Monday, August 02, 2010

Steel Yourself

An extended footnote to an already long chapter in A Guide to the New Ruins of Great Britain, in which I stalk Sheffield, again. I don't know why I care so much about this place - it's weird, creepy even. Southampton obsesses me because it's where I'm from, I dote on south London because it's where I've chosen to be, Moscow or Berlin intrigue for politico-historical reasons, Warsaw opens itself up because my girlfriend lives there and tries to negotiate the space inbetween, but Sheffield? An ex-steel city of half-a-million or so inhabitants that I've never lived in, and only visited for the first time in spring 2009 (I've been half a dozen times since, but nonetheless)? It's like indulging an obsession with a person you've only been on one date with. It's like stalking, and not in the Tarkovsky/Strugatsky sense. I said this to A as we walk towards the Supertram bridge, and she said derisively 'you sound like you're rehearsing your memoirs'. Maybe so. But this isn't about me - honestly - it's about what this place seems to represent. Places like the photograph above. It's one of the many Things That Are Not There, and we will come to it presently. First...

Tend to Offend

We begin, as one should, in Castle Market. This is a complex, multi-level structure built into a slope in the depressed north of the city centre, where the poorer Sheffielders go to buy everyday whatnot and enjoy a cup of tea or several in its excellent grease-caffs. It's one of the earliest, and most ambitious attempts at pedestrian planning in the UK, both cavernous at its depths and fearlessly open at the top, in the walkways you can see being used unassumingly by the clientele of Cafe Internationale.

I've written before about this place, and have done so also in the book. The gist is that it does all the things Jane Jacobs (or her epigones, so they say - I bought a Jane Jacobs book for the first time on this visit to Sheffield, and may have things to say about it, when I read it) says you shouldn't do, completely abolishing the traditional street, and in so doing it is all the things she claims to want streets to be - lively, diverse, bustling. I'll save remarks here to the news. Sheffield's Lib Dem City Council got wind of a proposal to English Heritage to list the structure, immediately loudly made their opposition known, and have tried to start a letter-writing campaign. In response to this, and given they'd once stolen an article from me, I tried to interest the Sheffield Star in a defence of it, but they ignored me. Most things about the possible listing on the internet are besmirched with dozens of comments along the lines of 'its ful of chavs drop a nukleer bom on it lol', which makes clear what's really at stake. The Castlegate area of the city is where working class people come to shop, meet people, hang around. It's been left to rot for over two decades without serious maintenance, and the council have a lot of money riding on the prospect of building a crap simulacrum of Leeds here - when the nearby Castle House, a building with incredibly expensive materials and built-in artworks, got listed, they appealed (and lost). They want this place, and these people, out.

Unfortunately this place, and those people, are what make Sheffield different from Leeds, or Manchester, or Birmingham - it has a city centre which can still accommodate those who are elderly, or poor, or (from the looks of it, often) ill. It's a unique survival, architecturally and socially, which needs decent upkeep and little else - it's well-used, even on this miserable Monday morning. However, when Sheffield's civic fathers decide one of the modernist monuments left by their socialist forerunners might as well be preserved, they can't just let it be. Not only the people in it, but the fabric of the building itself has to be stripped out.

The thing with Park Hill (and see passim) which upsets Lib Dem councillors and those who vote for them, is that it's so terribly visible. Almost everywhere you go in the centre, you can see a big building full of proletarians. This, of course, was originally the point. When Urban Splash tore the building apart, English Heritage decided this would be ok if the place passed 'the squint test'. This drizzly view is as squint test as you can get, and it's the least offensive way to see its redesign, merely adding a brighter accent of colour to it. It's when you can see it up close that it gets alarming.

A downhill view like that would once reveal something like this.

This photograph - I can't remember where on the internet I found it, if anyone wants to claim it please do - is one of my favourite architectural images of any sort, anywhere. Someone on a certain boosterist architectural forum described Park Hill as 'a wet dream for Communists and social fantasists'. Well, yes. This is a photo of Hyde Park, the even more crazily ambitious Park Hill Mark Two that was built further uphill, whose remains we will come to presently. Sheffield's architects obviously worked out that the thing which made it interesting, topographically, was the landscape, the extraordinary slopes and dips which got Ruskin so excited when he visited, and decided to make that the focal point of the entire city - gigantic buildings which would rise out of the peaks and crags, a massive, metropolitan and wholly northern architecture that actually owes very, very little to any real precedent - darker, more raw, less arty, less Mediterranean than Corbusier, closer perhaps - but craggier, both more organic and more sober - to the skycities Erich Kettelhut designed for Fritz Lang's Metropolis. Look here at how it rises, in gradients, from the terraces and 1930s tenements below, with each block higher until you reach the 18-storey peak, with real human activity palpable in the façade, in its walkways and balconies. It's a completely original new urbanism, which only survives now under sufferance. Sheffield should have been incredibly proud of the fact it was capable of this - some people still are proud, as a read of many comments under this will attest.

The thing is, Agata's idea of Sheffield was cruelly mediated by both the fact half of her favourite bands are from here, and the fact I've gone on about the place incessantly. In reality, after Sheffield's Icarus-like fall in the 1980s, a huge amount of the new architecture looked like the place above, where the bus station joins onto one of the very few pre-19th century buildings in the city. I usually just block this sort of thing out, but when someone else is with you, bleary and tired, it's difficult to pretend it isn't there. I had the feeling one has when watching a film you love with someone you love, and you keep looking over to try and ascertain what they think of it, gradually realising they're just not convinced. Actually I think the city eventually swayed her, perhaps because of the impeccable Human League qualities of things like this.

