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LuaTeX comes of age

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August 22, 2017

This article was contributed by Lee Phillips

TeX has been the tool of choice for the preparation of papers and documents for mathematicians, physicists, and other authors of technical material for many years. Although it takes some effort to learn how to use this venerable work of free software, its devotees become addicted to its ability to produce publication-quality manuscripts from a plain-text, version-control-friendly format.

Most TeX users use LaTeX, which is a set of commands and macros built on top of TeX that allow automated cross-referencing, indexing, creation of a table of contents, and automatic formatting of many types of documents. TeX, LaTeX, a host of associated utilities, fonts, and related programs are assembled into a large package called TeX Live. It's available through the package managers of many Linux distributions, but to get an up-to-date version, one often needs to download it from its maintainers directly.

The 2017 version of TeXLive was recently released. As usual, this new release contains no big surprises and should create no compatibility issues. All of those who use TeX in their daily work will eventually get around to starting the big download before bedtime to reap the benefits of dozens of incremental improvements. Enthusiastic readers of release notes may encounter one notable tidbit, however: the version of LuaTeX, a key component of TeX Live, is now numbered 1.0.4.

LuaTeX is a project with several components and goals, all of which take TeX in new directions. This project modernizes font handling, using Unicode for input and output, including for math. It allows you to use any OpenType or TrueType font on your system, and to select typefaces, styles, variants, and font features easily and flexibly. LuaTeX embeds the Lua scripting language into TeX, allowing authors a new level of power and control. Previously, authors who needed to bend TeX to do non-standard or unusual typesetting tasks were obliged to program in the TeX language itself, which is an arcane and specialized skill. With LuaTeX, authors can accomplish these tasks by writing scripts in a language with a more familiar syntax.

As recently as just a few years ago, however, documentation writers were warning against using the still-evolving LuaTeX in critical work. For example, there is a cautionary note in "A guide to LuaLaTeX" [PDF], which is one of the few available introductory documents about the project.

LuaTeX is now out of beta, however, which means that the time for worrying about this has now passed. According to the official roadmap, LuaTeX has become "functionally complete"; most of the functionality and interfaces are considered to be stable. You can now undertake large LuaTeX projects without worrying about your document breaking with the next upgrade. A "large LuaTeX project" in this context means not just a long document that you happen to process using LuaTeX, but one that makes extensive use of the Lua scripting that the project makes possible.

In fact, LuaTeX has been the generally preferred TeX implementation for some time. It has become an inseparable part of ConTeXt, which is a large project that is a popular alternative to LaTeX for publishing all kinds of documents, especially books and pamphlets. LuaTeX passing version 1 means that its official status has caught up to its de facto status as the center of development in the TeX world.


As terms in the TeX world can become confusing, this brief aside may be called for. The engine is the command that you type to compile your document. The name of the engine determines, among other things, what format will be used, and what kind of output file TeX will create. There are two choices of output file: the original DVI file and the generally more popular and useful PDF. There are a handful of formats, such as Plain TeX and LaTeX, that are large sets of macros that alter the behavior of the TeX typesetting program that underlies everything, and that expose various settings and commands to the author.

For example, the engine pdftex will use the Plain TeX format to create a PDF; the latex command will use the LaTeX format to create a DVI; and lualatex will use the LaTeX format and create a PDF by running a version of the pdftex program that has been rewritten in C and can interoperate with the Lua scripting language.

Most of the terms with weird mixtures of case refer to formats (LaTeX) or projects such as LuaTeX.

Why LuaTeX?

LuaTeX provides many advantages over the more traditional versions of TeX, and a couple of possible disadvantages. There are some, usually older, LaTeX packages that are incompatible with LuaTeX; if you depend on one of these, then you may want to stick with XeLaTeX (a part of XeTeX), which is the Unicode-aware LaTeX-like project, or even the older pdfLaTeX, if necessary. You may, however, want to consider either making the jump to ConTeXt, which can duplicate the capabilities of many old LaTeX packages, or trying to reproduce the effects you want with some Lua scripting.

