.@ Tony Finch – blog

Message from a member of the Computing Service who often deals with hacked Windows machines to the victim of a hack…

I hate to say this but our mail servers' virus scanning is now so good that your that youe zipped attachment (even though it was zipped) got removed. Would it be possible for you to send us a Zip disk or a CD (or a floppy depending on size) via the UMS?

This is an automated message from the University of Cambridge’s central email virus filter.

The original email attachment “hacker-trail.zip” was believed to be infected by a virus, so it has been deleted and replaced by this notice. For more information about the virus filter and advice on what to do about this message, see <http://www.cam.ac.uk/cs/email/scanner/virus.html>

On Thu Jan 22 09:38:38 2004 the virus scanner said: hacker-trail.zip/LSASS.EXE Found application ServU-Daemon. hacker-trail.zip/CFGMON.EXE/CFGMON.EXE Found virus or variant New Malware.b !!!