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The Emacs dumper dispute

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By Jonathan Corbet
November 30, 2016
The Emacs editor is, at its core, a C program, but much of the editor's functionality is actually implemented in its special "Elisp" dialect of Lisp. Starting the editor requires loading a great deal of Elisp code and initializing its state, a process that can take a long time. To avoid making users wait for this process, Emacs has long used a scheme whereby the Elisp code is loaded once and a memory image is written to disk; starting Emacs becomes a matter of reading the memory image back in, which is a much faster process. Supporting this "dumping" functionality (also known as "unexec") has never been easy; beyond the technical challenges, it now appears that it may lead to a significant split within the Emacs community.

As covered here in January, the Emacs dumping (and "undumping") mechanism has long depended on some low-level hooks in the GNU C Library's memory allocation subsystem. The Glibc developers would like to modernize and improve this code, improving the library overall but removing the hooks that Emacs depends upon. At the end of the January discussions, the Emacs developers had decided to move to a workaround implementation that allowed the dumper to continue to work in the absence of Glibc support.

Note: it seems the actual breakage happened with this commit for Glibc 2.24; thanks to Florian Weimer for the correction.
What nobody realized at the time is that the loss of the Glibc hooks, which happened in October for the 2.25 release (expected in February 2017), would affect existing Emacs releases in a surprising way. In particular, they fall back to an older interface called "ralloc", which does not perform well at all. The result is well summarized by Emacs co-maintainer Eli Zaretskii in October:

Based on what we've learned the hard way during the last couple of weeks, I'd say that all the Emacs versions before 25.2 (including 25.1) will be unstable on such GNU systems to the degree of making them almost unusable.

"Unstable" is the sort of behavior that users of text editors normally go well out of their way to avoid; it's also the sort of thing that could give vi a definitive advantage in the interminable editor wars. So something clearly needs to be done to make the Emacs dumping facility more stable and, preferably, more maintainable going forward. What that "something" would be is unclear, and the posting of a possible solution appears to have simply muddied the waters further.

That solution comes in the form of the "portable dumper" patch from Daniel Colascione. This patch is not small; it adds over 4,500 lines of code to Emacs and it is not yet complete. Rather than try to capture the state of the C library's memory-allocation subsystem, it simply marshals and saves the set of Elisp objects known to the editor. The file format is designed for performance and, in some settings at least, Emacs can start by simply mapping the file into memory and initializing a set of pointers.

Colascione describes the result this way:

The point of this gargantuan patch is that we can rip out our unexec implementations and replace them with loading a data file that contains an Emacs heap image. There are no dependencies on executable rewriting, disabling ASLR, or saving and restoring internal malloc state. This system works with fully position-independent executables and with any malloc implementation.

It also, he says, matches the startup performance of the current "unexec" system to within 100ms, and he has not yet had the time to collect a bunch of low-hanging optimization fruit. In other words, it seems like an interesting solution to the problem, but a patch of this size is always going to generate some discussion.

Some of that discussion focused on how this dumper works when address-space layout randomization (ASLR) is in use. Current Emacs binaries must disable ASLR entirely, thus losing the security benefits that ASLR is meant to provide. The new dumper does not require disabling ASLR, but it does contain an optimization that can be applied if the dump file can be successfully mapped at a specific address: most of the data therein can be used directly from the mapped image, without the need to allocate storage for and copy it. That should speed the startup process considerably, at the cost of always mapping the dump image at the same location.

Paul Eggert worried about the potential security implications of losing ASLR protection for the bulk of the editor's data. Colascione responded that, since no part of the data image is marked executable, there is little risk of attackers running code from there. But, as Eggert pointed out, that view overlooks an important detail: that memory is full of Elisp bytecode that is executed in the editor itself, and which can do just about anything an attacker might want. So, if this approach is adopted, the fixed-location mapping might have to be turned off, at least by default.

