:
Computing at school: a BCS / grass roots support + lobbying initiative.
- 2011‑09‑13:
Things we should teach in school. (Read the comments!)
- 2011‑09‑13:
Projet Gutenberg, son fondateur Michael Hart, et un objet mythique par excellence du monde geek: le plain-texte.
- 2011‑09‑13:
Intel gives $2.5 million a year to several universities, provided they open source their work with no patents.
- 2011‑09‑13:
Golomb-coded sets: smaller than Bloom filters.
- 2011‑09‑13:
Ferguson Ariva 120 Combo digital TV receiver review.
- 2011‑09‑12:
Global navigation space systems: reliance and vulnerabilities.
- 2011‑09‑12:
Nerdy day trips.
- 2011‑09‑12:
Copyright: you'd better swatch what you say.
- 2011‑09‑12:
European copyright term extension is a cultural disaster.
- 2011‑09‑12:
List of musical works with unusual time signatures.
- 2011‑09‑12:
Big Trak. "Retro and cool."
- 2011‑09‑12:
Programming doesn't fit into the primary school curriculum.
- 2011‑09‑12:
Teach our children to code.
- 2011‑09‑12:
Lua metatables are "hard".
- 2011‑09‑11:
Some ways in which the film industry is evil.
- 2011‑09‑11:
The fall and fall of Scottish Conservatism.
- 2011‑09‑11:
The great prosperity, 1947-1970 / the great regression, 1970-now.
- 2011‑09‑10:
Some papers every programmer should read.
- 2011‑09‑10:
Fundamental concepts in programming languages. (Christopher Strachey, 1967)
- 2011‑09‑09:
Helpful uranium-munching bacteria breath it through conducting nanowires.
- 2011‑09‑08:
Why are black boxes so hard to re-use? Towards a new model of abstraction in software engineering.
- 2011‑09‑08:
Which TLDs are most abused to support online criminal activity.
- 2011‑09‑08:
Git is simpler than you think.
- 2011‑09‑08:
How Google App Engine price changes are affecting the architecture of the hosted apps.
- 2011‑09‑08:
JSTOR now provides free access to old out-of-copyright papers.
- 2011‑09‑08:
Old papers from Philosophical Transactions of the Royal Society liberated from the paywall.
- 2011‑09‑08:
Über die Stabilität von Oszillatoren und Frequenznormalen.
- 2011‑09‑08:
Some similarities between Golang and Lua.
- 2011‑09‑08:
Digital archeology with drive-independent data recovery: recovering Cray 1 software from a big old drive infested with wasps.
- 2011‑09‑08:
What is the bandwidth of the IETF document publication process, in millibits/second?
- 2011‑09‑08:
From sundials to atomic clocks.
- 2011‑09‑07:
Shake to undo, for Mac OS X.
- 2011‑09‑07:
Why can't PC manufacturers compete with the MacBook Air?
- 2011‑09‑07:
What happens to your patent litigation after you shaft the inventors.
- 2011‑09‑06:
The future of light is the LED.
- 2011‑09‑06:
Please fix the dire cycle parking shortage at Cambridge Station.
- 2011‑09‑06:
Jari Arkko's home network.
- 2011‑09‑05:
Plan to revive the only UK built and launched satellite for its 40th birthday.
- 2011‑09‑05:
The Great Bank Robbery - Nassim Nicholas Taleb and Mark Spitznagel.
- 2011‑09‑05:
Small memory software: patterns for systems with limited storage.
- 2011‑09‑05:
Stupid in America.
- 2011‑09‑05:
A first look at the literacy of America's adults in the 21st century.
- 2011‑09‑05:
Mobile Web: Taiwan, Opera and WebOS.
- 2011‑09‑05:
Lessons learned from giving bug bounties.
- 2011‑09‑05:
Karl Marx may have been wrong about communism but he was right about much of capitalism.
- 2011‑09‑05:
Publish or perish: peer review and the corruption of science.
- 2011‑09‑05:
Achron: Starcraft with time travel.
- 2011‑09‑05:
Professor Moriarty elected Drapers Professor of French in the University of Cambridge with effect from 1 September 2011.
- 2011‑09‑05:
Open Science, Freedom of Information, and the big journal monopoly.
- 2011‑09‑05: factsheet on DigiNotar X.509 CA disaster.
- 2011‑09‑05:
The Pearl: erotica printed for the Society of Vice, 1880.
- 2011‑09‑05:
Feature branches vs. continuous integration.
- 2011‑09‑05:
Torvalds puts his Linux tree on GitHub to work around the downtime.
- 2011‑09‑05:
The costs of open source development in isolation and collaboration.
- 2011‑09‑04:
Stop using unsafe keyed hashes: use HMAC.
- 2011‑09‑04:
More on the extent of the damage done by the DigiNotar X.509 CA.
- 2011‑09‑04:
A cultural perspective on gender diversity in computing.
- 2011‑09‑04:
Seriously: stop with the booth babes!
- 2011‑09‑04:
The true cost of 9/11.
- 2011‑09‑04:
Reflections of a Republican Party operative who left the cult.
- 2011‑09‑04:
BBC Radio 4: fighting the power of pink.
- 2011‑09‑04:
How Western Governors University is disrupting education.
- 2011‑09‑03:
What happens when disabled people ask for accessible web sites.
- 2011‑09‑03:
Rob Pike: the good, the bad, and the ugly, of 1e9 seconds of Unix.
- 2011‑09‑03:
No-one trusts DigiNotar now.
- 2011‑09‑02:
Protothreads: a minor improvement to Simon Tatham's C coroutine trick.
- 2011‑09‑02:
CS unplugged: computer science without a computer.
- 2011‑09‑02:
Average speed of Cambridgeshire guided bus is 12mph.
- 2011‑09‑02:
Intel's new "Bull Mountain" hardware random number generator.
- 2011‑09‑02:
Our children are mostly getting training in Microsoft Office rather than ICT education.
- 2011‑09‑02:
Doorstep "charity" clothes collection bags are a scam.
- 2011‑09‑01:
Unofficial Lua FAQ.
- 2011‑09‑01:
No, git does not magically make the compromise harmless.
- 2011‑09‑01:
Sodastream kicked out of Swedish Co-op shops owing to factory in occupied West Bank.
- 2011‑09‑01:
Skeptics in the Pub: contacts, links and resources.
- 2011‑09‑01:
Low-overhead breakpoints for Lua.
- 2011‑09‑01:
Using git to work on the FreeBSD source code.
- 2011‑09‑01:
DigiNotar breach: the story so far.
- 2011‑09‑01:
The Carlton Arms new website.
- 2011‑09‑01:
Well, that about wraps it up for SCO.
- 2011‑09‑01:
Charlie Stross reinvents zombies.
- 2011‑08‑31:
Adrian Cockcroft of NetFlix is looking for AWS competitors, and OpenStack isn't up to it.
- 2011‑08‑31:
"We have to monetize more of what ordinary people do, or we make them into wards of the state" - Jaron Lanier.
- 2011‑08‑31:
What shapes do dice have?
- 2011‑08‑31:
With 95% probability, the Higgs boson does not exist within the energies the LHC has explored.
- 2011‑08‑31:
Bit-squatting: DNS hijacking using random bit-flip errors.
- 2011‑08‑31:
It is not clear that IPv6 will secure sufficient following to attain market viability. (John Curran, 1994)
- 2011‑08‑31:
Intel's plans to keep Moore's law going.
- 2011‑08‑31:
Flickr: automatic privacy settings based on photo locations.
- 2011‑08‑31:
That coloured road surface isn't a bike lane, it's a door zone.
- 2011‑08‑31:
Britain should be proud of the Human Rights Act - and protect it.
- 2011‑08‑31:
To kill a mocking name.
- 2011‑08‑30:
Facebook improves privacy controls.
- 2011‑08‑30:
FixMyTransport: report, view, and resolve public transport problems.
- 2011‑08‑30:
IETF very strongly urges Google and OpenDNS to follow the EDNS0 option code allocation procedure.
- 2011‑08‑30:
UK government supports copyright term extension despite the recommendation of the Hargreaves report.
- 2011‑08‑30:
The world time system.
- 2011‑08‑30:
Tony Sale, computer conservationist at Bletchley Park, has died.
- 2011‑08‑30:
OpenDNS and Google public DNS deploy workaround to fix CDN geo-IP pessimization.
- 2011‑08‑30:
Vasco press release on the hacking of their subsidiary X.509 CA DigiNotar.
- 2011‑08‑30:
"Cat women of the moon": Radio 4 programme on science fiction and relationships between the sexes.
- 2011‑08‑30:
Academic publishers make Murdoch look like a socialist.
- 2011‑08‑30:
DigiNotar X.509 CA portal hacked by Iranians years ago?
- 2011‑08‑30:
Mr.Hermes: simple Python debug/test SMTP server.
- 2011‑08‑30:
"High Table, Lower Orders": Cambridge comedy murder mystery currently on Radio 4 Extra.
- 2011‑08‑30:
Data mining the Science Museum catalogue: "inordinately fond of bottles".
- 2011‑08‑30:
Google and Mozilla revoke trust in a CA that issued a GMail man-in-the-middle cert.
- 2011‑08‑30:
Not Tetris 2 - Tetris with physics.
- 2011‑08‑30:
Microsoft fails at data-driven UI design.
- 2011‑08‑30:
The case for a free market in IPv4 addresses.
- 2011‑08‑30:
Trading IPv4 addresses will end in tears.
- 2011‑08‑29:
The Daily Mail's repeated deliberate photo copyright infringement.
- 2011‑08‑27:
Pacific Northwest superquake and megatsunami.
- 2011‑08‑27:
Schiehallion experiment to measure the density of the Earth.
- 2011‑08‑27:
From System F to typed assembly language.
- 2011‑08‑27:
ichbins: a self-hosting Lisp-to-C compiler in 6 pages of code.
- 2011‑08‑27:
Bootstrapping a metacircular PEG-to-JavaScript parser generator.
- 2011‑08‑27:
An incremental approach to compiler construction.
- 2011‑08‑27:
Stories about the B5000 and the people who were there.
- 2011‑08‑27:
Want to write a compiler? Just read these two papers.
- 2011‑08‑26:
Ellen Ripley saved my life.
- 2011‑08‑26:
How media clearly reflects the sexism and the racism we cannot see in ourselves.
- 2011‑08‑26:
UK's atomic clock is world's most accurate.
- 2011‑08‑26:
Corrections and clarifications on Iceland.
- 2011‑08‑26:
Why Iceland should be in the news, but is not.
- 2011‑08‑26:
Hints for computer system design from Butler Lampson.
- 2011‑08‑26:
Papers every computer scientist should read.
- 2011‑08‑26:
Tomasulo's algorithm for out-of-order instruction scheduling.
- 2011‑08‑26:
Out of the tar pit: minimizing complexity.
- 2011‑08‑26:
What would it be like walking around on a cube-shaped planet?
- 2011‑08‑26:
The Annotated Turing by Charles Petzold.
- 2011‑08‑26:
"Climategate" was a fake scandal.
- 2011‑08‑26:
Peter Norvig on Christopher Strachey's checkers program from Scientific American, Sept. 1966.
- 2011‑08‑26:
King's Cross Station redevelopment.
- 2011‑08‑26:
Paddington Station refurbishment.
- 2011‑08‑25:
Capanography helps emergency services know when not to give up CPR, even after 96 minutes.
- 2011‑08‑25:
Students don't know how to find information in libraries or online.
- 2011‑08‑25:
List of scientific equations named after people.
- 2011‑08‑25:
Google+: too much unnecessary drama.
- 2011‑08‑25:
NewsBlur online feed reader.
- 2011‑08‑25:
It's easy to steal PINs from cash machines using a thermal camera.