Proper Northern Urbanism of a less organic but equally aggressive sort to the streets-in-the-sky schemes, this is the 'Epic Building' - a car park, cinema, and disco built, again, into the slope, with multiple possible entry points, a building whose lavatorial tiling and ostensible minimalism is a mask for great complexities. Both because it would piss off various idiots, and because it deserves it, I'm quite tempted to put in a listing application. You can see here that Sheffield was half-way through trying to become Leeds around the time the financial crisis hit, and is full of craters.

Almost all the new buildings built here over the last thirty years have been appalling, pomo then pseumo, of equal lack of inspiration in both cases. There are but four arguable exceptions - one block of studios by Fielden Clegg, one university building by Sauerbruch Hutton, a car park by Allies and Morrison, and this, the Winter Gardens/Millennium Galleries by Pringle. I didn't mention this in the book, so I would like to correct this oversight here. It is officially Quite Good. I don't know if these four things are enough, but there they are.

But it's surrounded by business park bullshit you'd expect to see on the Great West Road or Reading, their nothingness a sort of anti-matter trying to vapourise the thrilling smoke-blackened aggression of the Town Hall clocktower. So here I intend to start a campaign to list all the interesting buildings in Sheffield until it makes Paul Scriven and Nick Clegg cry. Like the concrete relief above.

Or the walkway that connects it to John Lewis.

Or the contextual-modernist National Union of Mineworkers building.

Or Yorke, Rosenberg Mardall's John Lewis itself, which I'm actually surprised no-one has listed yet...

Or this piece of Czech cubism, which Pevsner has nothing to say about, unaccountably. The reason why this would be a good thing has nothing to do with Heritage - but because these attempts to build something that aggressively points outwards, and forwards, can point others outwards and forwards. Sadly, one can't list wastelands, but if one were to do so, the following would be an excellent candidate.

Here is a spot where on one side you can see two extraordinary buildings written about much in New Ruins, a substation and an office block, some cutlery works, and a pile of rubble where you can stand and survey it all.

The lone boy here with the ball noticed us trying to get up this pile of rubble, and pointed out that there was an easier way up. Which was very useful of him. I'd like to be clear don't admire this space out of a romanticisation of the joys of mess and poverty, I like it because it's a space to breathe, a space where no money is being made, where the mind can wander.

Others have clearly noticed the liminal qualities of the area, and have signposted it accordingly.

As soon as you're out of this space, you hit the City Living. THE TRIGON! Even in its name, it insults its nobler precursors. Like many of the 'dromes round here, it's aimed at students, people as insecure and indebted as the council tenants, except without the benefit of Parker-Morris flats.

From here, the ring-road, you can survey New Sheffield. A redbrick fire station, replacing another redbrick fire station round the corner. A tower by 'Conran', clad in plastic after the developer went bust. A barcode façade car park. Rubble, this time fenced off. Graffiti on said fence, by one Kid Acne, declaring 'EVERYONE'S A WINNER'. This is an area bought by the retail developer Hammerson, who want to level it and build an attempt at Liverpool One in its place. They originally had state funding for this act of enclosure, which has recently been withdrawn. This is where the markets will be moved to, if they're not listed, and if the outdoor mall ever gets built. You can see here that the death of urban neoliberalism has just made councils hold out until it all comes back, until they can follow their plans circa 2007 for clearances and class-cleansing, without the crisis influencing them one iota, except to put public art on the fences that screen the disaster from view.

We had to get out of here, and there was only one way out.


Here, at the bottom of the hill, various educational buildings face off against each other. Sheffield College, designed by City Architect J.L Womersley, and its new buildings by Jefferson Sheard, awaiting completion. This is a different sort of civic modernism to Hyde Park/Park Hill, less crazed and spectacular, but the openness and simplicity still look pretty impressive when compared with this:

You know the drill - atrium, barely functional wind turbines, brightly coloured panels, and at the corners where nobody is looking, windowless sheds where they could be cloning an army of nano-tech creatures for all we know. Next to it, a faith school. One of the depressing things about the Tory-Whig government is that we almost end up needing to defend the highly uninspiring likes of this against the barbarians.

This tilted roof is the entrance. It is tilted because the tilt makes it iconic.

After all this there are some lovely, austere and Calvinist Victorian villas and a view. No matter how bad the new architecture is in Sheffield, the landscape flatters it, reduces it to abstract shapes nestling in a voluptuous hillscape.

Even the Cholera Monument anticipates the space age, aware that the city's moment of glory will be when a society where once hundreds used to die from filth and pestilence is able to explore above the clouds. Which brings us to...

Once again, Park Hill

This is the end of Park Hill nobody photographs, where it meets the rugged Victorian villas all around, picking up their scale. It's also here that you can walk onto the streets in the sky. Were it not undergoing Enclosure, you could walk from here to several floors up a 14-storey block without having to walk up any stairs.

From the streets in the sky, you can see how careful it all actually is, the way it encompasses large, lush open spaces, in a way the developers of THE TRIGON and its ilk would find economically improbable.

