Last year I wrote about inlining just the fast path of Lemire’s
algorithm for nearly-divisionless unbiased bounded random
numbers. The idea was to reduce code bloat by eliminating lots
of copies of the random number generator in the rarely-executed slow
paths. However a simple split prevented the compiler from being able
to optimize cases like pcg32_rand(1 << n), so a lot of the blog post
was toying around with ways to mitigate this problem.
On Monday while procrastinating a different blog post, I realised that
it’s possible to do better: there’s a more general optimization which
gives us the 1 << n special case for free.
nearly divisionless
Lemire’s algorithm has about 4 neat tricks:
use multiplication instead of division to reduce the output of a
random number generator modulo some limit
eliminate the bias in (1) by (counterintuitively) looking at the
lower digits
fun modular arithmetic to calculate the reject threshold for (2)
arrange the reject tests to avoid the slow division in (3) in most cases
The nearly-divisionless logic in (4) leads to two copies of the random
number generator, in the fast path and the slow path.
Generally speaking, compilers don’t try do deduplicate code that was
written by the programmer, so they can’t simplify the
nearly-divisionless algorithm very much when the limit is constant.
constantly divisionless
Two points occurred to me:
when the limit is constant, the reject threshold (3) can be
calculated at compile time
when the division is free, there’s no need to avoid it using (4)
These observations suggested that when the limit is constant, the
function for random numbers less than a limit should be written:
This has only one call to pcg32_random(), saving space as I wanted,
and the compiler is able to eliminate the loop automatically when the
limit is a power of two. The loop is smaller than a call to an
out-of-line slow path function, so it’s better all round than the code
I wrote last year.
algorithm selection
As before it’s possible to automatically choose the
constantly-divisionless or nearly-divisionless algorithms depending on
whether the limit is a compile-time constant or run-time variable,
using arcane C tricks or GNU C
I have been idly wondering how to do something similar in other languages.
Rust isn’t very keen on automatic specialization, but it has a
reasonable alternative. The thing to avoid is passing a runtime
variable to the constantly-divisionless algorithm, because then it
becomes never-divisionless. Rust has a much richer notion of
compile-time constants than C, so it’s possible to write a method
like the follwing, which can’t be misused:
pub fn upto<const LIMIT: u32>(&mut self) -> u32 {
let reject = LIMIT.wrapping_neg().wrapping_rem(LIMIT);
loop {
let (lo, hi) = self.get_u32().embiggening_mul(LIMIT);
if lo < reject {
} else {
return hi;
assert!(rng.upto::<42>() < 42);
(embiggening_mul is my stable replacement for the unstable widening_mul API.)
This is a nugatory optimization, but there are more interesting cases
where it makes sense to choose a different implementation for constant
or variable arguments – that it, the constant case isn’t simply a
constant-folded or partially-evaluated version of the variable case.
Regular expressions might be lex-style or pcre-style, for example.
It’s a curious question of language design whether it should be
possible to write a library that provides a uniform API that
automatically chooses constant or variable implementations, or whether
the user of the library must make the choice explicit.
Maybe I should learn some Zig to see how its comptime works.
However, PCG only has a limited amount of ILP, about 3 instructions.
Its overall speed is limited by the rate at which a CPU can run a
sequence where the output of one multiply-add feeds into the next
… Or is it?
With some linear algebra and some AVX512, I can generate random
numbers from a single instance of pcg32 at 200 Gbit/s on a single
core. This is the same sequence of random numbers generated in the
same order as normal pcg32, but more than 4x faster.
The International Obfuscated C Code Contest has a newly
revamped web site, and the Judges have announced the 28th contest, to
coincide with its 40th anniversary. (Or 41st?)
The Judges have also updated the archive of past winners so
that as many of them as possible work on modern systems. Accordingly,
I took a look at my 1998 winner to see how much damage time
hath wrought.
D’oh, I lost track of a bug report that should have been fixed in
nsnotifyd-2.2. Thus, hot on the heels of the previous release,
here’s nsnotifyd-2.3. Sorry for causing extra work to
my uncountably many users!
The nsnotifyd daemon monitors a set of DNS zones and runs a command
when any of them change. It listens for DNS NOTIFY messages so it can
respond to changes promptly. It also uses each zone’s SOA refresh and
retry parameters to poll for updates if nsnotifyd does not receive
NOTIFY messages more frequently. It comes with a client program
nsnotify for sending notify messages.