- 2011‑08‑25:
Where is Physics Barbie?
- 2011‑08‑25:
Free version of ISO 32000-1 PDF specification from Adobe, with the official ISO boilerplate filed off.
- 2011‑08‑24:
Intel product rosetta stone.
- 2011‑08‑24:
The financial industry has become a threat to the global economy again.
- 2011‑08‑24:
The 1922 New York straw hat riot.
- 2011‑08‑24:
Paul Krugman on Google+, or not.
- 2011‑08‑24:
The amazing disappearing BSD licence!
- 2011‑08‑24:
Org mode: an Emacs extension for notes, project planning, and authoring.
- 2011‑08‑24:
TiddlyWiki: a serverless wiki.
- 2011‑08‑24:
Operating system popularity statistics on Windows XP's tenth birthday.
- 2011‑08‑24:
List of enclaves and exclaves.
- 2011‑08‑23:
"OK Go and the Muppets? That sounds pretty exciting!" "Nah, let's watch cat videos."
- 2011‑08‑23:
Rob Pike says "don't write lexers and parsers with regular expressions".
- 2011‑08‑23:
Bretton Woods and the gold standard vs. floating exchange rates and paper money.
- 2011‑08‑23:
How to transport 211 tonnes of gold from London to Caracas?
- 2011‑08‑23:
The Register on BlueGene/Q.
- 2011‑08‑23:
BlueGene/Q includes hardware support for transactional memory.
- 2011‑08‑23:
Sales of non-iPad tablets vs. obscure game consoles.
- 2011‑08‑23:
Chinese military reveals a cyber-warfare tool on TV.
- 2011‑08‑23:
Ericsson's Computer Science lab: the first ten years.
- 2011‑08‑23:
luatrace: tracing, profiling and coverage for Lua.
- 2011‑08‑23:
Charlie Stross is not on Google Plus.
- 2011‑08‑22:
Reflections on diglossia.
- 2011‑08‑22:
The discovery of an underlying disease process for all types of ALS.
- 2011‑08‑22:
BHyVe: KVM-style hypervisor for FreeBSD.
- 2011‑08‑22:
European unitary patents could bring unlimited software patents over here.
- 2011‑08‑22:
Software patents: foolish business (says the Guardian).
- 2011‑08‑22:
Cherry Box Pizza: interesting toppings in Cambridge.
- 2011‑08‑22:
Vodka nation.
- 2011‑08‑22:
Peudonymity, privacy and responsibility on Google+.
- 2011‑08‑22:
Met Office building in Exeter - spot the supercomputer hall.
- 2011‑08‑22:
Smileua: an alternative syntax for Lua inspired by MoonScript.
- 2011‑08‑22:
Arabic language history.
- 2011‑08‑22:
Arabic is terrific.
- 2011‑08‑20:
Threads without locks - the Plan 9 / Golang approach to concurrency.
- 2011‑08‑20:
DNSSEC and trust agility. (Doesn't realise that hierarchial trust protects against foreign bad actors.)
- 2011‑08‑20:
$1 billion that nobody wants.
- 2011‑08‑20:
66 metre sundial / cable stay bridge in Redding, California.
- 2011‑08‑20:
Google+ must stop this identity theatre.
- 2011‑08‑20:
13yo designs solar panel mount using the Fibonacci sequence in trees.
- 2011‑08‑20:
Jamie Zawinsky on the nym wars.
- 2011‑08‑19:
A ban on programming language module imports.
- 2011‑08‑19:
How personal names differ around the world.
- 2011‑08‑19:
London Tube map with distance grid.
- 2011‑08‑19:
A more geographical version of the London Tube map.
- 2011‑08‑19:
Apple doesn't do concept products.
- 2011‑08‑18:
David May, creator of the transputer.
- 2011‑08‑18:
Writing a macro processor for Erlang.
- 2011‑08‑18:
How web browsers work.
- 2011‑08‑18:
$80 Huawei Android phone sells like hotcakes in Kenya.
- 2011‑08‑18:
Pigeons are better at the Monty Hall problem than people.
- 2011‑08‑17:
Redefining the SI units based on fixed values of fundamental constants.
- 2011‑08‑17:
An extended comparative study of language support for generic programming.
- 2011‑08‑17:
Termination combinators forever.
- 2011‑08‑17:
The Kitchen Sink DNS resource record type.
- 2011‑08‑17:
Judge Andrew Gilbart QC sentencing remarks on the Manchester riots.
- 2011‑08‑17:
A comparison of C++ "concepts" and Haskell type classes.
- 2011‑08‑17:
AKS primality test.
- 2011‑08‑17:
SpaceX to fly to ISS in November.
- 2011‑08‑17:
Vinay Deolalikar's claimed proof of P!=NP, one year later.
- 2011‑08‑16:
Secure dynamic DNS update howto.
- 2011‑08‑16:
Standard-ish secure dynamic DNS updates with Mac OS X, wide-area Bonjour and DNS service discovery.
- 2011‑08‑16:
Experiences porting KVM to SmartOS.
- 2011‑08‑16:
Joyent SmartOS.
- 2011‑08‑16:
Pandoc: a universal document converter.
- 2011‑08‑16:
Goodbye, cruel Word.
- 2011‑08‑16:
IBM pulls the plug on high performance computer systems research.
- 2011‑08‑16:
False confessions are easy to extract.
- 2011‑08‑16:
Building with Legos: immutable virtual servers.
- 2011‑08‑16:
Dark matter may be an illusion caused by gravitational polarization of the quantum vacuum.
- 2011‑08‑16:
How the head of Fox News is making Americans more right-wing, ignorant, and terrified.
- 2011‑08‑15:
The Black Blood of the Earth - triple cold-extraction coffee.
- 2011‑08‑15:
Design Patterns in Dynamic Languages.
- 2011‑08‑15:
The sunny side of smut.
- 2011‑08‑15:
How to create a sparsebundle without relying on Time Machine.
- 2011‑08‑15:
Time Machine - backing up to a locally-connected sparsebundle.
- 2011‑08‑15:
Apple's sleek new Fifth Avenue glass cube.
- 2011‑08‑15:
Evil traffic interception by US ISPs.
- 2011‑08‑15:
I'm sorry, but were you actually trying to remember your passwords?
- 2011‑08‑15:
The ethics of artificial intelligence.
- 2011‑08‑15:
Automated testing on iOS and Android.
- 2011‑08‑15:
Perlis languages.
- 2011‑08‑14:
The shapes of CSS.
- 2011‑08‑13:
Google finds 80 Flash exploit in four weeks using large scale fuzzing.
- 2011‑08‑13:
How to create an account on a Mac when you don't know its passwords.
- 2011‑08‑13:
AeroFS: file sync without servers.
- 2011‑08‑13:
How to put your logo into a QR code.
- 2011‑08‑12:
Research is in crisis and young scientists are suffering.
- 2011‑08‑12:
Independent police monitor beaten up in back of police van, while monitoring policing of riots.
- 2011‑08‑12:
Petition for no homeopathy on the NHS.
- 2011‑08‑12:
Design patterns are a sign of missing language features.
- 2011‑08‑12:
Armed Response Technologies, home of the DeathStation 9000.
- 2011‑08‑12:
An enlightened social contract is not built on subsidies or "handouts" - whether to the impoverished or to bankers.
- 2011‑08‑12:
What if Bertie Wooster, rather than being a mere layabout, was also Batman?
- 2011‑08‑12:
DragonFly Mail Agent - a small and secure MTA for edge systems.
- 2011‑08‑12:
Mac OS X Lion recovery disk assistant.
- 2011‑08‑12:
Death to the 'noreply' mailbox.
- 2011‑08‑12:
Hooking up a VT220 to a Mac.
- 2011‑08‑12:
LSI launches MegaRAID CacheCade Pro 2.0 SSD caching software.
- 2011‑08‑12:
Do not leave concentrated nitric acid unattended.
- 2011‑08‑12:
Charging and convicting rioters is not a simple matter.
- 2011‑08‑12:
Riot against moral relativism.
- 2011‑08‑12:
Patent-infringement lawsuit against Fark settled for zero dollars, sans NDA.
- 2011‑08‑11:
The patent system is broken, not us.
- 2011‑08‑11:
How terrorism laws brought back 1980s riots.
- 2011‑08‑11:
How BlackBerry BBM fed the riots.
- 2011‑08‑11:
How nice it is to change someone's mind on the Internet :-)
- 2011‑08‑11:
Deep structural problems lie beneath the London riots.
- 2011‑08‑11:
Reducing redundant RETURN opcodes in Lua.
- 2011‑08‑11:
Some fun C tricks and tips.
- 2011‑08‑11:
Graphs of rent prices in Cambridge used to set the Local Housing Allowance.
- 2011‑08‑11:
The eyesore on I-4.
- 2011‑08‑11:
The economic consequences of Gordon Brown.
- 2011‑08‑11:
Weapons of Lua.
- 2011‑08‑11:
Moonscript: an alternate syntax for Lua inspired by CoffeeScript.
- 2011‑08‑11:
The strange propaganda of the now-famous riot cleanup broom bic.
- 2011‑08‑11:
CAPTCHAs to keep idiots out of comment threads.
- 2011‑08‑10:
The GOES time code service, 1974-2004.
- 2011‑08‑10:
Metrologia special issue on modern applications of timescales.
- 2011‑08‑10:
What happens to the 13 to 20% of kids who walk away from school with no qualifications?
- 2011‑08‑10:
Google's list of bad words.
- 2011‑08‑10:
Index of multiple deprivation / riots map mashup.
- 2011‑08‑10:
"Self-pitying scumbags" - Tony Parsons on the rioters.
- 2011‑08‑10:
How have Europeans grown so tall?
- 2011‑08‑09:
Philips LED bulb tear-down.
- 2011‑08‑09:
How bad is News Corporation?!
- 2011‑08‑09:
Gamification is marketing bullshit.
- 2011‑08‑09:
Mac OS X Lion for unix hackers.
- 2011‑08‑09:
RetroBSD is a port of 2.11BSD Unix to Microchip PIC32 embedded MIPS systems.
- 2011‑08‑09:
An experiment with the Google+ profile abuse handling process.
- 2011‑08‑09:
Google employees whose G+ names violate their policy.
- 2011‑08‑09:
Policing riots: stand and watch or get stuck in?
- 2011‑08‑08:
The obfuscated vote counting competition.
- 2011‑08‑08:
Chuck out that tough Aussie bloke stereotype and bring back the laid-back Aussies.
- 2011‑08‑08:
Warren's Abstract Machine for Prolog: a tutorial reconstruction.
- 2011‑08‑07:
Enthusiasm to learn and marking school work.
- 2011‑08‑07:
Dan Carlin podcast on the death throes of the Roman Republic.
- 2011‑08‑07:
An explanation of Microsoft's anti-Google patent FUD.
- 2011‑08‑07:
"My name is me: your freedom to choose the name you use online.
- 2011‑08‑06:
The Economist on the moon - ultimate headline winnage.
- 2011‑08‑06:
In search of stupidity.
- 2011‑08‑06:
Realize that fold is nothing but replacing each n-ary constructor of an algebraic data type with an n-ary function.
- 2011‑08‑06:
Real name policies are an authoritarian assertion of power over vulnerable people.
- 2011‑08‑06:
Google IPv6 adoption statistics.
- 2011‑08‑06:
Lion, IPv6, happy eyeballs.
- 2011‑08‑06:
You can steal my ideas but I'm still the best person to carry them out.
- 2011‑08‑06:
Vince Cable anti-Murdoch leakers were bribed by News International.
- 2011‑08‑05:
"Phlebomania Hancocksia": prevalence of a previously undescribed psychomotor disturbance.
- 2011‑08‑05:
Google+ names policy explained.
