Rust has this cool feature called impl block. An impl block is just a scope that introduces a way to augment a type with methods – do not confuse impl blocks with trait impls, used to implement a given trait.

The syntax is the following:

pub struct MyId(u32);

impl MyId {
  /// A method that creates a null identifier.
  pub fn nil() -> Self {

  /// A method that checks whether an ID is odd (why not?).
  pub fn is_odd(&self) -> bool {
    self.0 % 2 != 0

  // some other methods…

This syntax gives you the dot notation and the static method call syntax:

let x = MyId::nil(); // static method call

println!("is it odd? {}", x.is_odd()); // dot notation

Most of the time, you’ll want impl blocks for:

Type variables in impl blocks

A type variable is a variable that holds a type. People coming from languages like C++, Java, C#, Python, D, etc. are used to name those template parameters or type parameters.

pub struct List<T> {
  // hidden

impl<T> List<T> {
  // hidden

T here is a type variable, and you can see that you can have an impl block over List<T>. What that means is that any declared method will have a hidden type Self = List<T>. If you declare a static method, Self will be set as List<T> and if you declare a regular method, self, &self or &mut self will have types – respectively – List<T>, &List<T> and &mut List<T>.

That sharing is even more pronounced when you start to deal with more complex data types and want to restrain their type variables with trait bounds. For instance, imagine that you want an ordered list:

pub struct OrderedList<T> {
  // hidden

You could implement OrderedList<T> for any T, but it’s very likely that for a lot of methods, you’ll need T to be comparable. So you can do this, for example:

impl<T> OrderedList<T> where T: PartialOrd {
  // hidden

All the methods and static methods will have Self an alias to List<T> where T: PartialOrd. This will drastically help you when writing methods that all require the trait bound.

Note that you can have several impl blocks for any kind of refactoring. For instance, if you also want to have two methods that don’t need the trait bound, you can go and add another impl block that looks like:

impl<T> OrderedList<T> {
  pub fn new() -> Self {
    // hidden

  pub fn singleton(sole: T) -> Self {
    // hidden

Now let’s try something a bit more complex. Let’s try this:

trait Foo<E> {
  fn foo(&self, x: E);

impl<T, E> OrderedList<T> where T: Foo<E> {
  fn invoke_foo(&self, e: E) {
    for t in self {;

This won’t work and rustc will complain that E is not contrained enough (it doesn’t appear in Self, it’s only used in a trait bound on T). So what’s the problem?

You can test here

Enter surjection and injection

The problem with that last block is that E is not constrained on OrderedList<T>. If you don’t know what it means, don’t freak out: I’m going to introduce every concepts you need to know. Hang on, it’s gonna be a bit math–ish, but that is worth it.


In math, a surjection is a property about set morphisms. For a pair of sets C and D and a morphism f : C -> D, we say that this morphism is surjective if all elements from D appear in a f application. This is weirdly said, so let’s say it another way: if for all the elements y in D, you can find at least one element x in C so that f(x) = y. Another way to swallow that down if you’re still choking is by drawing the C and D sets as big bags with a few elements in there. The morphism f applications are just lines from objects from C to D. If all elements from D have at least one arriving arrow, the morphism is surjective.

We write surjection this way:

Ɐy ∈ D, ∃x ∈ C, f : C -> D / f(x) = y

And we read it this way:

So this whole math stuff reads:

For all y in D, there exists x in C so that f(x) = y.

It’s quite a non-intuitive notation when you don’t know about it but you can see the concepts are pretty simple to understand.

You might ask, what is the point of knowing that in our case? Here, Foo is a type-level function. Rust has decided to go with the mainstream way to note that (which is another topic and should be the topic of another blog post, to be honest), so yeah, it’s a bit uglier than in Haskell, but it’s a type-level function. You can picture it as Foo : E -> Foo<E>. You can easily see that if you are writing the body of a function and that you have a bound like T: Foo<E> available, you know that you have type T that implements Foo<E>, so there’s definitely one type to substitute E with (otherwise your function cannot be called), but there could be several ones. This means that traits are surjective.