The dark secret of Park Hill is that it works. It's pedestrian and futuristic, quiet and friendly, everything it was always intended to be - ie, not utopia, but a functioning piece of city. People might quite possibly deal drugs here (and the fact 3/4s of it is empty is no doubt a massive incentive to that), but alas, they do that in terraces and semis as well. I've been here half a dozen times, walking along the streets in the sky, and every time I've done so, there's been people hanging around, in the parkland outside, in front of the blocks, and in the streets themselves - the last couple of times I've noticed that the tenants of the flat above always have chairs outside their door, to sit and talk to those who walk past. Every time someone talks about how this was a failed experiment in social engineering, be assured that this is simply, straightforwardly bullshit. It's an alibi for class war, it means 'the proles were too violent, lumpen and unsophisticated to understand this building, but a Better Class Of Tenant will'. Every time someone says this, think of the 'decanting' of 600 people from their flats because politicians and property developers have decided they aren't economically lucrative enough, then using as their excuse for this the claim that they can't be trusted to be decent human beings.

That said, I had a moment here where I thought I was going to get the everybody-hates-a-tourist kicking that I'm thoroughly due. The streets end eight or so storeys up, where dereliction and enclosure take over, and here - not trusting the lifts - we decided to walk down the staircase, unperturbed by the music blaring out from halfway down. When we got there, we found a group of teenagers sat on the steps, blocking our way, listening to music on a portable stereo. We asked if we could get through, but I stupidly decided to try and step over the stereo, in the process knocking it over - as it hit the concrete, the battery cover snapped off it. There was no way out. As I started to try and minimise the likely damage, I was enormously surprised to find that the four youths didn't seem remotely bothered, piecing the stereo back together, saying 'it's ok!' and letting us pass without so much as a cross word.

I don't think Urban Splash sit there in Mancunia rubbing their hands with glee at their evil deeds here - I don't even think they think they're going to make that much money off Park Hill. By some accounts they've been working with the tenants, or at least those they didn't throw out. I don't hate them, I hate the political conformism that let them happen - the idea that the only way to save the place was to clear it, knock out every one of its flats, and throw out three-quarters of its inhabitants - even if that was more expensive than the other option of simply cleaning and restoring it. It isn't even pragmatic, even on brute economic terms it doesn't make sense - it's a gratuitous transfer of assets from the poor to the rich.

As for what is happening to the architecture - well, you can see the difference above. The concrete has been repaired, and hooray for that. But the subtly multicoloured bricks, completely intrinsic to the building's Ruskinian physicality, are gone, replaced with bright, jolly, grinning coloured panels which, combined with the existing irregular pattern, make it look like a building by AHMM. The Sesquipedalist describes the results as 'flat' and 'two-dimensional', and that's entirely the point - it's designed to take a building of intense, corporeal presence, and make it into an image that will be seen most often pixellated, on a screen, on Urban Splash's website when they start selling the 600 non-'affordable' flats that there will be here, when the creatives and/or buy-to-let predators move in (but should I put my name down? Answers in the comments please). It's not supposed to be real. And after it's finished - scheduled for 2017! - it's not supposed to age ever again.

The aforementioned Kid Acne approached the developers, asking for a pop at the concrete walls of the playground of the school that used to be here. I can't quite decide if this is typical public art smuggery, big south yorks clichés in big letters on a big south yorks building soon to be housing the big society - or if it's a mordant comment on the whole thing. Tha Knows.

Most of Park Hill is derelict, except the clad side and the inhabited side. That it isn't being squatted en masse is inexplicable. It needs to be taken back.

The Ghosts of Hyde Park

Mick Jackson directed two television films in the mid-1980s, both set in Sheffield, that occasionally haunt my dreams. One of them, Threads, has been written about well by all sorts of people, most recently Reading the Maps ('returned again and again' indeed). The other is A Very British Coup, a film which stitches together the inspirations of MI5's plots against Harold Wilson and the other September 11 to imagine a Sheffield steelworker - so much more convincing a leader of the Labour Left than Viscount Stansgate - running a socialist government which is eventually occluded by the sound of helicopter rotorblades above parliament. The Prime Minister lives in Hyde Park, the gigantic tower in the background of the photo above. In the context, it is an alternative centre of power to the turrets and pinnacles of the Palace of Westminster. It was demolished in 1991, as part of the effort to give the city a friendly face when it hosted the World Student Games. Everything else was reclad - even the '30s tenements you can see in the pic were given pediments and columns at the front. The effort of staging these Games bankrupted the city, and according to some it is still paying off the debt. The following structures, and more happily the Supertram, are its legacy.

The tallest block went, leaving two lower structures, and a flat-roofed terrace which is now unrecognisable, redesigned in the Let's Pretend We're In Slough style favoured in 90s Sheffield. At best, they might have better insulation. Maybe.

The two streets-in-the-sky blocks left were clad in brick and plastic, and in one area in glass bricks...

If the inhabited part of Park Hill, for all its desolation, has life, noise and energy left in it, the post-1991 Hyde Park is eerie in the extreme, largely depopulated despite the fact it's all still inhabited. Part of the planning scheme still survives - the two blocks, extremely high above the city, curve around a churchyard, where the gravestones have been inlaid into the ground. The Modernist chapel at the centre is unaltered, but here you can only see the eldritch spire of the earlier Victorian church, scraping above the emptiness.

It's a bit of a shock when you first realise you're walking on gravestones.

I suspect the effect was different - more or less sinister, I don't know - when they led to concrete and brick rather than this stuff.

In one corner, concrete walls enclose a garden of waste. A slogan reads 'LIFE STYLE 2000'

Now, look at these two images of the same place, and think about how much money and labour must have been expended to make this transformation possible...