- 2011‑08‑05:
Craig Murray was right about the UK's pro-torture policy.
- 2011‑08‑05:
Coalition cock-up or conspiracy?
- 2011‑08‑05:
This is an article about a statistic.
- 2011‑08‑05:
cython-ifdef: basic preprocessor support for cython using unifdef.
- 2011‑08‑05:
In love with Sheffield's architecture.
- 2011‑08‑04:
Another big miscarriage of justice.
- 2011‑08‑04:
What interests Google associates with your ads cookie.
- 2011‑08‑03:
When patents attack Android.
- 2011‑08‑03:
Charles' Rules of Argument.
- 2011‑08‑03:
Student journalists try producing a paper using 1980s tech.
- 2011‑08‑03:
The US legislation that could kill Internet privacy.
- 2011‑08‑03:
The mother of all interview questions.
- 2011‑08‑03:
The C2I2 hypothesis: customers vs. collaborators; implementations vs. inventions.
- 2011‑08‑03:
ViTunes: control iTunes from vim.
- 2011‑08‑03:
Standard LEDs can make a 800Mbps wireless network.
- 2011‑08‑03:
The myth of the sole inventor.
- 2011‑08‑03:
The Exonomist says America's intellectual-property system is a travesty which threatens the wealth and welfare of the whole world.
- 2011‑08‑02:
Efficient and practical distributed currency.
- 2011‑08‑02:
Liberty / Justice femslash.
- 2011‑08‑02:
Beware of Greeks bearing bonds.
- 2011‑08‑02:
The little manual of API design.
- 2011‑08‑02:
They could have had the moon but instead they got Afghanistan.
- 2011‑08‑02:
Your shoes make you walk wrong.
- 2011‑08‑02:
Moore's law hits a snag with power budgets.
- 2011‑08‑02:
Venture capital has stopped funding the future.
- 2011‑08‑02:
How fake money saved Brazil.
- 2011‑08‑02:
Oslo: Reflections on U.S. and Norwegian reactions.
- 2011‑08‑01:
Playgrounds can be too safe.
- 2011‑08‑01:
The Left might actually be right.
- 2011‑08‑01:
Everyone plays Monopoly wrong.
- 2011‑08‑01:
How Bush and Obama have affected US debt.
- 2011‑08‑01:
Time does not exist.
- 2011‑08‑01:
How not to do conference wifi.
- 2011‑08‑01:
Skud's survey of suspended Google+ accounts.
- 2011‑08‑01:
Freedom of the press implies that if you don't own the press, you don't get the freedom.
- 2011‑08‑01:
Test your vocabulary.
- 2011‑08‑01:
False Witnesses 2.
- 2011‑08‑01:
False witnesses, malicious liars.
- 2011‑08‑01:
God hates German words.
- 2011‑07‑31:
American patent reform may strengthen patent trolls.
- 2011‑07‑31:
Forbes says the US Supreme Court should invalidate software patents.
- 2011‑07‑30:
The secret ingredient flavouring your orange juice.
- 2011‑07‑30:
IPv6 brokenness problems are being fixed.
- 2011‑07‑28:
Moom: grid-based window positioning for Mac OS.
- 2011‑07‑25:
More people caught out by proliferation of US federal offenses.
- 2011‑07‑22:
Enable TRIM support for all SSDs in OS X Lion by editing a kext binary.
- 2011‑07‑22:
PowerDNS authoritative server 3.0 released - now with DNSSEC support.
- 2011‑07‑22:
ClojureScript is a dialect of Clojure that targets JavaScript as a deployment platform.
- 2011‑07‑21:
Nokia takes a nosedive. "Osborne Effect" henceforth known as "Elop Effect".
- 2011‑07‑21:
The Columbia Journalism Review summarizes the criminal activities of News Corporation.
- 2011‑07‑21:
Aaron Swartz's reckless open access activism.
- 2011‑07‑21:
Nominet DNSSEC signing service.
- 2011‑07‑21:
Open Cambridge - see inside places that are usually closed - Sep. 9-11.
- 2011‑07‑19:
Mork keeps on giving: When the database worms eat into your murder trial.
- 2011‑07‑19:
The reasoning behind changing daylight saving time in North America in 2007.
- 2011‑07‑18:
Connie Willis may be the worst writer in existence.
- 2011‑07‑18:
Fox News claims the News of the World was a VICTIM of phone hacking.
- 2011‑07‑18:
Paul Krugman on the insanity of the Republican Party.
- 2011‑07‑18:
How the Guardian broke the Murdoch scandal.
- 2011‑07‑18:
Why aren't the earliest sunset and latest sunrise on the same day as the winter solstice?
- 2011‑07‑18:
Higher-order Venn diagrams.
- 2011‑07‑17:
A literary appreciation of the Olson TZ database.
- 2011‑07‑16:
How Ethernet grew from 3Mbps to 100Gbps.
- 2011‑07‑16:
How Stuxnet was revealed to be a sophisticated cyberweapon.
- 2011‑07‑16:
The algebra of data, and the calculus of mutation.
- 2011‑07‑16:
Is there anything good about men?
- 2011‑07‑15:
The rise and fall of the independent software developer.
- 2011‑07‑15:
Small businesses sued after MacroSolve gets a patent covering HTML forms.
- 2011‑07‑13:
For the first time ever, the government publishes its consolidated accounts.
- 2011‑07‑13:
"Rupert Murdoch has done more to harm journalism in America and Britain than any other person." - Roger Ebert.
- 2011‑07‑13:
Floppy disks: it's too late.
- 2011‑07‑13:
A major improvement to BIND 9 startup performance with lots of zones.
- 2011‑07‑13:
TIME's Lev Grossman on fan fiction culture.
- 2011‑07‑13:
How the Metropolitan Police tries to cover up their mistakes with lies and corruption.
- 2011‑07‑13:
How New Corporation blackmailed a Fox Sports anchorman over his health.
- 2011‑07‑13:
Csmith is a compiler testing tool that generates random C programs which conform to the standard.
- 2011‑07‑13:
Rapid DHCP: Or, how do Macs get on the network so fast?
- 2011‑07‑13:
The fanless spinning heatsink: more efficient and immune to dust.
- 2011‑07‑12:
How News Corporation gets massive tax refunds from the US government.
- 2011‑07‑12:
Edward Tufte's slopegraphs.
- 2011‑07‑12:
Women in national parliaments.
- 2011‑07‑12:
Garbage collection is fast, but a stack is faster.
- 2011‑07‑12:
A library of high-level control operators based on continuations.
- 2011‑07‑12:
A retrospective on region-based memory management.
- 2011‑07‑11:
A reply to criticisms of the Knight and Leveson N-version programming experiment.
- 2011‑07‑11:
NSA SIGINT style guide.
- 2011‑07‑11:
This scandal goes to the heart of the way this country has been run, under both parties, for decades.
- 2011‑07‑11:
Analysis of increased query load on root name servers.
- 2011‑07‑11:
NY Times on the corruption and criminality of News International.
- 2011‑07‑11:
Royal Society event discussing UTC for the 21st century.
- 2011‑07‑11:
The Mine! project: open source online data and relationships logistics.
- 2011‑07‑08:
IERS surveys opinion on the possible redefinition of UTC.
- 2011‑07‑08:
Advanced Lawnmower Simulator. (almost as good as the Sinclair version)
- 2011‑07‑08:
Research on innovation by James Bessen et al.
- 2011‑07‑08:
A generation of software patents.
- 2011‑07‑08:
SURFnet on deploying DNSSEC validation on recursive nameservers.
- 2011‑07‑08:
Code in academic papers.
- 2011‑07‑08:
Nature: why scientific programming does not compute.
- 2011‑07‑08:
Microsoft's Android shakedown.
- 2011‑07‑07:
How mobile phone voicemail hacking worked.
- 2011‑07‑07:
IRA vs. al Qaeda.
- 2011‑07‑07:
The machine to build the machines. (NeXT promo video from 20 years ago.)
- 2011‑07‑07:
Revolution, hacktivism, lulz, and memes.
- 2011‑07‑06:
Brewing gluten-free strawberry beer with animated GIFs.
- 2011‑07‑06:
Dear photograph.
- 2011‑07‑06:
Google to retire Blogger and Picasa in favour of Google+.
- 2011‑07‑05:
Have cities in the developed world reached peak car use?
- 2011‑07‑05:
The (Deutsch)-Schorr-Waite graph marking algorithm, developed with style.
- 2011‑07‑05:
Police bail in the dock.
- 2011‑07‑05:
Sheryl Sandberg, Facebook's COO.
- 2011‑07‑05:
High speed rail in China.
- 2011‑07‑05:
Who holds Greek debt.
- 2011‑07‑05:
Once Greece goes...
- 2011‑07‑05:
A funny little calculus textbook.
- 2011‑07‑05:
Babbage - the language of the future.
- 2011‑07‑05:
Fukushima cover-up unravels.
- 2011‑07‑04:
Dutch beer glass sundial.
- 2011‑07‑04:
A beer glass with a built-in sundial.
- 2011‑07‑04:
Homophobic primary school stops community opera at last minute.
- 2011‑07‑02:
Decentralised currencies are probably impossible, but let's at least make them efficient.
- 2011‑07‑01:
How to safely store a password.
- 2011‑07‑01:
fexl: function expression language based on combinators.
- 2011‑07‑01:
Why do game developers prefer Windows? Direct3D vs OpenGL.
- 2011‑07‑01:
Hacker News discusses broadband competition.
- 2011‑06‑30:
Why Europe has fast cheap broadband, but America has arguments about net neutrality.
- 2011‑06‑30:
I like the buttery biscuit bass.
- 2011‑06‑30:
Jellyfish: networking data centres randomly.
- 2011‑06‑30:
Norvig vs. Chomsky and the fight for the future of AI.
- 2011‑06‑30:
No-nose bicycle saddles are better for you.
- 2011‑06‑30:
The technology inside Apple's $50 Thunderbolt cable.
- 2011‑06‑30:
Chip-scale atomic clock GPS-disciplined oscillator.
- 2011‑06‑30:
dotjs - Google Chrome plugin for easily adding your own JavaScript to web pages.
- 2011‑06‑30:
Programming in Clojure for beginners.
- 2011‑06‑29:
Root DNS server load up by factor of four in last 24 hours.
- 2011‑06‑29:
Why Programming Languages?
- 2011‑06‑28:
Designing GitHub for Mac.
- 2011‑06‑28:
How a code editor can indicate nesting level without indentation.
- 2011‑06‑28:
Cambridge's Richardson Candle street lights have been listed for preservation.
- 2011‑06‑28:
TCP Hybla: a transmission scheme for long RTT wireless networks.
- 2011‑06‑28:
Petition to ignore the EDL march in Cambridge.
- 2011‑06‑28:
How to make a clock run for 10,000 years.
- 2011‑06‑28:
Using Yubikey with Fastmail.
- 2011‑06‑28:
Inexpensive OATH OTP tokens.
- 2011‑06‑28:
Duo Security: two factor authentication made easy.
- 2011‑06‑28:
TCP over 2.5G and 3G wireless networks.
- 2011‑06‑28:
Why mobile networking sucks: bufferbloat and TCP over 3G.
- 2011‑06‑28:
American Scientist article on the future of UTC by pro-leap-second astronomers.
- 2011‑06‑28:
Update on revised spec for UTC and leap seconds.
- 2011‑06‑27:
JavaScript is dead. Long live JavaScript!
- 2011‑06‑26:
10,000 year clock.
- 2011‑06‑26:
The road to gay marriage in New York.
- 2011‑06‑26:
Lua 5.2 reference manual, annotated with changes from 5.1.
- 2011‑06‑25:
Cross-browser non-ASCII download file names.