There is, however, a bigger disagreement involving Zaretskii, who described this work as "a wrong direction." His objection, in short, is that this patch adds a lot of low-level complexity, implemented in C, that will be a maintenance burden going forward. That is, he said, a threat to the future of the project:

The number of people aboard who can matter-of-factly hack the Emacs internals on the C level is consistently going down, and is already so small they can be counted on one hand. We must make Emacs depend less on people from this small and diminishing group, if we want the development pace increased or even kept at its current level. To me, that means keep as many features out of low-level C, and limit futzing with C-level internals of Lisp objects and the Lisp interpreter to the absolute minimum.

It makes sense to put thought into the maintainability of the code base and how it can be evolved to attract more developers. It is not entirely clear, though, that C programmers are actually a dying breed — or that the long-term supply of Elisp developers is more certain. In any case, the Emacs community needs to fix the startup problem; those who oppose the portable dumper solution presumably have something else in mind.

Zaretskii's preferred solution would be to make the Elisp loader faster, to the point that it can be used to read Elisp code directly at startup time. That is a solution that others might like to see as well, but it has one significant shortcoming: no code toward that goal exists, and there are no signs that anybody is working in that area. Colascione's solution, instead, does exist and has an interested developer behind it. In almost any development project, working code and ongoing maintenance carries a lot of weight.

Zaretskii feels strongly enough about this issue that he has threatened to resign as co-maintainer if the portable dumper is adopted. He appears to be nearly alone in this stance, though. Colascione has said repeatedly that he sees no other way to get the required performance. Richard Stallman is guardedly favorable to this solution, noting that it will be far easier to maintain than the current unexec code. John Wiegley, the other Emacs co-maintainer, also favors going with the portable dumper code.

The wind thus appears to be blowing in the direction of adopting the portable dumper patch. Nobody seems to want to see Zaretskii relinquish the co-maintainer role (a role he only accepted last July), so, if the portable dumper is merged, the community can only hope that he will change his mind. Any large development project will occasionally make decisions that are opposed by some of its developers, even when those developers are maintainers. But the venerable Emacs editor will still be there, and will still have no end of other problems to solve.

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The Emacs dumper dispute: ASLR

Posted Nov 30, 2016 16:51 UTC (Wed) by smurf (subscriber, #17840) [Link]

So instead of a solution that turns off ALSR entirely, mapping just the bytecode at a (system-specific but still essentially random) address is seen as a problem?

Oh come on …

The Emacs dumper dispute

Posted Nov 30, 2016 17:25 UTC (Wed) by nix (subscriber, #2304) [Link]

This is not the first time Eli has threatened to leave over things he disagrees with. I don't think it's even the fifth.

This is just Eli being Eli. One hopes he will change his mind in time. (But... a portable dumper! At last!)

The Emacs dumper dispute

Posted Nov 30, 2016 17:40 UTC (Wed) by josh (subscriber, #17465) [Link]

If Emacs adopted one of the proposals to use a standard Lisp dialect, then it could use the compiler for that dialect to turn all the startup code into native code. That would also allow moving even more of the C code into Lisp, potentially even all of it (assuming the Lisp implementation had a good FFI to talk to native platform/GUI libraries).

The Emacs dumper dispute

Posted Nov 30, 2016 17:52 UTC (Wed) by felixfix (subscriber, #242) [Link]

It's been a long time since I wrote any Elisp code. How much does it differ from standard lisp implementations? How tricky would a translator be?

The Emacs dumper dispute

Posted Nov 30, 2016 18:56 UTC (Wed) by simcop2387 (subscriber, #101710) [Link]

Last I remember about it was this, https://lwn.net/Articles/615220/

The Emacs dumper dispute

Posted Dec 1, 2016 7:07 UTC (Thu) by felixfix (subscriber, #242) [Link]

Thanks. A very useful and entertaining link.

The Emacs dumper dispute

Posted Dec 2, 2016 22:52 UTC (Fri) by kleptog (subscriber, #1183) [Link]

Whenever I see discussions about language compilers I think of PyPy. How much work would it be to write a Emacs LISP interpreter in RPython, because then PyPy would give you a JIT interpreter for free.