When nsnotifyd receives a SIGINT or SIGTERM while running the
command, it failed to handle it correctly. Now it exits promptly.
Many thanks to Athanasius for reporting the bug!
Miscellaneous minor code cleanup and compiler warning suppression.
Thanks also to Dan Langille who sent me a lovely appreciation:
Now that I think of it, nsnotifyd is in my favorite group of
software. That group is software I forget I’m running, because they
just run and do the work. For years. I haven’t touched, modified, or
configured nsnotifyd and it just keeps doing the job.
I have made
a new release of nsnotifyd,
a tiny DNS server that just listens for NOTIFY messages
and runs a script when one of your zones changes.
I have long been a fan of petnames, and graph naming systems in
general. I first learned about them in the context of Mark Miller’s
E programming language which was a distributed
object capability system on the JVM. I gather Spritely are working on
something similar, but with a more webby lisp/scheme flavour – and in
fact Mark Miller is the second author on this article.
An interesting thing that the article sort of hints at is that these
kinds of systems have a fairly smooth range of operating points from
decentralized petnames all the way to centralized globally unique
names. Zooko’s triangle is actually more like a fan when the “human
friendly” point is fixed: there’s an arc describing the tradeoffs,
from personal through local to global.
As a first step away from petnames, I like to use the term “nickname”
for nearby instances of what they call “edge names” in the article: a
nickname is not as personal as a petname, it’s a name you share with
A bit further along the arc is the article’s example of the “bizdir”
local business directory. It’s a trusted (and hopefully trustworthy)
naming authority, but in a more local / federated fashion rather than
How can a petname system function at the global+centralized point, so
it could replace the DNS? It needs to pass the “billboard test”: I
type in a name I see on a billboard and I get to the right place. (It
might be a multipart name like a postal address or DNS name, with an
extra “edge name” or two to provide enough disambiguating context.)
I imagine that an operating system supplier might provide a few
preconfigured petnames (it probably includes its own petname so the
software can update itself securely), a lot like its preconfigured
PKIX CA certificates. These petnames would refer to orgs like the
“bizdir”, or Verisign, or Nominet, that act as nickname registries.
Your collection of petnames is in effect your personal root zone, and
the preconfigured petnames are in effect the default TLDs.
When I was thinking about how a decentralized graph naming system
could be made user-friendly and able to pass the billboard test I
realised that there are organizational structures that are hard to
avoid. I expect there would inevitably be something like the
CA/Browser forum to mediate between OS suppliers and nickname
registries: a petname ICANN.
I wrote an older iteration of these ideas over a decade
ago. Those notes suffer from too many DNS brainworms, but looking
back, there’s some curious anti-DNS discussion. How might it be useful
to be able to reach a name by multiple paths? Could you use that for
attestation? What might it look like to have a shared context for
names that is not global but is national or regional or local?
The other day I learned about the Rust crate
lexopt which describes itself as,
A pathologically simple command line argument parser.
Most argument parsers are declarative: you tell them what to parse,
and they do it. This one provides you with a stream of options and
values and lets you figure out the rest.
But the description of lexopt made me think getopt() could be
simpler. The insight is that the string of options that you have to
pass to getopt() is redundant with respect to the code that deals
with the return values from getopt(). What if you just get rid of
the options string?
I thought I would try it. Turns out, not much is lost in getting rid
of the options string, and a few things are gained.
My new code is half the size of getopt(), and has more
functionality. I’m going to show how how this was done, because it’s
short (ish), not because it is interesting. Then I’ll try to tease out
a lesson or two.
I commented on Lobsters that /tmp is usually a bad idea,
which caused some surprise. I suppose /tmp security bugs were common
in the 1990s when I was learning Unix, but they are pretty rare now so
I can see why less grizzled hackers might not be familiar with the
I guess that’s some kind of success, but sadly the fixes have left
behind a lot of scar tissue because they didn’t address the underlying
problem: /tmp should not exist.
It’s a bad idea because it’s shared global mutable state that
crosses security boundaries. There’s a ton of complexity at all
levels of unix (filesystems, kernel APIs, libc, shell, admin
scripts) that only exists as a workaround for the dangers caused by
making /tmp shared.