- 2011‑06‑24:
Institute for the Future predicts effects of IT in 1982: right effects, wrong tech.
- 2011‑06‑24:
Kind of Screwed: fair use in action.
- 2011‑06‑24:
Top 10 most sinister PSYOPS mission patches.
- 2011‑06‑23:
Lytro light-field camera will take photos that can be refocussed during post-processing.
- 2011‑06‑23:
Graphics programming black book, by Michael Abrash.
- 2011‑06‑23:
Rateless codes and big downloads: a peer-to-peer system based on linear-time rateless erasure codes.
- 2011‑06‑23:
Digital fountain codes for forward error correction.
- 2011‑06‑23:
GitX (L): a fork of GitX.
- 2011‑06‑23:
GitX: a git GUI for Mac OS X.
- 2011‑06‑23:
Offline GitHub for Mac.
- 2011‑06‑23:
Leap-of-faith trust aka TOFU/POP for https.
- 2011‑06‑23:
Health and safety has little to do with timid risk aversion.
- 2011‑06‑23:
Tube Map in German.
- 2011‑06‑23:
Georgia's new anti-immigration law causes a farm labour crisis.
- 2011‑06‑22:
Fighting for the public domain in front of the Supreme Court of the United States.
- 2011‑06‑22:
Yahoo!s list of things to do to speed up your web site.
- 2011‑06‑21:
How Google notifies you of "search customization".
- 2011‑06‑21:
Escape your search engine Filter Bubble!
- 2011‑06‑21:
Broken Koans and other Zen debris.
- 2011‑06‑21:
Zen Koans.
- 2011‑06‑21:
Facing up to insolvent infrastructure and debt-ridden services.
- 2011‑06‑18:
jsmad: pure JavaScript mp3 decoder.
- 2011‑06‑17:
DNSSEC authenticated HTTPS in Google Chrome.
- 2011‑06‑17:
How magnets work.
- 2011‑06‑17:
Why you might say to MySQL, "I am a dummy."
- 2011‑06‑17:
DNSvis diagram of DNSSEC trust and delegation chains for
- 2011‑06‑16:
ORM is an anti-pattern.
- 2011‑06‑16:
Designing good multiple-choice questions.
- 2011‑06‑15:
The sleepsort algorithm: an O(n) sort implemented in bash.
- 2011‑06‑15:
Samuel L Jackson reads a bedtime story: "go the fuck to sleep".
- 2011‑06‑15:
An abridged history of the Internet.
- 2011‑06‑15:
Are auto-login links in email a good idea?
- 2011‑06‑14:
The Gosu programming l.anguage
- 2011‑06‑14:
Scala: static checking that feels dynamic.
- 2011‑06‑14:
Matt Groening's promo cartoons for Apple.
- 2011‑06‑14:
Reverse DNS considerations for IPv6.
- 2011‑06‑14:
Common scenarios in which Exchange may lose or confuse calendar data.
- 2011‑06‑14:
Python idioms and efficiency.
- 2011‑06‑14:
How to write a spelling corrector.
- 2011‑06‑13:
Andy Baio interviews the creator of telehack.
- 2011‑06‑13:
How to increase procurement costs: use economies of scale rather than competition.
- 2011‑06‑13:
What is "loatheware"?
- 2011‑06‑13:
Terry Pratchett starts the process to take his own life.
- 2011‑06‑13:
Pink stinks: a campaign to challenge the culture of pink which invades every aspect of girls' lives.
- 2011‑06‑13:
6rd: IPv6 rapid deployment.
- 2011‑06‑13:
Cisco on their success with IPv6 in France.
- 2011‑06‑13:
From dust to edge: making a blade starting from ore.
- 2011‑06‑13:
The Reduceron: high-level symbolic computing on an FPGA.
- 2011‑06‑10:
A Haskell combinator library for the design of full-size railway track layouts.
- 2011‑06‑10:
Patients are not consumers.
- 2011‑06‑10:
90 gaffes from Prince Philip in the Mirror.
- 2011‑06‑10:
90 gaffes from Prince Philip in the Independent.
- 2011‑06‑10:
Internet access in th USA is a disaster.
- 2011‑06‑10:
Normalize CSS: an alternative to CSS resets.
- 2011‑06‑09:
Wait, what does your startup do?
- 2011‑06‑09:
Bacon Ipsum.
- 2011‑06‑08:
DENIC says .de has the most 2LDs signed with DNSSEC.
- 2011‑06‑08:
Two stage filtering for email over IPv6.
- 2011‑06‑08:
The Radio 4 Today Programme's fighty interviews are boring and poisonous.
- 2011‑06‑08:
Oxford Electric Bell: a scientific instrument running for 170 years.
- 2011‑06‑07:
Ten physical gestures that have been patented.
- 2011‑06‑07:
How the Tube Map affects journey planning decisions.
- 2011‑06‑07:
Alan Kay asks about significant new inventions in computing since 1980.
- 2011‑06‑07:
Sample of DNS server IPv4 and IPv6 addresses querying
- 2011‑06‑07:
Microsoft AD DNS fails to keep SOA serial numbers in sync, which breaks zone transfers to slaves.
- 2011‑06‑07:
Cambridge Geek Night 11: Monday 13th June, 19:00 at the Union.
- 2011‑06‑07:
Lua enters TIOBE programming language top ten.
- 2011‑06‑07:
Library of the future: box up the books in shipping containers and lend out their contents over the web.
- 2011‑06‑07:
Dark silicon and the end of multicore scaling.
- 2011‑06‑07:
Telehack: huge interactive retrocomputing archive.
- 2011‑06‑06:
National Heritage map of England.
- 2011‑06‑06:
Experimental observations of dual-stack IPv4+IPv6 services.
- 2011‑06‑06:
Spamhaus IPv6 block list strategy.
- 2011‑06‑06:
The Energy Limit Model: Industrialism is no longer able to outrun energy costs.
- 2011‑06‑06:
Translations of common mathematical understatements.
- 2011‑06‑06:
The Economist's Johnson blog with more on cultural misunderstandings.
- 2011‑06‑06:
Languagelog on European understanding of British understatement.
- 2011‑06‑05:
A collection of programming and management laws.
- 2011‑06‑05:
How I failed, failed, and finally succeeded at learning how to program computers.
- 2011‑06‑04:
A benchmarking case study of C++, Java, Scala, and Golang.
- 2011‑06‑03:
netmap: memory mapping of network devices to drive 10gigE at line rate with FreeBSD.
- 2011‑06‑03:
Microsoft's unenthusiastic support for IPv6 day.
- 2011‑06‑03:
Sony gets massively hacked a dozen times.
- 2011‑06‑02:
IEEE Symposium on Security and Privacy votes to reject the IEEE copyright policy and adopt the USENIX policy instead.
- 2011‑06‑02:
The Santa Barbara county courthouse tower clock website (including a disturbance from Japan's earthquake in March).
- 2011‑06‑02:
Skype reverse engineered.
- 2011‑06‑02:
Requirements for handling leap seconds in NASA's common data format for space physics.
- 2011‑06‑02:
The case against the em dash.
- 2011‑06‑02:
Dissecting gzip and deflate.
- 2011‑06‑01:
The Phoenix compiler framework: Microsoft's answer to LLVM.
- 2011‑06‑01:
No, she went of her own accord.
- 2011‑05‑31:
Depixellating pixel art.
- 2011‑05‑31:
Convert between miles and kilometers using only addition.
- 2011‑05‑31:
Bypass Cisco RA Guard by fragmenting your spoofed router advertisements.
- 2011‑05‑31:
CBBC "Horrible Histories" spoofs Apple excellently.
- 2011‑05‑31:
Limits to Growth.
- 2011‑05‑31:
Rock star programmers.
- 2011‑05‑31:
Linux 3.0rc1 - at last a bit of sanity in version numbering.
- 2011‑05‑30:
Twenty reasons why revolution is kicking off everywhere.
- 2011‑05‑30:
Thermoacoustic hot air engine.
- 2011‑05‑30:
A refrigerator that runs without artificial energy input.
- 2011‑05‑29:
"Peak Civilization": the fall of the Roman Empire.
- 2011‑05‑28:
P.G. Wodehouse's American Psycho.
- 2011‑05‑28:
The GFDL is possibly one of the worst licenses ever.
- 2011‑05‑27:
Things in PHP which make you sad.
- 2011‑05‑27:
Phonotactic reconstruction of encrypted VOIP conversations - amazing traffic analysis exploit.
- 2011‑05‑27:
Polygonal map generation.
- 2011‑05‑27:
Haynes manual for the 60163 "Tornado" Peppercorn class A1 Pacific steam locomotive.
- 2011‑05‑27:
Roger Ebert on dim Sony 3D projectors.
- 2011‑05‑27:
Stop sign.
- 2011‑05‑26:
What papers should every computer scientist read?
- 2011‑05‑26:
Floating point formats.
- 2011‑05‑26:
route53d: gateway between standard DNS UPDATE / IXFR messages and Amazon's HTTP-based protocol.
- 2011‑05‑25:
Peak oil, Hubbert curves, thermodynamics, and limits to economic growth.
- 2011‑05‑25:
Branch descriptions in git.
- 2011‑05‑25:
IPv6 eye chart: which websites can you see?
- 2011‑05‑25:
Paul Francis's networking publications.
- 2011‑05‑24:
A treatise on font rasterisation.
- 2011‑05‑24:
The Ryan Giggs affair would have remained private if he had not taken out the injunction.
- 2011‑05‑24:
Never mind naming Ryan Giggs, the RBS and FSA are the real secrecy scandal.
- 2011‑05‑24:
How to deconstruct almost anything.
- 2011‑05‑24:
An algorithms textbook by Dasgupta & Papadimitriou & Vazirani.
- 2011‑05‑24:
ShaperProbe: a tool to detect traffic shaping by ISPs.
- 2011‑05‑24:
Lactase persistence, quasi-pastoralism, and the agricultural and industrial revolutions.
- 2011‑05‑24:
Should apples be regulated?
- 2011‑05‑24:
EU IPR policy is crippling the digital economy.
- 2011‑05‑24:
DENIC currently rolling out DNSSEC for the .de zone.
- 2011‑05‑24:
Mouse + VOIP phone. Try using your computer and phone at the same time...
- 2011‑05‑24:
The HTML keygen element generates a cryptographic key pair and submits the public key as part of an HTML form.
- 2011‑05‑23:
Semantic versioning: a sensible software release numbering scheme.
- 2011‑05‑23:
Linux version numbering to change to 2.8.x.y or 3.x.y?
- 2011‑05‑23:
Loopsofzen: a little puzzle game for IPv6 users only.
- 2011‑05‑23:
OMG IPv6 day! (the tl;dr version)
- 2011‑05‑23:
Test your IPv6 connectivity.
- 2011‑05‑23:
Richmond golf club temporary rules, 1940.
- 2011‑05‑23:
A thoughtful piece about privacy law vs. global media.
- 2011‑05‑23:
How the No to AV campaign won.
- 2011‑05‑23:
Yes to AV post-mortem self-flagellation.
- 2011‑05‑23:
RIBA pylon design competition.
- 2011‑05‑23:
A Toronto couple are trying to raise a genderless child.
- 2011‑05‑23:
MessagePack: like JSON but fast small and binary.
- 2011‑05‑23:
Repairing corrupted ZIP files by brute force scanning.
- 2011‑05‑23:
Scottish newspaper claims immunity from English superinjunction. Hilarity ensues.
- 2011‑05‑22:
It is not a crime for investment banks to stiff their clients.
- 2011‑05‑22:
Fighting the lower Mississippi river. (1987)
- 2011‑05‑21:
How a Schillings superinjunction ensures everyone will hear your secret.
- 2011‑05‑21:
Lambda the Ultimate discussion of proper tail call optimization.