Another disadvantage is that, for some documents, luatex can be slower than the other engines. According to the Introduction of the LuaTeX Reference [230-page PDF], when using Plain TeX, for example, pdftex will almost always be faster than luatex, but complex documents, especially using the recent incarnation of ConTeXt, often run faster with luatex. In any case, the difference is typically about a factor of two or so.

One of the delightful advantages of LuaTeX is its simple and powerful font handling, which I demonstrated in a previous article about recent TeX developments. In addition to the features introduced in that article, I should mention that LuaTeX has highly developed support for directional typesetting, which means it can handle languages that go from right to left or vertically. Another advantage, for some, is easier access to MetaPost, bringing an efficient graphical subsystem into the TeX engine.

LuaTeX has a handful of commands to suppress different kinds of error messages. Some of these don't merely turn off the messages, but cause things to be permitted that were previously forbidden. For example, you can tell TeX that it's OK to have a paragraph break inside an equation, which frees you up to format your math input more flexibly.

There are several improvements in math typesetting related to the possibility of using wide glyphs in equations. The distance between equations and their numbers can now be controlled. There is a new type of leader, whose alignment is based on the largest enclosing box (rather than the smallest). You can set the minimum word length in which hyphenation will be allowed.

Aside from font handling, these are all minor enhancements; there are dozens more listed in the reference manual linked above. The headline feature of LuaTeX is its embedding of the Lua scripting language, and everything that enables.


Lua is a deceptively simple, but sophisticated, modern scripting language. Some of Lua's unusual, or unusually nice, features are: a single data structure (the "table"); functions that can return multiple results; proper tail calls; lexical scoping (closures, etc.); built-in coroutines; and "metatables" and metamethods.

The features that make Lua so popular as an embedded scripting language, however, are its small footprint (10,000 lines of C and a compiled, static library of 500K) and its design from the ground up as a language for embedding in C and C++ programs. Its JIT compiler and advanced garbage collection make for good performance in both time and space. The tradeoff is its relatively spare standard library, but this is supplemented by a healthy ecosystem of official and contributed packages.

Lua is widely used, for example, by game developers, who can program the core game behavior in C while defining the game play logic in Lua. You can get the latest version of the language up and running on any system with an ANSI C compiler — there are no extra dependencies. On many distributions, there is also a recent version available through the package management system, and, finally, there are binaries provided for a variety of operating systems. Lua has an interactive mode that you can start by typing lua in the terminal. This of course helps in learning the language through experimentation but, unlike Python and Lisp, typing a something won't return its result unfortunately; you need to use the print statement.

Fortunately the application of Lua within TeX documents rarely requires anything beyond basic knowledge of the language. Those who wish a systematic introduction may want to study the book Programming in Lua; all of the editions of the book, covering recent versions of the language, can be found here, including an early edition available free of charge.

Lua in LaTeX

By simply including the line \usepackage{luacode} in your LaTeX document's preamble, and processing it with the lualatex command, you can mix Lua in with your LaTeX. There are two major ways of incorporating Lua into your document; the first is to insert the results of a Lua calculation into the TeX token stream, by using tex.print (or tex.sprint, that inserts the output inline, avoiding a line break) instead of the normal Lua print function. This article shows how to do that by using Lua to compute a numerical table within a LaTeX document that formats the table, and another one that graphs it.

Below is another example that uses Lua to calculate a fancy paragraph shape and construct the TeX command for defining it. The \parshape command in LaTeX or Plain TeX lets you define any shape for the current paragraph, but it's verbose and cumbersome, because you need to type in a list of line lengths and indents, following the number of lines that you want it to apply to. Wouldn't it be nice to be able to simply say that you would like a paragraph to have the shape of a particular mathematical expression? Here is a little LaTeX document that typesets the beginning of a great American novel in the wavy shape of the cos2 function:

	function mpshape()
	    shape = ""
	    n = 23
	    bl = 10
	    for i = 1, n do
	       indent = string.format("%4f", 2*math.cos(i*2*math.pi/n)^2)
	       length = string.format("%4f", bl - 2*indent)
	       shape = shape.." "..indent.."cm "..length.."cm"
	    tex.sprint("\\parshape= "..n.." "..shape)
    Call me Ishmael. Some years ago—never mind how long precisely—having [text deleted]

Here is the output:

[Opening of Moby Dick in a
wavy shape.]