Even by Sheffield standards, Hyde Park is a strange place. The absence at its heart is palpable everywhere, the sense that this is somewhere which has deliberately tried to make itself less special, as if it was a burden to be cast off. And like the new bit of Park Hill, it's a failed attempt at making the place less corporeal, less physical, to replace surfaces which age with surfaces that are wipe-clean. The hope is that these places and the embarrassing dreams they carried with them could dematerialise as well.

Funny how it's the churches that always survive. Several of the estate churches designed in post-war Sheffield are listed, sometimes surrounded by the holes left by their former parishioners' unlisted flats. Given how people talk of the problem of Park Hill being the obsolescence of its function as council housing (there may be as many as 90,000 people on the council waiting list. Remember that), it's interesting how the seemingly far more obsolete CofE endures.

Here, a signpost points away from Hyde Park to The Pinnacles Student Accommodation. On the other side is the local headquarters of Capita, the outsourcing vultures who will be stripping the Welfare State over the next five years.

The Pinnacles is one of those achingly Regeneration names - see also The Cube, The Icon, there are lots of each - and these, though less notorious than their cousins in Thamesmead, should be profitably compared with Park Hill. Here is what new public space looks like.

On close inspection, the place is far more cheap and inhumane than Park Hill or Hyde Park ever were, but - and here's the rub - they certainly pass the squint test. If I blur my eyes or wear dark glasses and look at them ascending and descending along the Supertram bridge, they look exciting and metropolitan. That's about as good as it gets.

On the other side of the Park Square roundabout is the first incursion of Regeneration into the Castlegate 'quarter' - a stock brick office block, some tacky landscaping and a redbrick car park which Basingstoke would be embarrassed by. Click on the image, and you can see in full who is responsible. It's 'a development by Carillion', who are specialists in PFI. It's funded by the European Union as part of 'Objective 1 South Yorkshire', though I can't imagine any other EU country building something as shoddy as this. It has an iconic name, with a definite article - The Square. Because this, not multi-level traffic-free markets, is real urbanism, real public space that people want to use. Just try and ignore the fact that there's no fucker here and hundreds in Castle Market, just next door. This is the urbanism that will replace it, partly courtesy of Deutsche Bank Property Holdings, and the new markets will be by these architectural giants.

If they're allowed to destroy it, that is.

Old pics nicked from Iqbal Aalam's photostream.


Anonymous fatandblood said...

(Apologies for incoherence in this, I should really be asleep).

I've had plenty of odd looks for defending Park Hill and its ilk. And plenty of "well even if you do think it looks good, you wouldn't want to live there". PROLE-FEAR.

But the criticism still stings. Because no, I wouldn't want to live there. And maybe that is prole fear (though I have no problems moving to a less than salubrious area of Nottingham). Or maybe it's fear of the unknown (I've always lived in houses, save one year in a student flat).

So even before your Common People reference, the song had come to my mind. If I called my dad he could stop it all- so perhaps I should leave people without that privilege to speak for themselves.

And then there's my politics, which are perennially torn between defending the welfare state, and an anarchism which has a number of problems with the paternalism . I don't see as much tension between those two as some would (the welfare state is closer to the anrachism I wish to see than the free market), but I'm very drawn to Colin Ward's work on self-build- and his criticisms of council housing. But then I'm not much of a fan of the results of such self-building!

Hundertwasser's stuff strikes a nice balance, and I enjoy (and agree with) a lot of his writing. But then I can't help but think that I still prefer a brutalist aesthetic. Which, perhaps, is a sort of dystopian drive in me trumping my more utopian desires: the same reason I enjoy Joy Division more than most optimistic music. Am I drawn to misery and bleakness (though, clearly, Park Hill wasn't/isn't miserable).

In a bid to reconcile these various selves I'll read up on the Peckham Experiment (which is now a gated enclosure- the pool for exclusive use of rich residents), but my ultimate fusion of anarchism and welfarism would be an officially sanctioned (but not controlled) version of the undergound society in Albert Meister's 'The so-called utopia of the centre beaubourg'. And one thing I can quite happily think to myself is that Urban Splash can go fuck themselves.

And to finish, a music video of relevance:

4:32 am  
Blogger owen hatherley said...

Cheers for the comment; I should also be asleep - will think abt the other points tomorrow, but just before then...the 'would you live there' seems misplaced, as the entire point of the Urban Splash project is to sell it to people like you and I - ex-students, 'creatives'. I'd move there in a heartbeat, I've lived in places and in flats that are far worse - I do now, for instance. But I know that if and when I did so it'd be as the advance guard of gentrification.

4:52 am  
Blogger agata pyzik said...

I said something like "you sound like you were dictating to your biographer", but I even prefer "rehearsing memoirs". glad you used so many pictures taken by me (from your splendid camera, naturlich).

11:37 am  
Blogger owen hatherley said...

Oh yes. It was the 'dictating' bit that was so cruel.

12:23 pm  
Blogger Adam said...

I spent quite a lot of time in Sheffield in the early 90s and I don't remember any of this. Is that a good or a bad thing?

1:32 pm  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

You're embarrassing me into having to write (more) about my home city. I was just thinking I should anyway as I drove through it today, past Capita's Tetris HQ with faux helicopter pad. But how can I match this superb analysis? How can I see it from an outsider's perspective? Maybe that's the point.
It warms the cockles of my heart that you "get" Sheffield. Anyway, great stuff. I'll quit the love-in now and go look for some time somewhere.

9:20 pm  
Blogger Chris Matthews said...