- 2011‑05‑21:
Why object-oriented languages need proper tail call optimization.
- 2011‑05‑20:
Why we resist the idea that carbs are worse for you than fat.
- 2011‑05‑20:
Unix system programming in Objective Caml.
- 2011‑05‑20:
Run jslinux on node.js.
- 2011‑05‑20:
Kirkus Reviews gives a star to Rule 34 by Charlie Stross.
- 2011‑05‑19:
Wadler's criticism of SICP.
- 2011‑05‑19:
A criticism of SICP and a rationale for HtDP.
- 2011‑05‑19:
Amazon now selling more Kindle books than dead tree books.
- 2011‑05‑19:
Carlton Arms to re-open towards the end of July.
- 2011‑05‑19:
Decentralized Internet resource discovery revisited.
- 2011‑05‑18:
Nominet completes rollout of DNSSEC for its .uk 2LDs.
- 2011‑05‑18:
The influence of the embedding/extending API on the design of Lua.
- 2011‑05‑18:
The recursive internet architecture.
- 2011‑05‑18:
Assessing the security of the RINA clean-slate internet architecture.
- 2011‑05‑18:
The definitive Tube map.
- 2011‑05‑18:
Changes to the Internet architecture affect privacy.
- 2011‑05‑18:
The periodic table of biscuit urban legends.
- 2011‑05‑17:
Heaven: a fool's paradise.
- 2011‑05‑17:
"Tubular Bells" played on an awesome collection of classic synths. (YouTube)
- 2011‑05‑17:
Lost Type - pay what you like for fonts.
- 2011‑05‑17:
Urban vs online spaces, cosmopolitan vs parochial, and designing for serendipity and flâneur.
- 2011‑05‑17:
Serendipity: How the vogue word became vague.
- 2011‑05‑17:
The untold story of the search business model.
- 2011‑05‑17:
Dutch is essentially ...
- 2011‑05‑17:
A another brief bio of Fabrice Bellard.
- 2011‑05‑17:
Chief reviwer of NHS reforms says they are unworkable and will destroy essential services.
- 2011‑05‑17:
The state of Unicode fonts in 1998.
- 2011‑05‑17:
A somewhat fluffy bio of Fabrice Bellard.
- 2011‑05‑17:
The L programming language and system.
- 2011‑05‑17:
DNSSEC monitoring tools.
- 2011‑05‑17:
Unintentional goatse.
- 2011‑05‑17:
Programming language popularity.
- 2011‑05‑17:
JavaScript madness.
- 2011‑05‑17:
This PC emulator is written in Javascript. (Another stunning hack by Fabrice Bellard.)
- 2011‑05‑17:
Fair Trade revealed as a feel-good hoax.
- 2011‑05‑16:
Why Kate Griffin does not write about customer service.
- 2011‑05‑16:
Physics lolcats.
- 2011‑05‑16:
MISC: an experimental LISP-like language based on maps.
- 2011‑05‑16:
What the Spitfire can teach us about nurturing innovation and radical ideas.
- 2011‑05‑16:
Vint Cerf wants YOU to use IPv6.
- 2011‑05‑16:
How the secretary of state for health proposes to abolish the NHS in England.
- 2011‑05‑16:
validns - DNSSEC-aware zone file validator.
- 2011‑05‑16:
Scientific evidence and government dietary guidelines.
- 2011‑05‑15:
The worst algorithm in the world, or, how to calculate Fibonacci numbers.
- 2011‑05‑15:
Web comments need to be reinvented.
- 2011‑05‑15:
The dark side of C++.
- 2011‑05‑15:
Imagine a (virtual) world without guns.
- 2011‑05‑15:
Core totally demolished at Fukushima Daiichi No. 1.
- 2011‑05‑15:
How to make WiFi work at tech conferences.
- 2011‑05‑15:
A guide to undefined behaviour in C and C++.
- 2011‑05‑15:
Anti-competitive licensing requirements in the USA.
- 2011‑05‑15:
The "as-if infinitely ranged" integer model for avoiding overflow bugs.
- 2011‑05‑15:
What every C programmer should know about undefined behavior.
- 2011‑05‑15:
JSON is not a subset of JavaScript - lol Unicode.
- 2011‑05‑15:
Markov generators and reservoir sampling.
- 2011‑05‑15:
The suprising security model for NFC payments.
- 2011‑05‑14:
DNSSEC, and trusting Internet names.
- 2011‑05‑13:
Lexadecimal: meaningful colour numbers.
- 2011‑05‑13:
UK higher education policy should not look towards the Ivy League.
- 2011‑05‑13:
Symmetricom chip-scale atomic clock now for sale.
- 2011‑05‑12:
Anglo-EU translation guide.
- 2011‑05‑12:
The humiliation of the Yes to AV campaign.
- 2011‑05‑12:
What happens to Asian-American overachievers after graduation?
- 2011‑05‑11:
Realism in user interface design.
- 2011‑05‑11:
An electoral reform post mortem.
- 2011‑05‑11:
Build your own probability monads.
- 2011‑05‑11:
Home-made core memory for the Arduino.
- 2011‑05‑11:
The "Country Life" magazine list of 39 basic life skills.
- 2011‑05‑10:
The war on access to information.
- 2011‑05‑10:
Creative Commons and the enemies of creators' rights.
- 2011‑05‑10:
EU "cookies" directive: interactive guide to 25th May and what it means for you.
- 2011‑05‑10:
Exploit for Google Chrome (sandbox/ASLR/DEP bypass) - would Capsicum stop it?
- 2011‑05‑09:
Cool but obscure unix tools.
- 2011‑05‑09:
Oxford vs. Yale.
- 2011‑05‑09:
There's more to HTML escaping than &, <, >, and "
- 2011‑05‑09:
Irish jobs minister says current copyright law is bad for the economy.
- 2011‑05‑09:
Samoa to switch from East to West of the Date Line.
- 2011‑05‑08:
The CALM principle: distributed consistency as logical monotonicity.
- 2011‑05‑06:
An alternative vote, Cambridge fashion.
- 2011‑05‑05:
The Economist on the Fukushima nuclear reactor problems.
- 2011‑05‑05:
Blunkett admits No campaign lied about costs. #yes2av
- 2011‑05‑05:
Nominet announces that and are now signed with DNSSEC.
- 2011‑05‑05:
Intel's 22nm tri-gate transistors.
- 2011‑05‑05:
Results from Gravity Probe B confirm that Earth's spin twists space-time as predicted.
- 2011‑05‑05:
Motivated almost exclusively by rage.
- 2011‑05‑04:
A history of copy-on-write memory management.
- 2011‑05‑03:
A celebration of Joanna Russ, 1937-2011.
- 2011‑05‑03:
Antihydrogen trapped for 1000 seconds.
- 2011‑05‑02:
Reasons in favour of lazy evaluation.
- 2011‑05‑02:
LuaMacro2 - a lexical preprocessor for Lua.
- 2011‑05‑02:
The file(1) / libmagic home page.
- 2011‑05‑02:
BFI list of the 50 films you should see by the age of 14.
- 2011‑05‑02:
What Colour are your bits? "Paranoia" and Intellectual Property.
- 2011‑05‑02:
Measuring C compiler standards conformance in the early 1990s.
- 2011‑05‑01:
Atomic22 infiniti3D secure bike component fasteners.
- 2011‑05‑01:
TiGr: titanium ribbon bike lock.
- 2011‑05‑01:
Another patent used to kill innovation.
- 2011‑04‑30:
Summary of the Amazon EC2 and Amazon RDS outage.
- 2011‑04‑30:
Teletext 1970-2012: the life and death of a medium.
- 2011‑04‑28:
Is your cat confused about the referendum for fairer votes? (YouTube)
- 2011‑04‑28:
Power on/off symbology explained.
- 2011‑04‑28:
Redis and scripting (with Lua).
- 2011‑04‑28:
Hens say "yes!" to fairer votes.
- 2011‑04‑28:
Jim: a small implementation of Tcl.
- 2011‑04‑28:
Vote "yes" to fairer votes (and beer!)
- 2011‑04‑28:
Why you should extend Python rather than embedding it.
- 2011‑04‑28:
Yahoo! sells to YouTube founders.
- 2011‑04‑28:
That's What She Said: automatic double entendre identification.
- 2011‑04‑28:
The grim threat to British universities.
- 2011‑04‑27:
A perfectly crazy voting system.
- 2011‑04‑27:
Koninklijk Eise Eisinga Planetarium - the oldest planetarium.
- 2011‑04‑27:
The Chancellor's wife is in town today.
- 2011‑04‑26:
Why I just spent three days changing my passwords on over 300 web sites.
- 2011‑04‑26:
Digital policy in the coalition government.
- 2011‑04‑26:
Corruption, tax fraud, torture, and murder by Russian officials.
- 2011‑04‑26:
Anatomy of bloat in Mozilla's SVG code.
- 2011‑04‑26:
Fitzbillies to re-open under new management.
- 2011‑04‑26:
SecSpider: the DNSSEC monitoring project.
- 2011‑04‑25:
Dutch postal privatization.
- 2011‑04‑25:
Everyone is to blame for this continued expectation that magic distributed storage is possible.
- 2011‑04‑25:
An elegant computer desk.
- 2011‑04‑24:
Algorithmic pricing on the Amazon marketplace.
- 2011‑04‑23:
Immix garbage collection: fast collection, space efficiency, and mutator locality.
- 2011‑04‑23:
Smalltalk 80: bits of history, words of advice.
- 2011‑04‑23:
Google and Linux infringe linked list patent.
- 2011‑04‑23:
The bouncing torpedo.
- 2011‑04‑23:
The Black Team finds a bug in a tape driver.
- 2011‑04‑23:
Everything popular is wrong: making it in electronic music, despite democratization.
- 2011‑04‑22:
1D glasses.
- 2011‑04‑22:
2D glasses.
- 2011‑04‑22:
We should have got AV 93 years ago.
- 2011‑04‑21:
PCH DNS service architecture.
- 2011‑04‑21:
"Fun" with PHP arrays.
- 2011‑04‑21:
Apple's location data collection is mentioned in the terms of use you didn't read.
- 2011‑04‑21:
A better way to teach maths.
- 2011‑04‑21:
TCP/IP illustrated, volume 1: the protocols (2nd edition). By Richard Stevens and Kevin Fall.
- 2011‑04‑20:
Ugly memoization with unsafePerformIO.
- 2011‑04‑20:
Elegant memoization with functional memo tries.
- 2011‑04‑20:
An amazing surreptitious tour of London's disused underground mail railway.
- 2011‑04‑20:
Is the ACS:Law case the beginning of the end for "three strikes" copyright laws?
- 2011‑04‑20:
BT and TalkTalk lose their legal challenge to the Digital Economy Act anti-filesharing provisions.
- 2011‑04‑20:
How the Erlang generic server works.
- 2011‑04‑20:
Parallelism is not concurrency.
- 2011‑04‑20:
A monad for deterministic parallelism.
- 2011‑04‑20:
What is the status of multicore programming in Haskell?
- 2011‑04‑20:
Education as a commodity.
- 2011‑04‑19:
The Taxpayers' Alliance has bought and redirected it to Classy.
- 2011‑04‑19:
Mozilla should add Honest Achmed's root CA certificate.
- 2011‑04‑19:
Size of Google's and similar map tiles at different scales.
- 2011‑04‑19:
The science of why deniers refuse to believe science.
- 2011‑04‑19:
Trade IPv4.
- 2011‑04‑19:
Haskell for the cloud: Erlang-style distributed concurrency.
- 2011‑04‑19:
ARIN seems to agree that Nortel can treat its old IP space as property.
- 2011‑04‑19:
Intel agrees with Oracle that Itanium is obsolete.