A few things here need a little explanation. We need to include the fontspec package to enable Unicode input: this should be a standard part of your preamble if you are using LuaTeX, in which case you probably have a handful of additional fontspec commands to set up your fonts (the em-dashes in the input are the only Unicode here). The luacode* environment passes its contents directly to Lua, and frees you from worrying about escaping special TeX characters such as backslashes. This is explained in the documentation for the luacode LaTeX package. Everything between the lines \begin{luacode*} and \end{luacode*} is not TeX, but pure Lua. The Lua code here serves to define the function mpshape, that takes no arguments. The function uses an "arithmetic for" loop with a common syntax. Note that all blocks are terminated with end, and that white space is insignificant (except for comments). The ".." operator used several times is string concatenation; Lua converts numbers to strings as needed.

We've used string formatting, which works in Lua just as in C and many other languages. The dimensions are in cm, and bl is the unaltered line length. This document follows a common pattern, which is to define some functions in a luacode* environment, and invoke them in the document as needed. You can also put the function definitions in an external file.

When you want to actually execute some Lua code, call it as the argument of a luadirect command. Here you must use caution if you are inserting Lua code directly rather than merely calling a function, as we do here: the one place where line breaks are significant in Lua is in comments, which begin with "--" and extend to the end of the line. But TeX changes line breaks to spaces, which means that a comment in your code will comment out everything that comes after it. Here the luadirect command runs our mpshape function, which in turn inserts the parshape command into the TeX stream. I've kept things simple for illustration, but you can easily see how this could be generalized. Since Lua has an eval function, you could pass a mathematical expression into mpshape as an argument, along with values for bl and n (the number of lines to process, here hard-coded as 23, which I found by trial and error).

Altering typesetting with callbacks

There is a whole different level of Lua-TeX integration afforded by callbacks from TeX's processing stages. TeX processes documents in a series of steps, such as reading input, hyphenating, inserting glue, ligaturing, breaking lines, and many more (see the LuaTeX reference manual linked to above). At each of these stages, TeX is dealing with a linked list of nodes, which are elements such as glyphs, kerns, lines, etc., with associated collections of properties. In order to modify one of TeX's processing stages, you write a Lua function that manipulates the relevant node list, and register this function as a callback attached to the stage. When the TeX engine reaches the stage in question, it will call the registered function, and continue as normal after it returns, but with a modified node list.

Here is a example of a LaTeX document that uses this technique to gradually decrease the grey value of each line in a paragraph, creating a fade-out effect. Consider that it would be impossible to create this effect by, for example, inserting color commands in the input file, because one does not know where TeX will break lines until one actually runs the document through it; and the line breaks depend on the line width. You need to insert the color commands as part of the line breaking process, and this is precisely what LuaTeX callbacks enable.

Here is a complete document that you can process with the lualatex command to get the output in the figure. It will make more sense than it does at first glance after the explanation that follows.

        function fadelines(head)
            WHAT = node.id("whatsit")
            COL = node.subtype("pdf_colorstack")
            colorize = node.new(WHAT,COL)
            gvalue = 0
            for line in node.traverse_id(0,head) do
                colorize.data = gvalue.." g"
                node.insert_before(head, line, node.copy(colorize))
                gvalue = math.min(gvalue + 0.06, 1)
            return head
        luatexbase.add_to_callback("post_linebreak_filter", fadelines, "fadelines")
    Call me Ishmael. [text deleted]

Here is the result:

[Opening of Moby Dick
fading out.]

