Logo C A M B R I D G E   M O U N T A I N   R E S C U E
On call 24 / 7, except when we're asleep

What is Cambridge Mountain Rescue?
As you can see from this aerial photograph, Cambridge is severly lacking in mountains. Our current theory is that they accidentally wandered off and got lost. Our mission is to find the missing mountains and bring them home. Currently, the highest point in the city is the measly Castle Mound.

Have you had any success?
Not really. It's quite difficult getting mountains to move, you know. But we have seen some pretty scenery.

Where is Cambridge?
Cambridge is in south east England, approximately 56 miles north of London. Try not to get confused with Cambridge, Massachusetts in the United States. We were here first.

What else is there to climb in Cambridge?
There are quite a few tall buildings in Cambridge, namely King's College Chapel and the University Library tower (see webcam). An ancient tradition among some of the more adventurous students has been Night Climbing, the scaling of buildings under the cover of darkness.

Let's be serious for a second...
Do we have to? Oh, okay. Cambridgeshire forms part of East Anglia, which is know for being flat and wet. We are reliably informed that Cambridge geology is mainly Cretaceous carbonate, i.e. chalk - not 'mainly water' as was one comedy answer. The city's famous buildings are mostly built from 200 million year old rock imported from the belt of Jurassic limestone that stretches from Dorset to Yorkshire.

How can I get in touch?
Email lucifer@chiark.greenend.org.uk. Comments, photos or rocks appreciated.

Where can I find out more?
Have some exciting links. Try two, get one free.

Castle mound Map King's College Chapel