The Emacs dumper dispute

Posted Dec 3, 2016 8:58 UTC (Sat) by smurf (subscriber, #17840) [Link]

Probably not all that much. Off the top of my head I'd schedule a full-time month to lay out the data structures required and write the code to work with them, another full-time month to cook up a working Lisp interpreter prototype, and a year (part time) to get more optimizations in and all the bugs and kinks out.

The main problem with RPython is that you don't have a dumper any more. Emacs would need to use a lot more on-demand loading, instead of packing everything and its kitchen sink into a dump image, to get initial performance up to acceptable levels.

The Emacs dumper dispute

Posted Dec 8, 2016 17:48 UTC (Thu) by nix (subscriber, #2304) [Link]

The problem is not the interpreter. The problem is that the interpreter is tightly intertwingled into Emacs's C internals -- variables on the C stack often have alternate personae in the Lisp world and vice versa.

The problem is disentangling that such that the interpreter can be replaced, without making Emacs into even more of a maintenance nightmare than it already is.

The Emacs dumper dispute

Posted Nov 30, 2016 19:04 UTC (Wed) by jlargentaye (subscriber, #75206) [Link]

Tangentially, Daniel Colascione posted about a month ago this overview of the background and work required to get Emacs to do double-buffering:

https://www.facebook.com/notes/daniel-colascione/buttery-... (Notes are FB's blog format)

It's an entertaining and interesting dive into the insane layers of compatibility Emacs has accumulated over the decades.

The Emacs dumper dispute

Posted Nov 30, 2016 22:16 UTC (Wed) by louie (guest, #3285) [Link]

That was an amazing read. Thanks for posting it.

Emacs double buffering

Posted Nov 30, 2016 23:14 UTC (Wed) by corbet (editor, #1) [Link]

Indeed worth a read. There are often times when I'm amazed that anything we use actually works; this is one of them.

Wish I'd seen it when it was fresh, it would have been great QOTW material.

Emacs double buffering

Posted Dec 1, 2016 6:03 UTC (Thu) by AdamW (subscriber, #48457) [Link]

"There are often times when I'm amazed that anything we use actually works"

This is how I feel literally all the time.

The Emacs dumper dispute

Posted Dec 1, 2016 4:55 UTC (Thu) by zblaxell (subscriber, #26385) [Link]

I am completely mystified about why the second half of the article isn't
"...so we spawn a second thread in main() which emulates exactly the terminal IO model Emacs was designed for. Every 16.7ms, this thread takes a snapshot of what Emacs has written on its frames so far, renders the text in a backbuffer, and swaps buffers with the display frontbuffer (unless the frames haven't changed and we don't have any Expose events to deal with). Emacs updates its frames whenever the hell it wants and nobody bothers Emacs to do anything it doesn't want to. Then we walked through all the #ifdef five-toolkits mess and just deleted it. You're welcome."

In this century we have smartphones that can render a screen full of text faster than the monitor refresh rate while digitally emulating in real time the electron-beam distortions that text would encounter as it passes through the analog electronics of a vintage 1980's CRT. It sounds like this Emacs hack is solving the problem the Emacs way instead of the sane way.

I suspect the solution to the mystery is going to be another level of mystery (I think the first level of that might be "OK so threads and unexec don't get along well, but why did anyone think unexec was the best of several potential alternative solutions, even at the time?"), recursively descending until one of us shouts "you people are crazy" and storms out of the room.

the sort of thing that could give vi a definitive advantage in the interminable editor wars
This is a serious misunderstanding of the editor wars. The alternative is not the other editor. The alternative is downgrading glibc.

The Emacs dumper dispute

Posted Dec 1, 2016 7:17 UTC (Thu) by smurf (subscriber, #17840) [Link]

Because Emacs is a complex beast which frequently requires more that .02 seconds to render a complex buffer, and you don't want a half-written frame to show up on your screen. Ever.

Suppose you do horizontal scrolling. You don't want the top part of your buffer to be to the right of the bottom part. Not even for 1/60th of a second.

Yes, power users care about that sort of thing. Yes, it can be noticeable, even at that speed.