The luacode section starts with another function definition, this time taking an argument that is the head of a list of TeX nodes; which list of nodes it gets passed will be determined later by how the function is registered as a callback. The first three lines of the function define colorize to be a "whatsit" node, which is a node type used for such things as PDF output. The for block loops over nodes of type 0, which are "hlist nodes", beginning at the HEAD. For each node it defines a string with the value "gvalue g", where the number gvalue starts at 0 (full black) and increases by 0.06 at each iteration. The string is used as a new value for the data field of the colorize node, which is then inserted before the current node. The node.insert_before function takes care of keeping the link structure correct as the new node is inserted into the linked list. When TeX constructs the output PDF, the colorize nodes become constructs that set the color.

After the function definition, the luatexbase.add_to_callback call registers the function as a callback attached to the post-linebreak phase. Our function fadelines will be called immediately after TeX finishes breaking the text into lines. The node list traversed by the function will be the final, typeset list of lines. The string in the final argument can be any label, and is used for a subsequent unregister command if desired.

If all this seems a bit arcane, that's because it is. There is little in the way of gentle tutorial material to teach one how to do this kind of work. But, after studying some example code [52-page amusing PDF], carefully reading a few sections of the reference manual, and some experimentation, I was pleasantly surprised at how quickly I could go from an idea to a working implementation. Although anything that you can do with these techniques you could also do, in theory, by programming purely in TeX, using Lua and the interfaces defined in the LuaTeX project is far simpler. If you've had the pleasure of trying to read and understand a LaTeX style file, for example, the code here will seem far less arcane by comparison.

A simple modification of our fadelines function will change the color of the output text letter-by-letter. Here is the new function and its output:

    function fadelines(head)
        GLYPH = node.id("glyph")
        WHAT = node.id("whatsit")
        COL = node.subtype("pdf_colorstack")
        colorize = node.new(WHAT,COL)
        cvalue = 0
        for line in node.traverse_id(GLYPH,head) do
            colorize.data = cvalue.." "..1 - cvalue.." .5".." rg"
            node.insert_before(head, line, node.copy(colorize))
            cvalue = math.min(cvalue + .0008, 1)
        return head

    luatexbase.add_to_callback("pre_linebreak_filter", fadelines, "fadelines")
[Rainbow Moby Dick.]

At the beginning of the function the GLYPH variable is set to the node representing a single printed character. The constructed string used for the data field of the coloring node now has the form "R G B rg", and is made to change gradually as the loop traverses the GLYPH nodes. Finally, we register the function to the pre_linebreak_filter callback, to get access to the list of glyph nodes.

Parting words

Since any LuaTeX document may contain any code whatsoever in the form of embedded Lua scripts, you must use caution in processing documents from untrusted sources. "Normal" TeX has traditionally refused to run operating system commands (to run external programs, for example) unless you specifically enabled them, but that safety check is absent from LuaTeX. You can, however, invoke lualatex with the --safer flag, which disables several features that could cause mischief, including spawning processes and creating files. See pp. 44-45 of the above-linked reference manual for details.

If you are undertaking a large project using LaTeX, such as writing a textbook, or a series of smaller projects where you may want to get TeX to perform typesetting tricks that are not covered by a LaTeX package, I believe it is well worth it to become acquainted with the techniques described here. Although TeX is a Turing-complete language, actually writing TeX code to do anything non-trivial is dark magic. In contrast, after very little study you can do things with LuaTeX that would be practically impossible without it. Lua is pleasant to program in. The ability to insert the results of Lua computations into the TeX document is already immensely useful; the next level, direct access to TeX internals, gives you powers that used to be the exclusive possession of the most advanced TeX wizards.

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LuaTeX comes of age

Posted Aug 22, 2017 23:30 UTC (Tue) by Cyberax (✭ supporter ✭, #52523) [Link]

This is seriously cool. Are there any examples of table-based data formatting with callbacks?

About 10 years ago I tried to do huge (50-500 pages) reports using TeX and it failed miserably - all the table packages could really deal only with simplest layouts. E.g. dynamic column sizing for each page was not implemented consistently, ditto for row interleaving.