I have a thing for Sheffield too - again more than any other city in the UK save my own and maybe London for obvious reasons. (I did actually move there for a very short time during my drug addled twatish youth). But it's not just the music, the landscape and the buildings, it's the fact that the story of the city remains relatively untold - perhaps for some it's too close to home.

Which brings me to your interesting point regards 'failed experiment bull & alibi for class war'. Could it be said that in the eyes of the mouth foaming free market fundamentalist it was actually too successful? To the point where it was the hardcore of a powerful trade union movement and so it was slapped down with a Thatcherite Meadowhall & rewired with a Heseltine/Major Sports Day?

The city features in Jonathan Coe's 'What a Carve up' as a left wing town bravely fighting against Thatcherism. I've heard on uncertain terms told that many local authorities won small battles with central government during this period, so perhaps it could have been worse? Wasn't the music of the 1980s helped by letting cheap studios to artists, which were formally cutlery workshops? (Harman & Minnis, Pevsner Sheffield Guide, p.136).

As for Anarchism and Brutalism, I liked Ward's federalist arguement, which is perhaps relevant here (C. Ward, Anarchism Introduction, p84). The architecture of Sheffield's recent past is true to essence of the place - heavy industry and the collective process of steel making underpinned by a division of labour (HC Darby, New Historical Geography after 1600, p.403). Different of course to the illusive fripperies of fashion and the social mobility of commercial industry in the East Midlands - but neither deserved what hit them in the 80s and 90s.

"Big Industry is much more than a socio economic necessity, it's much more than just (just) jobs, it's material, it promotes a sense of identity, it's a symbol of pride. When we carelessly, rationally allow it to be disappeared, we're destroying much more than the hopes of lives yet to be lived." (Jonathan Meades, Off Killter e3p6)

10:27 pm  
Blogger Lang Rabbie said...

Visually, Hyde Park was a gorgeous Gormenghastian fantasy atop the hill, but for most tenants it was a dismal failure when it came to water penetration, concrete cancer, vibration noise from services, wind gusts slamming doors and cracking windows etc. etc..

BTW Despite what Wikipedia may say, I thought that Hyde Park was still standing at the time of the 1991 World Student Games - and student athletes actually ended up stayed in the decanted tower.

IIRC the demolition wasn't until 1992.

10:27 pm  
Blogger Chris Matthews said...

Yey! Lang Rabbie's back! (sorry, ahem).

10:31 pm  
Blogger Lang Rabbie said...

And Owen - you ought to hate the Millennium Galleries - it took the place of Sheffield's formerly most (in)famous Brutalist structure: Egg Box building aka Sheffield Town Hall Extension.

11:02 pm  
Anonymous Rossikovsky said...

I was a student in Sheffield in the late '80's early '90's and am also pretty sure that Hyde Park was there after the student games.

I remember Castle Market for the second hand record shops that prominently sold Skrewdriver records, and frequently tried to shortchange you. I'm guessing they're gone now, but hope the pubs on the lower level are still there, and are still showing horse racing on a near permanent basis.

11:20 pm  
Anonymous Mozaz said...

Background can be found here with some images from past mooching around. The grand old Lady in her new frock, she is looking somewhat wonder full and when our lass puts on her make up and gets dressed for a night out, then i understand why we fell in love with her, in her transition Park Hill beguiles us.

Bet she will look good on’t dance floor, as Sheffield gets a make over, at Bank Street Arts Berris Conolly is reminding us of the last big change, from the mid 1988 one man his camera caught Sheffield in transition. The images are truly wonderful, Sheffield Photographs 1988-2010 runs Aug 21 at Bank Street Arts 32-40 Bank Street Sheffield, so we was done there we thought a wander round Park Hill.

There has been some controversy over the listings, and in the last year, the doubts have risen though we supported the listing we began to ponder was it wise and as she took off her dressing gown of scaffold, the colour blighted our eyes.

Oh, how can that be – Tha knows it’s Park Hill, in’t it? Urban Splash are bringing this grand lady back to life, she is all tarted up though she does not look the same, but that is not the point, here will stand a grand example of Brutalist Architecture. Now, those who doubted the trust given to Urban Splash and the former Labour administration over this project might need to put their hand over their gobs and shout full up and eat their words, i know we are.

We have become all excited, now we just need to let it be, that’s her past and forgiveness is hard, we agree. Though she has trespassed against the people of Sheffield, it is not just the fault of Park Hill, yes love might be blind and seeing her in her new dress we begin to understand why we fell in love with her..

10:50 am  
Blogger Martin said...

Excellent article

11:12 am  
Blogger owen hatherley said...

Rabbie - yes, I know the Galleries/Gardens replaced the thing blown up in Threads, which is a terrible shame, but minor, slightly backhanded credit where credit's due - all the other regeneration tat around it is far, far worse. Re: Hyde Park's functional crapness - Andrew Saint's very good Park Hill - What Next makes similar points, saying it was never as esteemed by its tenants as the earlier building. But I still can't help thinking something that crazed and Gormenghastian was worth saving and renovating rather than being semtexed and replaced with lashings of provincial dross. One of the few good upshots of the Splashing of Park Hill is the repair of the cancerous concrete frame, which proves these things can fairly obviously be done. The really sad thing is that nobody seemed to think it - or Kelvin or Woodside when they got demolished, or Netherthorpe when it got redesigned by a 5-year-old - was worth anything, only 25 years after books were being published in French and Russian about Sheffield's council housing.

My source for World Student Games was the recent Pevsner guide, so all blame for dating to be laid at their door, please.