- 2011‑04‑18:
10 best tricks to fool yourself to work.
- 2011‑04‑18:
In favour of juries being allowed to throw out bad patents.
- 2011‑04‑18:
What's at the back of your web page?
- 2011‑04‑18:
AV and dog shit.
- 2011‑04‑18:
LuaJIT performance on an ARM (interpreter only, no JIT yet).
- 2011‑04‑18:
Artificial almost-intelligence will trigger the spam apocalypse.
- 2011‑04‑18:
Woo! Cold fusion!
- 2011‑04‑18:
Extruding Conway's Game of Life.
- 2011‑04‑17:
Examples of robberies from data centres.
- 2011‑04‑17:
Photo tour of Facebook's new datacenter.
- 2011‑04‑17:
I2P anonymous network.
- 2011‑04‑17:
The Lisp curse.
- 2011‑04‑16:
CIEL: a universal execution engine for distributed data-flow computing.
- 2011‑04‑16:
TCP incast congestion collapse.
- 2011‑04‑15:
A stable bicycle without gyros or trail.
- 2011‑04‑15:
Cisco PIX firewall SMTP content filtering evasion vulnerability.
- 2011‑04‑15:
Data Protection and Cambridge University's Google Calendar service.
- 2011‑04‑15:
A closer look at the Level 3 + Global Crossing merger.
- 2011‑04‑15:
Sugar: the bitter truth. (YouTube)
- 2011‑04‑15:
Is sugar toxic?
- 2011‑04‑15:
Matt Sergeant has written a new SMTP server using node.js.
- 2011‑04‑14:
Asia/Pacific IPv4 exhaustion approaches.
- 2011‑04‑14:
Teaching binary arithmetic using the Socratic method.
- 2011‑04‑14:
UK Political Studies Association media briefing paper on the Alternative Vote.
- 2011‑04‑14:
"Kettling" of peaceful protestors by Metropolitan Police ruled illegal.
- 2011‑04‑14:
Electricity around the world.
- 2011‑04‑13:
Zooko's tetrahedron.
- 2011‑04‑13:
Zooko's triangle: names can be two of decentralized, secure, meaningful.
- 2011‑04‑13:
Hugh Grant, phone hacking, paparazzi, secret recordings, and the News of the World scandal.
- 2011‑04‑13:
Gazelle: a system for building fast reusable parsers.
- 2011‑04‑13:
Mac OS X hidden features and nice tips & tricks.
- 2011‑04‑13:
User-friendliness and fascism.
- 2011‑04‑12:
Justice is impossible if we cannot trust police forces to tell the truth.
- 2011‑04‑12:
- 2011‑04‑12:
LISP network element deployment considerations.
- 2011‑04‑12:
LISP (locator/Identifier separation protocol) beta network site status.
- 2011‑04‑12:
In praise of eggs.
- 2011‑04‑12:
The Olson timezone database (tzdata and tzcode). (New homepage since twinsun is down.)
- 2011‑04‑12:
AMSS: the AM radio data signalling system.
- 2011‑04‑12:
Specification of BBC phase-modulated data transmissions on Radio 4 long wave.
- 2011‑04‑12:
ShairPort: an open source AirTunes server with a copy of the necessary private key.
- 2011‑04‑12:
Hormel sues for "SPAM" trademark infringement.
- 2011‑04‑12:
Toddler app user interface guidelines.
- 2011‑04‑12:
Binary vs. UTF-8, and why it need not matter.
- 2011‑04‑11:
Programming in Standard ML by Robert Harper.
- 2011‑04‑11:
Circular "roundabout" observation bridge at Hiyoshi Springs.
- 2011‑04‑11:
Castle in the sky: the story of the Royal Greenwich Observatory at Herstmonceux.
- 2011‑04‑11:
The rise and fall of the Royal Greenwich Observatory.
- 2011‑04‑10:
Classification of the principal programming paradigms.
- 2011‑04‑10:
Programming paradigms for dummies: what every programmer should know.
- 2011‑04‑10:
lorempixum - categorized placeholder images.
- 2011‑04‑10:
Optimizing cache performance on a rapidly growing site.
- 2011‑04‑10:
An encyclopaedia of programming languages.
- 2011‑04‑10:
Relaxed memory models must be rigorous.
- 2011‑04‑09:
A watch with a gnomon.
- 2011‑04‑09:
Facebook's Open Compute Project server.
- 2011‑04‑09:
A collection of articles about game physics.
- 2011‑04‑09:
A unified framework for rigid body dynamics.
- 2011‑04‑09:
Physics engines for dummies.
- 2011‑04‑09:
Using coprime overlays to make non-repeating backgrounds.
- 2011‑04‑09:
Brian May use prime numbers in the sound design for "We Will Rock You".
- 2011‑04‑09:
In praise of "The C Programming Language".
- 2011‑04‑08:
Rob Pike's C style guide.
- 2011‑04‑08:
C Craft - waking from a programming nightmare.
- 2011‑04‑08:
PHK on leap seconds in ACM Queue.
- 2011‑04‑08:
Security problem excuse bingo.
- 2011‑04‑07:
When Harry Met Sally 2, starring Billy Crystal & Helen Mirren.
- 2011‑04‑07:
75-year-old copper thief finds a single point of failure in Armenia's Internet connectivity.
- 2011‑04‑06:
OpenSSL memory usage in node.js and Twisted Python.
- 2011‑04‑06:
Testing prime numbers using pcre.
- 2011‑04‑05:
Heap Layers: C++ templates for building high-performance allocators such as Hoard.
- 2011‑04‑05: is switching from Java to Scala.
- 2011‑04‑05:
"Yes to AV" bikes.
- 2011‑04‑04:
Dan Kaminsky on DJB and secure DNS.
- 2011‑04‑04:
A discussion about DES between Stanford CS researchers, NBS, and NSA, in 1976.
- 2011‑04‑04:
gTLD DNSSEC at Verisign. (March 2011)
- 2011‑04‑04:
Minority Report user interface available for real world use.
- 2011‑04‑04:
"Predator" algorithm for tracking unknown objects in unconstrained video streams.
- 2011‑04‑04:
Be prepared to accept security vulnerability reports.
- 2011‑04‑04:
Rules for readable web sites.
- 2011‑04‑04:
The continuing saga of the breast cancer gene patent case.
- 2011‑04‑02:
Zenburn colour scheme for vim.
- 2011‑04‑02:
Solarized - colour scheme for terminal programs.
- 2011‑04‑02:
Product design at GitHub.
- 2011‑04‑01:
Graph showing number of DNSSEC domains with secure delegations in .com, .net, and .edu.
- 2011‑04‑01:
Quantum random bit generator service (with mathematical CAPTCHA).
- 2011‑03‑31:
Linux distros move /var/run to /run to support programs starting early in bootup.
- 2011‑03‑31:
RSA Inc. was hacked by the Chinese?
- 2011‑03‑31:
Wired magazine interview with Paul Baran.
- 2011‑03‑30:
How to insult a computer scientist.
- 2011‑03‑30:
C++ member function pointers and fast delegates.
- 2011‑03‑30:
Canada's broad anti-poly law.
- 2011‑03‑30:
La Meridiana: a house built around a sundial. (stupid Flash photo gallery)
- 2011‑03‑29:
Hacker releases private key of fraudulent Comodo X.509 certificate.
- 2011‑03‑29:
A ballroom under a lake near Godalming...
- 2011‑03‑29:
Juggling quadrocopters. (YouTube)
- 2011‑03‑29:
INWG and the conception of the Internet: an eyewitness account.
- 2011‑03‑29:
DJB's CurveCP: a monolithic replacement for TCP+TLS, plus discussion of transport protocol design.
- 2011‑03‑29:
Mozilla follow-up on the Comodo X.509 certificate authority security breach.
- 2011‑03‑29:
Rima: a mathematical modelling toolset using Lua.
- 2011‑03‑29:
Twin babies have a conversation. Cute! (YouTube)
- 2011‑03‑28:
Niall Ferguson on military overstretch, fiscal deficit, and the collapse of empires.
- 2011‑03‑27:
National Executive Committee for space-based positioning, navigation, and timing on LightSquared and GPS.
- 2011‑03‑27:
Unladen Swallow (Python JIT) retrospective.
- 2011‑03‑27:
Bulletproof Node.js coding.
- 2011‑03‑27:
Cornell library rejects NDAs and will reveal journal prices.
- 2011‑03‑26:
f8 Facebook conference badges / booklets.
- 2011‑03‑26:
Field vs. Google: robots.txt and copyright.
- 2011‑03‑26:
Left-leaning red-black trees.
- 2011‑03‑26:
Hopscotch hash table.
- 2011‑03‑25:
The tale of a 15-year-old T/TCP bug in FreeBSD.
- 2011‑03‑25:
Symmetricom's chip-scale atomic clock.
- 2011‑03‑25:
Autotools Mythbuster.
- 2011‑03‑25:
Autotools Tutorial.
- 2011‑03‑25:
Why Fukushima made me stop worrying and love nuclear power.
- 2011‑03‑25:
Das Leben ist zu kurz für den falschen Job.
- 2011‑03‑25:
Ross Anderson asks, can we fix the security economics of federated authentication?
- 2011‑03‑24:
Bankrupt Nortel sells its IPv4 addresses to Microsoft for $7.5 million.
- 2011‑03‑23:
How visualizes Firefox 4 downloads.
- 2011‑03‑23:
How to sync an iPhone with multiple computers.
- 2011‑03‑23:
Oracle ditches support for Itanium.
- 2011‑03‑23:
Peter Gutmann: "A mighty fortress is our PKI"
- 2011‑03‑23:
Japan Registry Service DNS server user-side evaluation.
- 2011‑03‑23:
Jacob Appelbaum detects Certificate Authority compromises and web browser collusion.
- 2011‑03‑23:
X.509 certificate revocation doesn't work.
- 2011‑03‑23:
Google snappy: a fast compressor/decompressor.
- 2011‑03‑22:
What is the bandwidth of a human ejaculation?
- 2011‑03‑22:
What Johann Hari has in common with Jamie Oliver's kids.
- 2011‑03‑22:
Over-provisioning an Intel X25-M SSD for greater performance and durability.
- 2011‑03‑22:
IPv6 consumer edge router interoperability.
- 2011‑03‑22:
How many times has a URL has been shared on various social networks.
- 2011‑03‑21:
How to fill in your census form without Lockheed Martin profiting.
- 2011‑03‑21:
John Hemming MP on secrecy orders made by the courts. Utterly scandalous.
- 2011‑03‑21:
Hyper-injunctions can stop you from talking to your MP.
- 2011‑03‑21:
Brian Krebs on the Rustock botnet takedown.
- 2011‑03‑19:
Subsurface liquefaction on reclaimed land in Tokyo caused by the Sendai earthquake.
- 2011‑03‑19:
Life and times of J root.
- 2011‑03‑19:
Analysis of anycast anomalies on the J root DNS server.
- 2011‑03‑18:
Query storm affecting .cl TLD.
- 2011‑03‑18:
Integer hash functions.
- 2011‑03‑18:
Non-cryptographic hash function zoo.
- 2011‑03‑18:
How Backblaze build cheap cloud storage.
- 2011‑03‑18:
A plea for baked weblogs.
- 2011‑03‑18:
Paul Vixie on blocking DNS - but when will an RPZ service be announced?
- 2011‑03‑17:
Fantastic Japanese "Jurassic Chocolate".
- 2011‑03‑17:
Safety of different energy sources measured in deaths per TWh.
- 2011‑03‑17:
MOD conducts regular GPS jamming exercises in the UK.
- 2011‑03‑17:
Abusing switch() to delay a loop test in C.
- 2011‑03‑16:
Are you protected by DNSSEC?
- 2011‑03‑16:
What is the definition of a "blue moon"?