LuaTeX comes of age

Posted Mar 4, 2021 13:40 UTC (Thu) by Hybbel (guest, #145220) [Link]

> using TeX and it failed miserably - all the table packages could really deal only with simplest layouts

Tables in LaTeX is still a mess. It can be seen by the number of packages that do table typesetting. Each solves a particular aspect of the madness, but there is not a single one that can be used for every occasion. tabu I think was the most advanced, but now it is not supported. Whenever the are a lot of tables, it's always a voodoo dance.

Incorrect information in LuaTeX comes of age

Posted Aug 23, 2017 10:15 UTC (Wed) by pravinkc (guest, #115930) [Link]

Lua source is 24K lines of C

Incorrect information in LuaTeX comes of age

Posted Aug 23, 2017 12:02 UTC (Wed) by leephillips (subscriber, #100450) [Link]

I've seen figures ranging from less than the one I quoted to more than the one you found. I guess it depends on whether you count the core language or include the standard library (and headers, comments, etc.).

Incorrect information in LuaTeX comes of age

Posted Aug 23, 2017 12:48 UTC (Wed) by leephillips (subscriber, #100450) [Link]

Replying to my own comment:

I downloaded the Lua source and used cloc (http://cloc.sourceforge.net/) to compile these statistics:

The source directory contains 14585 lines of C code and (in addition) 2481 lines of comments; there are also 2010 lines of code in the C/C++ header files and 1132 lines of comments in those files.

Thanks for your comment, which inspired me to get the accurate numbers.

Incorrect information in LuaTeX comes of age

Posted Aug 24, 2017 12:24 UTC (Thu) by eru (subscriber, #2753) [Link]

That is still a quite small footprint compared to most alternatives. A few years ago, I wanted to allow user-written hooks to one (inhouse) program I am maintaining, and researched a bit the available extension languages. Of the languages I looked at, which were sufficiently capable, Lua was the only one whose implementation did not totally dwarf the original application.

Incorrect information in LuaTeX comes of age

Posted Aug 24, 2017 13:12 UTC (Thu) by leephillips (subscriber, #100450) [Link]

Another advantage for embedding that I didn't mention is that multiple Lua intrepreters can be run in the same process; each interpreter can run independently in a separate thread. Compare the "global interpreter lock" that exists in (most standard implementations of) Python, for example. (Comparing Python because it's also a popular language for embedding scripting when size constraints are not severe.)

Small extension language

Posted Aug 24, 2017 15:08 UTC (Thu) by canatella (subscriber, #6745) [Link]

If you enjoy ruby, nowadays there is mruby: https://github.com/mruby/mruby which clocs at 16610.

Incorrect information in LuaTeX comes of age

Posted Aug 25, 2017 16:14 UTC (Fri) by tferro (subscriber, #3989) [Link]

What! "C code"? It should have been written in WEB! :-)

Damn kids are on my lawn again.....

LuaTeX comes of age

Posted Aug 26, 2017 7:57 UTC (Sat) by daurnimator (guest, #92358) [Link]

Its JIT compiler and advanced garbage collection make for good performance in both time and space.

LuaJIT is a separate codebase from 'normal' (PUC-Rio) Lua.

unlike Python and Lisp, typing a something won't return its result unfortunately; you need to use the print statement.

This is only true in old lua versions 5.1 and 5.2. In 5.3 (released 2015) the output will be printed by default.

Additionally, in lua 5.1 and 5.2 you can prefix a line in the REPL with ` to have the result printed

shape = shape.." "..indent.."cm "..length.."cm"

Concatenating in a loop in lua is bad for performance. Consider building a table and then using table.concat instead.

GLYPH = node.id("glyph")
Make sure to use local!

LuaTeX comes of age

Posted Aug 26, 2017 13:39 UTC (Sat) by leephillips (subscriber, #100450) [Link]

Thanks for these useful comments!