Another way to see why it’s surjective: if I give you Foo<u32>, you know that there’s at least one type implementing it, but you don’t know which one, since it’s ambiguous.

struct A;
struct B;

impl Foo<u32> for A {
  // hidden

impl Foo<u32> for B {
  // hidden

If I give you Foo<u32> and tell you “It’s in a bound position of a function”, you know that if the function gets called, there’s at least one type implementing Foo<u32>… But which one is it? A? B?


Injection is the reversed version of surjection. It tells you that all the elements from C have a departing arrow (i.e. morphism application) ending in D and the elements in D have zero or one arriving arrow. Another way to say it is that for all pairs of x and y in C, f(a) = f(b) implies a = b, which means that you cannot have two inputs mapping to the same result since if two applications of the morphism yield the same result, it means that the inputs have to be the same.

Ɐ(x, y) ∈ C, f : C -> D / f(x) = f(y) => x = y

Two interesting properties of injections:

The contrapositive is also interesting:

Ɐ(x, y) ∈ C, f : C -> D /  x ≠ y => f(x) ≠ f(y)

It’s easy to imagine an injection in Rust. For instance, the function transforming a boolean into an integer is an injection. Every value in the domain (bool) have an arrow into the codomain (u8 for instance):

You can also see 0 has a single arriving arrow, and if you take it backwards, you end up on false. Same thing happens for 1 and true. Finally, you can see that 3, 64 or 42, which are definitely in the codomain, have no arriving arrow. We are dealing with an injection.

What’s interesting with our specific typesystem problem is that if we had injective traits, that would mean that given Foo<T>, there’s only one type that can implement this trait. You would then be able to take the bound backwards and recover the type, removing the ambiguity.

This is not correctly possible in Rust. If you’re interested, Haskell can do it via injective type families or functional dependencies, for instance.

A small digression on bijection

For curiosity only, bijection is just the superposition of both the properties. If you have a morphism that is both surjective and injective, it is bijective, and any element in the domain gives you one element in the codomain and any element in the codomain gives you one element in the domain an element in the codomain must have exactly one arriving arrow.

Back to our impl block problem

trait Foo<E> {
  fn foo(&self, x: E);

impl<T, E> OrderedList<T> where T: Foo<E> {
  fn invoke_foo(&self, e: E) {
    for t in self {;

This is our initial problem. As you can see here, the impl block has two variables: T and E. T here means that we’re implementing methods for all the Ts – i.e. . However, we’re not implementing it for all the E. We would like to state that we need a E to exist, which means that there exists an E – i.e. . The current syntax doesn’t support this.

However, what happens if we do this:

impl<T> OrderedList<T> {
  fn invoke_foo<E>(&self, e: E) where T: Foo<E> {
    for t in self {;

Here, you can see that since we can provide E by the caller of the invoke_foo function, we don’t require an injective bound: we narrow all the possible types to one provided by the caller of the function.

You can test it by yourself here. The Clone trait was added so that we can actually loop with the input argument.


All of this made me think about why do we even use impl blocks. I mean, Haskell has been around for roughly 30 years and we never seen the need for it arise. Rust has a very special way to express typeclasses (Rust’s traits have an implicit type parameter, Self, which is a sort of limitation that might get fixed in the future). If we forget about the dot notation, I truly think that I would drop impl blocks for several reasons:

What would be really great would be to allow people to create function with a self argument without impl block. You could still have them around for compatibility purposes and for people who actually enjoy them, but to me those are a bit useless and boilerplate.

Again, I’m only talking about impl blocks. impl for trait are actually quite nice since you can see them and spot them easily (as the instance keyword in Haskell).

That’s all for today. Thank you for having read me. Keep the vibes, and write RFCs!

↑ On impl blocks, injection and surjection in Rust
Sun Jul 22 22:05:00 2018 UTC