- 2011‑03‑16:
Parsing: the solved problem that isn't.
- 2011‑03‑16:
Why is TeX still used? What are some good, modern alternatives?
- 2011‑03‑15:
List of exclamations used by Captain Haddock, before it was deleted by morons.
- 2011‑03‑15:
The case of the flat panel TV scream.
- 2011‑03‑15:
CV Dazzle: camouflage to hide from face detection software.
- 2011‑03‑15:
Print 1 to 1000 without loop or conditional statements.
- 2011‑03‑15:
Police ruin seized evidence after CPS drops charges.
- 2011‑03‑14:
A mind-blowing history of science fiction.
- 2011‑03‑14:
CERT C programming language secure coding standard.
- 2011‑03‑14:
C99 + TC1 + TC2 + TC3
- 2011‑03‑14:
Datum Inc. handbook of time code formats.
- 2011‑03‑14:
Hidden warning message found inside Samsung Galaxy tablet.
- 2011‑03‑14:
iPad 2 introduces new headphone jack.
- 2011‑03‑14:
DRM is so bad it isn't even wrong.
- 2011‑03‑13:
Toxic MP3s can 0wn your car.
- 2011‑03‑13:
Coalition to save our GPS from LightSquared.
- 2011‑03‑13:
Sundial buyer's guide.
- 2011‑03‑13:
nowjs creates a magic namespace "now" accessible by both server (node.js) and client.
- 2011‑03‑13:
The food bubble: How Wall Street starved millions and got away with it.
- 2011‑03‑13:
Why oil is so expensive today (it's not Libya).
- 2011‑03‑12:
iPad + ZAGGmate w/keyboard = the return of the Psion Netbook?
- 2011‑03‑12:
Japan quake caused day to get a wee bit shorter.
- 2011‑03‑11:
Washington Advanced Systems for Programming: Cecil, Vortex, etc.
- 2011‑03‑11:
Clozure Common Lisp.
- 2011‑03‑11:
Why Livejournal moved each user to a separate subdomain.
- 2011‑03‑11:
DNS prefetching on discussion sites with per-user subdomains.
- 2011‑03‑10:
Broadcom NIC remote code execution vulnerability.
- 2011‑03‑10:
Muppets alignment chart.
- 2011‑03‑10:
Will the MIT Media Lab's brilliant algorithmic logo lead to algorithmic trademarks?
- 2011‑03‑10:
TeX vs. GUI word processors.
- 2011‑03‑09:
Jim Reekes on "sosumi" and the other Mac OS system sounds.
- 2011‑03‑09:
You are not a Jedi.
- 2011‑03‑08:
HP BladeSystem VirtualConnect broken by the allocation of IP block
- 2011‑03‑08:
MS Exchange 2010 skips every 50th message in a mailbox with more than 2046 messages.
- 2011‑03‑08:
Adobe Wallaby: convert Flash to HTML5.
- 2011‑03‑08:
Performance and evaluation of Lisp systems.
- 2011‑03‑08:
d3.js: amazing dynamic data-driven documents.
- 2011‑03‑08:
The solid facts on Christchurch liquefaction. (huge 1-page PDF)
- 2011‑03‑08:
SCOTUS to make a decision on copyright and the public domain.
- 2011‑03‑07:
Pictures of a Russian nuclear power plant.
- 2011‑03‑07:
Why Austalia's major cities are in decay.
- 2011‑03‑07:
Engaging a multi-generational workforce: practical advice for managers.
- 2011‑03‑06:
Agora: the Scheme of object-orientation.
- 2011‑03‑05:
Ecdysis: open-source nat64.
- 2011‑03‑05:
Anti-vaxxers use libel to suppress the truth about their evil acts.
- 2011‑03‑04:
The best magazine articles ever.
- 2011‑03‑04:
Linux's inconsistent system call credential checking.
- 2011‑03‑04:
Show me kittens.
- 2011‑03‑04:
Cambridge analogue television switch-off dates.
- 2011‑03‑04:
A list of radio positioning and surveying systems.
- 2011‑03‑04:
The crypto gardening guide and planting tips.
- 2011‑03‑04:
The blind man who taught himself to see.
- 2011‑03‑04:
Microsoft and Google jointly sue patent troll GeoTag Inc.
- 2011‑03‑04:
The Wikipedia FAQK.
- 2011‑03‑04:
The case against drop-down identities.
- 2011‑03‑04:
Why gender is a text field on Diaspora.
- 2011‑03‑04:
What you need to know about mobile Internet censorship.
- 2011‑03‑03:
Ingredients of the Arabian revolutions. (NY Times)
- 2011‑03‑03:
Draft C1X standard, with diff marks relative to C99.
- 2011‑03‑03:
O2 and Vodaphone are arbitrarily blocking "adult" web sites.
- 2011‑03‑03:
Cleaning up alkali metals with superheated steam.
- 2011‑03‑03:
Memory models: a case for rethinking parallel languages and hardware.
- 2011‑03‑02:
Knuth on academic publishing.
- 2011‑03‑02:
The ACM and the IEEE are shaking down computer science.
- 2011‑03‑02:
Why sodium produces a bigger bang than more reactive alkali metals.
- 2011‑03‑02:
The bipolar Lisp programmer.
- 2011‑03‑02:
Great books for programmers.
- 2011‑03‑01:
Pictures of Nyiragongo volcano.
- 2011‑03‑01:
CloudFlare anycast geoIP reverse proxy web accelerator service.
- 2011‑03‑01:
Pictures of kittens to use as placeholders in your web site designs.
- 2011‑03‑01:
Weightings for the 2014 Research Excellence Framework.
- 2011‑03‑01:
Playstation 3 imports seized for violating LG's BluRay patents.
- 2011‑03‑01:
Interesting photos from Google Street View.
- 2011‑03‑01:
Anyone want to buy the domain
- 2011‑03‑01:
Microsoft Windows development process.
- 2011‑03‑01:
The very rich indie writer.
- 2011‑02‑28:
"I don't want to be a teacher any more."
- 2011‑02‑28:
Every revolution is different: 1848 vs. 2011.
- 2011‑02‑28:
Geekhack forum for discerning keyboard users.
- 2011‑02‑28:
US DoC National Telecoms and Info. Administration notice of inquiry re. IANA and ICANN.
- 2011‑02‑28:
First come first served source address validation for locally-assigned IPv6 addresses.
- 2011‑02‑28:
A real-world MAC address spoofing incident.
- 2011‑02‑28:
mcpp: a portable C preprocessor with validation suite.
- 2011‑02‑27:
The flocking algorithm.
- 2011‑02‑25:
How to write a script that is understood by both the shell and by Lua.
- 2011‑02‑25:
Intel BIOS implementation test suite.
- 2011‑02‑25:
Alan Turing's papers saved for the nation.
- 2011‑02‑24:
Inside the mind of a police dog.
- 2011‑02‑24:
What Islamist terrorist threat?
- 2011‑02‑24:
FBI counterintelligence techniques for detecting liars.
- 2011‑02‑24:
Intel Thunderbolt (aka Light Peak) technology brief.
- 2011‑02‑24:
A list of bugs in qmail.
- 2011‑02‑23:
Understanding XCP equilibrium and fairness.
- 2011‑02‑23:
GPS and the legal traceability of time.
- 2011‑02‑23:
Precise time and frequency for military systems.
- 2011‑02‑23:
How to choose chart types.
- 2011‑02‑22:
TCP congestion control with a misbehaving receiver.
- 2011‑02‑22:
P99 - preprocessor macros and functions for C99.
- 2011‑02‑22:
How to detect an empty argument list given to a C99 variadic macro.
- 2011‑02‑22:
How to count the number of arguments given to a C99 variadic macro.
- 2011‑02‑22:
Money won't buy Yanks health insurance.
- 2011‑02‑22:
A critical review of "end-to-end arguments in system design".
- 2011‑02‑22:
Why flow completion time is the right metric for congestion control.
- 2011‑02‑21:
UK census office says you can call yourself a Jedi if you like.
- 2011‑02‑21:
AFNIC report on problems caused by DNSSEC bug in BIND.
- 2011‑02‑21:
C/Invoke connects high-level code to C libraries at runtime.
- 2011‑02‑20:
Using space-filling curves for multi-dimensional indexing.
- 2011‑02‑20:
Spatial indexing with quadtrees and Hilbert curves.
- 2011‑02‑20:
Visualizing genomic data with the Hilbert curve.
- 2011‑02‑20:
Mapping 3D RGB space to a plane using Hilbert curves.
- 2011‑02‑20:
Using space-filling curves to sort colour dictionaries.
- 2011‑02‑20:
Using space-filling curves to find good travelling salesman tours quickly.
- 2011‑02‑18:
JANET: the first 25 years.
- 2011‑02‑18:
Experience with Grapevine: the growth of a distributed system. (Xerox PARC, 1984)
- 2011‑02‑18:
Grapevine: an exercise in distributed computing. (Xerox PARC, 1982)
- 2011‑02‑18:
Unfriendly user interfaces are more efficient.
- 2011‑02‑17:
OK Go: This too shall pass (awesome Rube Goldberg version).
- 2011‑02‑17:
- 2011‑02‑17:
Van Jacobson rants about queues.
- 2011‑02‑17:
So long, and no thanks for the externalities: the rational rejection of security advice by users.
- 2011‑02‑17:
Gyro-stabilized electric unicycle.
- 2011‑02‑17:
The Last Ringbearer: Middle Earth from Mordor's point of view.
- 2011‑02‑16:
Homeland Security shuts down 84,000 websites 'by mistake'.
- 2011‑02‑16:
Clay: a language for generic programming.
- 2011‑02‑16:
Save the Lion Yard loos!
- 2011‑02‑16:
Monosodium glutamate.
- 2011‑02‑16:
CCTF notes on UTC.
- 2011‑02‑16:
CCTF 18th meeting discusses redefinition of UTC (see section 8).
- 2011‑02‑15:
Time and frequency dissemination in the UK.
- 2011‑02‑15:
Research into interpreters by Anton Ertl and David Gregg.
- 2011‑02‑15:
Mike Pall on the difficulty of compiling interpreters.
- 2011‑02‑15:
Dirty secrets of search engine optimization.
- 2011‑02‑15:
Chat bots and Turing tests.
- 2011‑02‑15:
Nine traits of a veteran unix admin.
- 2011‑02‑15:
Map of global alcohol consumption.
- 2011‑02‑15:
Nokia Plan X.
- 2011‑02‑14:
Great oscilloscope display hacks.
- 2011‑02‑14:
Keep your government hands off my medicare!
- 2011‑02‑14:
Darwinian valentines.
- 2011‑02‑14:
XML <-> Unix text processing tools.
- 2011‑02‑14:
The British Government's continuing evil treatment of the Chagos islanders.
- 2011‑02‑14:
ZFS-Linux (from KQ Infotech).
- 2011‑02‑14:
ZFS on Linux (from LLNL).
- 2011‑02‑13:
Banning drugs does not reduce their availability.
- 2011‑02‑13:
QuickLZ: fast compression library for C, C# and Java.
- 2011‑02‑13:
New substring search algorithm.
- 2011‑02‑12:
Optimizing an Erlang Git daemon.
- 2011‑02‑11:
What to know before debating type systems.
- 2011‑02‑11:
Staying alive in cold water.
- 2011‑02‑11:
JavaScript obfuscated coercion rules.
- 2011‑02‑11:
Egypt changed its clocks four times in 2010!
- 2011‑02‑11:
Lawyers celebrate MPs' vote to deny prisoners their democratic rights.
- 2011‑02‑11:
Remnants of a disappearing user interface.
- 2011‑02‑11:
IBM Watson to play against human Jeopardy winners on TV.