Glad to know that 5.3 returns results in the REPL. My experiments were with 5.2.4.

The version that I'm using returns results if I prepend "=", but not "`".

"Concatenating in a loop in lua is bad for performance."

True, just as in Python. I do it your way if the string will be of significant size.
Also, this way I could include the example without explaining tables (crucial for
using Lua non-trivially, but not needed for these simple examples).

LuaTeX comes of age

Posted Aug 26, 2017 13:47 UTC (Sat) by daurnimator (guest, #92358) [Link]

> The version that I'm using returns results if I prepend "=", but not "`".

Yep, sorry that's what I meant to write but got caught up in formatting.

LuaTeX comes of age

Posted Sep 1, 2017 10:34 UTC (Fri) by callegar (guest, #16148) [Link]

I am using it extensively, since TeXLive 2016, which I have in Ubuntu 17.04, and I am finding some minor problems not knowing whether they originate from my own ignorance or not, so I take the occasion to ask:

1) Slowliness. This seems to be (at least partially, but probably in a major way) dependent on the fonts being used. Conversely xetex is incredibly fast with the same fonts. Is there any fundamental reason why LuaTex cannot be speed competitive with xetex? Is the slowliness of LuaTex under consideration now that the goal of reaching function-completeness is reached? I have a feeling that being so computationally intensive, LuaTex won't find much space on cloud based LaTeX implementations such as Overleaf, Sharelatex, etc. (because the same hardware handles way less users with lualatex than with pdflatex). This could severely hinder the LuaTex acceptance.

2) Missing glyphs in fonts. Many widely used fonts miss some glyph sets. Typically, some popular fonts miss Greek letters, which are an important part of scientific typesetting. When using things like Word or Libreoffice, you do not even notice this fact, because the missing glyphs are seamlessly taken from other fonts. Is there a similar mechanism in LuaTex? Can I say "Use this font as the main font, but take the Greek characters from that font"?

3) Conversion of legacy classes to luatex. Is there some "porting" guide? I'd be delighted to see the IEEEtran class ported to lualatex.

4) Full microtype support. Is there some fundamental reason why some microtype features cannot be supported in LuaTex? I know that this is true for xetex, and I wonder if it is only a matter of time for microtype to catch up or if luatex misses some features that pdftex had.

5) "killer" luatex packages. So far, the set of packages using luatex is still very small and, most important, too thin to offer many compelling reasons for using luatex over xetex if you just seek unicode support. I wonder if luatex packages are on development for "fixing" things that so far proved too hard to address seamlessly in tex. I am thinking of things like:

- typesetting on a grid (which improves appearance when printing on thin paper);

- balanced colunms on the last page;

- correct handling and ordering of wide floats in two column mode;

- better support for multipage tables with automatically computed column widths (which incidentally would greatly benefit things like sphynx);

- shaded/boxed text that supports page/column breaks without glitches;

- margin comments that know how to push both the comment and the related text on the next page when the comment would come too low on the page (preferring a shorter page to a page with a broken margin paragraph)

- frame based formatting with frames that flow one into the other;

- figures anchored to the page with text flowing around them (which is in fact a special case of the previous point).

For all these things (pdf)latex has some packages, but all of them have broken corner cases. The ugly of working with current latex is precisely that too often you run in some corner case causing you to spend a huge amount of time to work it around.

I am also curious at how the luatex authors consider projects like "sile" where the premise is that "Most of the development of TeX since Knuth’s era has involved removing his early decisions and replacing them with technologies which have become the industry standard [... so that ...] the parts of TeX that people actually use are 1) the box-and-glue model, 2) the hyphenation algorithm, and 3) the line-breaking algorithm".

LuaTeX comes of age

Posted Sep 1, 2017 16:29 UTC (Fri) by leephillips (subscriber, #100450) [Link]

Many interesting questions here. Right now I have a minute to try to reply to a few:

1) I've seen claims that the slowness you've discovered is mostly in the font loading routines. I think this has a good chance of being fixed some day not too far off.