The Emacs dumper dispute

Posted Dec 2, 2016 3:48 UTC (Fri) by zblaxell (subscriber, #26385) [Link]

Odd, I thought the point of using a museum piece as a text editor was to get the vintage green-scrolling-text-at-19200-baud feel without the decade-later vintage NCD-xterm-flickering-display-update horror. If you wanted smooth horizontal scrolling, why were you using Emacs?

Seriously, though, in the world outside of Emacs it would be much easier to have the elisp thread ping the render thread to say "ok now is/is not a good time to take your screenshot away for rendering" than to try to get a single thread to run elisp, push updates at the display refresh rate, and avoid burning resources on unnecessary rendering. The original Emacs design assumed those things would be done on a dedicated external processor, not embedded in the REP loop.

Apart from anything else it's a waste of CPU cores to only use one. The rendering task takes a few milliseconds, and waiting for rendering will burn time Emacs could be spending on deciding what to display next.

The Emacs dumper dispute

Posted Dec 2, 2016 2:22 UTC (Fri) by da4089 (subscriber, #1195) [Link]

If Emacs were to grow its own libc implementation, that would solve not only this problem, but potentially others in future as well!

The Emacs dumper dispute

Posted Nov 30, 2016 19:08 UTC (Wed) by madscientist (subscriber, #16861) [Link]

I'm confused by this article.

So, in Jan 2016 Emacs devs switched to a different implementation for dumper. Presumably this different implementation (is that one of the ones described in this article? Or something different?) works well with both old and new glibc implementations... doesn't it?

Then it was (as I understand it) discovered that if you had an older Emacs without the different implementation but installed a newer glibc without the old hooks, then a older, slower, unstable interface "ralloc" (whatever that is) would be used.

So the solution is to... create more new interfaces, which will be released in even newer versions of Emacs, which still won't help anyone running an older Emacs without these new interfaces? Why is that an improvement?

And, since Emacs 25.1 was released just over two months ago, why is that version also negatively impacted, if it had the new implementation decided on in January?

Sorry for being dense but I think I'm missing something fundamental here.

The Emacs dumper dispute

Posted Nov 30, 2016 23:58 UTC (Wed) by nix (subscriber, #2304) [Link]

When the malloc_get/set_state() functions are not available, Emacs falls back to a built-in malloc(), which is slower and less efficient than glibc malloc(), but works (or was believed to until this ralloc() issue turns up). malloc_set_state() -- used when loading a previously-dumped Emacs -- *still exists* in newer glibc, but as a compat symbol that cannot be linked against: glibc will detect when the old heap format is used by something calling malloc_set_state() (i.e., by an Emacs linked against an older glibc) and will mark the old heap dynamically as something allocated but unfreeable, which is good enough to work with a newer glibc no matter what its malloc implementation (but unlike in older glibc, the dumped heap remains a separate arena which the new malloc() is ignorant of, so free()ing from it does nothing, and new malloc()s will never come out of that arena). However, newly-compiled Emacsen will obviously not get a heap format compatible with this scheme, so malloc_get_state() is not available even as a compat symbol (or, rather, it is, because Emacs still has an undefined symbol referring to it, but its implementation has been stubbed out and always returns -ENOSYS).

I'll have to catch up with the emacs dev list, clearly -- I had no idea about this latest ralloc mess, though it was probably predictable because next to nothing has used ralloc for years so it has probably bitrotted catastrophically.

The Emacs dumper dispute

Posted Dec 3, 2016 0:35 UTC (Sat) by giraffedata (guest, #1954) [Link]

I don't know what any of that has to do with the question, which was a very good one.

But I combed the article again, and see the answer:

The problem being solved by the portable dumper work is not that old Emacs won't run on new Glibc. The article starts off describing that problem, but only as an example of the effect of the larger problem:

So something clearly needs to be done to make the Emacs dumping facility more stable and, preferably, more maintainable going forward.

The article doesn't mention any solution for the Emacs 25.1-on-glibc-2.24 problem; maybe there isn't one.

The Emacs dumper dispute

Posted Dec 8, 2016 17:53 UTC (Thu) by nix (subscriber, #2304) [Link]

Er, the entire comment directly relates to what happens when a newly-compiled Emacs starts on a new glibc (it uses its own malloc()) and/or what an Emac compiled against an older glibc does (Emacs binds to the malloc_set_state() compat symbol, the implementation of which detects the old glibc's heap format etc etc).