A couple of notable things have happened in recent months:
There is a new edition of POSIX for 2024. There’s lots of
good stuff in it, but today I am writing about getentropy()
which is the first officially standardized POSIX API for getting
cryptographically secure random numbers.
On Linux the getentropy(3) function is based on the
getrandom(2) system call. In Linux 6.11 there is
a new vDSO call, vgetrandom(), that makes it possible
to implement getentropy() entirely in userland, which should
make it significantly faster.
UUID v4 and v7 are great examples of the need for high
performance secure random numbers: you don’t want the performance of
your database inserts to be limited by your random number generator!
Another example is DNS source port and query ID randomization which
help protect DNS resolvers against forged answers.
I was inspired to play with getentropy() by a blog post about getting
a few secure random bytes in PostgreSQL without pgcrypto:
it struck me that PostgreSQL doesn’t use getentropy(), and I thought
it might be fun (and possibly even useful!) to add support for it.
Algorithms like GCRA and leaky bucket don’t allow you to separate
these two points because they don’t measure the client’s rate as a
concrete number.
A moving average allows more flexible policy enforcement because the
rate measurement is meaningful even when you don’t apply
back-pressure. For example, it’s useful in a dry run mode, or when
diverting messages to a quarantine.
An exponential rate limiter stores, for each client:
last update time
average rate
This is a similar amount of space as leaky bucket. GCRA uses less
space because it only needs to store a time.
The main disadvantage is that an exponential rate limiter needs fairly
complicated floating point arithmetic.
GCRA is the “generic cell rate algorithm”, a rate-limiting algorithm
that came from ATM. GCRA does the same job as the better-known
leaky bucket algorithm, but using half the storage and with much less
GCRA only stores one time stamp per sender, whereas leaky buckets need
to store a time stamp and a quota.
GCRA needs less arithmetic, and makes it trivial to tell a client how
long it should wait before the next request is permitted.
no, because the C abstract machine is a (large) finite state
or maybe yes, if you believe that unaddressable local variables
can exist outside the finite address space, and you can have an
unbounded number of them, i.e. no.
My answer is definitely yes, if you include the standard IO library.
And using IO is much closer to Turing’s original model of a finite
state machine working on unbounded peripheral storage.
I’m pleased that so many people enjoyed my previous blog post on
tolower() with AVX-512. Thanks for all the great comments and
One aspect that needed more work was examining the performance for
small strings. The previous blog post had a graph for strings up to
about 1000 bytes long, mainly because it illustrated some curious
behaviour – but that distracted me from what I really care about,
which is strings up to about 100 bytes long, 10x smaller.
Eventually I managed to get some numbers that I think are plausible.
A couple of years ago I wrote about tolower() in bulk at speed using
SWAR tricks. A couple of days ago I was interested by Olivier
Giniaux’s article about unsafe read beyond of death, an
optimization for handling small strings with SIMD instructions, for a
fast hash function written in Rust.
I’ve long been annoyed that SIMD instructions can easily eat short
strings whole, but it’s irritatingly difficult to transfer short
strings between memory and vector registers. Oliver’s post caught my
eye because it seemed like a fun way to avoid the problem, at least
for loads. (Stores remain awkward!)
Semaphores are one of the oldest concurrency primitives in
computing, invented over 60 years ago. They are weird: usually the
only numbers of concurrent processes we care about are zero, one, or
many – but semaphores deal with those fussy finite numbers in
Yesterday I was writing code that needed to control the number of
concurrent operating system processes that it spawned so that it
didn’t overwhelm the computer. One of those rare situations when a
semaphore is just the thing!
a Golang channel is a semaphore
A Golang channel has a buffer size – a number of free slots – which
corresponds to the initial value of the semaphore. We don’t care about
the values carried by the channel: any type will do.
var semaphore := make(chan any, MAXPROCS)
The acquire operation uses up a slot in the channel. It is
traditionally called P(), and described as decrementing the value of
the semaphore, i.e. decrementing the number of free slots in the
channel. When the channel is full this will block, waiting for another
goroutine to release the semaphore.
func acquire() {
semaphore <- nil
The release operation, traditionally called V(), frees a slot in
the channel, incrementing the value of the semaphore.
func release() {
That’s it!
the GNU make jobserver protocol is a semaphore
The GNU make -j parallel builds feature uses a semaphore in the
form of its jobserver protocol. Occasionally, other programs
support the jobserver protocol too, such as Cargo. BSD make -j
uses basically the same semaphore implementation, but is not
compatible with the GNU make jobserver protocol.