2) If you're going to use Unicode you need to make sure that you've selected fonts that have good glyph coverage. But I think you can do what you want ("Use this font as the main font, but take the Greek characters from that font") with some fontspec commands (can be used with XeTeX as well as LuaTeX, but you may need to specify font names differently in the two cases), like:


4) This has been improving; I think we will eventually have full microtype support in LuaTeX.

5) In https://lwn.net/Articles/640302/, I show automated network graph layouts, which are done behind the scenes with Lua scripting. I think some of your other ideas are being worked on. These are hard problems!

LuaTeX comes of age

Posted Sep 2, 2017 6:48 UTC (Sat) by callegar (guest, #16148) [Link]

Thanks for the quick and helpful answer.

With respect to point 2) you are certainly right to say that you should select fonts that have good glyph coverage. Unfortunately, in many cases the choice is severely conditioned by other people choices and/or by the need to rely on free fonts that match sufficiently well some professional font. In these cases having partial glyph coverage is unfortunately quite frequently. I got the feeling that the ucharclasses package might help, but when I tested it did not work right. Time to test again, probably.

LuaTeX comes of age

Posted Sep 1, 2017 16:57 UTC (Fri) by sfeam (subscriber, #2841) [Link]

I also have been using LuaTeX (via LyX + texlive) for a while now. I can't answer any of your questions, but at least with regard to point 2 (missing glyphs in fonts) I have had the opposite experience. In fact the reason I started using LuaTeX in the first place was that it solved a problem I had been having with xetex/pdftex that some glyphs in embedded pdf figures would disappear after processing even though the pdf figure displayed correctly when viewed on its own. For whatever reason, LuaTeX has been more successful in retrieving, converting, or whatever it does when encountering an uncommon glyph.

LuaTeX comes of age

Posted Sep 2, 2017 12:58 UTC (Sat) by marm (guest, #53705) [Link]

Ad 5) I have a soon-to-be published experimental code which bends LuaTeX to produce HTML/EPUB instead of PDF. It still has a number of ugly corner cases (mostly due to limitations and bugs of EPUB readers), but overall it works quite well.

Unlike usual TeX-to-anything convertors, it does not try to parse the source file. Instead, it lets the TeX engine interpret macros and build paragraphs and then it uses Lua code to disassemble the resulting lists and translate them to HTML.

LuaTeX comes of age

Posted Sep 2, 2017 13:28 UTC (Sat) by leephillips (subscriber, #100450) [Link]

I'd be really interested in staying informed about progress on this project. Any way of doing that?

LuaTeX comes of age

Posted Sep 3, 2017 10:06 UTC (Sun) by marm (guest, #53705) [Link]

Please send me an e-mail to mj@ucw.cz and I will reply when it's ready.

LuaTeX comes of age

Posted Sep 2, 2017 16:54 UTC (Sat) by callegar (guest, #16148) [Link]

If I remember correctly also tex4ht used the "real" tex interpreter. In that case there was an auxiliary program to "disassemble" the dvi stream. Being able to do the same /inside/ luatex with no external programs and working at the TeX list level seems a very nice improvement! Looking forward to try it!

LuaTeX comes of age

Posted Sep 4, 2017 10:56 UTC (Mon) by michal_h21 (guest, #105104) [Link]

Yes, tex4ht uses real TeX interpreter, it only inserts html codes in some macros such as sections or lists to add some meaning to the output. It also supports conversion of generated DVI to images, which is useful for various diagrams.

I've also created experimental project which uses Lua callbacks instead of the DVI processing, but the downside is that it doesn't support tex4ht features which requires some DVI tricks, such as the image processing or some tricks with math.

It can be found here: https://github.com/michal-h21/lua4ht

LuaTeX comes of age

Posted Sep 8, 2017 21:37 UTC (Fri) by nix (subscriber, #2304) [Link]

In a similar but inverted vein, there was PassiveTeX, because *obviously* TeX macros are the right tool to use for XSL processing.

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