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What a lot of people aren't mentioning is the legacy factor.

We had a "C++ interpreter" called CINT for a long time, which the ROOT data analysis framework was built around. It was, to put it bluntly, a mess: it had inconsistent scoping and syntax with C++, gave worthless debugging messages, and couldn't handle a lot of standard C++ code.

It was also the way that a lot of physicists at CERN ran their analysis code. We needed an interactive language to make graphs and histograms and to fit our data, and when CINT was conceived the only other solutions were proprietary packages like MATLAB. So CERN went with a homegrown solution and wrote a C++ interpreter many years ago.

Flash forward 15 years. "Big data" is all the rage. Python, R, and the huge list of packages built around around them would easily solve the problems CINT was designed for. But the codebase for the larger experiments at CERN is maintained by physics graduate students, a good fraction of whom had no programming experience before grad school. We don't have the time or the resources to rewrite our existing code in scipy, and the older generation doesn't have the experience to supervise such a transition.

Given that so many physicists are still using CINT, the ROOT developers had to make a choice: they could continue to maintain CINT, which would have been nearly impossible with their resources and the evolution of C++, or they could rewrite something that did almost the same thing using more modern tools. They opted for the later.

actually, there was another choice besides llvm/clng: python.

cint (M. G.) was in maintenance-mode for a long time by then.

ph-sft group was more for python (P. M.), and fnal wanted llvm/c++ (P.C.).

fnal then put down the money for an IC contract (A.N.) at ph-sft for the llvm/c++ based implementation and joined the iso body.

cling is almost orthogonal to the whole ROOT mess (graphics, histogramming, partially the analysis etc.)

I'm confused by all the acronyms, and I know CERN pretty well… what is M.G.? What is P.M.?…

That's interesting. Thank you for the history lesson and for the glimpse into the culture at CERN.

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