The make jobserver semaphore works in a similar manner to a Golang
channel semaphore, but:
instead of a channel, make uses a unix pipe;
because make can’t control the amount of free space in a
pipe’s buffer, the value of the semaphore is represented as the
amount of used space in the pipe’s buffer;
the value of the semaphore can’t be more than PIPE_BUF, to
ensure that release() will never block.
Here’s a C-flavoured sketch of how it works. To create a semaphore and
initialize its value, create a pipe and write that many characters to
it, which are buffered in the kernel:
int fd[2];
char slots[MAXPROCS] = {0};
write(fd[1], slots, sizeof(slots));
To acquire a slot, read a character from the pipe. When the pipe is
empty this will block, waiting for another process to release the
char slot;
read(fd[0], &slot, 1);
To release a slot, the worker must write the same character back to
the pipe:
write(fd[1], &slot, 1);
Error handling is left as an exercise for the reader.
bonus: waiting for concurrent tasks to complete
If we need to wait for everything to finish, we don’t need any extra
machinery. We don’t even need to know how many tasks are still
running! It’s enough to acquire all possible slots, which will block
until the tasks have finished, then release all the slots again.
func wait() {
for range MAXPROCS {
for range MAXPROCS {
Lemire’s nearly-divisionless algorithm unbiased bounded random
numbers has a fast path and a slow path. In the
fast path it gets a random number, does a multiplication, and a
comparison. In the rarely-taken slow path, it calculates a remainder
(the division) and enters a rejection sampling loop.
When Lemire’s algorithm is coupled to a small random number generator
such as PCG, the fast path is just a handful of instructions. When
performance matters, it makes sense to inline it. It makes less sense
to inline the slow path, because that just makes it harder for the
compiler to work on the hot code.
Lemire’s algorithm is great when the limit is not a constant (such as
during a Fisher-Yates shuffle) or when the limit is not a power of
two. But when the limit is a constant power of two, it ought to be
possible to eliminate the slow path entirely.
more lenient handling of trailing . in domain names on the command line
avoid dividing by zero when the refresh interval is less than 10 seconds
do not error out when in TCP mode and debug mode and the refresh timer expires
explain how to fix incomplete github forks
Many thanks to Lars-Johann Liman, JP Mens, and Jonathan Hewlett for
the bug reports. I like receiving messages that say things like,
thanks for nsnotifyd, is a great little program, and a good
example of a linux program, does one thing well.
(There’s more like that in the nsnotifyd-2.0 release annoucement.)
I have also included a little dumpaxfr program, which I wrote when
fiddling around with binary wire format DNS zone transfers. I used the
nsnotifyd infrastructure as a short cut, though dumpaxfr doesn’t
logically belong here. But it’s part of the family, so I wrote a
dumpaxfr(1) man page and included it in this release.
I will be surprised if anyone else finds dumpaxfr useful!
Yesterday I received a bug report for regpg, my program that
safely stores server secrets encrypted with gpg so they can be
commited to a git repository.
The bug was that I used the classic shell pipeline find | xargs grep
with the classic Unix “who would want spaces in filenames?!” flaw.
I have pushed a new release, regpg-1.12, containing the bug fix.
There’s also a gendnskey subcommand which I used when doing my
algorithm rollovers a few years ago. (It’s been a long time since the
last regpg release!) It’s somewhat obsolete, now I know how to use
A bunch of minor compatibility issues have crept in, which mostly
required fixing the tests to deal with changes in Ansible, OpenSSL,
and GnuPG.
My most distressing discovery was that Mac OS crypt(3)
still supports only DES. Good grief.
There are a couple of version control commands that deserve wider
appreciation: SCCS what and RCS ident. They allow
you to find out what source a binary was built from, without having to
run it – handy if it is a library! They basically scan a file looking
for magic strings that contain version control metadata and print out
what they discover.
Here are some miscellaneous unsorted notes about BIND9’s
dnssec-policy that turned out not to be useful in my previous blog
posts, but which some readers might find informative. Some of them I
learned the hard way, so I hope I can make it easier for others!