The Emacs dumper dispute

Posted Nov 30, 2016 19:15 UTC (Wed) by jlargentaye (subscriber, #75206) [Link]

> It is not entirely clear, though, that C programmers are actually a dying breed — or that the long-term supply of Elisp developers is more certain.

Speaking of which, how's Guile-Emacs doing?...

The Emacs dumper dispute

Posted Nov 30, 2016 19:43 UTC (Wed) by vadim (subscriber, #35271) [Link]

I don't see the concern about turning off developers -- it seems to be at the same or better level as what there is already.

I haven't worked on the Emacs code, but if I was going to be turned off by something, it would be by some weird black magic that relies on the obscure innards of the implementation of malloc(), and not on a mechanism that serializes data. Walking a data structure and dumping stuff to disk is standard C fare. It might be a complicated instance of it, but unlike something that digs around in the innards of malloc it would be something I could expect to reasonably understand given a normal amount of time and effort. Not so with the unexec stuff.

Besides, we're talking about what amounts to an optimization. If I was going to start working on Emacs now, I don't see myself getting scared off by what is effectively a completely optional piece of code.

The Emacs dumper dispute

Posted Dec 1, 2016 0:03 UTC (Thu) by nix (subscriber, #2304) [Link]

Quite. What's more, we already *have* most of this sort of chase-everything machinery in place for the garbage collector, and we can serialize most types thanks to print-forms. This form of it *is* somewhat different because of the relocation/pointer-fixup stuff, but it's not really difficult stuff, just deeply fiddly, and is by any measure drastically less horrifying than the tar pit of crawling horrors that is unexec(). It's also what almost every other Lisp implementation in existence does (back in the era of my parents' parents' parents, they all used unexec()-like tricks too, but nothing still in use does, as far as I know: they've all moved to serialization or their own allocators with built-in dumping/serialization long ago; nothing else depends on special support from libc's malloc like Emacs does. Emacs is literally decades behind the times here.)

Also, anything that makes Emacs more portable is good in my book, and unexec() was a major impediment to Emacs porting. Congratulations, Daniel!

The Emacs dumper dispute

Posted Nov 30, 2016 21:28 UTC (Wed) by kfogel (subscriber, #20531) [Link]

For anyone who wants a better understanding of the potential security vulnerability under discussion, this post today from Daniel Colascione explains it in a clear and simple way:


From: Daniel Colascione
Subject: Re: Preview: portable dumper
To: Emacs Devel
Date: Wed, 30 Nov 2016 12:18:21 -0800
Message-ID: <r0251sxsoh6a.fsf@dancol.org>

The Emacs dumper dispute

Posted Dec 1, 2016 4:36 UTC (Thu) by karim (subscriber, #114) [Link]

I've used emacs for 20+ years now as my main editor. And, frankly, I never really got into its lisp ways. In fact, I've always found its reliance on Lisp to be an impediment to my use of it. At this point I've been shopping around for a replacement for about 2 or some years now, with nothing really good enough yet (or just not enough time to fairly evaluate some of the replacements in full.) So reading this just makes me think that I should spend some more time on those alternatives ...

The Emacs dumper dispute

Posted Dec 1, 2016 4:47 UTC (Thu) by quotemstr (subscriber, #45331) [Link]

What language would you prefer to use for extending your editor? Alternatives may arrive sooner than you expect.

The Emacs dumper dispute

Posted Dec 1, 2016 4:52 UTC (Thu) by karim (subscriber, #114) [Link]

I don't have any specific language in mind, but at least something more like the semantics of more mainstream languages such as C, Java, and so on. I've programmed in Lisp in the past but it has very peculiar semantics which make it very heavy and require switching into a different mindset. At least if it was something a more "mainstream", I could more easily parse/tweak/extend my own editor.

The Emacs dumper dispute

Posted Dec 1, 2016 4:55 UTC (Thu) by quotemstr (subscriber, #45331) [Link]

What about JavaScript?

