The Internet Ideology :
Why We Are Allowed to Hate Silicon Valley

Von Evgeny Morozov
Lesezeit: 14 Min.
The world according to Google: This is how Google Earth looks at Silicon Valley
It knows how to talk about tools but is barely capable of talking about social, political, and economic systems that these tools enable and disable, amplify and pacify. Why the “digital debate” leads us astray.

If Ronald Reagan was the first Teflon President, then Silicon Valley is the first Teflon Industry:  no matter how much dirt one throws at it, nothing seems to stick. While “Big Pharma,” “Big Food” and “Big Oil” are derogatory terms used to describe the greediness that reigns supreme in those industries, this is not the case with “Big Data.” This innocent term is never used to refer to the shared agendas of technology companies.  What shared agendas? Aren’t these guys simply improving the world, one line of code at a time?

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