Chris - it does seem likely that Sheffield council's general sponsorship of arts in its Socialist Republic of South Yorkshire days had something to do with its prominence; it's always curious to find out just how many of the early Warp acts were from Leeds, although all the infrastructure and support was in Sheffield. The 'it worked' has some truth, definitely - I bet the various initiatives of the council in its leftist days were rather less ruinously expensive than the World Student Games or Pathfinder...but what happens with industry in Sheffield is a bit unlike what happens everywhere else, in that a huge amount of steel is still made, only it's largely automated, with a tiny workforce. Mind you, the Forgemasters closure might change even that.

Anarchism and whatnot; in political terms I'm very sympathetic to lots of Ward's ideas and I like self-built weirdness in its place, but I suppose the main thing is that I like big cities, skylines, modernity, and I've never seen a sensible proposal for how you 'self-build' a metropolis. If the whole of London looked like Walter Segal cottages it'd look about as ridiculous as the reclad and rebuilt bits of Hyde Park look now. Huntertwasser is a bit twee for my tastes but probably a bit more encouraging as an example of how to do these things on a large scale.

12:09 pm  
Anonymous David said...

I love your blog and this post in particular; it helps me sum up a strangeness that I felt in London as a New Yorker, that modernism (or its UK variant in any case) was ipso facto a strategy of class warfare. Here in New York, various home-grown modes of "Modernism" were embraced by the monied from the Louis Sullivan 1890s onwards and has always been seen as something glamorous and dashing. There is a seeming expectation of bleakness in UK Modernism that the US for better or worse has always avoided--compare Sheffield to Park Avenue (of course, then compare Park Avenue to Piccadilly).

3:22 pm  
Blogger owen hatherley said...

Thanks. Well, for its first ten years or so in the '30s, Modernist architecture was an almost exclusively elite thing - pretty much bar a couple of Dudokesque Lidos, pithead baths and London Underground stations it was a matter of Corbusian villas in outer London. But the interesting thing is that those '30s architects had a huge amount of proposals and ideal schemes, and an interest in politics, that unemployed architects today would do extremely well to learn from. It's also a version of modernism where the continuum is more Ruskin----Gropius than Sullivan----Mies. Also, the concomitant is that the Projects in the US were far duller in design terms than the most famous estates in the UK - I have a big book surveying High Density housing in the late '60s, and it's striking how the Zeilenbau, the endless right-angled blocks in space, seems to define all the housing projects in the States, while in Latin America and Europe - especially Scandinavia and Britain - there's a real freedom of design, a bustle and individuality. The US public housing seems much more about charity and sufferance, like Peabody housing on massive scale.

4:12 pm  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hi Owen,

I came across your blog after this entry was retweeted from The Plug in Sheffield. We met in Prague, I don't know if you remember, looking at modern Czech architecture ahead of that rather disappointing V&A exhibition. (To me, anyway.) You made a very cogent and funny assault on folk music, which I felt I had to defend. Anyway, that was a fascinating piece on my home town. As you know, I'm an architectural dunderhead, but was gripped by my education in Prague, particularly the social housing projects we saw. You quite right in your analysis that Sheffield's built environment is subsiding into mediocrity. I don't agree quite with your analysis why -- Labour have to take some of the blame. But the real shock was the early 1980s, when I was in my teens. The city had the shit kicked out of it, to the sound of Tory laughter.

But don't write off the Sheffield steel industry. It's a crucial part of the city's economy and identity. Which leads me to my main point. My dad was a steelworker, and one of the highlights of my youth was visiting steelworks. You should go. It's a life changing experience, to stand in such a gigantic space with the crash and smell of industry around you, humans remaking the world. Inspiring.

Also, while Sheffield lacks the kind of industrial buildings of mill towns in Lancashire etc, some of the nineteenth century iron and steel works are well worth exploring. The city feels itself constantly patronised, and is certainly more insular than Manchester or Leeds, but in other ways it's far ahead, certainly in its social outlook. 'Big Society' indeed. DC should spend some time here. And I doubt Forgemasters will close off the back of Clegg's inexplicable faux pas. Raw steel making has moved elsewhere but the city's metallurgical ingenuity remains.

Also, the World Student Games was actually a great event, despite being mocked by the media, which the city pressed on with in the face of indifference from Whitehall. Of course, we have no choice about the London Olympics.

I think that's it. Hope the book goes well.

Ed Douglas

10:31 am  
Blogger Tim Chapman said...

Just for the record, Forgemasters definitely isn't closing - it's just not getting the world-class facilities it would have got if the government hadn't reneged on its loan. It's still bashing bloody big bits of metal into shape and selling them worldwide; and it's still active in nuclear manufacturing, as are several other companies in Sheff.

Otherwise, great piece. Not sure I entirely agree with all your arguments, but it's nice that someone cares.

11:03 am  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Also, and you may want to dwell on the irony and, paradoxically, the optimism of this: Sheffield is a centre for green roof technology and I believe has a local authority commitment to include in a percentage of housing. It also has a rather neat programme of retrofitting terraced houses to make them better insulated and so achieve a modicum of social justice in the face of spiralling energy costs caused by expensive renewables...

Now I'll shut up.


12:35 pm  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Please can people stop talking nonsense about Forgemasters. It isn't closing, it isn't losing jobs, it's doing well, and will continue to do well.

All that's happened is it's not getting a government loan for a new bit of plant that it wanted to use to build parts for nuclear reactors, which would be a very useful intervention if you thought the UK needed the capacity to build lots of new nuclear power stations in the next 10 to 20 years, at the same time that lots of other countries will be doing the same thing.