The Emacs dumper dispute

Posted Dec 1, 2016 6:12 UTC (Thu) by drag (guest, #31333) [Link]

you referencing https://atom.io/ ?

The Emacs dumper dispute

Posted Dec 1, 2016 10:17 UTC (Thu) by SEMW (guest, #52697) [Link]

For what it's worth, Vim has been accruing plugin bindings for various languages for a while; it now supports ruby, python2, python3, perl, lua, and tcl plugins.

The Emacs dumper dispute

Posted Dec 2, 2016 15:56 UTC (Fri) by tome (subscriber, #3171) [Link]

One problem that vim (which I love BTW) shares with emacs is a lack of C-level internals-savvy developers. If Bram gets hit by a bus, perish the thought, it will be a long time before vim development again progresses at its current speed, which is already slower than emac'es.

The Emacs dumper dispute

Posted Dec 2, 2016 16:07 UTC (Fri) by Cyberax (✭ supporter ✭, #52523) [Link]

Vim codebase is nowhere near Emacs' level of bogosity. It's mostly straightforward clean C.

And there are alternative projects to improve Vim. Personally, I'm donating to https://neovim.io/ - it's a very nice project. I'm planning to sponsor the development of next version of MidnightCommander based on it.

The Emacs dumper dispute

Posted Dec 6, 2016 5:49 UTC (Tue) by lambda (subscriber, #40735) [Link]

As weird as it feels to suggest it, have you tried Visual Studio Code? It's free software, and it's actually a fairly decent lightweight IDE scriptable in JavaScript.

The Emacs dumper dispute

Posted Dec 1, 2016 6:50 UTC (Thu) by rsidd (subscriber, #2582) [Link]

I'm extremely ignorant of this stuff, but if emacs depends on these low-level glibc hooks for loading the dumped image, how does it work on other platforms (OS X, Windows, the BSDs, various proprietary Unixes, etc?)

The Emacs dumper dispute

Posted Dec 2, 2016 12:23 UTC (Fri) by nix (subscriber, #2304) [Link]

On those platforms, Emacs uses its own malloc() implementation, which is an ancient malloc from the early 90s and is notably less efficient than glibc's malloc() (which is itself not as good as modern malloc()s, but which has been unable to improve because almost any change would break previously-dumped Emacsen: hence all this mess).

(Needless to say, Emacs should not be providing its own not-terribly-good malloc() implementation. It should rely on the documented malloc() interface, sans ridiculous dumping hooks, and serialize for dumping. That Eli doesn't understand that this is obviously the only even vaguely maintainable approach is baffling to me.)

The Emacs dumper dispute

Posted Dec 2, 2016 14:09 UTC (Fri) by rsidd (subscriber, #2582) [Link]

Thanks for the explanation. Looks like things would have been better all around if Emacs had adopted the same strategy on linux and let glibc do its thing separately! But both of them being GNU projects complicates things :(

The Emacs dumper dispute

Posted Dec 4, 2016 9:25 UTC (Sun) by eliz (guest, #94829) [Link]

> On those platforms, Emacs uses its own malloc() implementation, which is an ancient malloc from the early 90s

This is factually incorrect: Emacs only uses its own malloc implementation during dumping. The dumped emacs executable uses the native malloc implementation on all the platforms mentioned in the previous post.

> It should rely on the documented malloc() interface, sans ridiculous dumping hooks, and serialize for dumping. That Eli doesn't understand that this is obviously the only even vaguely maintainable approach is baffling to me.

In fact, Eli understands this simple fact very well. There's never been any question that unexec should go. The issue at hand is what is the best alternative to unexec, with all its problems.

The Emacs dumper dispute

Posted Dec 8, 2016 17:55 UTC (Thu) by nix (subscriber, #2304) [Link]

> This is factually incorrect: Emacs only uses its own malloc implementation during dumping. The dumped emacs executable uses the native malloc implementation on all the platforms mentioned in the previous post.