- 2011‑02‑11:
How the FCC plans to let LightSquared wreck the GPS.
- 2011‑02‑10:
Special vs. general relativistic time dilation on the earth's surface.
- 2011‑02‑10:
An automated bot uploads pages to Deletionpedia as they are deleted from Wikipedia.
- 2011‑02‑10:
Why liquor store clerks often win the lotto.
- 2011‑02‑10:
Bach's Toccata and Fugue for floppy disk drives.
- 2011‑02‑09:
Loops in PKIX certificate chains.
- 2011‑02‑09:
Spotify is the second larges single source of revenue for record labels in Europe.
- 2011‑02‑09:
Breaking the Web with hash-bangs.
- 2011‑02‑09:
Links to large email service postmaster and feedback loop pages.
- 2011‑02‑09:
Prebake: an efficient build system.
- 2011‑02‑09:
Build system benchmarks.
- 2011‑02‑09:
Your version control and build systems don't scale.
- 2011‑02‑08:
I bike San Francisco.
- 2011‑02‑08:
The Manchester Egg.
- 2011‑02‑08:
Problems caused by unsigned int in C-like languages. (Google Groups)
- 2011‑02‑08:
BBC to delete historical content from their website.
- 2011‑02‑08:
BBC will develop a permanent online archive.
- 2011‑02‑08:
UTF-16 bad, UTF-8 good.
- 2011‑02‑08:
A guide to terrestrial coordinate systems in Great Britain.
- 2011‑02‑08:
Fitzbillies gone bust.
- 2011‑02‑07:
The new kilogramme is approaching.
- 2011‑02‑07:
The BBC does not like "electoral reform".
- 2011‑02‑07:
The United Kingdom explained with a Venn diagram.
- 2011‑02‑07:
ISC announcement about BIND's new DS record DNSSEC validation bug.
- 2011‑02‑07:
Open research issues in Internet congestion control.
- 2011‑02‑06:
Manifesto for half-arsed agile software development.
- 2011‑02‑06:
Understanding Git conceptually.
- 2011‑02‑06:
Git from the bottom up.
- 2011‑02‑06:
Photographs along the Regent's Canal.
- 2011‑02‑06:
The lost rivers of London.
- 2011‑02‑06:
J for C programmers.
- 2011‑02‑06:
J interpreter.
- 2011‑02‑05:
Unlicense yourself: set your code free.
- 2011‑02‑04:
ECJ to rule that sports broadcasting must be a single market?
- 2011‑02‑04:
Why rockets were an inevitable technological development.
- 2011‑02‑04:
The MIME guys: how two Internet gurus changed email forever.
- 2011‑02‑04:
Shipping forecast glossary.
- 2011‑02‑04:
Official USA time zone map.
- 2011‑02‑04:
Timezone boundaries in multi-zone countries.
- 2011‑02‑04:
Administrative divisions of countries.
- 2011‑02‑04:
Geographical boundaries of the timezones of the world.
- 2011‑02‑03:
All Icelandic literature to go online?
- 2011‑02‑03:
Pump-and-dump share spammer charged with fraud.
- 2011‑02‑03:
The natural colour system.
- 2011‑02‑03:
How colour vision actually works.
- 2011‑02‑03:
Spam is now Verified by Visa.
- 2011‑02‑03:
Immigration officer put wife on no-fly list.
- 2011‑02‑03:
Australian government becomes more friendly to open source.
- 2011‑02‑02:
Data-dense analysis of cycling habits in Dublin and four other cities.
- 2011‑02‑02:
Oneybike: funky folding recumbent penny-farthing.
- 2011‑02‑02:
Michael "Liar's Poker" Lewis on Ireland's economic crisis.
- 2011‑02‑02:
Problems with SERVFAILs from BIND after .net was signed by DNSSEC.
- 2011‑02‑02:
Gold rush for the last IPv4 addresses.
- 2011‑02‑02:
Egypt Internet connectivity graphs.
- 2011‑02‑02:
Awesome world record Rubik's cube solution, in slo-mo. (youtube)
- 2011‑02‑02:
Mailman does not parse RFC 822 headers correctly.
- 2011‑02‑02:
Homeland Security siezes domain name of Spanish business that had been declared legal in court.
- 2011‑02‑02:
A statistician cracks a scratch-card lottery.
- 2011‑02‑02:
Bikes of San Francisco.
- 2011‑02‑02:
Unixy JSON record stream manipulation tools.
- 2011‑02‑02:
Probable RIR IPv4 exhaustion dates.
- 2011‑02‑01:
Cisco's preliminary plans for DNSSEC validation in all their products.
- 2011‑02‑01:
Last five /8 blocks to be allocated on Thursday 2011-02-03.
- 2011‑02‑01:
Java hangs when converting 2.2250738585072012e-308.
- 2011‑02‑01:
Securing BGP routing with RPKI and ROAs.
- 2011‑02‑01:
T-mobile stealing other networks' addresses to use for their access networks.
- 2011‑02‑01:
Interesting graph of RIR IPv4 burn rate.
- 2011‑02‑01:
Comcast activates first users with IPv6 native dual stack over DOCSIS.
- 2011‑02‑01:
IPv4 exhausted: two /8s allocated to APNIC from IANA.
- 2011‑02‑01:
ATM skimmers that never touch the ATM.
- 2011‑01‑31:
Louis Essen writes about time scales. (Metrologia, 1968)
- 2011‑01‑31:
Recent developments regarding the future of leap seconds.
- 2011‑01‑31:
Best of Hacker News.
- 2011‑01‑31:
Pretty froggy stained glass sundial.
- 2011‑01‑31:
Free programming eBooks.
- 2011‑01‑30:
A collection of famous bugs and glitches.
- 2011‑01‑30:
Linear logic and permutation stacks: the Forth shall be first.
- 2011‑01‑30:
How organized crime is taking control of Google's search results.
- 2011‑01‑29:
Peter Naur's Anti-Philosophical Dictionary.
- 2011‑01‑28:
Why Python pickles are insecure.
- 2011‑01‑28:
Lambda the ultimate political party.
- 2011‑01‑28:
Ben Goldacre on what makes a newspaper worth paying for.
- 2011‑01‑25:
Professionals lament the demise of the 4:3 laptop.
- 2011‑01‑25:
Jettons or reckoning counters.
- 2011‑01‑25:
ACM considered harmful.
- 2011‑01‑25:
How to avoid long timeouts when connecting to a server over IPv4 + IPv6.
- 2011‑01‑25:
Cathode: vintage terminal emulator.
- 2011‑01‑25:
Why 3D doesn't work and never will.
- 2011‑01‑24:
The BBC and "the astrology controversy that has raged in science for literally almost none of the last couple of centuries".
- 2011‑01‑24:
Expect a PR splash when the last IPv4 /8s are allocated to the RIRs.
- 2011‑01‑24:
How Nigerian fraud harms Nigerians.
- 2011‑01‑23:
Commercially available chip-scale atomic clock.
- 2011‑01‑23:
IPv6 doom: the rogue RA bug.
- 2011‑01‑23:
The secret invention of public-key cryptography at GCHQ.
- 2011‑01‑20:
The truth wears off: is there something wrong with the scientific method?
- 2011‑01‑20:
Nicely modernized Dutch bike.
- 2011‑01‑20:
The Italian Hours / Babylonian Hours sundial at Selwyn College.
- 2011‑01‑20:
Nautical time and civil date: change the date at 180°? at midday or midnight?
- 2011‑01‑19:
Opportunity knocks; management fails to answer.
- 2011‑01‑19:
How the Berkeley Overmind won the 2010 StarCraft AI competition.
- 2011‑01‑19:
Eek! A Man!
- 2011‑01‑18:
What not to do when Spamhaus tells you your network is infested with criminals.
- 2011‑01‑18:
They call it "design patterns", don't they?
- 2011‑01‑18:
Stuxnet is way behind the virus state of the art.
- 2011‑01‑18:
VX Heavens - huge computer virus site.
- 2011‑01‑17:
DNSSEC comes to starting on Wednesday 2011-01-19.
- 2011‑01‑17:
What it is like for a woman to pass as a man.
- 2011‑01‑17:
Glasgow Haskell compiler development moving from darcs to git.
- 2011‑01‑17:
A book printed with a chain of four desktop printers with different colors and technologies dated from 1880 to 1976.
- 2011‑01‑17:
Chomsky on postmodernism.
- 2011‑01‑17:
Major record labels pay $45m compensation for pirating music.
- 2011‑01‑17:
Networking in UK Academia in the early 1980s.
- 2011‑01‑17:
"I should have pushed Haskell 10% towards Fortran instead of pushing Fortran 90% towards Haskell" - Guy Steele on Fortress.
- 2011‑01‑17:
Hacker News discusses djb redo.
- 2011‑01‑15:
Luma - Lua macros inspired by Scheme and using LPEG and Cosmo.
- 2011‑01‑15:
Dogs don't understand basic concepts like moving house.
- 2011‑01‑15:
"Why wasn't I consulted?" - how websites become popular.
- 2011‑01‑15:
Why you should never ever put two spaces after a full stop.
- 2011‑01‑14:
Frequently made mistakes about the origin of Internet email.
- 2011‑01‑14:
Can Belgium win the world record for the time taken to form a government?
- 2011‑01‑14:
From punched cards to flat screens: a technical autobiography by Philip Hazel.
- 2011‑01‑13:
Iolaus: experimental darcs-alike git porcelain.
- 2011‑01‑13:
Best of reddit 2010.
- 2011‑01‑13:
A localization horror story - it could happen to you!
- 2011‑01‑13:
Ice formations from diurnal freeze-thaw cycles.
- 2011‑01‑12:
The MMR scare started with a money-making scam.
- 2011‑01‑12:
A review of hardware security modules.
- 2011‑01‑11:
Akin's laws of spacecraft design.
- 2011‑01‑11:
Canada only allows brown soft drinks to contain caffeine.
- 2011‑01‑10:
The Chinese eco-disaster, or, where not to build a dam.
- 2011‑01‑10:
What not to do with a US electronic communications subpoena.
- 2011‑01‑10:
- 2011‑01‑10:
Uncomfortable lessons from the reaction to WikiLeaks.
- 2011‑01‑10:
Home Office suppressed embarrassing ID card report.
- 2011‑01‑10:
Epidemiology and public health significance of Norovirus.
- 2011‑01‑10:
The way the world works, and the god that sucks.
- 2011‑01‑10:
How economics works in the real world.
- 2011‑01‑09:
Semicolon wars! The proliferation of programming languages.
- 2011‑01‑07:
The decline of Google search quality.
- 2011‑01‑07:
Detailed comparison of syntax across several programming languages.
- 2011‑01‑07:
One year in one image.
- 2011‑01‑06:
PowerDNS now with DNSSEC.
- 2011‑01‑06:
Wakefield's anti-MMR paper was even more fraudulent than previously reported.
- 2011‑01‑06:
Justice Scalia says the 14th Amendment does not give women equal protection under the law.
- 2011‑01‑06:
What does it mean for Americans to support terrorists?
- 2011‑01‑06:
First Past the Post: a damning report on a system that 'fails the fairness test'.
- 2011‑01‑05:
Objects have failed: notes for a debate.
- 2011‑01‑05:
Firefox overtakes Internet Explorer in Europe.
- 2011‑01‑04:
PHP hangs on numeric value 2.2250738585072011e-308.
- 2011‑01‑04:
What if the FCC had regulated the Internet?
- 2011‑01‑04:
Straight men kissing more as homophobia disappears amongst young people.
- 2011‑01‑04:
jemalloc() improvements at Facebook.
- 2011‑01‑03:
How the oldest surviving sundial works.
- 2011‑01‑03:
Chinese military multi-tool.
- 2011‑01‑01:
Inside LuaJIT 1.