The Lib Dems are anti-nuclear, remember - that's probably as much to do with the decision as anything which seems to pass most commentators by for some reason.

4:15 pm  
Anonymous David said...

Hi Owen,

Yes, I agree that public housing by and large in the States, is a matter of cookie-cutter towers-in-the-park design which lacks the sculptural dynamics (and social theory) of the best of European housing. There are exceptions, of course--my favorite being Forest Hills Gardens, which was originally planned as low income housing and which was staked out by the upper middle class once they saw how nice it was (a rather bizarre Craftsman Oz set in the middle of Queens, New York); also the work of Irving Gill, which was revolutionary by world standards for its time. Horatio West Court is one of the few remaining intact examples of his social housing and it is absolutely beautiful--white concrete, flat roofs, no ornament, just a pitch-perfect sense of scale, volume and relationship to nature (the buildings are planted with palms, vines and ferns). Need I say that the current inhabitants are a great deal richer than the original ones.

A negative virtue of the UK's hostility to modern design is that the rich in the UK seemed less interested in colonizing such spaces, preferring yet another round of Ye Olde Englishe Fille in the Blanke. Walking down Piccadilly last year I felt as if I was being force-fed wedding cake through my eyeballs.

4:49 pm  
Blogger owen hatherley said...

Ed - yes, I remember you well! Thanks for the comments. I don't want to give the impression of being soft on Labour at all - this is an update of the things I've written in a book that isn't out yet, so the target is more the Libs than Labour, who do get a kicking in said book, especially for their commitment under Bob Kerslake to wholesale Pathfinder demolitions of council housing. That seems to have stopped under the Libs, but on the other hand they're fully committed to the replanning of the centre - meaning a yuppiefication of the Castlegate area and the outdoor mall on The Moor, both of which are disastrous ideas - disastrous ideas started by Labour no doubt. There's a fair bit more about steelworks in the book also, but I've only been in Magna, never in a proper, working one.

Anon - I hadn't read up on Forgemasters (I know this one better), so thank you for correcting my knee-jerk assumptions. Mind you...are you by any chance alleging in your last paragraph that the Forgemasters loan cancellation is cognisant with the Lib Dems' principles?

4:59 pm  
Anonymous bah said...

Oh, there's plenty of shit like this on other EU states. Berlin is full of it, and Barcelona recently built loads - in the place of factories. It's not as "aspirational" and "creative" but it's not much better either.

What's most worrying is that in those places, new public housing also looks like this...

8:45 pm  
Blogger owen hatherley said...

Really Bah? Look again at that picture, look at the tiny windows, the shitty, cheap materials, a mess before they've even been finished, the tiny 'piazza', the pathetic nod at the 'vernacular', the way it totally privileges the car, aimed completely at drivers coming in off the ring road. I know Berlin well, and it has lots of very boring new architecture, but it's well-made, well-detailed boring new architecture, with decent materials, decent public spaces and infrastructure. There's a shoddiness about British architecture which I've never seen anywhere else in the EU, not even in Croatia or Poland, let alone Germany or Holland. Spain I've never been to. The only new architecture that remotely compares with British in its crapness and meanness is Russian. Blowing my own trumpet appallingly, I tried to write about the differences here...

11:50 pm  
Blogger Charles Holland said...

Leaving aside the very real political issues that you describe, the pinched meanness of Brit architecture is a very important part of the mess. When I visited Park Hill - and when I walk through somewhere like the Golden Lane estate in London - the thing that strikes me most is the sheer quality of the materials and detailing. Something like Park Hill is extremely unlikely to happen today (for any programme) because of the audaciousness of its structure. It's expensive to build like that and everyone would tell you not to do it. The period in which it was built was obviously the last time when public and ordinary buildings (as opposed to luxury and high end commercial devevelopments and even they are a bit cheap on the whole) were built to anything like a decent budget. The lack of money and meanness is endemic to every element of the construction process (low fees, low profits, low wages etc.) and so much is simply done one the cheap and is, almost literally, crap. This is not to negate your wider political points and replace them with some parochial architectural whinge, just an overall impression of looking at the recent architecture that you illustrate. Much of it is the result of New Labour procurement/PFI obsessions and a devotion to value for money (which assumes that everything can be done cheaper...)as well as a peculiarly British view that anything good is a waste of cash.

Great post by the way.

8:16 am  
Anonymous jannon said...


please keep hating on the mediocre and the shoddy and the mean and the not good enough.

and keep reminding people that it doesn't have to be like this.

though if you ever feel like coming to see what meanness and architectural disregard can amount to, I'd be happy to drive you around southern california.

6:29 am  
Blogger Alex said...

Café Internationale is a great lost Style Council album, right? Come to think of it, perhaps it's their never-issued acid house project?

12:48 pm  
Blogger chris y said...

As a resident though not native of Sheffield, I appreciate this article a lot.

I suspect that the Council's animus against Castle Market stems partly from the fact that until recently it was dealer central. That's changed, but middle class perceptions are always 10 years behind, so it's quite possible that the Lib Dems, who have probably never been there, haven't yet caught up with this.

It's also true that Sheffield planning department have a well deserved reputation for screwing up everything they touch. They really beggar belief. There was a grand plan to level everything (almost) in the city centre that hadn't been done over in the last 30 years and turn the whole thing into a pedestrianised consumerville. Part of this includes or included a new covered market on the Moor. Then the crash came and Lo! there was no more money

Clegg may well get the push at the next election. I've heard red blooded socialists threatening to vote Tory to get rid of the bastard.

chris y

5:40 pm  
Anonymous Dave said...