Really? Last time I tried to trace through the bugger it spotted the lack of malloc_set_state() and fell back to gmalloc for everything from dumping onwards, with fairly nasty consequences for memory usage. If the nasty consequences only relate to the relatively small amount of state stored during dumping, I'm fairly mystified as to how multi-hundred-MiB variances could be so apparent -- but Emacs is such a dynamic system that maybe I was being misled by perfectly normal run-to-run variability.

The Emacs dumper dispute

Posted Dec 8, 2016 14:54 UTC (Thu) by welinder (guest, #4699) [Link]

Eli showed good technical judgment 20 years ago when I last dealt with him on a
regular basis. (And tried to hire him. Maybe it's time to try again.) If you think you
have found some basic programming thing he doesn't understand, chances are
good you overlooked something.

*My* preferred solution to the dumping issue would be to collect all the elc files
that are currently predumped and concatenate them all into one giant startup
file to-be-loaded, basically, by temacs. That's not currently fast enough, but
lexing and parsing elc files should be possible at hundreds of megabytes per

The Emacs dumper dispute

Posted Dec 1, 2016 22:06 UTC (Thu) by eduard.munteanu (guest, #66641) [Link]

Odd. I thought Emacs had a server mode which allowed thin clients to be spawned quickly when invoked. Why the dumper? Doesn't the server cater for startup delay issues?

The Emacs dumper dispute

Posted Dec 2, 2016 12:25 UTC (Fri) by nix (subscriber, #2304) [Link]

The server is decades newer than the dumper. Plus, the server was distinctly unreliable until a relatively short number of decades ago, and you still have to wait for emacs --daemon to start now and then. (Though, frankly, mine takes ten minutes to start anyway because I have so many buffers open... a 10s delay to load Lisp as well would be totally ignorable to me, but not to everyone, and most certainly not to the byte-compilation phase of Emacs building, which starts Emacs hundreds of times.)

The Emacs dumper dispute

Posted Dec 2, 2016 16:36 UTC (Fri) by quotemstr (subscriber, #45331) [Link]

I also object as a matter of principle to the idea that we should forgive long startup times generally and paper over the delays by structuring every application as a client-server system. What if *everyone* did this? We'd live in a world where no program you ran would ever really leave memory. It's an incredible waste of system resources. Plus, with client-server setups, it's hard to get things like security, environment variable propagation, reliable daemon restarts, process priority, file descriptor inheritance, etc. right, and everyone who writes one of these daemon systems has to deal with these fiddly issues alone.

You could argue that dumping is also papering over performance problems, but at least dumping does so in a way that doesn't have negative global performance implications. I wish kernel-level checkpoint and restart were widely available: if the system managed the dumping instead of individual processes like Emacs having to do this work, we'd be better off.

The Emacs dumper dispute

Posted Dec 4, 2016 17:19 UTC (Sun) by mstone_ (subscriber, #66309) [Link]

But, who cares? The size of code on a modern system is negligible; we're buying gigabytes of RAM for data and the code size is pretty much an afterthought. It would be a shame if people focused on making it possible to free a couple of megabytes here or there instead of focusing on correctness or performance or something else with more tangible benefit.

The Emacs dumper dispute

Posted Dec 4, 2016 19:21 UTC (Sun) by viro (subscriber, #7872) [Link]

You are making several completely unwarranted assumptions:

1) that data structures won't take a lot more than the code would

2) that *all* developers can tell their arse from elbow and memory leak from decent behaviour.

Note that relatively few participants can introduce leaks faster than everybody else manages to fix them...

The Emacs dumper dispute

Posted Dec 4, 2016 18:09 UTC (Sun) by drag (guest, #31333) [Link]

> What if *everyone* did this?

There are a lot of benefits to this approach besides speeding up start-up.

Gnome-terminal, tmux, emacs... these are a few of the things that have this model of having a 'server'. If you want to expand the definition somewhat this is not much far off of what Chrome and Firefox browsers are following.

Seems to be a nice way to go.

The Emacs dumper dispute

Posted Dec 4, 2016 22:12 UTC (Sun) by eduard.munteanu (guest, #66641) [Link]

In that case, we should agree that the real culprit is the compiler/runtime. Caching JIT/AOT compilers can and do solve the startup delay issue for other languages, and it looks like that's what's missing here.

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