Really like this post, and your blog in general. I wrote a little response to your last entry, although naturally upon reading this I'm having my doubts about the points I made...

1:10 am  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I lived in Castle Court 1993-96, and it was OK. You had to be there, I suppose. There was a society along the carpeted corridors, and getting someone to buzz you in was an art. But it's not a visible society. It was great sitting on the ledge looking out down the valley, as the artics crawled along the M1 past the Meadowhall cooling towers.

I was about to say "You need to check out what Mozaz thinks about this, and what he's up to, Owen", but I see that he's here already.

Chris W

1:43 pm  
Anonymous Jeremy Till said...

What a brilliant post, somehow managing to get over why Sheffield overcomes what elsewhere would be a tragi-comic scenario, and turns it to its advantage. For what it is worth I used to end my homily to incoming first architecture students at Sheffield University with a suggestion that in order to understand the city's unique intersection of architecture and society, city and people, they should go shopping for a sandwich at three places: Castle Market (yes, it is brilliant as you suggest), Meadowhall, and TJ Hughes, and look hard. This was met with bemusement, but a few went. And fewer came back with a new take on what architecture might be.
The analysis of Park Hill is also spot on. My favourite memory of it was my neighbour coming out every day to polish the stretch of street defined by her party walls, bringing it up to a shine reminiscent of the front step of the terraced house she had been moved from in the 1960s, claiming the street-in-the-air as a part of her propriety. Once a month she would do my patch "because you are busy, duck".

6:55 pm  
Anonymous Michael Horswill said...

Great post about Sheffield. if Jeremy was responsible for sending me to Castle Market in the first few weeks of my course, thank you... It really needs listing, I don't want Sheffield to turn into Leeds. It is a vile place where student accommodation is the 4th tallest 'skyscraper' in the city; someone save us from Opel.

Thought you might enjoy this Owen:

Next time you are in Shef, if you fancy a beer and a long discussion on the merits of concrete let me know.

11:27 pm  
Blogger owen hatherley said...

Excellent - am very glad Sheffield students are instructed in the greatness of Castle Market. Maybe they'll start demanding half-decent architecture for student accommodation, one day...

Michael - am way ahead of you. The proliferation of zines and things in Sheffield - the Publicity Department, Article, 5seventy3, the late Go - is a very encouraging thing.

Thanks all for not going 'well what do you know, you southern fop?' Yet...

9:11 pm  
Anonymous Chris Goldie said...

Hi Owen,

The Czech cubism is Weslfield House, opened in 1973. There are a couple of interesting press cuttings about it in this history of Westfield Health The abstract relief is from 1972 by William Mitchell, see Mitchell did some interesting stuff but, more recently, this Diana and Dodi horror


2:01 pm  
Anonymous Michael Horswill said...

Haha, never mind student accommodation (although it is one of my personal hatreds after being forced to live in an opal block in 1t year)... You should see the new extension on the Union, what could have been interesting and progressive, run as a student competition for our centenary instead looks like someone designed it in 10 minutes on sketchup - its an improvement on what was there for the quality of space inside but by god does it look bad! I think I'm going to run and hide in the modernist splendor of the Library...

5:29 pm  
Anonymous Mozaz said... It happened a friend who i drag there for my safety got it at last it took the camera took over 40 images and i thought idd share, he now understands what this place means. The very good Job Urban Splash are doing on putting her back, there is a concern the empty parts of quite wonderful be a shame to lose them..

10:44 am  
Blogger Montréal 1976 said...

Thanks for that great piece Owen. I guess I have a special relationship with Sheffield that grew from the 3 years I spent at Uni there. On top of the great building projects you mentioned here and in the book there's obviously something about the basic geography of the city which makes it so enthralling. Every time you get up on a hill (lots of opportunities for that) you're faced with incredible views and a sense that the city is growing out of the landscape (which I suppose it actually did).

this view from Bole hill in the studenty Crookes area of west Sheffield captures that for me, its unclear where the building stop and the moors begin.

I just wanted to add a few buildings that although socially less interesting, are nevertheless ones which made an impact on me and I think make an impact on the visual character of the city.

the first one is a derelict luxury hotel in Endcliffe next to the horrific and student village. It's called Hallam tower and its quite pretty (then and now) and seems to feature the same kind of concrete relief as the building above the co-op in town.



Another favourite is the modernist Western Bank Library which is attached to the famous Arts Tower by a cool walkway. It functions really well as a library and the main room has double storey windows out onto the pond and park.

original outside:

lavishly refirbed interior:

And then there's the Crookesmoor bulding which is a load of awesome hexagons but can't find any pictures for that one so you'll have to imagine it (the hexagonal lecture theatres are wood panelled.

But yeah suppose it shows how buildings belonging to a wealthy institution receive the love and care needed to maintain them without damaging the original intent of the building and therefore protecting an interesting and inspiring environment for the (mostly)priveledged students within!

3:42 pm  
Anonymous dave burke said...

It’s hard to find knowledgeable people regarding but you sound like you know what you’re talking about! Thanks for sharing this with others

3:55 am  
Blogger Stephen Collins said...

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9:19 am  
Anonymous flair said...

Nice one! I like the outfit of the characters. Wish i could do the same thing too but im not that techie.i like the outfit of “from farmer to warden”.. really interesting.

5:44 am  

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